Our community partners

Melbourne Surge Water Polo Club

The Melbourne Surge Water Polo Club is the only GLBTI-inclusive water polo club in Victoria. Currently fielding teams in two divisions of Water Polo Victoria competitions, the club also competes internationally — having won gold in both the International Gay and Lesbian Aquatics (IGLA) comp in Hawaii 2011 and more recently at the 2013 World Outgames in Antwerp. The club also competes twice annually against the Sydney Stingers in the interstate "Grudge Match". 

The club has a strong focus on introducing new members of the GLBTI community to the sport with their Rookies Program. Following recruitment efforts in summer, the club starts a 10-week program in late March that culminates in a Rookies vs Rookies debut competition. The success of the program has seen unprecedented growth of the club over the last couple years.

VAC and the Surge began their partnerhsip in 2014 in the lead up to International AIDS Conference in Melbourne — AIDS 2014. You can now see the Melbourne Surge players working together with VAC during Midsumma, World AIDS Day, and events throughout the year.  

Melbourne Chargers Rugby Union Football Club

The Melbourne Chargers Rugby Union Football Club is Melbourne’s first gay rugby union team, and they compete in the Victorian Rugby Union Second Division competition.

The Chargers promotes inclusion and embraces diversity, with the purpose of creating a rugby team where players and supporters feel comfortable, regardless of sexual orientation or other differences, including HIV status.

We have been acting as a sponsor for the Melbourne Chargers since 2011, with the aim of strengthening links in the gender and sexually diverse community, conveying key health messages, and promoting sporting and social inclusion for people living with HIV.

Oz Showbiz Cares/Equity Fights AIDS

Oz Showbiz Cares/ Equity fights AIDS

Oz Showbiz Cares/Equity Fights AIDS Inc. (OSC/EFA) is an Australian registered fundraising charity dedicated to mobilising the unique talents within the media, entertainment and arts industries to mitigate the suffering of individuals affected by HIV.

Each year, OSC/EFA supports us and other HIV organisations across Victoria and Australia, through fundraising initiatives, most significantly during AIDS Awareness Week.

We are very fortunate and extremely grateful to benefit from OSC/EFA’s continued hard work, with past money raised assisting to fund activities and programs including our client retreat, the David Williams Fund, and Tuckerbag Meals Project.

Uniting Care Cutting Edge

Uniting Care Cutting Edge logo

Uniting Care Cutting Edge (UCCE) is a frontline rural support agency in Victoria's Goulburn Valley that works to build communities, strengthen families, and unlock the full potential of young people. Among other things, UCCE provides intensive case support for young people who experience homophobia or transphobia in their families, schools, workplaces, and communities. UCCE also supports schools, health providers and volunteer groups to promote healthy lifestyles and foster inclusion for students who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or intersex.

UCCE is a valuable partner for us in providing resources and information to regional areas of Victoria, and supporting our awareness and fundraising activities around World AIDS Day.