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Posts Tagged ‘PDF’

Dark Nights #44 : ‘Turn up the Heat’ & ‘Communique by CCF – Urban Guerilla Cell′ – Feb 2016 (ACN)

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016

Dark Nights #44

1. Turn up the Heat.
2. Communique by CCF – Urban Guerilla Cell.
3. ‘Forever Guilty’ – Text by Panagiotis Argirou on the trial for the 250 attacks of the CCF / FAI-IRF.
4. ‘Against the Slander of Civil Anarchism’ by Sureños Incivilizados (Chile)
5. Civitavecchia, Italy: FAI/FRI take responsibility for an explosive attack on the city court.
6. Athens, Greece: FAI take responsibility for two incendiary attacks.
7. Athens, Greece: FAI take responsibility for an explosion at Tax Office.
8. Direct Action Chronology.
9. Police allege helicopter escape attempt by revolutionary comrades held hostage in Korydallos Prison, implicate comrade in clandestinity Pola Roupa of Revolutionary Struggle (Greece)


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PDF: ‘Empty House & Crowded Forest’ by Eat (Indonesia)

Friday, February 19th, 2016

PDF: ‘Empty House & Crowded Forest

Here we release the finished PDF version of the surreal children’s book written by Eat (Reyhard Rumbayan) and illustrated by Lukas.

“This book is dedicated to all imprisoned members of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, Revolutionary Struggle, Marco Camenisch, Gabriel Pombo da Silva, Ted K and all the nihilist rebels across the globe. Salute!”

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KJA – Congress of Free Women call for 8th March (Kurdistan)

Thursday, February 18th, 2016

PDF: 8 March Invitation

“We, women from KJA, will be commemorating the traditional İnternational
Women’s Day of Struggle and Solidarity with series of activities and action
between March 1st and 8th. Last year we organized various events and activities
in 240 different district and towns. With the growing resistance and struggle we
will commemorate 8th of March with even more enthusiasm.”

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Posted in Autonomy

“We are on the side of Life, not Death”: Peace campaign from Women’s & LGBTI groups (Turkey)

Sunday, February 14th, 2016

PDF: We are on the Side of Life, not Death

“You may remember our international call for support and solidarity for this
campaign in mid-January, when we asked women’s and LGBTI groups and
individuals across the world to sign onto our petition in the midst of an
intensifying war in Turkey. As we stated back then, the resolution process
that was started in 2012 for a political solution to the Kurdish issue in
Turkey has come to a halt. For the past seven months, we have turned back
to war – with an ever-increasing level of violence. As of the 16th of
January, 2016, 20 districts of seven different provinces have suffered 57
curfews altogether, remaining under curfew for a total of 376 days.

Currently the sieges on Cizre and Silopi have reached 59 days, while the
Sur neighbourhood of Diyarbakır has been under siege for 71 days already.
In these seven months hundreds of people – civilians, guerilla fighters,
soldiers, police forces – have been killed or wounded.

In areas where clashes are intense and curfews have been declared due to
military operations, tens of thousands of people have been forced or left
no choice but to leave their homes, becoming migrants, i.e. internally
displaced persons. Those who have been unable to leave, or who have chosen
to remain in their homes, in their neighbourhoods despite intense attacks
by security forces have been declared ‘illegal’. Their lives are under dire
threat, and all their possessions suffer serious damage. Dozens of families
have been forced to take refuge in crowded basements due to military
bombings, with nothing to eat but a loaf of dry bread which they share.
Pregnant women have either given birth early or miscarried. Many people
have lost their lives, unable to reach hospitals due to sniper fire. The
bodies of those who are killed remain in the streets for days, as people
are not allowed by the state to claim their dead. Families are not given
the right to bury their loved ones. Only this week, the naked bodies of
women who have been killed in Cizre by state security forces have been
displayed. Only this week, more than 60 people have been massacred in three
separate basements in Cizre. Those wounded in one of these basements have
been there for weeks, calling for an ambulance….”

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Posted in Social Control

Squatters of London Action Paper – SLAP! 1st Edition (UK)

Friday, January 29th, 2016

PDF: Squatters of London Action Paper (SLAP!) 1st Edition

Please spread & repost!

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Genesis P-Orridge “Esoterrorist” – Selected Essays 1980-1988 (UK)

Wednesday, January 20th, 2016

PDF: Genesis P-Orridge – Esoterrorist

It is always difficult to know what to say when one introduces new ideas to the public, particularly when such ideas run against the grain of established thought. The work and writings of Genesis P-Orridge are no exception to this rule.

The writings in this volume are by no means the collected output of one who has spent their entire adult life publicly questioning inherited values and thought patterns, rather, this is a representation of their work spanning the later Throbbing Gristle era (ca. 1980) through about 1988. No attempt has been made to collate the pieces either chronologically or by subject, it seems preferable to offer them in random order. Thus, it is not essential to read them sequentially – pick up the book, thumb through the pages until something arouses your interest, then read that article or passage.

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty

PDF: Negación #7 – Diciembre 2015 (Mexico)

Monday, January 4th, 2016

Revista anarquista Negación numero 7 correspondiente al mes de Diciembre 2015.

Devido a un herror al momento de editar la revista, en publicación de un
texto con el cual no estuvimos de acuerdo en la manera de expresar
algunas cosas, este Negación de fin de año es difundido hasta este
momento. La publicación primaria de un texto que por confusión nuestra
publicamos en vez del texto corregido por quien o quienes lo enviaron,
retrazo unos dias la distribución. Como revista somos animadores de la
critica a organizaciones de sintesis, autoritarias y peasadas, más no
estamos de acuerdo con señalamientos sean los que sean. Agradecemos a
los compas que coordinan los blogs donde se difunde Negación por el
apoyo y la modificacion del post, así como la difusión de la revista.

Guerra social y ataque informal contra el poder y toda autoridad

Negación numero 7

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‘The Misery of Islam’ by Al-Djouhall (The Friends of Omar Khayyám Press)

Saturday, January 2nd, 2016

“When I was lying in my warm, damp bed these questions did not interest me one jot and at such a time it did not matter to me whether God really existed or whether He was nothing but a personification of the mighty ones of this world, invented for the greater glory of spiritual values and the easier spoliation of the lower orders, the pattern of earthly things being transferred from the sky. All I wanted to know was whether or not I was going to live through to the morning. In face of death, I felt
that religion, faith, belief were feeble, childish things of which the best that could be said was that they provided a kind of recreation for healthy, successful people…”
The Blind Owl, Sadegh Hedayat.


“The essence of Islam is resignation, submission to the order of things, and the will of God, the temporal and spiritual powers are one, as we said earlier there is a similarity between Stalinism and Islam, no wonder there is trouble in the Eastern bloc countries. People have had enough of the Kremlin Big Brother telling them what to think and do. The Islamic religion is part and parcel of the State, and the same with Stalinism. In Christian countries, the bourgeoisies which rose out of the feudal dark ages could not afford such luxuries such as an all powerful Church which went hand in glove with the State. From then on the bourgeois made sure only the commodity would rule and it would be the next God to be worshipped. What we have today proves it. Nothing is sacred, only things with price tags.”

Written in a still Muslim country on February 18th, 1989.

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Por un mundo sin prisiones – Conversación entre colectivos e individualidades anticarcelarias Latinoamericanas (PDF)

Thursday, December 24th, 2015

​Conversación entre colectivos e individualidades anticarcelarias, con la
participación de CNA Bogotá, CNA México, Rodolfo Montes de Oca desde
Venezuela, Publicación Refractario desde Chile (maquetación por Feral
Ediciones desde Bogotá, portada y cotraportada de Sin Retorno Ediciones de

Dedicado: A todas las personas que han dejado su último aliento con el
inmodificable anhelo de deshacer el mundo; y a quienes sufren, sufrieron,
resisten y resistieron, el encierro y los castigos diseñados para los
catalogados como “criminales”. Especial mención a lxs guerrerxs: Mauricio
Morales, Xosé Tarrio, Harold Thompson, Barry Horne, William Rodgers, María
Soledad Rosas, Edoardo “Baleno” Massari y Horst Fantazzini.

Por un diciembre negro.

Texto aquí:

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Semilla de Liberacion #4 (PDF)

Sunday, December 20th, 2015

Compartimos con uds un nuevo numero de “semilla de liberación”, el
numero 4, continuamos cuestionando el orden imperante, fuera y dentro
de nosotrxs.



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