WISE Employment

The Positive Living Centre utilises two employment agencies for members who wish to look for work. Both WISE Employment and WorkingOUT are services that can assist you if you are interested in employment or training. Information on both services are below.


SensWide Employment’s WorkingOUT is the first Australian Government endorsed employment program supporting the needs of gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans and intersex communities. The project was designed to support the specific needs of GLBTI-identified people with disabilities, mental health conditions and disadvantages; however our experienced consultants are happy to provide employment/education/training advice to anyone from these communities.

The team will aim to provide a tailored program to meet your individual needs and will look at areas such as:

  • Career counselling
  • Training options to fill skill gaps
  • Job search techniques and preparation for interviews
  • Preparing a professional resume
  • Direct marketing where we will introduce you to potential employers

What defines WorkingOUT from other employment services is that we can provide a safe space for you to come in and talk about issues that may be holding you back in your current job or finding a new job.

These may include;

  • Coming out in the workplace
  • Bullying /Harassment in the workplace
  • Disability and /or sexuality awareness training for colleagues in the workplace
  • Understanding your rights / advocacy /mediation.

We are also a referral organisation that has an extensive knowledge of other GLBTI services around Melbourne.

One of the SensWide WorkingOUT team will be at the Positive Living Centre every first Tuesday of every month between 10.30am -1.30pm. You don’t need an appointment, just come along for chat.

Alternatively, call Paul at SensWide on 8620 7155 for an obligation free chat. There is no cost for these employment services.

Potential clients must meet Centrelink requirements.

WISE Employment

WISE's Disability Employment Services assist people with a disability to obtain and maintain award wage employment within the open labour market. WISE believes people with a disability  can successfully work for full award wages if they are given appropriate job matching and support.


  • To assist HIV positive clients receiving a Centrelink benefit back into the work force in a supportive and client focus way.
  • To facilitate the relationship between the client and Centrelink during any workplace transition thereby reducing anxiety and concern
  • To excite the client to the possibility of discovering enjoyable, and validating employment to supplement, or to become independent of Centrelink benefits.
  • That this process fosters support and  encouragement in pace with the client capacity and desires.

A WISE Employment consultant will be visiting the Positive Living Centre monthly during the Wednesdays pantry service between 3-5pm providing an opportunity to talk with a consultant to assess your situation.

For more information please contact Deirdre Byrne at the Positive Living Centre, or WISE Employment directly on 9529 3688 and ask to speak to Paul.
