Divorce - Sad young couple holding billboard sign with break love heart, concept for divorce

Has sex damaged my friendship?

A WOMAN and a man have been close friends since school. Recently, after many drinks, they had sex. The woman is deeply regretful and asks Sandy Rae for help.

‘Why I proposed to myself’

‘Why I proposed to myself’
FLASHING a diamond ring and a freshly engaged glow, former reality TV star Amber Renae has admitted and proposing to herself.

The 10 funniest things at Sexpo

The 10 funniest things at Sexpo
SEXPO is happening this weekend, so we went along and walked through literally hundreds of fake penises, including this one, so you don’t have to. You’re welcome.

‘The future of dating is robotic’

‘The future of dating is robotic’
NEVER one to shy away from trying anything new in her quest to find the right man, Sarah leaps into the future and goes on a date with a robot ... called Lucy.

Change your name, change your life?

Change your name, change your life?
AFTER the real Mustafa emerged this week a host of other people have spoken out about why they changed their names.

Bride asks for a bigger wedding gift

Bride asks for a bigger wedding gift
A WEDDING guest has been inundated with thousands of messages of support after a “rude” bride recommended she up the value of her cash gift.

How porn is destroying your life

How porn is destroying your life
FUN fact: it's International Masturbation Month! But don’t get too excited. Self-love may be more harmful than you think.

Italy backs gay civil unions

Italy backs gay civil unions
AFTER years of resistance from the Catholic Church and conservative politicians, Italy’s parliament has voted to allow gay civil unions.

Gwyneth’s favourite sex toys

Gwyneth’s favourite sex toys
GWYNETH Paltrow once encouraged us to steam our vaginas. And her latest lifestyle advice is probably her most outrageous yet.

Woman’s extreme length to get out of date

Woman’s extreme length to get out of date
A WOMAN pretended to be ill to get out of a bad date ... and it all got out of hand from there.

My morning with a dominatrix

My morning with a dominatrix
MISTRESS Tokyo has made a living out of being a dominatrix for more than 16 years. She sat down with news.com.au to explain her work.

Do your friends actually like you?

Do your friends actually like you?
THINK you have plenty of friends? It seems as though we aren’t as popular as we think and some of our friends might not even like us.

Is this what 30 is supposed to look like?

Is this what 30 is supposed to look like?
REMEMBER when you were young and you thought 30-year-olds were adults? Tanya Hennessy is there and she’s beginning to wonder if she’ll ever have a clue.

The strangest places people have sex

The strangest places people have sex
FROM the roof of an ex-girlfriend’s house to the swimming pool, adventurous types have shared their craziest sex stories with the world.

Biggest Tinder turn-offs revealed

Biggest Tinder turn-offs revealed
NEW data has revealed the biggest physical turn-ons and turn-offs for Tinder swipers. Sorry fellas — the hipster beard is a big no-no.

Single in Sydney Blokes disappear on roaming dinner party

Blokes disappear on roaming dinner party
SARAH’S second roaming dinner party had all the ingredients for a great night and fun was had but all the blokes disappeared at the end of the night. And she stumbled into a forgettable Tinder date.

Gushing Salim The real love of Salim’s life?

The real love of Salim’s life?
MOVE over Aysha. In a gushing Facebook post Salim Mehajer has reserved his most special words for someone other than his wife.

Revenge Spurned ex-lover: ‘Hope she’s worth it’

Spurned ex-lover: ‘Hope she’s worth it’
A CHEATING boyfriend had his brand new $173,000 Range Rover defaced after his girlfriend discovered his infidelity.

First daughters Most awkward relationship in US politics

Most awkward relationship in US politics
IT COULD have been a beautiful friendship, but sources say Chelsea Clinton and Ivanka Trump have been forced put their budding relationship on hold.

Bye Felipe When rejected men turn downright nasty

When rejected men turn downright nasty
SOME guys just cannot handle being rejected. These screenshots highlight a particularly awful - and very targeted - form of online abuse.

Radical idea Radical idea to fix the housing price crisis

Radical idea to fix the housing price crisis
WE’LL admit this idea to fix our housing price crisis sounds pretty damn radical, but advocates swear it works.

Online dating The dark side of gay dating

The dark side of gay dating
OPINION: The words on this singlet sum up everything that’s wrong with the gay community.

Sex When sex addicts hit rock bottom

When sex addicts hit rock bottom
THEY’VE put themselves in risky situations, ruined marriages and spent a fortune fuelling their desire. Sex addicts reveal why they sought treatment.

Relationships Man’s cruel ‘prank’ on girlfriend

Man’s cruel ‘prank’ on girlfriend
AN INTERNET prankster known for his cruel jokes may have taken things too far when he targeted his own partner.

Secret lives Secret sex lives of N Koreans exposed

Secret sex lives of N Koreans exposed
A NORTH Korean defector has lifted the lid on the country’s sex habits under repressive leader Kim Jong-un.

RendezView Bucks night is now bigger than wedding

Bucks night is now bigger than wedding
The fund-draining rite of passage that is the bucks night has morphed from the occasional shaven eyebrow to overblown debauchery.

Digital chemistry Can you find true love and friendship online?

Can you find true love and friendship online?
IT’S easy for humour and tone to create misunderstanding online. Likewise, some people are just on our digital wavelength. But is textual chemistry enough?

Weddings 13 questions you should never ask a bride

13 questions you should never ask a bride
AS YOUR friends get engaged and you find yourself complementing a bunch of engagement rings, you might want to hold your tongue.

Italy Weird way Italy’s single ladies find love

Weird way Italy’s single ladies find love
FORGET Tinder, Italy’s single ladies are still finding men the ancient way. By having their names pulled out of a hat.

Love Mystery of Salim’s wife deepens

Mystery of Salim’s wife deepens
THE state of Salim Mehajer’s marriage grows ever more mysterious. Now a bunch of social media posts have vanished.