Healthy move Breaking up with your friend wine

Breaking up with your friend wine

WINE — the comforting friend who, about 6pm every day, reassures that you have the energy to cook dinner, clean up and do the housework. Not any more, says Wendy Tuohy.

Distraught women Skinny shaming ‘extremely harmful’, say experts

Skinny shaming ‘extremely harmful’, say experts

REBECCA Judd has been targeted. The Bachelorette’s Sam Frost has felt its wrath. Experts say more women are being skinny shamed and it’s “extremely harmful”.

Diet Diet mistakes everyone is making

Diet mistakes everyone is making

IF YOU’RE following the most popular diet trends at the moment, you’re probably making these mistakes. Here are the most common diet traps.

Decision Parents win right NOT to treat son

Parents win right NOT to treat son

THE parents of a six-year-old boy, who have been fighting against giving him treatment, will not be forced to give him radiotherapy.

Horror hospitals Inside the world’s worst hospital

Inside the world’s worst hospital

THESE images show the shocking state of Venezuelan wards, where patients sit on bloodstained beds and seven babies die every day.

Shocking Why children’s teeth are deteriorating

Why children’s teeth are deteriorating

NEARLY half of all primary school kids have decayed baby teeth a shocking new study that peered into the mouths of 24,000 children has found.

Health What’s causing Tim’s health problems?

What’s causing Tim’s health problems?

THE first thing Tim Robards noticed was an eye twitch. Then he felt a number of unusual changes that he couldn’t quite pinpoint. Could this be the answer?

Diet Cereal eaters are actually slimmer

Cereal eaters are actually slimmer

WE ALL know how important breakfast is to start the day, but often cereal gets a bad rap. However it isn’t as unhealthy as you think.

Health opinion Why vitamins are a waste of money

Why vitamins are a waste of money

EVERY year we spend billions on vitamins, but they could be doing us more harm than good. Dr Brad McKay sorts the good pills from the useless.

Body + Soul

Woman with tissue in her face. Source: iStock

Body+Soul Flu 101: Take your best shot

TOSSING up whether to have a flu jab? Carmel Sparke answers the questions you may have about vaccination this winter.

A young girl controlling drones with her iPhone against pink background. Picture: Dan Saelinger /

Body+Soul Is Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) ruining your kids?

BEING a teenager is often synonymous with insecurity, but envying other people’s “perfect” lives on Facebook and Instagram takes it to a whole level, writes Alexandra Carlton

RendezView. Woman and doctor. (Pic: iStock)

body+soul Five ways your bra could be hurting you

ONCE it’s on, you probably don’t give it another thought but did you know your bra can affect your health?

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