Competition judges

We are very excited to have the following creative professionals generously donate their time to judge the winning posters in the inaugural VAC/GMHC World AIDS Day Poster Design Competition:

Colin Batrouney

Colin Batrouney has been the Manager of the Health Promotion Program at VAC/GMHC since 2001. He has been responsible for every prevention campaign emanating from the organisation in that time including the Drama Downunder, Staying Negative and Wherever Sex Happens. He has worked as a graphic designer for the last 30 years.

Virginia Cummins

Virginia is a Freelance Commercial and Editorial Photographer. She is well known for her atmospheric portrait work. Virginia's images appear in many ad campaigns and leading magazines both here and overseas. She has collaborated with the VAC/GMHC on numerous successful projects and has recently shot the next installment of the award winning 'Drama Down Under' campaign.

Virginia is represented in Australia by Miss Bossy Boots Agency

Chrissie Feagins

Chrissie is Creative Director at OBM Advertising and has many years experience in advertising in both the UK and Australia and has been a member of Advertising Awards judging panels on numerous occasions. She is also a VAC/GMHC Board Member.

Rat Simpson

Rat Simpson is a graphic designer and illustrator by day and a stencil artists by night. Her art is visionary with a large serving of aesthetic beauty. She is the ultimate chameleon; when she’s not illustrating for kids lunch bags, she’s publishing books, painting walls, volunteering as the convenor of the visual arts program for the Midsumma Festival and ripping it up at the pub across from her house where she has taken up almost permanent residency. Her favourite quote is 'isn’t life a series of images that change as they repeat themselves' (Andy Warhol) and you’ll often see her in green or red depending on what’s washed.

Warren Taylor

Warren is a lecturer in Visual Communication at the Faculty of Art & Design, Monash University. He is also the founder and artistic director of The Narrows contemporary art space in Melbourne. Warren is fascinated by the convergence of art and design and does not preference either.