HIV peer support

Find out about upcoming groups and how you can get involved.

What is HIV+ Peer Support?

Peer Support is support, knowledge, care, and emotional, social and practical help provided by people who have faced the same challenges and issues as you.

HIV+ Peer Support at the Positive Living CentreHIV+ Peer Support Groups at the Positive Living Centre (PLC) provide a safe and supportive environment where key topics about living with HIV are explored.

Whether recently diagnosed, or living with HIV for a number of years, HIV+ Peer Support Groups can be a great way to meet other men who share this life experience.

The Peer Support and Health Promotion Officer operates out of the Positive Living Centre and provides a friendly, confidential support to men living with HIV. Additionally, the Peer Support Officer supervises the running of HIV+ Peer Support Groups in consultation with volunteer facilitators.

HIV+ Peer Support Groups

The groups operate for approximately 6-8 weeks and are run by trained facilitators who are also HIV positive.

Our HIV+ Peer Support groups are open to all HIV+ men and provide a non-judgmental and supportive environment.

Participants decide all topics for discussion. Some of these topics may include:

  • Relationships (partners, family, friends)
  • Disclosure
  • Medications and complimentary therapies
  • Managing stress and ‘Mental Wellness’
  • Staying healthy
  • Other HIV related services
  • Sex and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

Individual support

We alsprovide one-on-one support, advice and information to people living with HIV who would like to talk to someone who understands their situation.

Our HIV Peer Support Health Promotion Officer works from the Positive Living Centre, providing education, social, emotional and practical support.

Testimonials from participants

‘I walked away from the Peer Support Group feeling so much better about myself.’

‘There’s nothing better than meeting others who are in the same situation.’

‘There was a lot I didn’t know about living with HIV before joining the Peer Support Group. I’m glad I decided to participate.’

‘The Peer Support Group provided a safe environment for me to talk about living with HIV… I realised I’m not the only one who feels the way I do.’

‘The Peer Support Group gave me the opportunity to meet others facing similar challenges. I learnt that there is no right or wrong way to deal with things, and everyone’s journey is unique.’

Get involved

If you are interested in participating, please contact the Peer Support & Health Promotion Officer at the Positive Living Centre.
Phone: (03) 9863 0444 or 1800 622 795 (free call for country callers).
Mobile: 0418 392 660