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Posts Tagged ‘Syria’

War against AKP-ISIS/Daesh: YPG defeat the Islamic-fascists again in Girê Spî, denounce the attacks as a breach of the ceasefire (Turkey, Kurdistan, Syria)

Tuesday, March 1st, 2016

TEV-DEM: AKP and its gangs attack Rojava

Monday, February 29, 2016 1:15 PM

Democratic Society Movement (TEV-DEM) issued a written statement on the 25 separate attacks ISIS gangs carried out on Girê Spî from Turkey and Raqqa on February 27.

TEV-DEM announced its positive approach to the ceasefire in Syria and invited everyone to support the ceasefire.

In its statement, TEV-DEM highlighted the AKP’s aggressive policies and stated the following:

‘‘SDF forces composed of Kurdish, Arab and Turkmen peoples resisted the attacks of the AKP and its gangs targeting Efrîn and Şehba, and succeeded in liberating the region of Shaddadi. AKP and its gangs began to attack Girê Spî, the symbol of shared life and sisterhood, in order to end people’s solidarity.

ISIS gangs’ attacks on Girê Spî and Silûk took place on February 27. Some of the gangs entered Rojava from Turkey and others infiltrated from Raqqa. Turkish armed forces began to shell YPG positions right after the gangs began their assault. The gangs used the regions that were previously occupied by Turkish soldiers. YPG, Asayish, and SDF forces successfully resisted the gang’s attacks on Girê Spî, and the few remaining clashes continue to the south of the town.’’ (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

War against ISIS/Daesh: Solidarity campaign with the International Freedom Battalion in Rojava (Kurdistan)

Saturday, February 27th, 2016

via insurrection news

Since September 2015, Red Aid Belgium have been raising money in support of the International Freedom Battalion. The money is being used to purchase Celox Gauze haemostatic wound dressings that are designed to control major haemorrhage including life-threatening bleeding from arterial injuries. They are simple and effective, stopping major bleeding with three minutes of compression. Without these types of dressings over 60% of those injured with gunshot wounds bleed to death before they are able to be treated.

Since the end of February about € 3,500 has been collected. Donations can still be made via bank transfer: IBAN: BE09 0016 1210 6957 – BIC : GEBA BE BB – Note: “Rojava” or directly online HERE

The call

At the heart of the Middle-East, peoples of Rojava (Syrian Kurdistan) have risen up against reactionary forces oppressing the region since decades. After setting free Rojava from Daesh, the Rojava inhabitants and the many foreign revolutionaries who came to support them are worrying the American imperialists and NATO as well as the reactionary and fascist regimes from the Middle-East : Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Iran. All of them are now intervening in the region with bombings and interference. By doing so, they are reproducing the same strategies that created many Islamist groups such as the Daesh, Al Qaeda or Al Nusra. These groups are golems who escaped the control of the capitalist countries who gave them birth.

The enemies of the people have great difficulty ending the struggle for liberation that peoples of Rojava started to set, even by using their usual weapons : deadly bombings, shelling civilians, mass detentions of revolutionary militants, permanent attacks against the people’s guerrillas and capitalist hagglings. This struggle is going on in Rojava, in Kurdistan and in the whole Middle-East, as the armed women of Rojava are now the worst nightmare of the Islamists. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

KJA – Congress of Free Women call for 8th March (Kurdistan)

Thursday, February 18th, 2016

PDF: 8 March Invitation

“We, women from KJA, will be commemorating the traditional İnternational
Women’s Day of Struggle and Solidarity with series of activities and action
between March 1st and 8th. Last year we organized various events and activities
in 240 different district and towns. With the growing resistance and struggle we
will commemorate 8th of March with even more enthusiasm.”

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Posted in Autonomy

War against Turkey & ISIS/Daesh: Internationalist fighters in Rojava call on youth to join Bakur’s resistance (Kurdistan, Turkey, Syria)

Friday, January 15th, 2016

Thursday, January 14, 2016 4:10 PM

Internationalist combatants fighting in the ranks of YPG/YPJ (People’s/Women’s Defense Units) have released a statement saluting the self-rule resistance in Bakur (North) Kurdistan. Revolutionaries called upon the youths to join the resistance alongside the YPS (Civil Defense Units) and guerrilla forces.

The press conference by internationalist combatants was held at the border between Qamislo city of Rojava and Nusaybin town of Bakur Kurdistan. The statement in Kurdish, Spanish, German and English also called upon youths worldwide to support the Kurdistan revolution.

The press release by revolutionaries from Germany, France and Spain is as follows;

“We are revolutionaries from all over the world who have come to Kurdistan out of their own free will to join the struggle for liberation.

We are living in a time of constant emergency. While at the heart of the Leviathan the enemy continues to numb, stupefy and enslave the people in the most thorough and wicked way, the fringes are lost in war. Today the oppression of 500 years of capitalism lives on in countless forms.

The rulers know no limits when it comes to securing their wealth and pursuing their interests. If we look at all the news of a single day it is easy to simply drown in despair. And that is exactly the point. We are to believe that there is no alternative, that the system we live in is the only option. When the soviet union collapsed it was said that we are at “the end of history”. But now, 25 years later, we see once more that capitalism isn’t and never has been able to solve our problems. On the contrary, every so-called solution has only multiplied the existing problems.

The system thrives on oppression. The oppressors need us. They cannot exist without us, but we can without them. Slavery, war and sorrow, loneliness and despair are neither fate nor coincidence, they are inevitable characteristics of a capitalist society. It is therefore our most urgent duty to organize against it. As much as they try to overwhelm our conscience and plant their truth in our hearts – we will not be deceived any longer. The alternative exists, right in front of our eyes.

For more than 40 years the resistance of the PKK against the occupiers, most notably the Turkish state, has never faltered. The PKK fight for freedom and autonomy, not just for Kurds but for all peoples of the Middle East. 4 years ago the fire caught in the western part of Kurdistan called Rojava, which was then liberated from the Syrian occupation. Rojava’s people self-organized, leading to a full-scale social revolution. Everywhere they founded councils and communes for local administration, and cooperatives as basis for a new economy. The historical resistance that was put up to defend the revolution, the fight of the guerilla; liberation of women, radical democracy and ecology as foundation of an alternative society – these are our hopes in the 21st century. We draw courage and belief from the revolution in Kurdistan.

The situation right now is very critical. The war in Northern Kurdistan, the part occupied by Turkey, has been raging for half a year. The attack on the guerrilla-controlled territories by the Turkish occupation forces on 24th of July was answered by the people by declarations of Democratic Autonomy in many areas in Northern Kurdistan. They built up communes and local councils, just like in Rojava. Led by the YDGH and YDGK youth and young women’s movement the people organized their self-defense and erected barricades in their neighborhoods. The Turkish state saw this as a threat to its authority that had for the last years merely existed symbolically in the Kurdish regions and attacked with uninhibited brutality.

For months now the people, most notably the revolutionary youth, have been resisting against the second-biggest army of NATO. Heavy fighting continues in the cities of Cizîre, Silopya, Nisêbîn, Kerboran, Şirnex, Gever and the Sûr and Farqîn neighborhoods of Amed.

During the winter months the snow limits very much the movement of the guerrilla. This is why the enemy does everything in his power to break the will of the people before spring. In the 90ies the state burned down thousands of villages to separate the population from the guerrilla and force the people to become refugees. Today they attempt the very same, attacking civilians with tanks, helicopters and heavy artillery.

Everyday there is news of children, youths and whole families massacred by state forces. The state has send thousands of its best troops and heavy weaponry into the Kurdish regions to quell the revolutionary insurrection. The occupation forces have decreed curfews in all Kurdish cities, cut off water and electricity and keep spreading anti-Kurdish propaganda while heavily censoring all Turkish media outlets. But despite all this the people have stood up to all intimidation attempts and fight everyday with unwavering courage and conviction in the streets of north Kurdistan. Recently the civil defense units YPS, modeled after the Rojavan YPG, have been built up to support this resistance.

We congratulate the creation of the YPS and send our warmest greetings and respect to the YDGH. Many of our comrades have fallen in this struggle. Their memory gives us strength and their sacrifice will not have been in vain. We will carry on the flame of revolution with all our heart and mind. Our place is here, side by side with our comrades, fighting for a free Kurdistan and Middle East.

We call on all revolutionaries worldwide – join the resistance. This is not the time to sit at home and ponder what might be. We are building and defending the future now. We call for resistance and solidarity. Rise against the imperialist forces. Attack the institutions of the Turkish state all over the world. Come to Kurdistan and join the forces of YPJ, YPS and the guerrilla!”

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Posted in Autonomy

War against ISIS/Daesh: Long live the Lions of Rojava – Photo of a few American fighters (Kurdistan, Syria)

Friday, January 15th, 2016

For dignity, solidarity, freedom – American fighters of Lions of Rojava.

Death to the terrorists of Islamic-fascism – Total liberation.

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Posted in Autonomy

Call for international solidarity against the massacre of the Kurdish population by the Turkish state

Wednesday, December 30th, 2015

From the Committee of Diplomacy – Yekitiya Star:

Yekitiya Star, the women`s organization in Rojava (West-Kurdistan, North-Syria) which aims to build a democratic, ecological society which is based on the principle of freedom of gender calls for international solidarity with the Kurdish population who are in a situation of civil war and face a situation of massacre by the Turkish authorities.

The Kurdish people in Rojava built up a democratic, autonomous self-government as an answer to the atrocities of the BAAZ- Regime and faced atrocious attacks of ISIS and the regime, but managed to build up and defend this alternative. The Kurdish population in Turkey (North-Kurdistan) after seeing this experience and after been confronted by a factual state of war by the Turkish state have announced self-rule in response to the AKP government that denies the presence of a Kurdish question and attacks their struggle for freedom, noting that the resolution of democratic autonomy is the answer of Kurdish people against the Turkish state’s lack of solution. It is the answer against the state’s repression and aggravated isolation imposed on Abdullah Ocalan. As a reaction on the calling of democratic autonomy, the Turkish authorities answered with a situation of civil war. It put the cities in the Kurdish region in Turkey under siege and attacks the cities and the civil population everyday with tanks and other heavy weapons. In this past month alone, severe clashes took place in many Kurdish cities such as Silopi, Lice, Nuseybin, Şemdinli, Silvan, Yüksekova, Amed, Kerboran and Cizre, where state forces have targeted the civilian population. Hundreds of civilians especially women, children and young people have been killed. The cities are left in a situation without water, electricity and telephone. Teachers have been put on leave, schools have been closed. More as 200.000 persons out of this region have fled.

The Turkish state now resorts to a displacement policy which forms the basis of attacks in Sur and other Kurdish areas. The policy of evacuation of villages during the 90’s is now being put into practice in cities. This is an emigration assault aiming a cultural genocide, a method executed by perpetrators of massacres throughout history. The Turkish state is conducting an onslaught against the existence of the Kurdish people by forcing them to emigration.

At the same time the Turkish state attacks democratic forces and independent media. It does everything to distort the truth. At the same the European states don`t raise their voices, let Turkey without a complaint and with their support, massacre hundreds of civilians. This is not a war of the Turkish state against the PKK, it is a war against the Kurdish people who strive for democracy, freedom, plurality and the freedom of women and the Turkish state which want to build up a nationalistic, Sunnite, Islamic, patriarchal state. This is a war especially against women.

In this way, we call especially women and women`s organizations and all democrats to support the people in North-Kurdistan in their legitimate struggle. Nobody should look away in the killing of hundreds of civilians. The war in Kurdistan and in Syria has long been an international war. Every force is playing a part, for their own interests.

We call the people, especially women not to look anyway any longer, take stances and support. Only with support of the people and with coming out of the truth, a real peace in Kurdistan is possible. The democratic autonomous administrations in Rojava and North-Kurdistan are a hope for peace, democracy and freedom of women in the Middle-East.

Committee for Diplomacy of Yekitiya Star in Rojava

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War against ISIS/Daesh: International call for solidarity by the Women’s Freedom Assembly – KÖM (Turkey, Rojava, Syria)

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2015

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are women who have come together as the Women’s Freedom Assembly (KÖM)
in order to create a common language regarding all aspects of women’s
struggle for freedom, to intervene and collectively demonstrate presence in
all spheres of life, to be a party and take active role in the peace and
negotiation process in Turkey. At this moment,

The war in Turkey is intensifying; people, all living beings and history
is being destroyed!

As the State becomes more and more ISIS-like, the peoples’ resistance
resembles Kobanê!

In the Kurdish towns/provinces of Hakkari, Dargeçit, Sur, Nusaybin, Silopi
and Cizre, the State:

· Has removed all doctors’ leaves and permissions, calling all
medical equipment personnel to be prepared,

· Has emptied out student dormitories, placing security forces
within them instead of students, (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

‘My first experiences in Istanbul’ by Abu Al Braa, Syrian refugee (Turkey)

Saturday, December 12th, 2015




It happens that the conditions inside the refugee camps in Syria are very very bad. Even the simplest needs of life cannot be satisfied since there is no clean water or good food or cloth to protect us from the winter. There is not enough heat inside the nylon tents where 10 or more people live. The situation is worsening every day.

That’s the reason why they decided to seek shelter elsewhere and leave the refugee camps in Syria. So they decided to enter into Turkish territory as refugees, believing that the living conditions in Turkey where better. But unfortunately it was not for the best but for the worst. Because in Turkey they don’t have the most basic human rights, just because they are refugees and not tourists. Turkish factory owners started to exploit them, taking advantage of their situation of extreme need for a piece of bread. This is how the Syrian worker in Turkey can work up to 16 hours a day and most of the days of the week in exchange for a piece of bread and the house rent.

Their wage is less than that of the Turkish worker. They have no health insurance to be covered from accidents. To make things worst the unions don’t organize them.

The factory owners take advantage of this and use the government and the police. The refugees are arbitrary detained.

Here in Turkey, in Istanbul, we saw with our own eyes what happened with 2 young Syrian refugees who were detained under the bogus charge of committing theft. They spent 40 days in prison suffering beatings, tortures, humiliation and starvation. They lived the brutality of the Turkish police.

This is how Turkey receives the Syrian refugees.

Abu Al Braa, co-author of the book “Syria Under Fire”

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Posted in No Borders

Report from a Correspondent of the ‘Brigade León Sedov’ (Syria)

Saturday, December 12th, 2015

Correspondent in Syria – 7 November of 2015

The true cause of the Syrian genocide: A civil war of exploiters and plunderers of Syria against the Syrian people, which has already been held for 4 years, to punish and to massacre the hungry who fight for bread.

As winter arrives, the price of the dollar increases, wage sinks and millions are without a job and become refugees…

The bombs continue to fall on us… but resistance does not surrender


Thus it was from 2011, when we, the oppressed and exploited rebelled for bread and freedom.

From the Syrian resistance, Declaration of the Brigade Leon Sedov

Little by little the autumn cold is paving way to the harsh winter in a Syria massacred by the holy alliance between Putin, the Ayatollahs, Hezbollah, and Bashar, blessed by the Pope and under Obama’s orders.

However we are facing not only bombs from NATO, Russia and Bashar which never cease to fall on our heads and those of our families; now also the scourge of a harsh winter is looming, aggravated by the sharp shortage of food, the high cost of living that has been imposed today in our cities and towns -reduced almost to rubble- and a total or partial power failure and the scarce provision of something elemental as it is the drinking water and water for hygiene and irrigation. (more…)

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

War against ISIS/Daesh: Defense Units Disrupt Terrorists’ Preparations In Western Euphrates, Repel Attackers In Aleppo (Kurdistan, Syria)

Saturday, December 12th, 2015

KOBANE, Rojava (December 11, 2015) — At about 3 pm on December 10, combatants from the People’s Defense Units (YPG), joined by the Women’s Defense Units (YPJ), carried out an assault operation against a unit of hostile elements who were preparing to attack the village of Qereqozax in southwestern Kobane. In the process of the operation which targeted the enemy positions in western bank of the Euphrates River one of the group’s elements was confirmed killed.

— On December 10 in place near the village of Pino, northern Aleppo, Al-Nusra terrorists attempted to launch an attack. After a swift intervention by the Defense Units, a short-time battle was experienced in the area. One terrorist fighter was killed in consequence.

People’s Defense Units (YPG)
| Press Office, December 2015


KOBANE, Rojava (December 10, 2015) – In the evening of December 9, combined forces of the People’s Defense Units (YPG) and the Women’s Defense Units (YPJ) initiated a military operation aimed at engaging terrorist groups who have been attacking western Kobane, particularly the village of Qereqozax, for several consecutive months. The assault operation which targeted numerous enemy positions in western bank of the Euphrates River enabled the Defense Units to eliminate at least one terrorist fighter and wounded two others.

The latest move is part of ongoing efforts by the People’s Defense Units coordinated to prevent terrorists from disrupting reconstruction and security conditions in rural district in Kobani where dozens of civilians were killed as result of mortar attacks all carried out from the west of the river.

– In the dead hours of December 9, an operation was conducted by joint Defense Units against a group of Al-Nusra terrorists positioned in the village of Pino in northern portion of Aleppo. One terrorist element was confirmed killed there.

People’s Defense Units (YPG)
| Press Office | December 2015


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