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Man cuts off girlfriend’s hair as she sleeps in cruel ‘prank’

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Man cuts off girlfriend’s hair as she sleeps in cruel ‘prank’

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Brad Holmes dangles his girlfriend’s plait in front of her. Picture: Brad Holmes/Facebook

AN INTERNET prankster known for playing cruel jokes and then posting the videos online has caused outrage with his latest trick — cutting off his girlfriend’s long hair as she sleeps.

Brad Holmes, from Southampton in the UK, first garnered the internet’s attention earlier this year when he posted a video of himself pretending to propose to his girlfriend, Jenny Davies, on Valentine’s Day, reports The Mirror.

Man pranks girlfriend by cutting off her hair as she slept0:29

An internet prankster known for playing cruel jokes and then posting the videos online has caused outrage with his latest trick - cutting off his girlfriendâs long hair as she sleeps.

Brad Holmes holds his girlfriend’s plait as she checks out the damage in the mirror. Picture: Brad Holmes/Facebook

The video, which has had more than 14 million views on Facebook, shows Mr Holmes getting down on bended knee and holding out a small box. After telling his girlfriend that he’s “a bit nervous” and that he wants her to “make him the happiest man in the world”, he opens the box. Instead of a ring, however, it contains a tea bag. Mr Holmes then asks Ms Davies, “Will you make me a cup of tea?” Unsurprisingly, he is met with an angry response — not just from his girlfriend, but from a large number of online viewers.

According to The Sun, Ms Davies later seeks revenge by telling her troublemaking boyfriend she is pregnant. She shows him a positive pregnancy test and convinces him that it’s real, before eventually confessing that the whole thing is a joke. “I told you I’d get you back,” she says. While some commenters applauded her, others slammed the prank as being insensitive.

“Love u guys banter but I don’t think pretending to be pregnant is something u should joke about, just my opinion,” wrote one commenter.

It all started with a fake proposal. Picture: Brad Holmes/Facebook

Ms Davies has also managed to convince her boyfriend that while he was in drunken state, he cheated on her.

Although the pair regularly play nasty pranks on each other, the latest in which Mr Holmes cuts Ms Davies’ long plait off while she sleeps has attracted an outpouring of negative responses.

During the video, Mr Holmes can be seen dangling his girlfriend’s plait in front of the camera as he wakes her up to tell her what he’s done. “Jen, I’ve got a present for you,” he says waving the detached ponytail in her face.

Understandably, Ms Davies is visibly upset and flies into a rage, telling him to pack his stuff and leave. Mr Holmes, who thinks the whole thing is hilarious, even jokes that he should open his own salon.

The so-called “prank” has been deemed “abuse” by a number of viewers.

One wrote: “Cutting someone’s hair off is on par with domestic violence, I hope you realise this. It’s a vile thing to do to someone. You come across as a bully, why this woman is still with you is beyond me.”

Another agreed, writing: “There’s funny then there’s just to (sic) far! Why would you do that to someone you love? Seriously that’s so horrible.”

Jen Davies doesn’t think it’s funny. Picture: Brad Holmes/Facebook

Another said: “No way! This has to be staged! There is no way any woman would stay with a man if they cut her hair!! It’s not a joke it’s abuse!”

And: “‘I love her very much’— no you don’t, people who love each other don’t do things to purposefully hurt the other person and then laughing (sic) hysterically at her pain and emotions.”

Mr Holmes has responded to criticism on Facebook by saying that he had already booked a hair appointment for Ms Davies to have extensions put in, and assures people that everything between the couple is fine.

“I love Jen more then (sic) words can explain, I obviously expect people to think that I’m a prick for doing this, which is a fair comment. We’re cool, happy as always. I’ve still got a lot of making up to do.”

What do you think? Funny joke or prank taken too far?
