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Tego Calderon - Exitos Mix
TEGO / Abayarde / Gracias
Julito Maraña - Tego Calderon Ft Julio Voltio (FELIZIITO STONE) 2011
Tego Calderon Metele Sazon
Tego Calderón - Robin Hood
Tego Calderon - Pa que se lo gozen, pa que retozen (Video official)
Al Natural - Tego Calderon HD
Don Omar ft. Tego Calderon - Bandolero
Tego Calderon - El Abayarde Video Version
zun zun - Wisin y Yandel Feat Pitbull & Tego Calderon en vivo HD
Plan B Ft Tego Calderon Zapatito Roto - (Video Official ) REGGAETON 2013


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Tego Calderon - Exitos Mix
  • Order:
  • Duration: 54:01
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013

Tego Calderon - Exitos Mix

Tego Calderon - Tegology - El Abayarde , Theunderdog. El que no lucha no avanza Pon la cara Elegante de boutique La vida Comprenderas Pa que retozen ( pa que...
  • published: 07 Feb 2012
  • views: 856897
  • author: TheOyenegro Calderon - Exitos Mix
TEGO / Abayarde / Gracias
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:54
  • Updated: 08 Aug 2013

TEGO / Abayarde / Gracias

Abayarde / Gracias / Tego Calderon 2003 Director: Kacho Lopez DP: Willie Berrios Productora: Tristana Robles.
  • published: 05 Aug 2006
  • views: 4272258
  • author: Kacho Lopez / Abayarde / Gracias
Julito Maraña - Tego Calderon Ft Julio Voltio (FELIZIITO STONE) 2011
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:40
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

Julito Maraña - Tego Calderon Ft Julio Voltio (FELIZIITO STONE) 2011 Maraña - Tego Calderon Ft Julio Voltio (FELIZIITO STONE) 2011
Tego Calderon Metele Sazon
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:14
  • Updated: 20 Aug 2013

Tego Calderon Metele Sazon

Tego Calderon Metele Sazon para ver este video en alta definicion copia y pega este link;=18.
  • published: 26 Mar 2007
  • views: 19274311
  • author: Eli Xanta Calderon Metele Sazon
Tego Calderón - Robin Hood
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:41
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

Tego Calderón - Robin Hood

Copyrights © Jiggiri Records Inc. All Rights Reserved. BOOKING: Tel. +1.787.662.1188 Email. JESSICA CANCEL. Calderón - Robin Hood
Tego Calderon - Pa que se lo gozen, pa que retozen (Video official)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:34
  • Updated: 12 Aug 2013

Tego Calderon - Pa que se lo gozen, pa que retozen (Video official)

Tego Calderon - Pa que se lo gozen Tego Calderon - Pa que se lo gozen Tego Calderon - Pa que se lo gozen Tego Calderon - pa que retozen letra----------------...
  • published: 02 Jun 2012
  • views: 858702
  • author: soloqueria Calderon - Pa que se lo gozen, pa que retozen (Video official)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:11:30
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

TEGO CALDERON "The Underdog El Subestimado" (Álbum, 2006)

Born in Santurce, Puerto Rico, in 1972 but raised in nearby Carolina and in Miami, FL, rapper Tego Calderón got the multicultural backbone he'd need to becom...
  • published: 11 Mar 2013
  • views: 12573
  • author: MrTofus CALDERON "The Underdog El Subestimado" (Álbum, 2006)
Al Natural - Tego Calderon HD
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:18
  • Updated: 14 Aug 2013

Al Natural - Tego Calderon HD

  • published: 18 Jun 2010
  • views: 4026954
  • author: Jabao Ruiz Natural - Tego Calderon HD
Don Omar ft. Tego Calderon - Bandolero
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:07
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

Don Omar ft. Tego Calderon - Bandolero Omar ft. Tego Calderon - Bandolero
Tego Calderon - El Abayarde Video Version
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:49
  • Updated: 13 Aug 2013

Tego Calderon - El Abayarde Video Version

El Abayarde (2003) Video Version Cambumbo - Pa' que Retozen.
  • published: 02 May 2011
  • views: 1851354
  • author: TheRealOmar Calderon - El Abayarde Video Version
zun zun - Wisin y Yandel Feat Pitbull & Tego Calderon en vivo HD
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:18
  • Updated: 11 Aug 2013

zun zun - Wisin y Yandel Feat Pitbull & Tego Calderon en vivo HD

  • published: 16 Feb 2013
  • views: 94757
  • author: wwwilsom zun - Wisin y Yandel Feat Pitbull & Tego Calderon en vivo HD
Plan B Ft Tego Calderon Zapatito Roto - (Video Official ) REGGAETON 2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:59
  • Updated: 12 Aug 2013

Plan B Ft Tego Calderon Zapatito Roto - (Video Official ) REGGAETON 2013

Plan B Ft Tego Calderon Zapatito Roto - (Video Official ) REGGAETON 2013. B Ft Tego Calderon Zapatito Roto - (Video Official ) REGGAETON 2013
Tego calderon -Supongo (2013)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:38
  • Updated: 21 Aug 2013

Tego calderon -Supongo (2013)

  • published: 21 Aug 2013
  • views: 28359 calderon -Supongo (2013)
Tego Calderon - Amores (Nuevo 2013)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:05
  • Updated: 05 Aug 2013

Tego Calderon - Amores (Nuevo 2013) Siguenos En Twitter : Siguenos En FaceBook : Siguenos En YouTube : Siguenos En soundcloud : Siguenos En Instagram :
  • published: 05 Aug 2013
  • views: 37395 Calderon - Amores (Nuevo 2013)

Tego Calderon - Exitos Mix

Tego Calderon - Tegology - El Abayarde , Theunderdog. El que no lucha no avanza Pon la cara Elegante de boutique La vida Comprenderas Pa que retozen ( pa que...
  • published: 07 Feb 2012
  • views: 856897
  • author: TheOyenegro

Tego Calderon - Ex­i­tos Mix
Tego Calderon - Tegol­o­gy - El Aba­yarde , The­un­der­dog. El que no lucha no avan­za Pon la car...
pub­lished: 07 Feb 2012
au­thor: TheOyene­gro
TEGO / Aba­yarde / Gra­cias
Aba­yarde / Gra­cias / Tego Calderon 2003 Di­rec­tor: Kacho Lopez DP: Willie Berrios Pro­duc­tor...
pub­lished: 05 Aug 2006
au­thor: Kacho Lopez
Juli­to Maraña - Tego Calderon Ft Julio Voltio (FE­LIZI­ITO STONE) 2011
pub­lished: 29 Nov 2011
Tego Calderon Metele Sazon
Tego Calderon Metele Sazon para ver este video en alta defini­cion copia y pega este link h...
pub­lished: 26 Mar 2007
au­thor: Eli Xanta
Tego Calderón - Robin Hood
Copy­rights © Jig­giri Records Inc. All Rights Re­served. http://​www.​tegocalderon.​com BOOK­ING...
pub­lished: 10 Aug 2013
au­thor: Tego Calderón
Tego Calderon - Pa que se lo gozen, pa que re­tozen (Video of­fi­cial)
Tego Calderon - Pa que se lo gozen Tego Calderon - Pa que se lo gozen Tego Calderon - Pa q...
pub­lished: 02 Jun 2012
au­thor: solo­que­ria
TEGO CALDERON "The Un­der­dog El Subes­ti­ma­do" (Álbum, 2006)
Born in San­turce, Puer­to Rico, in 1972 but raised in near­by Car­oli­na and in Miami, FL, rap...
pub­lished: 11 Mar 2013
au­thor: MrTo­fus
Al Nat­u­ral - Tego Calderon HD
pub­lished: 18 Jun 2010
au­thor: Jabao Ruiz
Don Omar ft. Tego Calderon - Ban­dolero
pub­lished: 15 Oct 2010
Tego Calderon - El Aba­yarde Video Ver­sion
El Aba­yarde (2003) Video Ver­sion Cam­bum­bo - Pa' que Re­tozen....
pub­lished: 02 May 2011
zun zun - Wisin y Yan­del Feat Pit­bull & Tego Calderon en vivo HD
pub­lished: 16 Feb 2013
au­thor: wwwil­som
Plan B Ft Tego Calderon Za­p­ati­to Roto - (Video Of­fi­cial ) REG­GAE­TON 2013
Plan B Ft Tego Calderon Za­p­ati­to Roto - (Video Of­fi­cial ) REG­GAE­TON 2013....
pub­lished: 29 May 2013
Tego calderon -Supon­go (2013)
pub­lished: 21 Aug 2013
Tego Calderon - Amores (Nuevo 2013)
http://​djfuegoff.​com/​ Siguenos En Twit­ter : https://​twitter.​com/​djfuegoff Siguenos En Fac...
pub­lished: 05 Aug 2013
Youtube results:
Hey! Llegó el la cosa buena jaja ale­gria para tu cuepo sin macare­na Mueve la parcela nena ...
pub­lished: 25 May 2009
au­thor: Lutia Marte­na
Wyskocz do tego s02odc.05 Mops - Flex­press (Beb­sky Pospieszny)/prod. Dj Pete
Za­prasza­my do obe­jrzenia kole­jnego od­cin­ka Sto­pro­cent Wyskocz do tego. Zmie­niliśmy intro, ...
pub­lished: 16 Jul 2013
Don Omar Ft Tego Calderon - El Ban­dolero
I didn't put any Tego Calderon pics, but he does sings here in this song. I like this song...
pub­lished: 11 Feb 2012
Pol­s­ka Wer­s­ja - Nie ma tego złego (Black Shot)
Przed­staw­iamy wideo zre­al­i­zowane do serii "BLACK SHOT", jest to jeden z pier­wszych utworów...
pub­lished: 04 Jun 2013
au­thor: RAP TV
photo: Creative Commons / Gage Skidmore
Of Kyle XY fame
Edit New York Daily News
05 Nov 2013
Jaimie Alexander's red carpet look stole the spotlight at the "Thor. The Dark World" premiere on Monday ... PHOTOS. CELEBRITY WARDROBE MALFUNCTIONS ... ....(size: 0.7Kb)
photo: AP
In this photo taken with a mobile phone on Monday, Oct. 28, 2013, police look down on a burnt out army personal carrier following an attack by Boko Haram in Damaturu, Nigeria.
Edit Reuters
04 Nov 2013
MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (Reuters) - Suspected Boko Haram militants have killed 70 people in three attacks in northeastern Nigeria in recent days, officials said on Monday, a sign that a military crackdown is failing to subdue the Islamist insurgency ... The sect wants to carve out an Islamic state in a country split roughly equally between Christians and Muslims, making it the biggest security threat to Africa's top oil exporter....(size: 2.1Kb)
photo: AP / Arun Sankar K
A rocket carrying the Mars orbiter streaks across the sky after taking off from the east-coast island of Sriharikota, India, Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2013.
Edit The Los Angeles Times
06 Nov 2013
And she's off!. India's space agency successfully launched its 3,000-pound Mars Orbiter Mission probe on Tuesday, and you can watch video of it leaving Earth in a cloud of smoke in the box above. The spacecraft lifted off early Tuesday morning. It will spend the next several weeks in orbit around Earth and on Dec. 1 head out on the arduous 300-day journey to the Red Planet ... 24 ...  . The cost of the mission is about $73 million ... ALSO. ... 0 ... ....(size: 5.5Kb)
photo: UN / Clara Padovan
A contingent of the UN Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) on patrol in Rutshuru Territory, North Kivu, near the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s border with Uganda, 31 October, 2013.
Edit France24
05 Nov 2013
M23 rebels in the Democratic Republic of Congo said Tuesday they would end their 18-month-long insurgency, hours after the country's communications minister declared "total victory" over the rebellion following a final government offensive on their remaining strongholds ... "It's a total victory for the DRC," Mende said, adding that the insurgents had fled to neighbouring Rwanda ... Final offensive ... (FRANCE 24 with wires)....(size: 3.3Kb)

Edit noodls
28 Oct 2013
TEGO® Care PBS 6, a versatile PEG-free O/W emulsifier, provides emulsification stability of sun care formulations containing a high load of water soluble UV filter. Innovative actives like TEGO® Stemlastin contribute to a youthful skin appearance. Other product highlights include the plant extract TEGO® Cistus, an active ingredient which provides daylight defense with its effective photo protection....(size: 3.0Kb)
Edit The Australian
24 Oct 2013
AGED-care homes and retirement villages should be more welcoming of pets so fewer residents are separated from their beloved cat or dog, animal advocates say. The Animal Welfare League Australia and RSPCA are working on pilot projects to improve the pet-friendliness of the sector ... A second dog, Tego, moved in later ... ....(size: 1.6Kb)
Edit noodls
22 Oct 2013
TEGO® Care PBS 6, a versatile PEG-free O/W emulsifier, provides emulsification stability of sun care formulations containing a high load of water soluble UV filter. Innovative actives like TEGO® Stemlastin contribute to a youthful skin appearance. Other product highlights include the plant extract TEGO® Cistus, an active ingredient which provides daylight defense with its effective photo protection....(size: 3.0Kb)
Edit noodls
17 Oct 2013
Valuable advice on regulatory topics such as inventory status, REACH, VOC content, eco-label, absence of undesirable substances, etc., can help you in selecting and using TEGO products in your formulations....(size: 1.1Kb)
Edit noodls
16 Oct 2013
Valuable advice on regulatory topics such as inventory status, REACH, VOC content, eco-label, absence of undesirable substances, etc., can help you in selecting and using TEGO products in your formulations....(size: 1.1Kb)
Edit Philadelphia Daily News
18 Sep 2013
Travel Deals. $149 -- Atlantic City. Revel Resort w/$100 Credit.  . See all travel deals ». Claudia Vargas, Inquirer Staff Writer. Posted. Wednesday, September 18, 2013, 1.08 AM ... 29 event ... The first Boricua Fest, which will be held from 5 to 9 p.m. that Sunday, will feature local Latino musical acts and the Grammy-nominated rapper Tego Calderon, city officials announced Tuesday ... Last year, though, it was the police who got a bad rep ... ....(size: 5.8Kb)
Edit noodls
18 Sep 2013
(Source. BMI - Broadcast Music lnc). September 15 marks the beginning of a month-long recognition of the rich history and important contributions Latinos have made to American society and culture. What started as Hispanic Heritage Week under President Lyndon B ... we like to focus on the most essential ingredient to any party ... Puerto Rican acts like Daddy Yankee, Tego Calderón, Wisin y Yandel, Don Omar and Ivy Queen become household names....(size: 17.4Kb)
Edit noodls
16 Sep 2013
Evonik Industries AG) TEGO® Care PBS 6 - A PEG-free O/W emulsifier for challenging fluid emulsions ... To address these trends, TEGO® Care PBS 6, a novel, unique and eco-friendly polyglyceryl based emulsifier was developed ... Thus, TEGO® Care PBS 6 is NATRUE as well as ECOCERT approved natural ... All these tests have confirmed that TEGO® Care PBS 6 is a powerful O/W emulsifier particularly suitable for low-viscous sun care lotions and sprays....(size: 2.3Kb)
Edit Philadelphia Daily News
16 Sep 2013
Travel Deals. $179 -- St. Thomas 4-Star Beach Resort w/Daily $50 Credit.  . See all travel deals ». JAN RANSOM, Daily News Staff Writer, 215-854-5218. Posted. Monday, September 16, 2013, 12.16 AM. IT'S BEEN a year since outrage erupted after veteran cop Lt ... The concert at the Dell will include salsa band Tus Ojos, Tego Calderon and other local acts from 5 to 8 p.m ... There will also be food vendors ... On Twitter ... ....(size: 7.7Kb)
Edit Philadelphia Daily News
16 Sep 2013
Travel Deals. $179 -- St. Thomas 4-Star Beach Resort w/Daily $50 Credit.  . See all travel deals ». JAN RANSOM, Daily News Staff Writer, 215-854-5218. Posted. Monday, September 16, 2013, 12.16 AM. IT'S BEEN a year since outrage erupted after veteran cop Lt ... The concert at the Dell will include salsa band Tus Ojos, Tego Calderon and other local acts from 5 to 8 p.m ... There will also be food vendors ...   ... Blog ... ....(size: 9.1Kb)
Edit New Straits/Business Times
15 Sep 2013
AS you’re reading this, dozens of thoughts and images will probably flash through your mind. “What if I don’t finish my work on time?” “If only tomorrow were a holiday!” “I hate my boss!” Then you smell the waft of ginger and onions frying off in the wok from the kitchen just beyond the living room. Mmm... delicious! ... Simply magical! ... Inhale... exhale. Inhale... focus ... fatigue ... People generally demonstrate a condition I call TEGO, acronym for....(size: 7.4Kb)
Edit Business Wire
06 Sep 2013
DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Research and Markets (http.// has announced the addition of the "Dongwha Holdings Co. Ltd. Fundamental Company Report Including Financial, SWOT, Competitors and Industry Analysis" company profile to their offering. “Dongwha Holdings Co. Ltd ... The company also produces formalin and resin, TEGo film, and adhesive for engineered wood flooring ... 1 ... 1.1 ... 1.2....(size: 5.2Kb)
Edit The Examiner
22 Aug 2013
Since Rosa's diagnose of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma in 2011 it was a constant battle and treatments to overcome the cancer for two years ... Draco chose 16 of his best songs from his lengthy career to re-record as duets with Jose Feliciano, Juan Luis Guerra, Juanes, Maná, Ricky Martin, Mima, Ednita Nazario, Romeo Santos, Alejandro Sanz, Marc Anthony, Ruben Blades, Enrique Bunbury, Andres Calamaro, Tego Calderón, Calle 13 and Shakira ... ....(size: 2.9Kb)

Tego may refer to:



This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Julio Voltio

Voltio performing in Managua, Nicaragua on July 31, 2007.
Background information
Birth name Julio Ramos
Also known as El Chamaco
Born (1977-03-20) March 20, 1977 (age 35)
Santurce, Puerto Rico
Origin Puerto Rico
Genres Hip hop, reggaetón
Occupations Rapper
Years active 2003–present
Labels Sony BMG, White Lion Records, Jiggiri Records, Bandidaje Records
Associated acts Daddy Yankee, Lil Rob, Pitbull, Calle 13, Three 6 Mafia, Tego Calderón, Beyoncé, Jowell & Randy, N'Klabe
Website Official website

Julio Voltio (born as Julio Irving Ramos Filomeno on March 20, 1977, in Santurce, Puerto Rico) is one of the reggaetón genre's best-known artists.[citation needed]

His nickname came to be as the result of an accident. Before joining Karel, he worked as an electrician. One day, he stuck his hand in the wrong place and got shocked.[citation needed] Everyone then called him "Bombillo" (Light Bulb) and "Corto Circuito" (Short Circuit), until eventually giving him a nickname that stuck: "Voltio" (Spanish word for volt).


Music career[link]

Growing up in the Parque Ecuestre section of Carolina, Voltio entered the music business as a teenager. Together with Rey 29 and Héctor Delgado (AKA Hector "El Father"), he formed The Masters of Funk. Although the trio released no listed albums, they were influential in starting the reggaeton movement.

Shortly after separating from The Masters of Funk, Voltio partnered with Karel, a neighborhood friend, to form Karel y Voltio. They released their debut album Los Dueños del Estilo in 2003. The album languished, however, and the duo's enthusiasm dwindled. Karel was last featured in La Mision 4. With few options, Voltio was preparing to exit the music business when Tego Calderón, a leading artist with White Lion Records, convinced him to sign with the label. Having taken Tego's advice, Voltio released the album Voltage AC, with the hits "Bumper", "No Amarres Fuego" (featuring Zion & Lennox) and "Julito Maraña".

Voltio also featured on a remix of the song "Locked Up" by Akon, which was released in the UK as part of Locked Up-Global Remixes[1]

Having experienced relative success, Voltio returned with his a self-titled release in 2005, which included his biggest hit to date "Chulín Culín Chunflai", which features Residente Calle 13 and a remix version with Three 6 Mafia.

Voltio recently teamed up with Calle 13 to speak out against police brutality in Puerto Rico.[2] On August 11, 2008, announced the publication of a docummentary titled "En vivo desde Oso Blanco". The production covers the time that Voltio spent in prison.[3]

Voltio is also included on the Grand Theft Auto IV soundtrack with his song Pónmela from the 2007 release of En lo Claro.

En lo Claro has experienced mild success in contrast to Voltio's first two releases, garnering #36 on the U.S. Billboard Top Latin Albums chart. The album also peaked at #24 on the Billboard Top Heatseekers chart.



Solo albums
Other albums


Guest appearances[link]

[edit] Filmography

  • 2008: Feel The Noise as himself
  • 2009: Talento de Barrio as himself
  • TBA Julito Maraña

[edit] References

External links[link]

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Tego Calderón

Calderón performing in the Canary Islands, September 15, 2007.
Background information
Birth name Tegui Calderón Rosario
Born (1972-02-01) February 1, 1972 (age 40)
Origin Santurce, Puerto Rico
Genres Reggaeton, reggae, hip-hop, Latin, salsa
Occupations Singer-songwriter, actor, rapper
Years active 1998–present
Labels Jiggiri Records (2000–present)
Sony BMG (2001–2005)
Atlantic Records (2006–present)
White Lion Records (2002–present)
WY Records (2010–present)
Associated acts Voltio, Don Omar, Aventura, The Game
Website Official Website

Tegui Calderón Rosario (born February 1, 1972) is a Puerto Rican rapper, and actor.


Early life[link]

Calderón was born in Santurce, Puerto Rico, the son of Pilar Rosario Parrilla, a schoolteacher, and Esteban Calderón Ilarraza, a government worker for Puerto Rico's Department of Health.[1][2] Moving at a young age from his native Puerto Rico to Miami, Florida, Tego attended Miami Beach Senior High. Here he was exposed to several different cultures, eventually studying percussion and working as a drummer in a rock band. The band would cover songs produced by artists including Ozzy Osbourne and Led Zeppelin.[3] He has noted that both of his parents were fans of Ismael Rivera, and that his father was also interested in jazz. He was influenced by both genres and incorporated them into his music, including songs such as Minnie the Moocher. He eventually developed a music style that combined elements of salsa, plena, dancehall, and hip-hop, focusing on aspects of urban life in his lyrics.

Early musical career[link]

Calderón made several cameo appearances on other rapper's albums, eventually signing with label White Lion. In 2002, after three years of voice training, he published his first full-length album titled El Abayarde. Despite the fact that Reggaeton was considered an underground genre, the album sold 50,000 copies upon its release, setting a sales record for an urban music album. Three months after publishing El Abayarde, Calderón organized his first concert, which took place at the Roberto Clemente Coliseum in San Juan, Puerto Rico and sold out the venue. The following day he became the first rap artist to perform at the annual Puertorican Día Naciónal de la Salsa (National Day of Salsa).

In August 2003, Calderón performed at the Madison Square Garden in New York City. Based on his show and performance, The New York Times noted that he "made the best case for Reggaetón as music with room to grow" being a "forward-looking performer."[4] His second appearance at the venue was in October 2004, where he headlined an event titled Megatón 2004. The concert sold out, with 20,000 in attendance, a mixed crowd of Latino and non-Latino fans.

Calderón's travels subsequently led him to Miami, where he incorporated dancehall elements into his musical style. In 2004, his album titled El Enemy de los Guasíbiri was released. The album's production included a mix of several urban genres. Calderón claimed that he preferred the influence of these other genres due to his belief that Salsa had "become too corporate and too safe". Years after its release, Calderón stated that he had never approved the release of the Guasibiri album, which he claimed was rather a collection of old songs and that it should be left out of his discography as an unauthorized album.[5] Following the release of this album, reggaeton gained more influence with several hip-hop producers in New York. Calderón continued working on several mixtapes, being featured in remixes of Usher's "Yeah", Fat Joe's "Lean Back", N.O.R.E.'s "Oye Mi Canto" and Akon's "I Wanna Love You" and also Tego featured Aventura's "We Got The Crown".


Calderón participated on the 2004 and 2005 editions of New York's Puerto Rican Day parade. During this timeframe he became the first Latin American artist to be included on New York's Power-105. Calderón's influence among Latin American youth was noted in a featured published by the Village Voice. The publication claimed that he had "almost single-handedly. .. steered his country’s dominant youth culture out of the island and Latino neighborhoods, and into the American stream of pop consciousness.”[4]

In the summer of 2005, Calderón signed a deal between Atlantic Records and his own independent label, Jiggiri Records, making him the first reggaeton artist to have a deal with a major record company.[6]

In 2006, Calderón and both companies published The Underdog/El Subestimado. He noted that the production includes influence from several Afro-Caribbean rhythms including Reggae, Salsa, Bomba and Rumba. This production featured the guests appearances of Buju Banton, Voltio, Bataklán, Eddie Dee, Luis Cabán, Yandel, Zion, Chyno Nyno, Don Omar and Oscar D'León. Several producers were involved in the album, including Cookee, Major League, Salaam Remi, Eric Figueroa, Luny Tunes, DJ Nelson, Danny Fornaris, DJ Nesty, Naldo, DJ Joe, DJ Fat and Echo & Diesel. At the presentation party for the album, Calderón explained that he no longer considers himself as a reggaeton artist because this genre of music has become too commercial.[7] Noting that reggaeton is becoming too similar to pop music and that he does not let his children listen to it at home unless it is on the radio.

Musical styles and themes[link]

Although Calderón is a reggaeton artist, he claims to like "all types of music".[8] Evidence of this is seen both in his biography (he began his career in music in a metal band and attended a school for music as a drummer) as well as in his music, which incorporates "'several musical tendencies'", including sounds and rhythms from places like Africa, Colombia, and the Caribbean. He obtains the sound for his popular reggaeton music through "fusing an experimental reggaeton style strongly rooted in the working-class Caribbean aesthetics of classic salsa with a strong dose of hip-hop".[9] On The Underdog/El Subestimado, he collaborated with rap duo Anónimo Consejo to create a song entitled "Son Dos Alas" which eventually was shortened to an interdule without Calderón.

Calderón has also been praised for his lyrics, which are much more substantive and uplifting than the misogynist materialistic words that have come to define reggaeton as well as the majority of hip-hop music. Calderón has been described as "the reggaeton champion of an Afro-Caribbean working-class aesthetic" and is known for lyrics that are equal parts poetry and politics.[9] A consistent link between all of his albums "are the social themes and the untouchable bravado that he usually transmits through his artistic outlook."[8] According to Tony Touch, "Tego is someone who represents struggle, an underdog... He's more of an MC, a product of late-'80s hip-hop."[10]

Film and other career projects[link]

Calderón made his acting debut in the film "Illegal Tender" produced by John Singleton. Calderon played the role of Choco, a Puerto Rican gangster whose character was written specifically for him by director Franc Reyes.[3][11]

Calderón turned down roles in both Feel the Noise and "El Cantante" and instead chose to appear in Illegal Tender out of respect for its producer. After convincing John Singleton that he wanted to appear in a comedy, Calderón is slated to appear in an upcoming Singleton film which casts him as the coach of a baseball team.[3]

Calderón traveled to Sierra Leone along with artists Raekwon and Paul Wall to film a VH1 documentary about diamond mining entitled "Bling'd: Blood, Diamonds, and Hip-Hop." The documentary focused on the role of Hip Hop in the blood diamond trade, after the filming concluded Calderón publicly announced that he would no longer wear jewelry. His experience in Africa also changed his outlook on life, which influenced the recording of the track "Alegria", encouraging fans to not complain about life and recognize that there are other people with bigger problems in their lives.[12]

Calderon and Don Omar are featured in Fast & Furious and Fast Five, the fourth and fifth installments of The Fast and the Furious franchise.[12][13]



Year Title Role Notes
2007 Def Jam: Icon Himself Video game, voice only
2007 Ilegal Tender Choco Film Debut
2007 Bling: A Planet Rock Himself Documentary film / DVD
2009 Los Bandoleros Leo Tego Lead Role / Short Film, Part of Fast & Furious
2009 Fast & Furious Leo Tego Cameo
2011 Fast Five Leo Tego Supporting Role


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Robin Hood statue in Nottingham

Robin Hood was a heroic outlaw in English folklore. A highly skilled archer and swordsman, he is known for "robbing from the rich and giving to the poor",[1] assisted by a group of fellow outlaws known as his "Merry Men".[2] Traditionally, Robin Hood and his men are depicted wearing Lincoln green clothes.[3] The origin of the legend is claimed by some to have stemmed from actual outlaws, or from ballads or tales of outlaws.[4]

Robin Hood became a popular folk figure in the medieval period continuing through to modern literature, films and television. In the earliest sources, Robin Hood is a yeoman, but he was often later portrayed as an aristocrat wrongfully dispossessed of his lands and made into an outlaw by an unscrupulous sheriff.[5]



In popular culture, Robin Hood and his band of "merry men" are usually portrayed as living in Sherwood Forest, in Nottinghamshire, where much of the action in the early ballads takes place.[6] So does the very first recorded Robin Hood rhyme, four lines from the early 15th century, beginning: "Robyn hode in scherewode stod."[7] However, the overall picture from the surviving early ballads and other early references[7] suggest that Robin Hood may have been based in the Barnsdale area of what is now South Yorkshire (which borders Nottinghamshire).

Other traditions point to a variety of locations as Robin's "true" home both inside Yorkshire and elsewhere, with the abundance of places named for Robin causing further confusion.[8][9] A tradition dating back at least to the end of the 16th century gives his birthplace as Loxley, Sheffield in South Yorkshire, while the site of Robin Hood's Well in Skellow, South Yorkshire, has been associated with Robin Hood since at least 1422. Records show a man named Robin Hood lived in Wakefield, Yorkshire, in the 13th and 14th centuries.[10] His grave has been claimed to be at Kirklees Priory near Mirfield in West Yorkshire, as implied by the 18th-century version of Robin Hood's Death, and there is a headstone there of dubious authenticity.[11]

The first clear reference to "rhymes of Robin Hood" is from the late 14th-century poem Piers Plowman, but the earliest surviving copies of the narrative ballads that tell his story date to the 15th century, or the first decade of the 16th century. In these early accounts, Robin Hood's partisanship of the lower classes, his Marianism and associated special regard for women, his outstanding skill as an archer, his anti-clericalism, and his particular animosity towards the Sheriff of Nottingham are already clear.[12] Little John, Much the Miller's Son and Will Scarlet (as Will "Scarlok" or "Scathelocke") all appear, although not yet Maid Marian or Friar Tuck. It is not certain what should be made of these latter two absences as it is known that Friar Tuck, for one, has been part of the legend since at least the later 15th century.[13]

In popular culture, Robin Hood is typically seen as a contemporary and supporter of the late 12th-century king Richard the Lionheart, Robin being driven to outlawry during the misrule of Richard's brother John while Richard was away at the Third Crusade. This view first gained currency in the 16th century.[14] It is not supported by the earliest ballads. The early compilation, A Gest of Robyn Hode, names the king as "Edward", and while it does show Robin Hood as accepting the King's pardon he later repudiates it and returns to the greenwood.

The oldest surviving ballad, Robin Hood and the Monk, gives even less support to the picture of Robin Hood as a partisan of the true king. The setting of the early ballads is usually attributed by scholars to either the 13th century or the 14th, although it is recognised they are not necessarily historically consistent.[15]

The early ballads are also quite clear on Robin Hood's social status: he is a yeoman. While the precise meaning of this term changed over time, including free retainers of an aristocrat and small landholders, it always referred to commoners. The essence of it in the present context was "neither a knight nor a peasant or 'husbonde' but something in between".[16] We know that artisans (such as millers) were among those regarded as "yeomen" in the 14th century.[17] From the 16th century on, there were attempts to elevate Robin Hood to the nobility and in two extremely influential plays Anthony Munday presented him at the very end of the 16th century as the Earl of Huntingdon, as he is still commonly presented in modern times.[18]

As well as ballads, the legend was also transmitted by "Robin Hood games" or plays that were an important part of the late medieval and early modern May Day festivities. The first record of a Robin Hood game was in 1426 in Exeter, but the reference does not indicate how old or widespread this custom was at the time. The Robin Hood games are known to have flourished in the later 15th and 16th centuries.[19] It is commonly stated as fact that Maid Marian and a jolly friar (at least partly identifiable with Friar Tuck) entered the legend through the May Games.[20]

The early ballads link Robin Hood to identifiable real places and many are convinced that he was a real person, more or less accurately portrayed. A number of theories as to the identity of "the real Robin Hood" have their supporters. Some of these theories posit that "Robin Hood" or "Robert Hood" or the like was his actual name; others suggest that this may have been merely a nickname disguising a medieval bandit perhaps known to history under another name.[21] One historian claims Robin Hood was a pseudonym by which the ancient Lords of Wellow, Nottinghamshire, were once known.[22] It is interesting that the village has such a strong connection with maypole celebrations, considering Robin Hood's links with the same thing.

At the same time it is possible that Robin Hood has always been a fictional character; the folklorist Francis James Child declared "Robin Hood is absolutely a creation of the ballad-muse" and this view has been neither proven or disproven.[23] Another view is that Robin Hood's origins must be sought in folklore or mythology;[24] Despite the frequent Christian references in the early ballads, Robin Hood has been claimed for the pagan witch-cult supposed by Margaret Murray to have existed in medieval Europe.[25]

Early references[link]

The oldest references to Robin Hood are not historical records, or even ballads recounting his exploits, but hints and allusions found in various works. From 1228 onwards, the names 'Robinhood', 'Robehod' or 'Robbehod' occur in the rolls of several English Justices. The majority of these references date from the late 13th century. Between 1261 and 1300, there are at least eight references to 'Rabunhod' in various regions across England, from Berkshire in the south to York in the north.[26]

In a petition presented to Parliament in 1439, the name is used to describe an itinerant felon. The petition cites one Piers Venables of Aston, Derbyshire, "who having no liflode, ne sufficeante of goodes, gadered and assembled unto him many misdoers, beynge of his clothynge, and, in manere of insurrection, wente into the wodes in that countrie, like as it hadde be Robyn Hude and his meyne."[27] The name was still used to describe sedition and treachery in 1605, when Guy Fawkes and his associates were branded "Robin Hoods" by Robert Cecil.

The first allusion to a literary tradition of Robin Hood tales occurs in William Langland's Piers Plowman (c. 1362–c. 1386) in which Sloth, the lazy priest, confesses: "I kan [know] not parfitly [perfectly] my Paternoster as the preest it singeth,/ But I kan rymes of Robyn Hood and Randolf Erl of Chestre."[28]

The first mention of a quasi-historical Robin Hood is given in Andrew of Wyntoun's Orygynale Chronicle, written in about 1420. The following lines occur with little contextualisation under the year 1283:

Lytil Jhon and Robyne Hude
Wayth-men ware commendyd gude
In Yngil-wode and Barnysdale
Thai oysyd all this tyme thare trawale.

The next notice is a statement in the Scotichronicon, composed by John of Fordun between 1377 and 1384, and revised by Walter Bower in about 1440. Among Bower's many interpolations is a passage that directly refers to Robin. It is inserted after Fordun's account of the defeat of Simon de Montfort and the punishment of his adherents. Robin is represented as a fighter for de Montfort's cause.[29] This was in fact true of the historical outlaw of Sherwood Forest Roger Godberd, whose points of similarity to the Robin Hood of the ballads have often been noted.[30][31]

Bower writes:

Then [c. 1266] arose the famous murderer, Robert Hood, as well as Little John, together with their accomplices from among the disinherited, whom the foolish populace are so inordinately fond of celebrating both in tragedies and comedies, and about whom they are delighted to hear the jesters and minstrels sing above all other ballads.

The word translated here as "murderer" is the Latin siccarius, from the Latin for "knife". Bower goes on to tell a story about Robin Hood in which he refuses to flee from his enemies while hearing Mass in the greenwood, and then gains a surprise victory over them, apparently as a reward for his piety.[32]

Another reference, discovered by Julian Luxford in 2009, appears in the margin of the "Polychronicon" in the Eton College library. Written around the year 1460 by a monk in Latin, it says:

Around this time, according to popular opinion, a certain outlaw named Robin Hood, with his accomplices, infested Sherwood and other law-abiding areas of England with continuous robberies.[33]

William Shakespeare makes reference to Robin Hood in his late 16th-century play The Two Gentlemen of Verona, one of his earliest. In it, the character Valentine is banished from Milan and driven out through the forest where he is approached by outlaws who, upon meeting him, desire him as their leader. They comment, "By the bare scalp of Robin Hood's fat friar, This fellow were a king for our wild faction!"[34] Robin Hood is also mentioned in As You Like It. When asked about the exiled Duke Senior, the character of Charles says that he is "already in the forest of Arden, and a many merry men with him; and there they live like the old Robin Hood of England."

References to Robin as Earl of Huntington[link]

Another reference is provided by Thomas Gale, Dean of York (c. 1635–1702),[35] but this comes nearly four hundred years after the events it describes:

[Robin Hood's] death is stated by Ritson to have taken place on the 18th of November, 1247, about the 87th year of his age; but according to the following inscription found among the papers of the Dean of York...the death occurred a month later. In this inscription, which bears evidence of high antiquity, Robin Hood is described as Earl of Huntington - his claim to which title has been as hotly contested as any disputed peerage upon record.
Hear undernead dis laitl stean
Lais Robert Earl of Huntingun
Near arcir der as hie sa geud
An pipl kauld im Robin Heud
Sic utlaws as hi an is men
Vil England nivr si agen.
Obiit 24 Kal Dekembris 1247

This inscription also appears on a grave in the grounds of Kirklees Priory near Kirklees Hall (see below).

Robert is largely fictional by this time. The Gale note is inaccurate. The medieval texts do not refer to him directly, but mediate their allusions through a body of accounts and reports: for Langland, Robin exists principally in "rimes", for Bower, "comedies and tragedies", while for Wyntoun he is "commendyd gude". Even in a legal context, where one would expect to find verifiable references to Robert, he is primarily a symbol, a generalised outlaw-figure rather than an individual. Consequently, in the medieval period itself, Robin Hood already belongs more to literature than to history. In fact, in an anonymous song called Woman of c. 1412, he is treated in precisely this manner - as a joke, a figure that the audience will instantly recognise as imaginary:

He that made this songe full good,
Came of the northe and the sothern blode,
And somewhat kyne to Robert Hoad.[36][37]


"Robin shoots with Sir Guy" by Louis Rhead

There is at present little scholarly support for the view that tales of Robin Hood have stemmed from mythology or folklore, from fairies or other mythological origins, any such associations being regarded as later development.[38] The mythological theory does go back to at least to 1584, when Reginald Scot identified Robin Hood with the Germanic goblin "Hudgin" or Hodekin and associated him with Robin Goodfellow.[39] Maurice Keen[40] provides a brief summary and useful critique of the once-popular view that Robin Hood had mythological origins, while (unlike some)[41] refraining from utterly and finally dismissing it.[42] While Robin Hood and his men often show great skill in archery, swordplay and disguise, they are no more exaggerated than those characters in other ballads, such as Kinmont Willie, which were based on historical events.[43]

Robin Hood's role in the traditional May Day games could suggest pagan connections, but that role has not been traced earlier than the early 15th century. However, it is uncontroversial that a Robin and Marion figured in 13th-century French "pastourelles" (of which Jeu de Robin et Marion c. 1280 is a literary version) and presided over the French May festivities, "this Robin and Marion tended to preside, in the intervals of the attempted seduction of the latter by a series of knights, over a variety of rustic pastimes."[44]

In the Jeu de Robin and Marion, Robin and his companions have to rescue Marion from the clutches of a "lustful knight".[45] Dobson and Taylor in their survey of the legend, in which they reject the mythological theory, nevertheless regard it as "highly probable" that this French Robin's name and functions travelled to the English May Games where they fused with the Robin Hood legend.[44]

The origin of the legend is claimed by some to have stemmed from actual outlaws, or from tales of outlaws, such as Hereward the Wake, Eustace the Monk, Fulk FitzWarin[4] and William Wallace.[46] Hereward appears in a ballad much like Robin Hood and the Potter, and as the Hereward ballad is older, it appears to be the source. The ballad Adam Bell, Clym of the Cloughe and Wyllyam of Cloudeslee runs parallel to Robin Hood and the Monk, but it is not clear whether either one is the source for the other, or whether they merely show that such tales were told of outlaws.[47]

Some early Robin Hood stories appear to be unique, such as the story wherein Robin gives a knight, generally called Richard at the Lee, money to pay off his mortgage to an abbot, but this may merely indicate that no parallels have survived.[48]

There are a number of theories that attempt to identify a historical Robin Hood. A difficulty with any such historical search is that "Robert" was in medieval England a very common given name, and "Robin" (or Robyn), especially in the 13th century, was its very common diminutive.[49] The surname "Hood" (or Hude or Hode etc.), referring ultimately to the head-covering, was also fairly common. Unsurprisingly, therefore, there are a number of people called "Robert Hood" or "Robin Hood" to be found in medieval records. Some of them are on record for having fallen afoul of the law, but this is not necessarily significant to the legend.[50]

The early ballads give a number of possible historical clues: notably, the Gest names the reigning king as "Edward", but the ballads cannot be assumed to be reliable in such details.[51] For whatever it may be worth, however, King Edward I took the throne in 1272, and an Edward remained on the throne until the death of Edward III in 1377.

On the other hand, what appears to be the first known example of "Robin Hood" as stock name for an outlaw dates to 1262 in Berkshire, where the surname "Robehod" was applied to a man apparently because he had been outlawed.[52] This could suggest two main possibilities: either that an early form of the Robin Hood legend was already well established in the mid 13th century; or alternatively that the name "Robin Hood" preceded the outlaw hero that we know; so that the "Robin Hood" of legend was so called because that was seen as an appropriate name for an outlaw.

It has long been suggested, notably by John Maddicott, that "Robin Hood" was a stock alias used by thieves.[53] The 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica remarks that 'hood' was a common dialectical form of 'wood'; and that the outlaw's name has been given as "Robin Wood".[24] There are indeed a number of references to Robin Hood as Robin Wood, or Whood, or Whod, from the 16th and 17th centuries. The earliest recorded example, in connection with May games in Somerset, dates from 1518.[54]

One well-known theory of origin was proposed by Joseph Hunter in 1852. Hunter identified the outlaw with a "Robyn Hode" recorded as employed by Edward II in 1323 during the king's progress through Lancashire. This Robyn Hode was identified with (one or more people called) Robert Hood living in Wakefield before and after that time. Comparing the available records with especially the Gest and also other ballads, Hunter developed a fairly detailed theory according to which Robin Hood was an adherent of the rebel Earl of Lancaster, defeated at the Battle of Boroughbridge in 1322.

According to this theory, Robin Hood was pardoned and employed by the king in 1323. (The Gest does relate that Robin Hood was pardoned by "King Edward" and taken into his service.) The theory supplies Robin Hood with a wife, Matilda, thought to be the origin of Maid Marian, and Hunter also conjectured that the author of the Gest may have been the religious poet Richard Rolle (1290–1349), who lived in the village of Hampole in Barnsdale.[55]

This theory has long been recognised to have serious problems, one of the most serious being that "Robin Hood" and similar names were already used as nicknames for outlaws in the 13th century. Another is that there is no direct evidence that Hunter's Hood had ever been an outlaw or any kind of criminal or rebel at all; the theory is built on conjecture and coincidence of detail.[56] Finally, recent research has shown that Hunter's Robyn Hood had been employed by the king at an earlier stage, thus casting doubt on this Robyn Hood's supposed earlier career as outlaw and rebel.[57]

Another theory identifies him with the historical outlaw Roger Godberd, who was a die-hard supporter of Simon de Montfort, which would place Robin Hood around the 1260s.[21] There are certainly parallels between Godberd's career and that of Robin Hood as he appears in the Gest. John Maddicott has called Godberd "that prototype Robin Hood".[58] Some problems with this theory are that there is no evidence that Godberd was ever known as Robin Hood and no sign in the early Robin Hood ballads of the specific concerns of de Montfort's revolt.[56]

Another well-known theory, first proposed by the historian L. V. D. Owen in 1936 and more recently floated by J.C. Holt and others, is that the original Robin Hood might be identified with an outlawed Robert Hood, or Hod, or Hobbehod, all apparently the same man, referred to in nine successive Yorkshire Pipe Rolls between 1226 and 1234.[59][60] There is no evidence however that this Robert Hood, although an outlaw, was also a bandit.[61]

Ballads and tales[link]

The earliest surviving text of a Robin Hood ballad is "Robin Hood and the Monk".[62] This is preserved in Cambridge University manuscript Ff.5.48. It was written shortly after 1450.[63] It contains many of the elements still associated with the legend, from the Nottingham setting to the bitter enmity between Robin and the local sheriff.

Douglas Fairbanks as Robin Hood; the sword he is depicted with was common in the oldest ballads

The first printed version is A Gest of Robyn Hode (c. 1475), a collection of separate stories which attempts to unite the episodes into a single continuous narrative.[64] After this comes "Robin Hood and the Potter",[65] contained in a manuscript of c. 1503. "The Potter" is markedly different in tone from "The Monk": whereas the earlier tale is "a thriller"[26] the latter is more comic, its plot involving trickery and cunning rather than straightforward force. The difference between the two texts recalls Bower's claim that Robin-tales may be both 'comedies and tragedies'.

Other early texts are dramatic pieces such as the fragmentary Robyn Hod and the Shryff off Notyngham[66] (c. 1472). These are particularly noteworthy as they show Robin's integration into May Day rituals towards the end of the Middle Ages; Robyn Hod and the Shryff off Notyngham, among other points of interest, contains the earliest reference to Friar Tuck.

The plots of neither "the Monk" nor "the Potter" are included in the Gest; and neither is the plot of "Robin Hood and Guy of Gisborne" which is probably at least as old as those two ballads although preserved in a more recent copy. Each of these three ballads survived in a single copy, so it is unclear how much of the medieval legend has survived, and what has survived may not be typical of the medieval legend. It has been argued that the fact that the surviving ballads were preserved in written form in itself makes it unlikely they were typical; in particular stories with an interest for the gentry were by this view more likely to be preserved.[67] The story of Robin's aid to the "poor knight" that takes up much of the Gest may be an example.

The character of Robin in these first texts is rougher edged than in his later incarnations. In "Robin Hood and the Monk", for example, he is shown as quick tempered and violent, assaulting Little John for defeating him in an archery contest; in the same ballad Much the Miller's Son casually kills a "little page" in the course of rescuing Robin Hood from prison.[6] No extant ballad actually shows Robin Hood "giving to the poor", although in a "A Gest of Robyn Hode" Robin does make a large loan to an unfortunate knight which he does not in the end require to be repaid;[68] and later in the same ballad Robin Hood states his intention of giving money to the next traveller to come down the road if he happens to be poor.

Of my good he shall haue some,
Yf he be a por man.[69]

As it happens the next traveller is not poor, but it seems in context that Robin Hood is stating a general policy. From the beginning Robin Hood is on the side of the poor; the Gest quotes Robin Hood as instructing his men that when they rob:

loke ye do no husbonde harme
That tilleth with his ploughe.
No more ye shall no gode yeman
That walketh by gren-wode shawe;
Ne no knyght ne no squyer
That wol be a gode felawe.[70]

And in its final lines the Gest sums up:

he was a good outlawe,
And dyde pore men moch god.

Within Robin Hood's band medieval forms of courtesy rather than modern ideals of equality are generally in evidence. In the early ballads Robin's men usually kneel before him in strict obedience: in A Gest of Robyn Hode the king even observes that "His men are more at his byddynge/Then my men be at myn." Their social status, as yeomen, is shown by their weapons; they use swords rather than quarterstaffs. The only character to use a quarterstaff in the early ballads is the potter, and Robin Hood does not take to a staff until the 18th century Robin Hood and Little John.[71]

The political and social assumptions underlying the early Robin Hood ballads have long been controversial. It has been influentially argued by J. C. Holt that the Robin Hood legend was cultivated in the households of the gentry, and that it would be mistaken to see in him a figure of peasant revolt. He is not a peasant but a yeoman, and his tales make no mention of the complaints of the peasants, such as oppressive taxes.[72] He appears not so much as a revolt against societal standards as an embodiment of them, being generous, pious, and courteous, opposed to stingy, worldly, and churlish foes.[73] Other scholars have by contrast stressed the subversive aspects of the legend, and see in the medieval Robin Hood ballads a plebeian literature hostile to the feudal order.[74]

"Little John and Robin Hood" by Frank Godwin

Although the term "Merry Men" belongs to a later period, the ballads do name several of Robin's companions.[75] These include Will Scarlet (or Scathlock), Much the Miller's Son, and Little John - who was called "little" as a joke, as he was quite the opposite.[76] Even though the band is regularly described as being over a hundred men, usually only three or four are specified. Some appear only once or twice in a ballad: Will Stutely in Robin Hood Rescuing Will Stutly and Robin Hood and Little John; David of Doncaster in Robin Hood and the Golden Arrow; Gilbert with the White Hand in A Gest of Robyn Hode; and Arthur a Bland in Robin Hood and the Tanner.[76]

Printed versions of the Robin Hood ballads, generally based on the Gest, appear in the early 16th century, shortly after the introduction of printing in England. Later that century Robin is promoted to the level of nobleman: he is styled Earl of Huntingdon, Robert of Locksley, or Robert Fitz Ooth. In the early ballads, by contrast, he was a member of the yeoman classes, which included common freeholders possessing a small landed estate.[77]

By the early 15th century at the latest, Robin Hood had become associated with May Day celebrations, with revellers dressing as Robin or as members of his band for the festivities. This was not common throughout England, but in some regions the custom lasted until Elizabethan times, and during the reign of Henry VIII, was briefly popular at court.[78] Robin was often allocated the role of a May King, presiding over games and processions, but plays were also performed with the characters in the roles,[79] sometimes performed at church ales, a means by which churches raised funds.[80]

A complaint of 1492, brought to the Star Chamber, accuses men of acting riotously by coming to a fair as Robin Hood and his men; the accused defended themselves on the grounds that the practice was a long-standing custom to raise money for churches, and they had not acted riotously but peaceably.[81]

Robin Hood and Maid Marian

It is from the association with the May Games that Robin's romantic attachment to Maid Marian (or Marion) apparently stems. The naming of Marian may have come from the French pastoral play of c. 1280, the Jeu de Robin et Marion, although this play is distinct from the English legends.[78] Both Robin and Marian were certainly associated with May Day festivities in England (as was Friar Tuck), but these may have been originally two distinct types of performance - Alexander Barclay in his Ship of Fools, writing in c. 1500, refers to "some merry fytte of Maid Marian or else of Robin Hood" - but the characters were brought together.[75] Marian did not immediately gain the unquestioned role; in Robin Hood's Birth, Breeding, Valor, and Marriage, his sweetheart is 'Clorinda the Queen of the Shepherdesses'.[82] Clorinda survives in some later stories as an alias of Marian.[76]

In the 16th century, Robin Hood is given a specific historical setting. Up until this point there was little interest in exactly when Robin's adventures took place. The original ballads refer at various points to "King Edward", without stipulating whether this is Edward I, Edward II, or Edward III.[83] Hood may thus have been active at any point between 1272 and 1377. However, during the 16th century the stories become fixed to the 1190s, the period in which King Richard was absent from his throne, fighting in the crusades.[84] This date is first proposed by John Mair in his Historia Majoris Britanniæ (1521), and gains popular acceptance by the end of the century.

Giving Robin an aristocratic title and female love interest, and placing him in the historical context of the true king's absence, all represent moves to domesticate his legend and reconcile it to ruling powers. In this, his legend is similar to that of King Arthur, which morphed from a dangerous male-centred story to a more comfortable, chivalrous romance under the troubadours serving Eleanor of Aquitaine. From the 16th century on, the legend of Robin Hood is often used to promote the hereditary ruling class, romance, and religious piety. The "criminal" element is retained to provide dramatic colour, rather than as a real challenge to convention.[85]

In 1598, Anthony Munday wrote a pair of plays on the Robin Hood legend, The Downfall and The Death of Robert Earl of Huntington (published 1601). The 17th century introduced the minstrel Alan-a-Dale. He first appeared in a 17th century broadside ballad, and unlike many of the characters thus associated, managed to adhere to the legend.[82] This is also the era in which the character of Robin became fixed as stealing from the rich to give to the poor.[86]

In the 18th century, the stories began to develop a slightly more farcical vein. From this period there are a number of ballads in which Robin is severely "drubbed" by a succession of professionals including a tanner, a tinker and a ranger.[84] In fact, the only character who does not get the better of Hood is the luckless Sheriff. Yet even in these ballads Robin is more than a mere simpleton: on the contrary, he often acts with great shrewdness. The tinker, setting out to capture Robin, only manages to fight with him after he has been cheated out of his money and the arrest warrant he is carrying. In Robin Hood's Golden Prize, Robin disguises himself as a friar and cheats two priests out of their cash. Even when Robin is defeated, he usually tricks his foe into letting him sound his horn, summoning the Merry Men to his aid. When his enemies do not fall for this ruse, he persuades them to drink with him instead.

The continued popularity of the Robin Hood tales is attested by a number of literary references. In As You Like It, the exiled duke and his men "live like the old Robin Hood of England", while Ben Jonson produced the (incomplete) masque The Sad Shepherd, or a Tale of Robin Hood[87] as a satire on Puritanism. Somewhat later, the Romantic poet John Keats composed Robin Hood. To A Friend[88] and Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote a play The Foresters, or Robin Hood and Maid Marian,[89] which was presented with incidental music by Sir Arthur Sullivan in 1892. Later still, T. H. White featured Robin and his band in The Sword in the Stone - anachronistically, since the novel's chief theme is the childhood of King Arthur.[90]

The title page of Howard Pyle's 1883 novel, The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood

The Victorian era[91] generated its own distinct versions of Robin Hood. The traditional tales were often adapted for children, most notably in Howard Pyle's The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood, which influenced accounts of Robin Hood through the 20th century.[1] These versions firmly stamp Robin as a staunch philanthropist, a man who takes from the rich to give to the poor. Nevertheless, the adventures are still more local than national in scope: while King Richard's participation in the Crusades is mentioned in passing, Robin takes no stand against Prince John, and plays no part in raising the ransom to free Richard. These developments are part of the 20th century Robin Hood myth.

The idea of Robin Hood as a high-minded Saxon fighting Norman lords also originates in the 19th century. The most notable contributions to this idea of Robin are Jacques Nicolas Augustin Thierry's Histoire de la Conquête de l'Angleterre par les Normands (1825) and Sir Walter Scott's Ivanhoe (1819). In this last work in particular, the modern Robin Hood - "King of Outlaws and prince of good fellows!" as Richard the Lionheart calls him - makes his debut.[92]

The 20th century grafted still further details on to the original legends. The 1938 film, The Adventures of Robin Hood, starring Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland, portrayed Robin as a hero on a national scale, leading the oppressed Saxons in revolt against their Norman overlords while Richard the Lionheart fought in the Crusades; this movie established itself so definitively that many studios resorted to movies about his son (invented for that purpose) rather than compete with the image of this one.[93]

In the 1973 animated Disney film, Robin Hood, the title character is portrayed as an anthropomorphic fox voiced by Brian Bedford. Years before Robin Hood had even entered production, Disney had considered doing a project on Reynard the Fox. However, due to concerns that Reynard was unsuitable as a hero, animator Ken Anderson lifted many elements from Reynard into Robin Hood, thus making the titular character a fox.[citation needed]

The 1976 British-American film Robin and Marian, starring Sean Connery as Robin Hood and Audrey Hepburn as Maid Marian, portrays the figures in later years after Robin has returned from service with Richard the Lionheart in a foreign crusade and Marian has gone into seclusion in a nunnery. This is the first in popular culture to portray King Richard as less than perfect.

Since the 1980s, it has become commonplace to include a Saracen among the Merry Men, a trend which began with the character Nasir in the Robin of Sherwood television series. Later versions of the story have followed suit: the 1991 movie Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves and 2006 BBC TV series Robin Hood each contain equivalents of Nasir, in the figures of Azeem and Djaq respectively.[93] The latest movie version released in spring of 2010 is simply entitled Robin Hood and is directed by Ridley Scott, with Robin played by Russell Crowe. The Saracen character was dropped from this version.

The Robin Hood legend has thus been subject to numerous shifts and mutations throughout its history. Robin himself has evolved from a yeoman bandit to a national hero of epic proportions, who not only supports the poor by taking from the rich, but heroically defends the throne of England itself from unworthy and venal claimants.

Connections to existing locations[link]

In modern versions of the legend, Robin Hood is said to have taken up residence in the verdant Sherwood Forest in the county of Nottinghamshire. For this reason the people of present-day Nottinghamshire have a special affinity with Robin Hood, often claiming him as the symbol of their county. For example, major road signs entering the shire depict Robin Hood with his bow and arrow, welcoming people to 'Robin Hood County'. BBC Radio Nottingham also uses the phrase 'Robin Hood County' on its regular programmes. The Robin Hood Way runs through Nottinghamshire and the county is home to literally thousands of other places, roads, inns and objects bearing Robin's name.[citation needed]

Specific sites linked to Robin Hood include the Major Oak tree, claimed to have been used by him as a hideout,[94] Robin Hood's Well, located near Newstead Abbey (within the boundaries of Sherwood Forest), and the Church of St. Mary in the village of Edwinstowe, where Robin and Maid Marian are historically thought to have wed.[95] To reinforce this belief, the University of Nottingham in 2010 has begun the Nottingham Caves Survey with the goal "to increase the tourist potential of these sites". The project "will use a 3D laser scanner to produce a three dimensional record of more than 450 sandstone caves around Nottingham".[96]

However, the Nottingham setting is a matter of some contention. While the Sheriff of Nottingham and the town itself appear in early ballads, and Sherwood is specifically mentioned in the early ballad Robin Hood and the Monk, certain of the original ballads (even those with Nottingham references) locate Robin on occasion in Barnsdale (the area between Pontefract and Doncaster), approximately fifty miles north of Nottingham, in the county of Yorkshire; furthermore, it has been suggested that the ballads placed in this area are far more geographically specific and accurate.[97] This is reinforced for some by the alleged similarity of Locksley to the area of Loxley, South Yorkshire, in Sheffield, where in nearby Tideswell, which was the "Kings Larder" in the Royal Forest of the Peak, a record of the appearance of a "Robert de Lockesly" in court is found, dated 1245. As "Robert" and its diminutives were amongst the most common of names at the time, and also since it was usual for men to adopt the name of their hometown ("De Lockesly" means simply, "Of [or from] Lockesly"), the record could just as easily be referring to any man from the area named Robert. Although it cannot be proven whether or not this is the man himself, it is further believed by some that Robin had a brother called Thomas - an assertion with no documentary evidence whatsoever to support it in any of the stories, tales or ballads. If the Robert mentioned above was indeed Robin Hood, and if he did have a brother named Thomas, then consideration of the following reference may lend this theory a modicum of credence:

24) No. 389, f0- 78. Ascension Day, 29 H. III., Nic Meverill, with John Kantia, on the one part, and Henry de Leke. Henry released to Nicholas and John 5 m. rent, which he received from Nicolas and John and Robert de Lockesly for his life from the lands of Gellery, in consideration of receiving from each of them 2M (2 marks). only, the said Henry to live at table with one of them and to receive 2M. annually from the other. T., Sampson de Leke, Magister Peter Meverill, Roger de Lockesly, John de Leke, Robert fil Umfred, Rico de Newland, Richard Meverill. (25) No. 402, p. 80 b. Thomas de Lockesly bound himself that he would not sell his lands at Leke, which Nicolas Meveril had rendered to him, under a penalty of L40 (40 pounds).

A pound was 240 silver pence, and a mark was 160 silver pence (i.e., 13 shillings and fourpence).

It is again, however, equally likely that Nicolas, John, Robert and Thomas were simply members of a family which came from the area.

In Barnsdale Forest, Yorkshire, there is a well known as Robin Hood's Well (by the side of the Great North Road), a Little John's Well (near Hampole) and a Robin Hood's stream (in Highfields Wood at Woodlands). There is something of a modern movement amongst Yorkshire residents to attempt to claim the legend of Robin Hood, to the extent that South Yorkshire's new airport, on the site of the redeveloped RAF Finningley airbase near Doncaster, although ironically in the historic county of Nottinghamshire, has been given the name Robin Hood Airport Doncaster Sheffield.

In the city centre of Leeds, West Yorkshire, at 71 Vicar Lane, is a retail clothing store operated by Hugo Boss. This was the previous location of a pub/music venue known as The Duchess of York which was previously known as the Robin Hood. During an interior refurbishment, wallpaper was removed to reveal a wall mural depicting Robin Hood and his Merry Men in the small snug of the pub. The Landlord at the time, Robin Dover, was photographed standing next to the mural which was published in The Yorkshire Evening Post.

There have been further claims made that he is from Swannington in Leicestershire[98] or Loxley, Warwickshire.

Robin Hood Tree aka Sycamore Gap, Hadrian's Wall, UK. This location was used in the 1991 film Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.

This debate is hardly surprising of course, given the considerable value that the Robin Hood legend has for local tourism. The Sheriff of Nottingham also had jurisdiction in Derbyshire that was known as the "Shire of the Deer", and this is where the Royal Forest of the Peak is found, which roughly corresponds to today's Peak District National Park. The Royal Forest included Bakewell, Tideswell, Castleton, Ladybower and the Derwent Valley near Loxley. The Sheriff of Nottingham possessed property near Loxley, amongst other places both far and wide including Hazlebadge Hall, Peveril Castle and Haddon Hall. Mercia, to which Nottingham belonged, came to within three miles of Sheffield City Centre. But before the Law of the Normans was the Law of the Danes, The Danelaw had a similar boundary to that of Mercia but had a population of Free Peasantry which were known to have resisted the Norman occupation. Many outlaws could have been created by the refusal to recognise Norman Forest Law.[99] The supposed grave of Little John can be found in Hathersage, also in the Peak District.

Robin Hood himself was once thought to have been buried in the grounds of Kirklees Priory between Brighouse and Mirfield in West Yorkshire, although for the reasons given above this theory has now largely been abandoned. There is an elaborate grave there with the inscription referred to above. The story said that the Prioress was a relative of Robin's. Robin was ill and staying at the Priory where the Prioress was supposedly caring for him. However, she betrayed him, his health worsened, and he eventually died there.

Before he died, he told Little John (or possibly another of his Merry Men) where to bury him. He shot an arrow from the Priory window, and where the arrow landed was to be the site of his grave. The grave with the inscription is within sight of the ruins of the Kirklees Priory, behind the Three Nuns pub in Mirfield, West Yorkshire. The grave can be visited on occasional organised walks, organised by Calderdale Council Tourist Information office.

Further indications of the legend's connection with West Yorkshire (and particularly Calderdale) are noted in the fact that there are pubs called the Robin Hood in both nearby Brighouse and at Cragg Vale; higher up in the Pennines beyond Halifax, where Robin Hood Rocks can also be found. Robin Hood Hill is near Outwood, West Yorkshire, not far from Lofthouse. There is a village in West Yorkshire called Robin Hood, on the A61 between Leeds and Wakefield and close to Rothwell and Lofthouse. Considering these references to Robin Hood, it is not surprising that the people of both South and West Yorkshire lay some claim to Robin Hood, who, if he existed, could easily have roamed between Nottingham, Lincoln, Doncaster and right into West Yorkshire.

A British Army Territorial (reserves) battalion formed in Nottingham in 1859 was known as The Robin Hood Battalion through various reorganisations until the "Robin Hood" name finally disappeared in 1992. With the 1881 Childers reforms that linked regular and reserve units into regimental families, the Robin Hood Battalion became part of The Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment).

A Neolithic causewayed enclosure on Salisbury Plain has acquired the name Robin Hood's Ball, although had Robin Hood existed it is doubtful that he would have travelled so far south.

List of traditional ballads[link]

File:Since Robin Hood by Weelkes.png
Elizabethan song of Robin Hood

Ballads are the oldest existing form of the Robin Hood legends, although none of them are recorded at the time of the first allusions to him, and many are much later. They share many common features, often opening with praise of the greenwood and relying heavily on disguise as a plot device, but include a wide variation in tone and plot.[100] The ballads below are sorted into three groups, very roughly according to date of first known free-standing copy. Ballads whose first recorded version appears (usually incomplete) in the Percy Folio may appear in later versions[101] and may be much older than the mid 17th century when the Folio was compiled. Any ballad may be older than the oldest copy which happens to survive, or descended from a lost older ballad. For example, the plot of Robin Hood's Death, found in the Percy Folio, is summarised in the 15th-century A Gest of Robyn Hode, and it also appears in an 18th-century version.[102]

Early ballads (i.e., surviving in 15th- or early 16th-century copies)[link]

Ballads appearing in 17th-century Percy Folio[link]

NB. The first two ballads listed here (the "Death" and "Gisborne"), although preserved in 17th century copies, are generally agreed to preserve the substance of late medieval ballads. The third (the "Curtal Friar") and the fourth (the "Butcher"), also probably have late medieval origins.[103]

Other ballads[link]

Some ballads, such as Erlinton, feature Robin Hood in some variants, where the folk hero appears to be added to a ballad pre-existing him and in which he does not fit very well.[104] He was added to one variant of Rose Red and the White Lily, apparently on no more connection than that one hero of the other variants is named "Brown Robin."[105] Francis James Child indeed retitled Child ballad 102; though it was titled The Birth of Robin Hood, its clear lack of connection with the Robin Hood cycle (and connection with other, unrelated ballads) led him to title it Willie and Earl Richard's Daughter in his collection.[106]

Popular culture[link]

Main characters of the folklore[link]

See also[link]


  1. ^ a b "Robin Hood: Development of a Popular Hero." From The Robin Hood Project at the University of Rochester. Retrieved 22 November 2008.
  2. ^ "Merry-man" has referred to the follower of an outlaw since at least the late 14th century. See Online Etymology Dictionary
  3. ^ The Child Ballads 117 "A Gest of Robyn Hode" (c 1450) "Whan they were clothed in Lincoln Green "
  4. ^ a b Holt, p. 62.
  5. ^ Knight, Robin Hood: a mythic biography pp.142-143
  6. ^ a b Robin Hood and the Monk. Records also show that he lived in Wakefield, Yorkshire, in the 13th and 14th centuries. From Child's edition of the ballad, online at Sacred Texts, 119A: Robin Hood and the Monk Stanza 16:
    Then Robyn goes to Notyngham,
    Hym selfe mornyng allone,
    And Litull John to mery Scherwode,
    The pathes he knew ilkone.
  7. ^ a b Dobson & Taylor, p. 18: "On balance therefore these 15th-century references to the Robin Hood legend seem to suggest that during the later Middle Ages the outlaw hero was more closely related to Barnsdale than Sherwood."
  8. ^ "Robin Hood – Evidence for Yorkshire". 24 October 2007. 
  9. ^ "Robin Hood – On the move?". 24 October 2007. 
  10. ^ "In the footsteps of Robin Hood". 24 October 2007. 
  11. ^ Knight, Stephen (2003). Robin Hood: A Mythic Biography. Ithica, New York: Cornell University Press. pp. 84–88. ISBN 978-0-8014-3885-1. 
  12. ^ A Gest of Robin Hood stanzas 10–15, stanza 292 (archery) 117A: The Gest of Robyn Hode. Retrieved 15 April 2008.
  13. ^ Dobson & Taylor, p. 203. Friar Tuck is mentioned in the play fragment Robyn Hod and the Shryff off Notyngham dated to c. 1475.
  14. ^ Dobson & Taylor, pp. 5, 16.
  15. ^ Dobson & Taylor, pp. 14–16.
  16. ^ Dobson & Taylor, p. 34.
  17. ^ Dobson & Taylor, pp. 34–35.
  18. ^ Dobson & Taylor, pp. 33, 44, 220–223.
  19. ^ Singmam, 1998, Robin Hood; The Shaping of the Legend p. 62.
  20. ^ Dobson & Taylor, p. 41. "It was here [the May Games] that he encountered and assimilated into his own legend the jolly friar and Maid Marian, almost invariably among the performers in the 16th century morris dance." Dobson and Taylor have suggested that theories on the origin of Friar Tuck often founder on a failure to recognise that "he was the product of the fusion between two very different friars", a "bellicose outlaw", and the May Games figure.
  21. ^ a b See BBC website, accessed 19 August 2008 on the Godberd theory. The real Robin Hood.
  22. ^ Molyneux-Smith, Tony. 1998. Robin Hood and the Lords of Wellow. Nottingham: Nottingham County Council Leisure Services Department
  23. ^ Dobson & Taylor, p. ix
  24. ^ a b A number of such theories are mentioned at 1911 Britannica article on "Robin Hood" at LoveToKnow Robin Hood.
  25. ^ Robert Graves English and Scottish Ballads. London: William Heinemann, 1957; New York: Macmillan, 1957. See, in particular, Graves' notes to his reconstruction of Robin Hood's Death.
  26. ^ a b Holt
  27. ^ Rot. Parl. v. 16.
  28. ^ "V.396 in Schmidt's ed".;cc=cme;view=text;idno=PPlLan;rgn=div1;node=PPlLan%3A6. Retrieved 2010-03-12. 
  29. ^ Dobson & Taylor, p. 5
  30. ^ J. R. Maddicott, "Sir Edward the First and the Lessons of Baronial Reform" in Coss and Loyd ed, Thirteenth century England:1 Proceedings of the Newcastle Upon Tyne Conference 1985, Boydell and Brewer, p. 2
  31. ^ Maurice Hugh Keen The Outlaws of Medieval England, 1987, Routledge
  32. ^ Passage quoted and commented on in Stephen Knights, Robin Hood; A Mythic Biography, Cornell University Press, 2003, p. 5
  33. ^ Luxford, Julian M. (2009). "An English chronicle entry on Robin Hood". Journal of Medieval History 35 (1): 70–76. DOI:10.1016/j.jmedhist.2009.01.002. 
  34. ^ Act IV, Scene 1, line 36–7
  35. ^ The Annotated Edition of the English Poets - Early ballads (London, 1856, p. 70)
  36. ^ Wright, p. 104
  37. ^ Women from The Wright's Chaste Wife, by Adam of Cobsam at Project Gutenberg
  38. ^ Holt, p. 55.
  39. ^ Reginald Scot "Discourse upon divels and spirits" Chapter 21, quoted in Charles P. G. Scott "The Devil and His Imps: An Etymological Investigation" page 129 Transactions of the American Philological Association (1869-1896) Vol. 26, (1895), pp. 79-146 Published by: The Johns Hopkins University Press
  40. ^ The Outlaws of Medieval England Appendix 1, 1987, Routledge, ISBN 0-7102-1203-8.
  41. ^ Dobson & Taylor, p. 63, also quoting Francis Child to the same effect
  42. ^ More recently A. J. Pollard has also so refrained and stressed the symbolical significance of the "perpetual springtime" of the ballads. 2004, Imagining Robin Hood: The Late-Medieval Stories in Historical Context, Routledge ISBN 0-415-22308-3.
  43. ^ Holt, p. 57.
  44. ^ a b Dobson & Taylor, p. 42.
  45. ^ Maurice Keen The Outlaws of Medieval England Appendix 1, 1987, Routledge, ISBN 0-7102-1203-8.
  46. ^ Dobson & Taylor, p. 33.
  47. ^ Holt, p. 73.
  48. ^ Holt, pp. 74–75.
  49. ^ Oxford Dictionary of Christian Names, EG Withycombe, 1950.
  50. ^ Dobson & Taylor, introduction pages 11–12.
  51. ^ Dobson & Taylor, introduction page 13, criticising Joseph Hunter's "quite remarkable belief in the historical accuracy of the Gest."
  52. ^ D. Crook English Historical Review XCIX (1984) pp. 530–34; discussed in Dobson & Taylor, pp. xxi–xxii.
  53. ^ Dobson & Taylor, pp. xxi–xxii.
  54. ^ Dobson & Taylor, p. 12, 39n, and chapter on place-names.
  55. ^ Joseph Hunter, The Great Hero of the Ancient Minstrelsy of England: Robin Hood, his period, real character etc, Investigated and perhaps Ascertained, JR Smith, 1852. Quoted in the Gentlemans Magazine "The Discovery of the Veritable Robin Hood" 1854 p. 160f. Online at Google digitized books.
  56. ^ a b Dobson & Taylor, introduction.
  57. ^ Holt, pp. 75–76, summarised in Dobson & Taylor, p. xvii.
  58. ^ J. R. Maddicott, "Edward the First and the Lessons of Baronial Reform" in Coss and Loyd ed, Thirteenth century England:1 Proceedings of the Newcastle Upon Tyne Conference 1985, Boydell and Brewer, p. 2.
  59. ^ Crook, David "The Sheriff of Nottingham and Robin Hood: The Genesis of the Legend?" In Peter R. Coss, S. D. Lloyd, ed Thirteenth Century England University of Newcastle — 1999.
  60. ^ E372/70, rot. 1d, 12 lines from bottom.
  61. ^ Dobson & Taylor, p. xvii.
  62. ^ "Robin Hood and the Monk". Retrieved 2010-03-12. 
  63. ^ Introduction accompanying Knight and Ohlgren's 1997 ed.
  64. ^ Ohlgren, Thomas, Robin Hood: The Early Poems, 1465–1560, (Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2007), From Script to Print: Robin Hood and the Early Printers, pp. 97–134
  65. ^ "Robin Hood and the Potter". Retrieved 2010-03-12. 
  66. ^ "Robyn Hod and the Shryff off Notyngham". Retrieved 2010-03-12. 
  67. ^ Singman, Jeffrey L. Robin Hood: The Shaping of the Legend Published 1998, Greenwood Publishing Group, p. 51 ISBN 0-313-30101-8
  68. ^ Holt, p. 11
  69. ^ Child Ballads 117A:210, ie A Gest of Robyn Hode stanza 210
  70. ^ 117A: The Gest of Robyn Hode stanzas 13–14 A Gest of Robyn Hode
  71. ^ Holt, p. 36
  72. ^ Holt, pp. 37–38
  73. ^ Holt, p. 10
  74. ^ Singman, Jeffrey L Robin Hood: The Shaping of the Legend, 1998, Greenwood Publishing Group, p. 46, and first chapter as a whole. ISBN 0-313-30101-8
  75. ^ a b Jeffrey Richards, Swordsmen of the Screen: From Douglas Fairbanks to Michael York, p. 190, Routledge & Kegan Paul, Lond, Henly and Boston, 1988
  76. ^ a b c Allen W. Wright, "A Beginner's Guide to Robin Hood"
  77. ^ Holt, p. 159
  78. ^ a b Hutton, 1997, pp. 270–1
  79. ^ Hutton, 1996, p. 32
  80. ^ Hutton, 1996, p. 31
  81. ^ Holt, pp. 148–9
  82. ^ a b Holt, p. 165
  83. ^ Holt, p. 37
  84. ^ a b Holt, p. 170
  85. ^ The Times (London), July 11, 1999
  86. ^ Holt, p. 184
  87. ^ "Johnson's "The Sad Shepherd"". Retrieved 2010-03-12. 
  88. ^ "Keats' "Robin Hood. To a friend"". Retrieved 2010-03-12. 
  89. ^ "Tennyson's "The Foresters"". Retrieved 2010-03-12. 
  90. ^ W.R. Irwin, The Game of the Impossible, p. 151, University of Illinois Press, Urbana Chicago London, 1976
  91. ^ Egan, Pierce the Younger (1846). Robin Hood and Little John or The Merry Men of Sherwood Forest. Pub. George Peirce. London.
  92. ^ Allen W. Wright, "Wolfshead through the Ages Revolutions and Romanticism"
  93. ^ a b Allen W. Wright, "Wolfshead through the Ages Films and Fantasy"
  94. ^ Nottinghamshire County Council. "Major Oak". Retrieved 2007-11-21. 
  95. ^ Edwinstowe Parish Council. "Edwinstowe". Retrieved 2009-08-02. 
  96. ^ "Laser to scan Robin Hood's prison under Nottingham city". BBC News. 2010-04-20. Retrieved 2012-03-23. 
  97. ^ Holt, p. 83
  98. ^ "Big It Up Bulletin-May issue". 2007-04-29. Retrieved 2010-03-12. 
  99. ^ "According to Ancient Custom: Research on the possible Origins and Purpose of Thynghowe Sherwood Forest". 2012-03-09. Retrieved 2012-03-23. 
  100. ^ Holt, pp. 34–35
  101. ^ Dobson and Taylor, Appendix 1
  102. ^ Dobson and Taylor, p. 133
  103. ^ Dobson & Taylor, see introduction to each individual ballad.
  104. ^ Child, v. 1, p. 178
  105. ^ Child, v. 2, p. 416
  106. ^ Child, v. 2, p. 412


  • Baldwin, David (2010). Robin Hood: The English Outlaw Unmasked. Amberley Publishing. ISBN 978-1-84868-378-5. 
  • Barry, Edward (1832). Sur les vicissitudes et les transformations du cycle populaire de Robin Hood. Rignoux. 
  • Blamires, David (1998). Robin Hood: A Hero for All Times. J. Rylands Univ. Lib. of Manchester. ISBN 0-86373-136-8. 
  • Child, Francis James (1997). The English and Scottish Popular Ballads. 1–5. Dover Publications. ISBN 978-0-486-43150-5. 
  • Coghlan, Ronan (2003). The Robin Hood Companion. Xiphos Books. ISBN 0-9544936-0-5. 
  • Deitweiler, Laurie, Coleman, Diane (2004). Robin Hood Comprehension Guide. Veritas Pr Inc. ISBN 1-930710-77-1. 
  • Dixon-Kennedy, Mike (2006). The Robin Hood Handbook. Sutton Publishing. ISBN 0-7509-3977-X. 
  • Dobson, R. B.; Taylor, John (1977). The Rymes of Robin Hood: An Introduction to the English Outlaw. Sutton Publishing. ISBN 0-7509-1661-3. 
  • Doel, Fran, Doel, Geoff (2000). Robin Hood: Outlaw and Greenwood Myth. Tempus Publishing Ltd. ISBN 0-7524-1479-8. 
  • Green, Barbara (2001). Secrets of the Grave. Palmyra Press. ISBN 0-9540164-0-8. 
  • Hahn, Thomas (2000). Robin Hood in Popular Culture: Violence, Transgression and Justice. D.S. Brewer. ISBN 0-85991-564-6. 
  • Harris, P. V. (1978). Truth About Robin Hood. Linney. ISBN 0-900525-16-9. 
  • Hilton, R.H., The Origins of Robin Hood, Past and Present, No. 14. (Nov., 1958), pp. 30–44. Available online at JSTOR.
  • Holt, J. C. (1982). Robin Hood. Thames & Hudson. ISBN 0-500-27541-6. 
  • Hutton, Ronald (1997). The Stations of the Sun: A History of the Ritual Year in Britain. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-288045-4. 
  • Hutton, Ronald (1996). The Rise and Fall of Merry England: The Ritual Year 1400–1700. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-285327-9. 
  • Knight, Stephen Thomas (1994). Robin Hood: A Complete Study of the English Outlaw. Blackwell Publishers. ISBN 0-631-19486-X. 
  • Knight, Stephen Thomas (2003). Robin Hood: A Mythic Biography. Cornell University Press. ISBN 0-8014-3885-3. 
  • Phillips, Helen (2005). Robin Hood: Medieval and Post-medieval. Four Courts Press. ISBN 1-85182-931-8. 
  • Pollard, A. J. (2004). Imagining Robin Hood: The Late Medieval Stories in Historical Context. Routledge, an imprint of Taylor & Francis Books Ltd. ISBN 0-415-22308-3. 
  • Potter, Lewis (1998). Playing Robin Hood: The Legend as Performance in Five Centuries. University of Delaware Press. ISBN 0-87413-663-6. 
  • Pringle, Patrick (1991). Stand and Deliver: Highway Men from Robin Hood to Dick Turpin. Dorset Press. ISBN 0-88029-698-4. 
  • Ritson, Joseph (1832). Robin Hood: A Collection of All the Ancient Poems, Songs, and Ballads, Now Extant Relative to That Celebrated English Outlaw: To Which are Prefixed Historical Anecdotes of His Life. William Pickering. ISBN 1-4212-6209-6. 
  • Rutherford-Moore, Richard (1999). The Legend of Robin Hood. Capall Bann Publishing. ISBN 1-86163-069-7. 
  • Rutherford-Moore, Richard (2002). Robin Hood: On the Outlaw Trail. Capall Bann Publishing. ISBN 1-86163-177-4. 
  • Vahimagi, Tise (1994). British Television: An Illustrated Guide. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-818336-4. 
  • Wright, Thomas (1847). Songs and Carols, now first imprinted. Percy Society. 

External links[link]

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Don Omar

Omar at Hard Rock Live in Orlando, Florida, October 4, 2008
Background information
Birth name William Omar Landrón Rivera
Also known as El Rey
Born (1978-02-10) February 10, 1978 (age 34)
Origin Puerto Rico
Genres Reggaeton, pop, rap, R&B
Occupations Singer-songwriter, composer, CEO, actor, rapper
Years active 1999–present
Labels Orfanato Music Group (His Label)
VI Music
Universal Music Latino
Machete Music
Website Don Omar

Don Omar (born William Omar Landrón Rivera; February 10, 1978 [1]), a Puerto Rican reggaeton singer-rapper and actor. He is sometimes referred to by his nickname El Rey (Spanish: "The King").


Early life[link]

William Omar Landrón Rivera is the oldest son of William Landrón and Luz Antonia Rivera. He was raised in Santurce, a barrio in the Villa Palmeras area of San Juan, Puerto Rico. From an early age, he showed interest in the music of Vico C and Brewley MC.[citation needed] During his youth, he became an active member of a Protestant church, Iglesia Evangélica Restauración en Cristo in Bayamón where he occasionally offered sermons. However, after four years, he left the church to dedicate himself to singing.[2]


His first public performance in a night club was accompanied by disc jockey Eliel Lind Osorio. Afterwards he appeared regularly on compilation albums from popular DJs and producers including Luny Tunes, Noriega, and DJ Eric. He also worked as a backup singer for the duo Héctor & Tito. One of the members, Héctor Delgado, helped him produce his first solo album.[2]

Don Omar's career rose to stardom with the release of his first studio album, The Last Don. Both the studio version and its live edition have been certified platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America. Worldwide, The Last Don: Live [CD & DVD] has sold over one million copies, according to his official website. He earned awards for Latin Pop Album of the Year and New Artist & Latin Rap/Hip-Hop Album of the Year by the Billboard Latin Music Awards in 2003. The Last Don: Live [CD & DVD] was also nominated for Urban Music Album at the 2005 Latin Grammy Awards.

Omar's May 2006 album King of Kings, became history's highest ranking reggaeton LP in the top 10 US charts, with its debut at #1 on the Latin sales charts and the #1 spot on the Billboard Latin Rhythm Radio Chart with his single “Angelito”.[3] Omar was also able to beat the in-store appearance sales record at Disney World's Virgin music store previously set by pop star Britney Spears.

With the highest charting debut by a reggaeton artist, Don Omar's King of Kings entered at No. 7 with 74,000, beating Daddy Yankee's No. 24 entry with 2005's "Barrio Fino En Directo". In April 2007, Don Omar received the Latin Billboard award for Reggaeton Album Of The Year for King of Kings.[4] Billboard recognized that King of Kings was the most successful album of the decade in Latin America, besides being the most successful in the history of the genre of reggaeton. Billboard estimated that the album sold over 4.1 million copies by the end of 2009.[5]

The album's track "Salió El Sol" is featured in the video game Grand Theft Auto IV. The songs "Los Bandoleros" and "Conteo" were featured in the movie The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift in the ending credits.

Don Omar participated in Gilberto Santa Rosa's presentation in an event titled "Concierto del Amor", presented in the Madison Square Garden on February 9, 2008. He closed the event and performed reggaeton themes.[6]

Don Omar's third studio album, iDon, was released on April 28, 2009. This album was dedicated to his cousin Cordell Brown. "Virtual Diva" became the most requested song on Latin radio stations.[7][8] The second official single, titled "Sexy Robotica", was released on July 6, 2009.

The album Don Omar Presents: Meet The Orphans was released on November 16, 2010. The album features the artists under Don Omar's Orfanato Music Group label and other reggaeton artists. The album includes the promotional single Hasta Abajo and the album's lead single Danza Kuduro featuring Portuguese-French singer Lucenzo, as well as collaborations from Orfanato Music Group artists including Kendo Kapponi, Syko, Plan B, Zion & Lennox, Yaga & Mackie and Danny Fornaris. He is signed to VI Music and Machete Music through Universal Music Latino.

The album Don Omar Presents MTO2: The New Generation was released on May 1, 2012. The album features newly signed to Orfanato Music Group Natti Natasha as well as many other signed artists and other reggaeton artists like Zion Y Lennox. The album includes the singles Hasta Que Salga El Sol and Dutty Love featuring Natti Natasha. The album also features collaborations with Juan Magan, Mims, Syko, Vinny el Vendito, and Yunel Cruz. The album has been well received[citation needed] and is a top seller on iTunes.[citation needed]

Personal life[link]

William Omar Landrón is the father of four children. He married forecaster/journalist Jackie Guerrido on April 18, 2008.[9] Divorce rumors surrounded the couple two years into the marriage and were compounded by comments Landrón made via Twitter.[10] In March 2011, it was revealed they had divorced.[11]

Controversies and legal issues[link]

On September 18, 2007, Don Omar was briefly detained in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia due to a legal dispute. A Bolivian concert promotor sued him and some of his management after he canceled a concert scheduled for earlier that year in La Paz as part of the international tour Up Close.[12][13][14] The organization claimed that he had defrauded US$70,000 due to the cancellation.[14] Landrón responded that he canceled the concert because the company did not provide air tickets in time.[14] After the case was presented before a local judge, both parties reached an agreement.[14] Landrón was allowed to leave the country in order to comply with a previously scheduled appearance in Buenos Aires on Argentine television and returned the next day to hold his concert in Santa Cruz's Tahuichi Aguilera soccer stadium.[citation needed]

Landrón is banned from Univision.[citation needed] After Univision became involved in his marriage and its end, he is no longer allowed to attend any award shows from Univision.[citation needed]


Studio albums[link]

Live / special edition albums[link]

Compilation albums[link]


Year Title Role
2009 Los Bandoleros Omar Santos
2009 Fast & Furious[15][16] Don Omar
2011 Fast Five Omar Santos

See also[link]


  1. ^ Don Omar at AOL Music. Retrieved on 2012-01-29.
  2. ^ a b Biografías, Retrieved on 2012-01-29.
  3. ^ "Don Omar On Top of Charts with ‘King of Kings’ Debut". Retrieved on 2012-01-29.
  4. ^ Billboard Latin Music Conference & Awards. April 7–10, 2008.
  5. ^ King of Kings Album Reviews, Billboard. Retrieved on 2012-01-29.
  6. ^ Tirado, Frances (2008-01-25). "Don Omar y Gilberto Santa Rosa juntos en concierto del amor". Primera Hora. Retrieved 2008-01-29. 
  7. ^ Entertainment as a Second Language with Carlos Santos.
  8. ^ "Orfanato Music Group es el sello de Don Omar". Wikiton Magazine. 2008-06-25. Retrieved 2008-06-25. 
  9. ^ "Our Wedding Will Be a Fairy Tale" People en Espanol. February 21, 2008. Retrieved April 1, 2008
  10. ^ Don Omar amenaza a Jackie Guerrido en Twitter. People en Espanol. February 7, 2011. Retrieved April 5, 2011
  11. ^ "Jackie Guerrido y Don Omar ya están divorciados". People en Espanol. March 27, 2011. Retrieved April 5, 2011
  12. ^ Maderazo, Jennifer Woodard. "Don Omar Detained and Released in Bolivia", Vivir Latino, 19 September 2007.
  13. ^ "Cantante 'Don Omar' recobra libertad en Bolivia", El Mercurio Online, 18 September 2007.
  14. ^ a b c d "Flash!" (in Spanish). Don Omar: Pasa horas detenido. Puerto Rico: El Nuevo Día. 2007-09-19. p. 103. 
  15. ^ Brunton, Richard. (2006-05-26) Don Omar in new Fast and the Furious film. Retrieved on 2012-01-29.
  16. ^ Don Omar starring alongside Vin Diesel

External links[link]

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ymcmb, rawest niggas doing it
school for the blind, i dont see these niggas doing it
i'm doing it and doing it and doing it well
niggas wanna test me boy, who wanna fail?
hit you like a bully bitch, yeah saved by the bell
if you scared, go to church i'll see you in hell
and your girl, she a flip, give me heads or tails
everybody fake so i got real for sale
gunpowder fill the air
rappers shittin' on theyself, you could smell the fear
and these bitches laying flowers cause the king is near
t-raw this is the new flavour in ya ear
niggas softer than baby hair
why you acting tough, heard you work at build-a-bear
i'ma a dealer all my girls come in deuce and pairs
i'm in the building i construct so light this muthaf-cker up
what the funk you beezy's want
i'm ready to hump the car i call it ele-phunk
trunk in the front
man she give me good brain cause she feel dumb
i just keep going like the bunny till i feel numb
yeah these bitches want it
i put my man's on it
that 110 sup', that ferrari caliornia
niggas want beef, call me tony romo
you potatoes on the sofa
lazy muthaf-ckas why you aint even trying
rich or die trying, why you niggas aint died yet?
wings tattoo yeah forever on some fly shit
and i'm with the business skip peon with a ty clip
stay on the flight yeah i'ma trip
probably up in paradise chillin like parliaments
flow got a boner, you could say i'm on some harder shit
bout to make the speaker buss'
(mic this muthaf-cka up)
[nicki minaj]
okay, i get money
i get money like a bitch
she aint gon' win the war but swear that bitch a trip
you see how the diamonds get to dancing
yeah, ya money short, get some pants and shit
i be with a nigga with a big ol' dick
yeah i like them balls you be shooting them bricks
f-ck you in the game for?
bitch we up three sippin' this game four
tell 'em listen, couple bad bitches's
out in kingston kicking up bricks and shit
intervention bitch i pay ya pension
oh you say what? i don't pay attention
yeah these niggas want it
i put my bitches on it
you know the tattoo's got nicki initials on it
i put the pussy on 'em, cook 'em a pot roast
then pull off in the ghost
bitch i do the most
what the funk you beezy's want?
it aint your turn, better have my money
friday like big worm
can't see you niggas, you like a little germ
bitches know i'm excellent like mr burns
see my dick like butter churn
baby churn and ya girl with me fo'shure
that aint your concern
she forgot about her other man, she will never learn
on a mic till i die, rip chick huh
yessir, colder than the pittsburgh?
winter fresher than a will smith t-shirt
these spurts coming through last king and a hearse
ask later, shoot first, got shooters like dirt
when it hurts leave you losers bruised up
bruce lee nunchucks
toe from the floor up though
duck, rubber duck now you like oh shucks
tell the neighbours i don't give a f-ck

Rack City Bitch, Rack, Rack City Bitch
Ten, Ten, Ten, Twenties On Yo Titties Bitch
Hunded deep V.I.P No Guest List
T Raw You Don't Know Who You You Fuckin Wit
Got Ma Other Bitch Fuckin Wit Ma Other Bitch
Fuckin All Night Nigga We Ain't Celibate
Nigga Said Im Too Dope, I Ain't Selling It
Bar Fresher Then A Ma'Fuckin Peppermint
Gold Letterman's Last King Killin' Shit
Young Money, Young Money Yeah We Gettin' Rich
Get Cha Grandma On My Dick (Haha)
Girl You Know What It Is
Rack City Bitch, Rack, Rack City Bitch (x3)
Ten, Ten, Ten Twenties And Them Fifties Bitch
Rack City Bitch, Rack, Rack City Bitch (x3)
Ten, Ten, Ten Twenties And Them Fifties Bitch
Imma Ma'Fuckin Star (Star)
Look At The Paint On The Car (Car)
Too Much Rim Make The Ride Too Hard
Tell That Bitch Hop Out, Walk The Boulevard
I Need My Money Pronto
Get It In The Morning Like Alonzo, Rondo
Green Got Cheese Like A Nacho
If You Aint Got No Ass Bitch Wear A Poncho
Head Honcho, Got My Seat Back
Niggas Starin' At Me, Dont Get Bapped
Got My Shirt Off, The Club Too Packed
Its Too Turnt, Going Up Like Gas
Goddamn, Pull Out My Rags
Mike, Mike Jackson Nigga Im Back
Ra-Ta-Ta-Tat Tatted Up On My Back
All The Hoes Love Me, You Know What It Is
Rack City Bitch, Rack, Rack City Bitch (x3)
Ten, Ten, Ten Twenties And Them Fifties Bitch
Rack City Bitch, Rack, Rack City Bitch (x3)
Ten, Ten, Ten Twenties And Them Fifties Bitch
Throwin' Hundreds, Hundreds,
Hundreds hundreds

Featuring: Adele
She said if you love me let me know
If you don't then let me go
[Tyga - verse 1]
The memories soon fade, why couldn't they be erased
You hoping it's just a phase, your heart'll heal within days
Some people think it's wrong, being single isn't right
But you hurt the right person you'll be wrong all your life
Inevitable to let you go, separate the sexual
Feelings when I'm close to you, f-cking til' the sky is blue
Morning time, home fries, cooking with your t-shirt on
Panties, bra, damn I eat you good when you take it off
Ha, damn I'm nasty, I mean you make me nasty
Going the extra mile flying just to make me happy
Did it all, too much wasn't enough
Now it's gone but sometimes I sit and hope
I hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded
I hate to turn out up out of the blue uninvited
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it
I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it
I hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded
I hate to turn out up out of the blue uninvited
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it
I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it
[Tyga - verse 2]
Whatever ever happened to love and being happy
Infatuated with lust, I loved you and now I'm backwards
Time is of the essence, I broke it, took it for granted
Love is like art, heartbroken on the canvas
Painted the perfect picture, you seemed to never get it
Colors prevail and you turn into a f-cking monster
Schizophrenic, nicknames Bonnie and Clyde
Now doctors calling us Mr. and Mrs. Hyde
How do you manage but still do you
Can't compromise, we all equal opportunists
It's when I'm level headed they aiming to take my head off
Birds flock together, tell bitches I'm throwing bread off
Cold, women, fall in love getting splintered?
Strictly plutonic, only thing she want is dinner
I can't fuck with her, get her some tonic, gin, liquor
She might let me lick her, now she miss me sayin
I hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded
I hate to turn out up out of the blue uninvited
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it
I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it
I hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded
I hate to turn out up out of the blue uninvited
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it
I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it
Angels in the a.m., sin on my flesh
Girls in the p.m., excuses PMS
They all wanna love em, call em Ms. Next
Spirit of a hustler, I only chase checks
Go home
I ain't tryna do you wrong
I'd rather be alone

Being king took me on a journey
All across the world
Sidetrack from the love of my queen
Realize I have to make an effort
To show a king's life

How Many Niggas Gonna Say I'm A G (A G...)
Bet You Bitches Gonna Remember Me (Me...)
[Verse 1:]
Needs No Motherfucking Intro
As I Walk With The Swagger Like I'm 6'4"
Skinny Nigga Dough
Fresh Like Mentos
Look At Me Real Close
Rap Nigga Been In Vogue
But I Never Pose
But I Make Hoes
Marilyn Monroe
Stripped Down No Clothes
Bring It Back Like 6 4 Nintendos
Blow On My Holy O
Catch The Holy Ghost
Damn Listen To The Sound
Metal Rounds
Never Play Around
Kid I'm No Playground
Niggas Puppy Chow
Eating With Their Face Down
Niggas Tatty Tales
One Shit Kill Now
Who You Gonna Tell
When The Night Comes And The Sun Comes
Bet You Bitches Gonna Remember Me
So Take The Lights Off And Turn The Lights On
Many Niggas Gonna Say I'm A G
When The Night Comes And The Sun Comes
Bet You Bitches Gonna Remember Me
So Take The Lights Off And Turn The Lights On
Many Niggas Gonna Say I'm A G
When The Night Comes
[Verse 2:]
Feel Better Like I'm Leather On Jackson
Red Devil Porsche Turns
Sex On The Beach Burns
You Can Smell Like Inscents In The Air
Air I Pronounce Were
And I Announce Were
Like I'm Teachers
Through Your Speakers
You're Fucking With A tiger
Bite Through First
Burberry Hur
Bird Bath Blood Now
It's A Vampire Shirt (Haha)
Coffin Some Materity Diverse
Flow So Sick That It Hurts
Truth To Be Told
Wardrobe Like Movie Clothes
My Life Front Row
And You Sitting Too Close
When The Night Comes And The Sun Comes
Bet You Bitches Gonna Remember Me
So Take The Lights Off And Turn The Lights On
Many Niggas Gonna Say I'm A G
When The Night Comes And The Sun Comes
Bet You Bitches Gonna Remember Me
So Take The Lights Off And Turn The Lights On
Many Niggas Gonna Say I'm A G
When The Night Comes (Comes Comes...)
Many Niggas Gonna Say I'm A G
When The Night Comes (Comes Comes)
Many Niggas Gonna Say I'm A G
[Verse 3:]
Floss Getting Them
Like Then That's Where I'm From
Kickbacks Ain't Fun
When You're Getting Kicked Up
Sorry I Got Tempa
Hotter Then Magenta
Flame Colored Menstral
Period Red Rum
Better Pray Like Nuns
Cause You Don't Want None
Buck Buck Two A Pedestrians
I Don't Give A Fuck Straight Shit On A Bum
What's Up My Mind like A lugnut
Don't Fucking Screw Up
When The Night Comes And The Sun Comes
Bet You Bitches Gonna Remember Me
So Take The Lights Off And Turn The Lights On
Many Niggas Gonna Say I'm A G
When The Night Comes And The Sun Comes
Bet You Bitches Gonna Remember Me
So Take The Lights Off And Turn The Lights On
Many Niggas Gonna Say I'm A G
When The Night Comes (Comes Comes...)
When The Night Comes (Comes Comes...)
When The Night Comes (Comes Comes...)
When The Night Comes (Comes Comes...)

(Verse 1:)
I'm rolling up that gold thing
These bitches acting domain
She giving up that domain
Don't give my number she know the name,
That king sh-t that be my game
Ain't got a nigga her ex lame,
She usually don't do this tonight
Sho gon' f-ck with me.
I beat up that p-ssy that wet in my two seater
Her nails done, her hair did
I'm about to mess up all of it.
Just don't say another word, you wannaa talk just use your tongue,
Roll over, give daddy some, I'm gon' cum you
Gon' come like
Don't it feel good?
Got you drippimg down your thighs,
Then you gripping on the wheel
Alright alright.
She said don't it feel good?
Then she ridding on the top,
She about to make it pop.
She said,
Why f-ck with everybody?
I say, baby In only be f-cking you!
She said,
Don't be f-ck with nobody I want you to myself
And I want you too.
So you know I say just get on the bed,
I know you want it babe so open your legs,
I know when you coming baby.
My tongue got you going crazy your toes and thighs shaking, I eat up!
She said, I'm ready to f-ck, ooh yeah,
She said, I'm ready to f-ck, Yeah!
(Verse 2:)
Dealing with these bitches
You got to have your game tight,
Cause most of them won't act right.
You gotknow how to lay your pipe,
My ex bitch named Jordan, she pretty, spoil you
No nigga gon' love you how I love you Sally Blows
I need some, I need some
I found some, I hope it's real
Cause ain't no telling what these girls be trying to get
I'm young and rich,
I'm these niggas, so I give them clean dick
Like ha ha!
Don't it feel good?
Got you drippimg down your thighs,
Then you gripping on the wheel
Alright alright.
She said don't it feel good?
Then she ridding on the top,
She about to make it pop.
She said,
Why f-ck with everybody?
I say, baby In only be f-cking you!
She said,
Don't be f-ck with nobody I want you to myself
And I want you too.
So you know I say just get on the bed,
I know you want it babe so open your legs,
I know when you coming baby.
My tongue got you going crazy your toes and thighs shaking, I eat up!
She said, I'm ready to f-ck, ooh yeah,

Never will I be the same... came with the fame
We just party cause, I've got a name,
For them life is the same, (the same)
But man, I will never be the same!
As I held every prayer, my wing to the stage,
Grab a... oxygen, don't...
Never afraid, never go green, amj is win the game.
Feeling like a... wishing things now was like back in the day!
Got a big brick, so you won't let no kick,
Now everybody...
But what you wait?
Sleeping on me, you won't wake,
Is a killer looking in my eyes, you will see, will you, nigger?
Never will I be the same... came with the fame
We just party cause, I've got a name,
For them life is the same,
But man, I will never be the same!
Rolling down the window, holler new...
How I let these bimbos and my girl find out no more
Bring your car out for me!
She... is only nineteen.
Fuck that battle race, been these chains, oh chains for less case!
More money, more money,
Young money, your money,
I just tell 'em fuck off!
These new niggers are past!
... to a tiger and a shock.
And you wonder why I'm off the...
Bitch, cause bad, bitch, to the bone!
Never will I be the same... came with the fame
They just party cause I've got a name,
For them life is the same,
But man, I will never be the same!
I will never be the same...
Nigger got a... every shit getting into,
Nigger, I'll be kinda hostile, I'm numb,
Go to the play, cause it's fun,
What you think... coconuts to a drug that I'm dumb?
Tell that girl...
You can be my little second mom,
When I'm done, take my kids, aha!
Yeah, you like that, your keys in your...
Don't... come to the king, had to...
Never will I be the same... came with the fame
They just party cause I've got a name,
For them life is the same,
But man, I will never be the same!
I will never be the same!
I will never be the same!

She said if you love me let me know
If you don't then let me go
[Tyga - verse 1]
The memories soon fade, why couldn't they be erased
You hoping it's just a phase, your heart'll heal within days
Some people think it's wrong, being single isn't right
But you hurt the right person you'll be wrong all your life
Inevitable to let you go, separate the sexual
Feelings when I'm close to you, f-cking til' the sky is blue
Morning time, home fries, cooking with your t-shirt on
Panties, bra, damn I eat you good when you take it off
Ha, damn I'm nasty, I mean you make me nasty
Going the extra mile flying just to make me happy
Did it all, too much wasn't enough
Now it's gone but sometimes I sit and hope
I hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded
I hate to turn out up out of the blue uninvited
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it
I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it
I hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded
I hate to turn out up out of the blue uninvited
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it
I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it
[Tyga - verse 2]
Whatever ever happened to love and being happy
Infatuated with lust, I loved you and now I'm backwards
Time is of the essence, I broke it, took it for granted
Love is like art, heartbroken on the canvas
Painted the perfect picture, you seemed to never get it
Colors prevail and you turn into a f-cking monster
Schizophrenic, nicknames Bonnie and Clyde
Now doctors calling us Mr. and Mrs. High
How do you manage but still do you
Can't compromise, we all equal opportunists
It's when I'm level headed they aiming to take my head off
Birds flock together, tell bitches I'm throwing bread off
Cold, women, fall in love getting splintered?
Strictly plutonic, only thing she want is dinner
I can't fuck with her, get her some tonic, gin, liquor
She might let me lick her, now she miss me sayin
I hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded
I hate to turn out up out of the blue uninvited
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it
I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it
I hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded
I hate to turn out up out of the blue uninvited
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it
I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it
Angels in the a.m., sin on my flesh
Girls in the p.m., excuses PMS
They all wanna love em, call em Ms. Next
Spirit of a hustler, I only chase checks
Go home
I ain't tryna do you wrong
I'd rather be alone

When they hate on ya [x4] I turn around and put my shades on.
When they hate on ya (shades on) [x4]
Big money with the power
Till I hit this off by the hour
Pop out the jet to the tours
Both top floors are ours [How could you]
Now love love love, what you into
I'm in the magazine now, what's an issue
Go cry baby here, get a tissue, get a tissue, call me when you get through
Cause I'll be the boss as low
Yellow terms as the cars they go
So on until dorn, we toast if they get too close just remember though
Bow to what you now witness
Lyrical chemist
Cage with the kiddis
Can't get my name on my meaning
If I said it than I'm in it when you hear it over
Get it
Hit it off downtown neh feed him
That's what I heard from a bird whisper, ask him
Whether lecker
Getting that b*'s
Saying on twitter
They see me from a distance [really]
Cause I'll be the boss as low
Yellow terms as the cars they go
So on until dorn, we toast if they get too close just remember though
Cardiac the zeal Loui V
Great band porche (Gucci) [x4]

G E D prepare for launch
In 3... 2... 1...
Welcomin' Tyga man from mars
Possible most popular star
Vámonos he's getting to far
Make a wish now and draw your card
Hello miss space diva in the yellow
I see you see I'm dream fellow
Stay puff for me like pillows
Marshmallows and a goal that's my flow
I'm winnin' the prize for the deadest man alive
Cause my brains on a page that the author didn't wright
But they ain't using my name, leave nothing in your vein
So take it from me safety's on, your lane
Put your safety's on, get ready for a change
And this right here, this heres no range
For Christ sake look around it's space
Pick a place let's move in today
I'll take you on a ride
Just step inside
Look around you hear the sound
But close your eyes
Imagine your not alive
Feel free to fly
Lift off the mission oh so go in time
So so shorty is you vibin'
Oh oh oh you like shinin'
Well well I can buy you diamonds
Think about it naw shorty I'm lyin'
Don't don't get to excited
That's the beat and I'm just rhymin'
Me so officially but no license
I guess we space joyridin'
Ok buckle up buckle up time to take off
Put the a.c. on let it blow your face off
Where we goin' I don't know
But I guarantee you never been before
So sit back
And let me guide ya guide ya
Cause I'm not like the dudes that ya used to buyin'
F L Y that's what I am
But you are my top pick, you the pilot
Under my wings cause I doin' my thing
On the t.v. yeah on the scene
It's hard to believe that I'm livin' a dream
Blinded by the lights and all this bling
Now heres your choice you can stay or leave
But make your mind up before the times up
Your too late and why I can't state
I'll take you on a ride
Just step inside
Look around you hear the sound
But close your eyes
Imagine your not alive
Feel free to fly

Now that shorties in my bedroom saying "what should we do? "
I said "hey, don't slow it down"
Now that shorties up in my place saying do it her way
I said "hey, don't slow it down"
Slow it dooooown. [x4]
Uh, gotta find her.
Thought to my mind, don't wanna be lonely tonight
[Verse 1:]
Stepped out, threw my diamond s sweater
On to the grocery, quarter eleven
The aisles with the beverages, 347
Seen two college chicks, why you gigglin?
I asked, they said "you be on television"
"Wait, your Tyga, my friend wants a picture"
So you live close by? Next thing I'm looking in her eyes
Now that shorties in my bedroom saying "what should we do? "
I said "hey, don't slow it down"
Now that shorties up in my place saying do it her way
I said "hey, don't slow it down"
Slow it dooooown. [x4]
Uh, gotta find her.
Thought to my mind, don't wanna be lonely tonight
[Verse 2:]
Later on, hit the club. I'm chillen
Funny how time flies when you in it
Valet Bentley, gently tinted
Seen misses, she use to stay in my building
Ten fifty
God, never seen you in a dress before
So you moved? Where to?
"To the hills of Hollywood, you should come... visit... soon"
Now that shorties in my bedroom saying "what should we do? "
I said "hey, don't slow it down"
Now that shorties up in my place saying do it her way
I said "hey, don't slow it down"
Slow it dooooown. [x4]
Hoooou, ooooooh (no need to rush it, ya know)
So take your time
As the one for me
So ease your mind
As the one for me
[Verse 3:]
Uhh, I'm feeling better already
We've been steady
Put a diamond lump on your damn pinkie
I do miss you, just been busy
Do you miss me?
How bout I come get you?
Now that shorties in my bedroom saying "what should we do? "
I said "hey, don't slow it down"
Now that shorties up in my place saying do it her way
I said "hey, don't slow it down"

(Ha... Tyga.)
(look Gata man I got a problem)
(what is it man?)
(see it's this one chick man... it's like I wanna be with her)
(but it's... it's all bad)
(what is it?)
[Verse 1: Tyga]
Look shawty is a f-f-fan (fan)
For the t-Tyga man (man)
And I'm thinkin about introducin' her to him (uh-huh)
But my image I cannot ruin (nope)
So I need a middle man (yup)
Who's game is as swagged out as mine on the scene (let's see)
So I call G-A-T-A from La (Gata)
But he says I'm in the Bay with Stunna man GD
Now I'm all in the day thinking what should I say (hmmm)
Be smooth like Mase or Diddy with the thang hmmm
Look ya'll I ain't did this in so long
Since the mexican bar screamin "mija where you goin? " (can I follow?)
I'm feelin so thirst chasin this mini skirt
But she knows my every verse so maybe this feeling I can reverse on her
Like "hey miss unknown, how ya doin? "
I peeped you at my show
Saw you singing along
So she pulled out her phone
So I pulled out my phone
Asked her for digits but she just wanted a picture
Cause you see she be at all my? shows
See shawty screamin in the front row
Her myspace page nuttin but my videos, my videos
Cause shawty is a fan (hey!)
A fan (hey) shawty is a fan (hey!)
A fan (hey) shawty is a fan (hey!)
A fan (hey) shawty is a fan (hey!) a fan
[Verse 2: Gata]
Look let me tell you 'bout this chick
She's a real pretty chick
Long hair with nice eyes and she got the perfect tits
When she walk her waist dop
But I ain't trippin on this chick (nope!)
Cause she on Tyga dick
Just like every other chick
Who be reachin for my hand cause they know that I'm the man
I call them groupies slash friends why?
All because I can
And that's no disrespect to my true lady fans
Who be bumpin my jams while they chillin with they man
(wait wait wait... chillin with they man?)
Yea chillin with they man
Well shawty goddamn... you really are a fan
Cause everywhere I go... you seem to follow
At the mall... at the show
But at the hotel... NO!
Cause you see she be at all my? shows
See shawty screamin in the front row
Her myspace page nuttin but my videos, my videos
Cause shawty is a fan (hey!)
A fan (hey) shawty is a fan (hey!)
A fan (hey) shawty is a fan (hey!)
A fan (hey) shawty is a fan (hey!) a fan
(man this shit is crazy man)
(it's crazy man)
(like this chick... she's like a groupie man)
(uh huh)
(but at the same times she's a fan man)
(but you met her on tour though... so what you expect?)
(it's crazy man. it's like they gotta know they roles)
(either you gonna be a groupie... or you gonna be a fan... I love my fans)
(I think I... I-I I think they wanna be both though man)
(I love my fans too but...)
(you can't be both!)
(some of them be fine as fuck)
(I be wantin them... but I can't do it... you know why?)

Uh, in this world after one thing
Get ya money man, like ya uncle told me
Haven’t slept since, cause my dreams real big
I aint even rich yet, so get up off my d-ck bitch
Oh shit haters through the mist, on some g-shit
Low clip, pop gun, hot toast, noodle shit
You a little noodle drip, watch a shark eat the fish
Ever seen piranha, it’s like the movie jaws again
Leave a n-gga barbershop, chop his top, head gone
Too fly, three strong, nick name, gold bones
What the f-ck you boys want
Roll on you like a joint
Talk behind a n-gga back but muthaf-cka don’t you point
KFC by the bucket, thats really raw
AK’s you can’t tuck it, thats really raw
Watching porno’s on the iPad, thats really raw
Lamourghini’s with the wide baggage, really raw
It’s that raw from the crippers, pyru’s and strippers
Homie, you could tip her, but I already get her
Harder than I did her, same sh-t, get no different
Aint no fun if the homies can’t hit it
Bitches, ice cold heart make you shiver
I got the flow, make summer turn winter
Ch-ch-chilly raw cheese stick made up in Philly
I come in peace like a hippy
Piece on my chain, grandma say that silly
The new sports car, retard, Timmy
Watching porno’s on the ipad, illy
Tryna follow my style, don’t get dizzy muthaf-cka what you know ’bout
Jerseys with the stealers, thats really raw
20 n-ggas on four wheelers, thats really raw
Going green, thats so cool, thats really raw
My jacket smell like jet fuel, it’s killing y’all
Just bought a ’77 baby blue cadillac
Run it down, set it off, let it off, get back
Diss this twist, this is one of my flavas
Guerilla’s, lions and tigers, they all of my neighbours
Swinging from a vine, like step in my limelight
My kids and my wife and my life got my mind right
Now, what do you do when they spray with the AK
Retaliate n-gga cause ya life full of melee
We got the heat for the street, let me that dough
Ya boy talkin like we don’t know
Blast pass with the forks, no you rollin’ with the locusts
Been the pimpest and the hippest and I’ve always been the dopest
Peep my style
Louie bags you can’t order, thats really raw
Miami cribs on blue water, thats really raw
Blood making the game redder, thats really raw
N-gga we hot like Mayweather, it’s killin’ y’all
P stand for Pacqiauo n-gga
California nas
I’m more raw than red snapper in the pacific ocean
More raw than the brick as soon as you split it open
Talkin’, the kitchen smokin,
Talkin’ the pots bubbling
I got the blueberry on deck but not muffins
My glock stuffed in my Levi’s
My levis on the buttersoft leather, (2012)
Panamera four door Porsche
My chick named Porsche
They two in the same, my stick game is torcher
Monday night raw, got n-ggas in figure four locks
Hit the block YO, you would think it was Fort locks
I don’t rap for Billboard spots
I just wanna f-ck as many bitches as I can and cop some more drops, raw
Gargling with champagne, thats really raw
Classic millionaire frames, thats really raw
White tee’s and Jordan 3′s, thats really raw
Windmilling with them shits on, killin’ y’all

kill a flow ? last king and on the daily,
call a mother fucker, buy the government, but call me crazy!
yeah i'm on that fucking juice,
have a sip i'll fuck you later,
money on my table, pick it up, i'll call it tip the waiter,
yeah, i'm the first to last, alpha, omega,
i ain't trying to talk, bitch i'm concentrating!
i'm the dopest nigga , word to ronald reagan
she don't play no games, she blow me like a sega.
hundred thousand on my tax,
twenty thousand on my tats,
no lie, i've got twelve hundred snapbacks,
go yard everywhere, bitch i'm ballin,
young money running shit, you niggas just jogging,
shoutout drizzy i'm posted in toronto,
eyes so bright, diamonds on...,
uh, wine bottles, uh barely drunk,
shades on nigga don't be trying to say what's up!
cause you're real or fake, real or fake,
real or fake, real or fake!
most bitches, niggas call me real or fake,
real or fake, real or fake!
real or fake, real or fake!
real or fake, real or fake!
yeah, real or fake!
most bitches, niggas call me real or fake,
yeah, real or fake, bitch!
hotter then the summer coupe
south beach fountain blue,
cherry pie leather seats roofies on tomato soup,
german shepherd in my engine, barking at you scary bitches,
best defense, nigga...!
had a couple tickets, i was young into wrestling,
choke slam a nigga, big show pick 'em.
i'm on my p's and q's,
i don't ask questions, i figure shit out,
multiplying decimals,
son of... in my denim, lick the bullet like a lizard,
couldn't see me with a sigma, definately ill autism,
hard alliance but its tyga hotter then a fucking iron,
put that bitch on silent cause she talking like she tyra,
too much, uh niggas say they baby mommas love me,
crazy, i was on a tour with diddy counting that ciroc money,
but it's young money, ym hoe
t raw go , nigga they know!
real or fake, real or fake!
real or fake, real or fake
most bitches, niggers call me real or fake,
real or fake, real or fake, bitch!
real or fake, real or fake, bitch!
real or fake, real or fake, bitch!
yeah, real or fake!
most bitches, niggers call me real or fake,
yeah, real or fake, bitch!
i ain't got no time!
i ain't got no time!
i ain't got no time!
it's got.. on my cellphone,
i ain't got no time!
i ain't got no time!
i ain't got no time!

[Hook x2]
Snapbacks Back, Snapback Back
That's all these niggas saying, I brought Snapbacks back
I'm a fresh as nigga, bitches know I'm the shit
25 for my belt, nigga get off my dick
[Verse 1: Tyga]
I brought the snapback back, snapback back
Man all these niggas foul like hack-a-Shaq
Nigga racks on racks, my bitch ass so fat
Yo bitch booty like a pancake, flat flapjack
I make your dollars collapse trail low in the strap
Shells big as a turtle Master Splinter to rap
Spin you like Urkel your body hanging from fat
Thought you was sharper than tacks, get you thrown like some jacks
All these bitches with these tassels on their titties tryna tax
I don't give a f-ck if none of yall don't rap
I could pull a bitch just turning my back
Who knew that, venus trap
Flyest nigga in the class
Goyard bag, see that tag?
I could pay your rent all year boy
Yo mama know, your cousin, sister brother and your mama know
Your cousin, sister brother and your mama know
Your cousin, sister brother and your mama know
Bitch, your granny know nigga
[Hook x2]
[Verse 2: Chris Brown]
Leggo, snapback back, put V.A. on the map
I'm a young nigga, heartthrob, girls cardiac
I got your girls all on my dick
Yeah them chickens giving me neck, nigga
You ain't talkin bout shit
F-ck your city, press eject
Too busy coughing up them hairballs
Fur coat, Bear dog
Spray these niggas like aerosol
And f-ck them old niggas: Geritol
Hold up, snapback on
Champagne MCM backpack on
Lucky that my situation in this probation
Won't even let me strap that tome
My condo aint no hotter, I be right at home
What you mean nigga I'm coherant
Steez out with my D out and you wonder
Why your shorty be disappearing
Ha-Ha I brought the snapback back
Last kings and them Ti$as yeah they sell like crack
You got no car insurance, no Ray Bans
This Geico, caveman
First of the month you do a praise dance
Like I'm moving on up, Aye man
Stop that, drop a hat in the club
They gon be like that nigga on drugs
Get more respect in L.A. than you do
[Hook x2]
Snapbacks Back, Snapback Back
That's all these niggas saying, I brought Snapbacks back
I'm a fresh as nigga, bitches know I'm the shit

[Lil Wayne:]
(Let my lil niggaz holla at ya'll t.y.g.a yung mulah baby)
[Verse 1: Tyga]
Da color on da beat trick or treat all my bitches give like halloween pussy fiend savior every flavor lik jelly beans who it be candyman say my fuckin name in three Tyga... Tyga Tyga Tyga man gotta remember me father of my team no nothin other den ballin niggas talk sweet to dey head lik an almond knots on ya bald head knots in my pockets dem b da old days now it's in deposits for da love of money like da ojs in da 20's fuckin yung money getting every dollar junkies a dozen brothers how must it feel as a mother of ya lil pumkin bitch gettin smashed niggas takin numbers so many in line u could probably u would will die dis black friday nigga sales over bitches boat full of benjis sell it to da fijes me I'm neva empty I free da gently I spin it dat a risk fact a limp back gold medals on my skinny skin color money
Fuckin eh don't believe he sayin this shit let's go
[Verse 2:]
Better believe he don't eat it I deliver lik a pizza heat of da moment homies I get flat lik addidas I need a, endorsement deal lik jesus team say he got game ias fly n des sneakers malabas dey be singing cocunuts got em drinkin most of dem puke up dat eitha money I b eatin should I take a bow encore I'm thinkin bout dis rap in my bows on dis track I shit it out
Fuckin eh don't believe he sayin this shit Tyga Tyga
[Verse 3:]
Whos da next rumper? shake dat ass on my bubba gumper neva talks she jus fucks lik bella dona porn starer face shots lik bad boxers she take da kids lee lik key morer damn inconsiderate she say my knees hurtin but don't even care lik no insurance borin hatin ass biches jus ignore dem evict out dey apartments look wut your in georgy amonie corton I'm performer my mojos cold jo far from a boras u ain't neva seen a bling lik dis before me get chips mine lik theodore alvin simon american idol could'ntmake a star shine bright like I do

Fuck that fuck shit, pay me,
Rumors come and go, so I stay in a room presidential lately.
Top of the roof where the niggers start hating,
Talk that shit, I ain't for the bathing, but I swear the gang got so clay aching,
Brought a new crib, your bitch sets faces,
Ride to the motherfucking money, man, I swear the shit about nothing,
While you niggers bathing in the budget, boy, don't get close, I press that button, motherfucker
Lose the nigger roughed up, they be roughing,
Niggers rushed up, start scrubbing,
Nigger, get your cover, there's some troubles you are on,
Lucky motherfucker, don't be fucking with a young nigger dash.
Too many, one fucking problem,
Really master, need a doctor, I'm the sickest nigger 'bout it.
No desire, just the silence, on the season be ninety,
Kill yourself like you're in college, it's finals, cock it.
Bitch, don't cry it on, I ain't turn to violence,
Cash, money, party, guess you broke niggers ain't invited.
Bad bitch ridin', she dumb, but she get knowledge,
I ain't come to be robbing, but my personality vibrate,
In love with nobody, white bitches, the hottest,
Couple about my crotch, that shit need a party.
She lucky she on me, unlike them other niggers I got it.
T looty dooty, welcome to my houseparty.
Fuck, nigger, get your pants up,
Fuck, nigger, get your pants up,
Fuck, nigger, get your pants up,
We're getting money, we're turned up.
Say, fuck, nigger, get your pants up,
Fuck, nigger, get your pants up,
Fuck, nigger, get your pants up,
We're getting money, we're turned up.
Yellow bitch and I got this sister, black market I'm shopping,
Last kings and we bossing, I'm the first queen with no option,
I heard they hating, I don't give a fuck,
Tell 'em to bug in, they stuck in my cunt,
Bitch, get somewhere, 'cause you're doing too much,
Hungry for money and love ain't enough.
Getting rich, money, perfect picture.
Oh, no, I ain't messing at the studio with your ninja.
Tuck the name, I dis heard, kill your bitch, you're gonna miss her,
Bring that body shopping now, I watch that coffin fit her.
Funeral home bring, you this your own get,
You and your crew or just you alone
Not give a fuck, I don't take no brakes,
Body I hope that it ain't replaced.
I'm out. They try it at your house,
Young dog asian and they know what I'm about.
Fuck, nigger, get your pants up,
Fuck, nigger, get your pants up,
Fuck, nigger, get your pants up,
We're getting money, we're turned up.
Say, fuck, nigger, get your pants up,
Fuck, nigger, get your pants up,
Fuck, nigger, get your pants up,

Look at how she walk, walk,
Like a rich girl
Look at how she talk, talk
Like a rich girl
Lick your lips, blow a kiss
Stop playing
... rich
She so l.a., she damn every day
She like the scenery, I like to see her face
It's a lazy day and I'm ball anyway
So hit the freeway, chill with the boy bay
That swag whirlwind gotta say,
When she with me, she feel like beyonce
Back in the day, used to rock the... aways
She much older now, but she don't even look her age
Knew she get the dollars one day
A good girl every day's like sunday
Only one way to her soul
You don't need a flashlight cause her heart glows
Look at how she walk, walk,
Like a rich girl
Look at how she talk, talk
Like a rich girl
Lick your lips, blow a kiss
Stop playing
... rich
Look at how she walk, walk,
Like a rich girl
Look at how she talk, talk
Like a rich girl
Lick your lips, blow a kiss
Stop playing
... rich
She called me on the way to her friend's house
You know home girl with the loud mouth
She had a boyfriend but kicked the nigger out
You saying she was cute too, you know what I'm talking bout
Some chicks are the same, not her
I just seen them all pop up, popped her
Flying then I'm off to the next bird
But this one right here nigger superb
Scoop her then we listen to some luther
It's never too much, she know every word
I'm like very good, and she's from the hood
But she a rich girl, she can have the world
Look at how she walk, walk,
Like a rich girl
Look at how she talk, talk
Like a rich girl
Lick your lips, blow a kiss
Stop playing
... rich
Look at how she walk, walk,
Like a rich girl
Look at how she talk, talk
Like a rich girl
Lick your lips, blow a kiss
Stop playing
... rich
I'm looking for a rich girl, I'm looking for a rich girl
I'm looking for a rich girl, I'm looking for a rich girl
So come here
I'm looking for a rich girl, I'm looking for a rich girl
I'm looking for a rich girl, I'm looking for a rich girl
So come here, girl
Look at how she walk, walk,
Like a rich girl
Look at how she talk, talk
Like a rich girl
Lick your lips, blow a kiss
Stop playing
... rich
Look at how she walk, walk,
Like a rich girl
Look at how she talk, talk
Like a rich girl
Lick your lips, blow a kiss
Stop playing

It's that one shot splatter, burst, splatter gun, wrap
Tighter, tighter, tap dance off a ladder, leave my nuts splatter on an apparatus
Use a faggot, fast fuck her in her pantsy, fabric ain't neccessing
You drop on aside, it drops like melasses, paranoia on you, 'cause it's blood on your fabric.
Bitch stretched out backseat of a navi, hold in your breath, cold sweats, nerve spasms,
I'm sick, damn, it's the others.
Couldn't say the bitch killed the brother, lesbians, two mothers, no need for rubbers,
Rescuing, let the couch, couldn't see apart, though
You're not in my game, you're too late for the auto.
I'm humble, keep everyone awake, shovel,
Hold up in my cake like a funnel.
I knew that shit. I've seen this shit all happen, but I've never been a witness
Problem I die, but I'll never been forgiven.
Purchases came, confidence is already driven.
Cop like calls, wind low, front seat, never let go.
Let them things fly like seagulls, you gonna feel it in the air like sick-o, nigger,
When them shots- bang
Pick a condo, pick a condom, fuck a bitch, made her think about nothing
And she about nothing, then I'm done after nothing,

Still Got It For You, Still Got It For You
Still Got It For You, Still Got It For You
Still Got It For You, Still Got It For You
Even Though We Let It Go
Is Better That You Know I Still
Ain't No Ain't Nobody Lie
Heard You Got A Bar Player But It Don't Excite You
I Ain't The One You Gotta Lie To
Lay Down Relax Tryin Max Let Me Bite You
Ahh Still Still A Super Super Freak
You Know I Have .. When I'm Rolling In The Streets
Enough About Me I Heard You Finish At The ..
Just Come .. 'Cause I'm The Same
Og Do It Young For Let .. Insecurity
Wrong Not Now All We Got Is All Memories
Used To Be Like Enemies
All You Winnin Bonnies Flashes Too Much Pride To Say Sorry
Shit Times Roll Like Have Today
Number 24 Let It Fade Away
She Got A Lead When She Wanna Stay
She Like How You're Feeling Babe
I Feel Good Got Some Time Off ..
Did You Have Fun 'Cause I'ma Need A Girl Just To Get Me On
And Maybe You Can Call It Sick
Bring It To The Crib And Get All This All This
I Know I Know I'm Blunt But I'm Really ..
You Want That Feeling Back
Well You Should Know I Still Got It For You
Still Got It For You, Still Got It For You
Still Got It For You, Still Got It For You
Still Got It For You, Still Got It For You
Even Though We Let It Go
Is Better That You Know I Still Got It For You
Still Got It For You, Still Got It For You
Still Got It For You, Still Got It For You
Even Though We Let It Go
Is Better That You Know I Still Got It For You
Still Got It For You, Still Got It For You
Still Got It For You, Still Got It For You
Even Though We Let It Go
Is Better That You Know I Still Got It For You
Still Got It For You, Still Got It For You
Still Got It For You, Still Got It For You
Even Though We Let It Go

Tyga Tyga
No Matter What Them Other People Say
I'm On My Way
Yea I'm On My On My Way
Paragone Stars
Tyga Tyga Ya'll
[Verse 1:]
Both Knuckles Up
Dimbles In The Duffle Ugh
Back Color Seperate Ya
Who Said I Ain't Good For Nothing
Respect My Hustleness
Madams Gets To Mumbling
Cause I'm Covered What Color Skin
Ask Her What My Mama Thinks
Along With My Beats She Sings
Compliments This Bachelor Seat
Once Laughed At Me
Cause I Had A Dream
Now They Wanna Relax Sit Back With Me
I Recline Decline Whenever They Speak
No Room To Breathe Look At My Eyes
Same Lies The Truth Defeat God Who Size Life KneesHigh
See Ya'll One Day After I Die Nigga
Long Ways Got A Strong Case
To Demonstrate Before I Elevate
As The Swagger Serenades
I See Evil Hate Turn For Great
Admission Am I A The Non Fake
Put The Large Cake On My Plate
With A Lil Beat They Scream And Say
At My Shows Every Road They Scream
People Seem The Same
Somenights Gotta Repent It
Twice Now Everybody Say
Tyga Tyga
No Matter What Them Other People Say
I'm On My Way
Yea I'm On My On My Way
Paragone Stars
Tyga Tyga Ya'll
[Verse 2:]
How Many Marksman Do You Know In The Local Projects
How Many Niggas Hold You Down When The Shit Has Started
Been Counting That's why I Ain't Heavy Mobbin
Got A Low Key Crib Cause Rich Is Retarded
Repeating Their Head Dead What You On All Day Shit Too
Too Much Talking They Get Me Nausea
Small Apartment Do All Your Dirty Laundry
Cause word Spread To Everybody
And They Aunties No Pretzels But Shit Is Salty
Can't Even Trust The Modest
You Might Spot Them Go Ahead And? Pot Shit
My Details'll Leave A Mosh Pit
Hones This Kid Is
At My Shows Every Road They Scream
People Seem The Same
Somenights Gotta Repent It
Twice Now Everybody Say
Tyga Tyga
No Matter What Them Other People Say
I'm On My Way
Yea I'm On My On My Way
Paragone Stars
Tyga Tyga Ya'll
[Verse 3:]
On My Way To The Penthouse Send A Little Meow
My Friend Like Meet Ya You Don't Know Tyga?
She Really Don't Care Bout Me Neither
Either I'm Too Far Or Her Mom Cat Can't Reach up
Or She Don't Like Music Making Money Niggas
But I do Know I Ain't Got time I Manuevers
Like That Voodoo
Like That You Knew
Me Don't I'm Already High Rap Voo Voo
Vroom Flew Right Past You Or Something Emaciulent
Marry Catholic Accurate To It's adjective
Average Chicks Think I Ain't Bagging 'em
I Still Go In I Just Love It When They Call Him
Tyga Tyga
At My Shows Every Road They Scream
People Seem The Same
Somenights Gotta Repent It
Twice Now Everybody Say
Tyga Tyga
No Matter What Them Other People Say
I'm On My Way
Yea I'm On My On My Way
Paragone Stars

Well it's that big bad banger
See the dick is what I'm slanging
YM entertainment
She goin toot it cause I'm famous
I'm a well known singer
Every beat get strangled
Tyga got stripes, motherfuckin Bengal
This that stop drop and roll
You ain't know it let me show you
Beat it from the back bitch
Now your nickname [?]
Used to be my cuddy buddy
Now we can't be friends
Heard she got game, well
Well it's that big bad banger
See the dick is what I'm slanging
YM entertainment
She goin toot it cause I'm famous
I'm a well known singer
Every beat get strangled
Tyga got stripes, motherfuckin Bengal
This that stop drop and roll
You ain't know it let me show you
Beat it from the back bitch
Now your nickname [?]
Used to be my cuddy buddy
Now we can't be friends
Heard she got game
Choo choo train, oww
Make your toes hit the ceiling
Let her run, house
But my name ain't Diggy
Old enough show me titties
Poor bitches sayin' gimme
I'm not a white man
I ain't coming down no chimney
Put my tongue in yo pop
French kiss kiss
Like the french do on my fry
Ha ha, yea I got you laughin' at me
Cause the way I make you cum is so flabbergastin'
Spazz spasm, Mr organism
Fuck with me guaranteed that you goin' have one
Clap clap, Well Done, when I tap that
Tap dance like bojangles
In the dash yea
Black man on the rise
So please step aside
You ain't seen an agent this fly
So tootsie roll bitch
Then I hit that butterfly
Yea pop that, let me see that monkey
The dick in yo mouth
Don't be a bonehead
Put it so deep, now she a cone head
I say I put it so deep, now she a cone head
That used to be my favorite movie I remember watchin that shit
Toot it n boot it around here
I say I ain't have sex in a long time
I say I ain't have sex in a long time
I say I ain't have sex in a long time
Oh we having sex tonight
I say I ain't have sex in a long time
I say I ain't have sex in a long time
I say I ain't have sex in a long time

(Tyga montana, tyga montana, tyga montana)
(Montana, tyga montana)
Ugh, tyga montana
Got a white bitch named hanna
She giggin' off on my grammar
Pop that titty call that shit janet
I'm on straight goose n' tropicana
Hoes like I'm santa
She jimmy choo no sandals
Flippin' bitches like they all channels
One hand in my handle
Hammer time then I'm dancing
Got real hawks in atlanta
Scar your face for that mansion
Tell 'er bounce, she prancing
What that's polka dots on your panties?
Who the boss? tony danza
Know you lazy niggas can't stand me
We got 4 doors and more whores
2 doors that's short dwarf
Fe-rrari red horse
It act an ass go eeyore
Hee-haa my engine roar
Half a mil when I finish tour
Last kings I'ma order more
My watch brand you can't afford (ha)
All good do it biggie gravy play me baby born
I look so asian all my bitches early 802s
80 swag speed racing through my shades
I see your fakeness
Uhh, hoes gone be hoes can't save a f-cking bitch
It's simultaneous, albanian, israeli, panamanian
Ukrainian giving dome top cranium (ha)
Ass shot jeans like she painted them
T-raww niggas tryna favour him
(Well done)
You can pay for it though

This is like riding through the city
With the ocean in the backgorund
This is like riding in Paris with your girl sitting up
B-side, baby parlay
Waterfront top back, coupe with a fade
Tonight is ours, paper city, red ruby
You looking fine, as beautiful as one could ever be
Tires spinning, fast cars, fast women
And I just wanna get a night with a happy ending
The yacht life, hear the splash, so much class
Lift your glass, make a toast, we around the map
His and hers, hermes bags, left the tag
All real love shit, with a scrub
Chillin on top, get away, just a flight
Living life, this is what it's like...
She's so relentless, body of a goddess
Gotta take her higher
Rain through my window pane, she the fire to my flame
Good aim, put your heart where the sky is
It's cold down there but it's lonely up here
The world's so cold you gonna need a moncler
Ma stare, when I look at you it's all clear
Tryna keep it together and ball like?
4-Seas, car clean, ?
I'm from the go-era, my jewels is?
A party ain't a party if it ain't all night

Don't You Worry About The Beef My Nigga,
Everything's Straight
When You See Me In The Hood,
Don't Worry You Ain't Gotta Hate
Wassup Wassup Wassup (It's All Love)
Wassup Wassup Wassup (It's All Love)
Shit, We All In A Recession,
Nigga I'm Broke To
I See You Lookin At Me,
What The Fuck I Do To You
Wassup Wassup Wassup (It's All Love)
Wassup Wassup Wassup (It's All Love)
Look, Hate To Glit It
Wrist In Hand
This Ain't No Little Man
Just Presidential Rolex And,
This Is My Biggest And,
Jelously Attractin Them
Tryin My Best To Do Less,
Tryin My Best But,
I'm Such To A Greater Extend
My Phone Rings,
A Block Call,
2 A.M.
Who Could It Be,
Not Moms.
She's? .
Sayin Her Son Paid It
Like If One Make It,
We All Made It.
Don't You Worry About The Beef My Nigga,
Everything's Straight
When You See Me In The Hood,
Don't Worry You Ain't Gotta Hate
Wassup Wassup Wassup (It's All Love)
Wassup Wassup Wassup (It's All Love)
Shit, We All In A Recession,
Nigga I'm Broke To
I See You Lookin At Me,
What The Fuck I Do To You
Wassup Wassup Wassup (It's All Love)
Wassup Wassup Wassup (It's All Love)
I'm Tryna To Be Paitent Homie,
But All This Hatin On Me,
Got Me Thinkin Saten Own Me.
I Don't Owe Em,
But My Whole Circle Waitin On Me
If I Don't Show Em, Make Moves
They Gone Be Skatin On Me,
Now This Basement Lonely
Or We On That TV Doin That,
Matter Fact,
I Think I'm a Give Em A Call Them Back
But I Ain't Got Time For All That
Tryna Give Me Gifts
So They Can Say They Bought That
Agree, What You Want From Me
A Bag Full Of Money?
Don't You Worry About The Beef My Nigga,
Everything's Straight
When You See Me In The Hood,
Don't Worry You Ain't Gotta Hate
Wassup Wassup Wassup (It's All Love)
Wassup Wassup Wassup (It's All Love)
Shit, We All In A Recession,
Nigga I'm Broke To
I See You Lookin At Me,
What The Fuck I Do To You
Wassup Wassup Wassup (It's All Love)
Wassup Wassup Wassup (It's All Love)
All My Westside Riders Wassup, Wassup
All My Eastside Riders Wassup, Wassup
All My Northside Riders Wassup, Wassup
And All My Southsdie Riders Wassup, Wassup
L.A. N.Y. Wassup (It's All Love)
And My A.V.A Wassup (It's All Love)
Chi City Detroit Wassup (It's All Love)
H Town Boston Wassup (It's All Love)
Don't You Worry About The Beef My Nigga,
Everything's Straight
When You See Me In The Hood,
Don't Worry You Ain't Gotta Hate
Wassup Wassup Wassup (It's All Love)
Wassup Wassup Wassup (It's All Love)
Shit, We All In A Recession,
Nigga I'm Broke To
I See You Lookin At Me,
What The Fuck I Do To You
Wassup Wassup Wassup (It's All Love)
Wassup Wassup Wassup (It's All Love)
Don't You Worry About The Beef My Nigga,
Everything's Straight
When You See Me In The Hood,
Don't Worry You Ain't Gotta Hate
Wassup Wassup Wassup (It's All Love)
Wassup Wassup Wassup (It's All Love)
Shit, We All In A Recession,
Nigga I'm Broke To
I See You Lookin At Me,
What The Fuck I Do To You
Wassup Wassup Wassup (It's All Love)

Ayye Ayye, She used to fuck with my nigga tho
I don't care nigga shit
I'mma get her tho
And when I get that no, I'mma hit that ho
A when I? Hit that ho,
I'mma forget that ho
Ayye Ayye, She used to fuck with my nigga tho
I don't care nigga shit
I'mma get her tho
And when I get that no, I'mma hit that ho
A when I? Hit that ho,
I'mma forget that ho
After I hit her,
I'm quit her, on to the next gold rapper latex,
I pack the same sex
I'm Barry Bonds I hit the pussy on the first pitccch
Boy I murdered her, yeah I murder her ayye
She used to fuck with my nigga
But he didn't want her tho,
Cause she didn't want ho
Rhinestones that's that fake shit
Man I'm realer then a bitch without a face lift
Dope dick, dope dick,
That's what she yelling out
Yeah yo boy play bitches,
I got PlayStation
And I'm a hit the first night girl I ain't patient
Ayye Ayye, She used to fuck with my nigga tho
I don't care nigga shit
I'mma get her tho
And when I get that no, I'mma hit that ho
A when I Hit that ho,
I'mma forget that ho
Ayye Ayye, She used to fuck with my nigga tho
I don't care nigga shit
I'mma get her tho
And when I get that no, I'mma hit that ho
A when I Hit that ho,
I'mma forget that ho
Ahh, drop 350, I wake up
Get up, to fuck my bitch silly
I pop up and pop Royce and she pops one with me
The pussy so fireee, I'm a need a Chimney
Bought a bitch a Bentely I'm playin
Tell a ho to follow my command
Deep in that pussy,
Quicksand, bitchhhhhhhhhhh
Better recognize I'm the man,
Fuck around I ain't playing
Got these hoes on my hands and they fucking at my shows
We just throw them in the van,
Probably fuck and make a grand
I'm a throw another band, ten, ten
Damn hoes at the same time
Fucking king gold chains ahhhh
Ayye Ayye, She used to fuck with my nigga tho
I don't care nigga shit
I'mma get her tho
And when I get that no, I'mma hit that ho
A when I Hit that ho,
I'mma forget that ho
Ayye Ayye, She used to fuck with my nigga tho
I don't care nigga shit
I'mma get her tho
And when I get that no, I'mma hit that ho
A when I Hit that ho,
I'mma forget that ho
European photo,
Ture religious and PoloExplain
I'm leaning, off 8 ounce of that syrup
That's that ocho
Look, look I'm probably with your ho bro
Getting doe tho, replacing never cashing

You know she just moved out of Momma's
Just went back to college
She is my dancer, when she dance I throw her dollars
I throw her dollars, I-I-I throw her dollars
She is my dancer, when she dance I throw her dollars
She works hard for the money (So, so hard)
So hard for the money (So, so hard)
She be dancin for them dollas (Yeah)
She be dancin for them dollas (Yeah)
She be dancin for them dollas (Yeah)
Dancin' for them dollars
Uh, same nigga that you knew since back when
You ain't had too many dollars, and you couldn't trust your friends, used to ride around Impala
Drop you off right after high school
I don't know too many like you, b!tches hate but they won't fight you
Uh, as far as nothing, too honest…
No time for no problems, it's all good cause you bad
You just be fallin' for the wrong niggas
I'm clicking all of her pictures, and she showing all of that ass
Got that life, you don't even gotta act
You ain't gotta know how to know that
You know she just moved out of Momma's
Just went back to college
She is my dancer, when she dance I throw her dollars
I throw her dollars, I-I-I throw her dollars
She is my dancer, when she dance I throw her dollars
She works hard for the money (So, so hard)
So hard for the money (So, so hard)
She be dancin for them dollas (Yeah)
She be dancin for them dollas (Yeah)
She be dancin for them dollas (Yeah)
Dancin' for them dollars
Money slaves, can't save them
Her mind gone, she tainted
She getting double what she made then
Ain't gotta man, but she paid man
She know the game, it ain't fair
Just foul play, no referees
I'm falling back, just watching that
In the corner off with a couple of racks
I like that, I need that, I want that, I see that
Can I meet that, where you be at, everybody try to beat that
I'm clicking all of her pictures, and she showing all of that ass
Got that life, you don't even gotta act
You ain't gotta know how to know that
You know she just moved out of Momma's
Just went back to college
She is my dancer, when she dance I throw her dollars
I throw her dollars, I-I-I throw her dollars
She is my dancer, when she dance I throw her dollars
She works hard for the money (So, so hard)
So hard for the money (So, so hard)
She be dancin for them dollas (Yeah)
She be dancin for them dollas (Yeah)
She be dancin for them dollas (Yeah)
Dancin' for them dollars
I like that, I need that, I want that, I see that
Can I meet that, where you be at, everybody try to beat that
I- I like that, I need that, I want that, I see that
Can I meet that, where you be at, everybody try to beat that
I-I-I Like that…
I-I-I Need that…
I-I-I Like that…

Smoke dawg baby, remember that shit.
Young light skinned, born [? ]
Since I was 10 prolly name all the trouble I did.
Neva participated I'm like fuck all them other kids
Like I don't owe you child shit when I make it big
But a little respect, [? ]
Never raised a gentlemen like Ne-Yo said.
Lookin for hero heads, but I don't see none yet.
All my friends weenin cigarette so I take a hit,
[cough cough]
That's some potent shit.
Ol' nigga police man, I ain't scared a shit,
But hell yeah I ran.
Lost my money clip ever since wrap rubberbands.
Biggity bam [? ] skin made a couple of grands.
Fast forward to the 4th escort I ball [? ]
Too quick 14 no license, that's some mar full shit
Now must stack ketchup like condenments
Kinda jss wish you taught me how to be a man. cuhs
Growin up all I wanted was a father figure
Me & mom alone every dinner.
One day I hope you hear this I pray you doin better.
This what it sound like if I sent my dad letters.
If I sent my dad letters.
This what it sound like if I sent my dad letters.
One day I hope you hear this I pray you doin better.
This what it sound like if I sent my dad a letter.
Word is, 10th grade kick out the crib
Like where I go from here, lucky I had a girlfriend.
Remember money make the world spin
Runnin around the big body benz wonderin who in this that's pedestrian
Spoiled kid, never that.
Worked to hard to get where I'm at.
Think of fuck school, but next semester I be back
I hated rules, but [? ] often dream of that.
Dream of meetin you dad.
Moms really getting mad when I call you that.
I don't understand
Your phone numbers all I ask.
She laughs with her jaw dropped like the movie mask.
Damn so I then reply resort to raising my own little man.
But I'm too young for that, wait I take that back
I shoulda used the hat. my girl gettin fat.
Whatever results make sure that, I'll be there like you wasn't dad.
Growin up all I wanted was a father figure
Me & mom alone every dinner.
One day I hope you hear this I pray you doin better.
This what it sound like if I sent my dad letters.
If I sent my dad letters.
This what it sound like if I sent my dad letters.
One day I hope you hear this I pray you doin better.
This what it sound like if I sent my dad a letter.
Double 09 lately it's been on my mind.
The pain eatin me alive one verse at a time.
And this heart problem ain't helpin at all.
It's a cardiac diagnose, just wanna stay at home.
Dyin slow so I bought a fast car, and a couple of charms.
Now family and old friends wanna be involved.
Some nigga tryna marry mom he like my songs.
I find it odd sometimes wanna fucking shoot his head off.
Am in the wrong, didn't think so movin on.
I'm working on my new album if you singing songs.
But rap is what I does.
Turnin 20 soon, then 21 then 22 like [? ] was.
Everybody sleeepin on me time to wake em upp.
Now everybody chasinn us like they missed the bus
And girls wanna roll like a blunt
P.S. your only son.
Growin up all I wanted was a father figure
Me & mom alone every dinner.
One day I hope you hear this I pray you doin better.
This what it sound like if I sent my dad letters.
If I sent my dad letters.
This what it sound like if I sent my dad letters.
One day I hope you hear this I pray you doin better.

Featuring: Lloyd
it's getting real tonight, you make the only bitch on my mind
i can make you feel alright, but i ain't gonna fuss a fight
every girl i see i like, so why wanna waste your time?
you got a deal ha? i'm ?
ya i'm for real love, i'm right, ? real tonight
my time ticker on tres, fucking all night, midnight sex
she ride like my old bitch, but she already knew that
she feel me even when i'm gone, pillows between her legs, now she comfortable
extend your back, ? when the shit explode, boom
picture me ? down for life, i flash too bright, picture won't look right
i need god advice dealing with these ladies mice
girls like ? enter the next flight
it's getting real tonight, you make the only bitch on my mind
i can make you feel alright, but i ain't gonna fuss a fight
every girl i see i like, so why wanna waste your time?
you got a deal ha? i'm ?
ya i'm for real love, i'm right, ? real tonight
iphone just filled with hoes, conversation goes, back and forth
what you doing? chilling like eskimos?
bet i eat your pussy good like vegetables
nasty, nigger but you like it though
freaky ass ? she ride me like carnivos
and i'm horny though, sex in the morning though
hormones got my snowboard going ?
vertigo, dizzy on my love boat, heard she got a party mouth
watch your ass ?
damn we fuck again, she ain't my lover, we just ? friends
it's getting real tonight, you make the only bitch on my mind
i can make you feel alright, but i ain't gonna fuss a fight
every girl i see i like, so why wanna waste your time?
you got a deal ha? i'm ?

F-ck this pu$$y, boy. F-ck it
Do my dance on your dick, uh you know you love this shit.
Do my dance on your dick, uh you know you love this shit.
Do my dance on your dick, uh you know you love this shit.
Do my dance on your dick, uh you know you love this shit.
Do my dance on your chick, uh you know she loves the dick
Do my dance on your chick, uh you know she loves the dick
Do my dance on your chick, uh you know she loves the dick
Do my dance on your chick, uh you know she loves the dick
[Tyga: Verse 1]
Lamborghini, you don't even see me
Bad bitch no bikini taking shots of henny
Order calamari said she want the fettucine
Five star bitches my bitches don't eat at Denny's
Running city, you run a lap trying get with me
I'm all in her red skin, like I played for Washington
I'm 5'82 but 6'10, my dick stand like superman
Shawty lean that bitch
Shawty lean dat bitch
Meals cause I'm hot
Trigger finger keep that pu$$y wet
Bills in my fish
Shawty she gonna dance on my dick
Meals cause I'm hot
Trigger finger keep that pu$$y wet
Bills in my fish
Shawty she gonna dance on my dick
Do my dance on your dick, uh you know you love this shit.
Do my dance on your dick, uh you know you love this shit.
Do my dance on your dick, uh you know you love this shit.
Do my dance on your dick, uh you know you love this shit.
Do my dance on your chick, uh you know she loves the dick
Do my dance on your chick, uh you know she loves the dick
Do my dance on your chick, uh you know she loves the dick
Do my dance on your chick, uh you know she loves the dick
[2 Chainz: Verse 1]
She got her booty cheeks on my loui sheets
She can do it on the poll but can she do it on me?
Her flexin ass, let me see you flex dat ass
I don't call I just text dat ass and buy fresher bag
Python, all gold no ice on
Nothing but shaved pu$$y in my iPhone
And this right here a no fly zone, and your not us so don't try hoe
I buy cars, I buy homes, my antidote for my katapulpe
I'm unthrew their, vanz shoes this a new pair
Chains on this two pair
Make your girl buy new hair
Boy that pu$$y out... like new gear Hoe
Do my dance on your dick, uh you know you love this shit.
Do my dance on your dick, uh you know you love this shit.
Do my dance on your dick, uh you know you love this shit.
Do my dance on your dick, uh you know you love this shit.
Do my dance on your chick, uh you know she loves the dick
Do my dance on your chick, uh you know she loves the dick
Do my dance on your chick, uh you know she loves the dick
Do my dance on your chick, uh you know she loves the dick
[Tyga: Verse 2]
Uh f-ck yeah bitch, through it back don't be scared of it
Uh f-ck yeah bitch, through it back don't be scared of it
Uh f-ck yeah bitch, through it back don't be scared of it
Uh f-ck yeah bitch, through it back don't be scared of it
Throw it back
Throw it back
Throw it back
Don't be scared of it
Do my dance on your dick, uh you know you love this shit.
Do my dance on your dick, uh you know you love this shit.
Do my dance on your dick, uh you know you love this shit.
Do my dance on your dick, uh you know you love this shit.
Do my dance on your chick, uh you know she loves the dick
Do my dance on your chick, uh you know she loves the dick
Do my dance on your chick, uh you know she loves the dick

Looking at the ceiling thinking why I treat you bad
Nevermind, rewind
Looking at the ceiling thinking why
Ain't no worse a feeling than knowing I did it for the last
I always thought "play dumb"
And let the other one love
Only love for fun
I'm too young, I thought
Heaven knows you deserve it all
The Bible says before you run, you gotta learn to crawl
Aw Aww
We been through it all
I know I broke your heart once before
But I'm done
Aw aww awww
Tell me what's wrong
I know I never listen but just listen to this song
Aww man
I promise we gon do it til the sun come down
I swear it's going down
I promise we gon do it til the sun come out

All my niggers that be hustling we up tonight
And all my niggers that's trouble we up tonight
And all the girls around the world going out tonight
Take a shot make toast we up for life, and we up
I just made 50 in a trust state
I spend it all cause when you're young you can't pace
I bet I... up, 99 mace
My... I be missing you, missfaith
It takes 2, like rob base
All of them pretty, but a rock in a hard place
Meet a lot of girls, stayed to state
Some them... some them might...
I'm a fat boy, slim skinny tattered face
Brown louie hard case, make your... sleep safe
All my king shit, like the middle east
And the swag stay like...
I'm the shit... ask for the money bags
Like... throwing their presidents
It's all good that you're living nice
But when I get it all my niggers we gonna do it right
All my niggers that be hustling we up tonight
And all my niggers that's trouble we up tonight
And all the girls around the world going out tonight
Take a shot make toast we up for life,
And all my 9 to 5 niggers we up tonight
And all my unemployed homies we up tonight
Always doing wrong trying to make it right
Take a shot make toast we up for life, and we up
Like a new born in the cradle, ah
Feet first like the baby born backwards, we up,
Tell the... tell them we up, damn
Everything I see calling...
So many niggers copying my style
Coming to america through a cloud
Just left swiss sold out crowds
All vietnamese chicks with the big smile
Picking this puppy rap in the bees town
Killing me softly like...
Built for love but love won't keep it real
Can't waste time we up and dollar bills to my soul we in god we trust
I love mama when the keys but she down to fuck
Tell the bartender to fill me up, fill me up
All my niggers that be hustling we up tonight
And all my niggers that's trouble we up tonight
And all the girls around the world going out tonight
Take a shot make toast we up for life,
And all my 9 to 5 niggers we up tonight
And all my unemployed homies we up tonight
Always doing wrong trying to make it right
Take a shot make toast we up for life, and we up
Yeah, we up, yeah, we up, oh, we up
We up, yeah, oh, we up, ah, we up, we up
All my niggers that be hustling we up tonight
And all my niggers that's trouble we up tonight
And all the girls around the world going out tonight
Take a shot make toast we up for life,
And all my 9 to 5 niggers we up tonight
And all my unemployed homies we up tonight
Always doing wrong trying to make it right
Take a shot make toast we up for life, and we up

Ahh, when I switch lanes, tell them doors swing
Arm out the window screaming money aint a thang
Call it automatic bang, bang, bang,
Call it automatic bang, bang, bang,
While we switch lanes, diamonds in my chain,
Then run around the world all the hoes know my name,
Call it automatic bang, bang, bang,
Mr. Automatic bang, bang, bang
[Verse 1: The Game & Tyga]
[The Game]
Fuck a nigga up, louis dough match the chucks,
I'm in the club with raw nigga, 10 racks a tub,
Back it up like a u-haul, rake ass is up,
Spades in my ice bucket, rub that for luck,
Racks in my cornrows, all the more stupid,
They say she in love with me, stay away from cupid,
That Panamera's sick, Lupus,
T-Rawww show them how we do it
Swiss signs do it, my new bitch,
And new this, peace like a Buddist,
Cooler than cool-whip, give brain don't be stupid,
Faded like boozy, cut like a crew neck,
Arm out the window, another check, another rolex,
Mo'less, the mo' wet, the mo' sex, I must say,
I bought her the PJ, more than a piss test,
So I wake up, I'm fucked up, my ex try'na make up,
[The Game]
Wake up, telling these bitches to get their cake up
Baker, shooting my babies all on her make-up
I'm running through all these hoes, wearing Jacobs,
Lambo doors up, sitting just like her legs,
Eat it off from the club, rather fuck hoes instead,
Ahh, when I switch lanes, tell them doors swing
Arm out the window screaming money aint a thang
Call it automatic bang, bang, bang,
Call it automatic bang, bang, bang,
While we switch lanes, diamonds in my chain,
Then run around the world all the hoes know my name,
Call it automatic bang, bang, bang,
Mr. Automatic bang, bang, bang
Never tell a bitch, I love her,
Money talk Chris Tucker,
Got a chauffeur, and a driver
I don't lease it, Imma buy it
I'll be on the broke diet
You ain't eating but you biting my style
Motherfucking strike, light-lightening
T-Carti, my butch like Bugarri
I walk in the spot, all the bitches bogart me
Spent 30 racks, Imma make it back tomorrow,

she gon have a fuckin orgasm [x2]
uhh, beat, beat it like the melody
she gon bend it over, hands on her knees
she gon have a fuckin orgasm [x2]
put it deep where she tellin me
rock her like a baby she gon fall asleep
after she had a fuckin orgasm
she had a fuckin orgasm
wet dreams, see through my vision
yo bitch is missin, she with the nigga
fly nigga, too exquisite
she wanna be mrs. im single
one digit, too many bitches
3,4, sex positions
im on a mission, missionary in the kitchen
pussy drippin, clean it up tongue kiss it
so delicious, pussy go like olympics
man, already full i dont need dinner
put it in her, beat it up
bad bitch yea she bad as fuck
tatted up, n she like that
put it in ya mouth baby dont bite thatt
b-beat it like the melody
she gon bend it over hands on her knees
she gon have a fuckin orgasm [x2]
put it deep where she tellin
rock her like a baby she gon fall asleep
after she had a fuckin orgasm
she had a fuckin orgasm
i like girls, that like girls
who party all night like them white girls
but we dont like all them lil dike girls,
tryna fight girls, relax baby open up
its tygas world
call that lipgloss, she dont need that on
cuz its gon wipe off, when u lick my balls
ima ima make it red like santa clause
she a good girl, heres a dick in the box
i got some lotion, rub it circular motion
curlin all of ur toes's, fuckin but yet we focus
u cummin , im cummin after then we fallin over
12. a.m. wakin up d-do it all over
b-beat it like the melody
she gon bend it over hands on her knees
she gon have a fuckin orgasm [x2]
put it deep where she tellin
rock her like a baby she gon fall asleep
after she had a fuckin orgasm
she had a fuckin orgasm
p-p-put it in her, beat it up
bad bitch, yea she bad as fuck
tatted up, yea she like that
put it in ya mouth baby dont bite that
put it in her, beat it up
b-bad bitch, yea she bad as fuck
tatted up, year she like that
put it in ya mouth baby dont bite that
b-beat it like the melody
she gon bend it over hands on her knees
she gon have a fuckin orgasm [x2]
put it deep where she tellin
rock her like a baby she gon fall asleep
after she had a fuckin orgasm

Bitch I'm Young Money [x17]
Who's the hottest niggas out boy?
We coud buy you niggas out if we really wanted
Car transforming
The grill george foreman
Well I paid for it, your house plus mortgage
Raps boring
And youu niggas ain't even touring
I just bought a flight bitch and had a bitch touring
My swagg soaring
Sharper the source award, award's... award me, best horror
Willy wank'ya
Welcome to my chocolate fuckers
Cheery pop em, like bouble wrap in the boxing
That girl bapper between in all the hommies watch'ya
Binaculars, the only way u gonna see me partner
My life is awsome
I'm on so you knew shes offward
I'm in my zone, home girl, stop cock blocking
Bitch roasters on my watch, ruby's tick tocking
Young money gobblins
We're a fucking problem

Odd Well Done
Odd Well Done
[Verse 1:]
Fuckin Ric Flair leglock
Headshot, body cropped
Make his fuckin mama watch
Here's your baby inside a fuckin
Baby bottle pop. Risky top
Running through your blood til your kidneys pop
Pillow-talk, leave your lips on top of your pillowtop
Pop you while your roof off
On top of a rooftop. Oswald, Mankind
All you niggas getting socked
[?] rock it til your burger leave the lettuce out
Check this out, no one around
Put your faces on my crotch
Give a lick, lollipop, frog-tongue on my cock
Odd Well Done
Odd Well Done
[Verse 2:]
There's mammals in my living room
Louis minks, foxtails, doper than the metals [?]
Ay fool, quit your enchilada, now it's wormfood
Moving like worms move
Burn you like perms do
One two, leader of the Rat Pack crew
Hat removed, when I walk in rooms
Make her eyes twitch
Juke ya, cut your shit out like a coupon
In due time, brain of a new king

You are now listenin to a new sound. it's called something...
No introduction, I cud make a style off nuthin. frontin?
Listen to my instrctions and I cud show you how tyga easily does it
That's the new name they lovin studio to the show I'm the heat in the oven
I can't breathe cause I'm buzzin gimme a lil space even space I'm above it
Ever heard a sound like this? who you know that'll put it down like this?
Ever move a crowd like this? I don't think nobody sound like this
Ever heard a sound like this? who you know thatll put it down like this?
Ever move a crowd like this? I don't think nobody sound like this
Now this is where you all pause
Now gimme some flavors watch me mix it all sounds like sumethin out of the norm
So labels get ready for my proposal it's like one of the two rappers on somethin new
The other dude caught in the door while I'm sneakin thru
This comfortable rap (my tracks loungin too) they say fly guy you hott shoot thought you knew
Ever heard a sound like this? who you know thatll put it down like this?
Ever move a crowd like this? I don't think nobody sound like this
Ever heard a sound like this? who you know thatll put it down like this?
Ever move a crowd like this? I don't think nobody sound like this
Back to this lil quick discussion the sound that you hearin right now is somethin (somethin)
That can not be compared to others I mean basically I'm in the league with no teams ya see
I never thought to get above b a grade a rapper just wait and c feed me beats
I'll grow into a beast gimme a second with fame watch what's it's gona be
Ever heard a sound like this? who you know thatll put it down like this?
Ever move a crowd like this? I don't think nobody sound like this
Ever heard a sound like this? who you know that'll put it down like this?
Ever move a crowd like this? I don't think nobody sound like this
Ever heard a sound like this?
Ever move a crowd like this? woww
Ever heard a sound like this?

[Chorus/Intro: Chris Brown]
Tonight I Want Me A Wonder Woman
Who Can Save My Life
Wanna Feel Her Power Right Now
A Real Wonder Woman
Come Be My Hero
You Can Take Your Cape Off
You Don't Need That To Save My Heart
Just Need To Take Me I Know You Can Fly
Cause I See You Right Through Your Disguise
[Verse 1: Tyga]
Ahh Damn She Bad Damn She Bad
Heels With The Matching Bag
Mirror With The Lip gloss Lick Her Lips Then She Laughs
Lady Gaga Color Mack All Her Friends Using That
She Could Be Your Magazine But She Ain't Really Into That
Ow Da-Damn She Back Had To Say It Twice
It's Getting Late You Should Spend The Night
No Rushing Thangs Got A Whole Lotta Game
And I'm Stuck In My Ways But Just For You I'd Change
Polaroid Camera Put This Moment On Your Freezer
5 in The Morning Gonna Kiss You While You're Sleeping
Half Awake I Could See You Peeking
Wake Up Baby Cause Tonight I Want...
[Chorus: Chris Brown]
Tonight I Want Me A Wonder Woman
You Can Save My Life
Wanna Feel Her Power Right Now
A Real Wonder Woman
Come Be My Hero
You Can Take Your Cape Off
You Don't Need That To Save My Heart
Just Need To Take Me I Know You Can Fly
Cause I See You Right Through Your Disguise
[Verse 2: Tyga]
All Shit Aside I Love The Way You Walk
You Got that envy Glow Give Me Sometime To Watch
Freeze Freeze You Put My Heart In A Anestezia
I love you Round The Clock
Won't Stop Till I Get Enough
Overtime Overtime I Put In For That Valentine
Know You Appreciate It Baby Lingerie La Prade Lacing
Let's Get Naked Rip Our Clothes off
I'm The Doctor You My Nurse In Your Uniform
Head Game Outta Control Superheroes On The Floor
Bruce Banner Beat It Up Then I Turn Into The Hulk
Be My Betty Ross Make The Bedrock
All Night Long
[Chorus: Chris Brown]
Tonight I Want Me A Wonder Woman
You Can Save My Life
Wanna Feel Her Power Right Now
A Real Wonder Woman
Come Be My Hero
You Can Take Your Cape Off
You Don't Need That To Save My Heart
Just Need To Take Me I Know You Can Fly

Aghh Getting That Money I've Been Waiting For
Ray Allen Number Nothing Less Then 20K A Show
Used To Wanna Be A BBaller Now I Ball Without A Coach
Her She Ain't Fucking (She Ain't Fucking?)
Aghh Getting That Money I've Been Waiting For
Ray Allen Number Nothing Less Then 20K A Show
Used To Wanna Be A BBaller Now I Ball Without A Coach
Her She ain't Fucking (She Ain't Fucking?)
Then She Gotta Go
I Turn Beast Billy Badass Guerilla Mode
Call Me Young Attack You Just Give Her Minor StrokeS
Patty Cake Dick Her Down The She Row Row Her Boat
Penetrated In Her Throat Now She in A Coma Toast
Been Waiting For Ages My Nigga Kicked In The Fucking Door
Handed Me Some More Bullshit Manifested Evidence
Ever Since Turned Into A Bull Carlos Boozer Shit
Send A Killer A Kill A Stage Or Some Guerilla Shit
Says She Don't Swallow On Her Knees
She Gonna Spit It Out like A Polly Seed
I'm So Nasty Fuck Her In The Backseat
Doggystyle Lassie
Mr Boombastic Shaggy
Motherfuck The Law
I Pac All Ya'll
I Pop Off All Ya'll For My Family My Dawgs
My Mother Bless Her Heart
I Am Her Only Son And Son Ain't Far
Shining I'm A Star Nigga
Luminicent Charm
Just Blew Up But I've Been The Bomb
Boys Tried To Show Up Getting Shitted On
I'm At The Game Courtside With my Tamazon
Carrying Bong Snap Back
Getting Lap Danced While You're Getting Laughed At
I Swear This That Digger Hole Get Your Buried Track
You've Awaken The Dead The Anti Christ Is Back
I Know You Don't Give A Fuck About Me
I Swear I Don't Give A Fuck About You
So I'm a Get This Money Count It All Day

Well, Well done! Well, Well Done! Well, Well Done!
Finish Him!
Well, Well done! Well, Well Done! Well, Well Done!
Finish Him!
Treat my dick like a dog bitch fetch
I put it down your throat then I buss it on your neck
T-killer I'm a mess homer simpson in the flesh
Yeah I'm doper then syringe fuck yo bitch and all her friends
Make amends for all my sins I ain't trippin on a bitch
I'm a bull give me wings too many tats on my skin
You know my rank nigga if you speakin' come proper
Hit you with a shot like boom shaka laka
Knock your ass to your feet like too much vodka
I'm hotter than a 2 dollar pistol from a Rasta
Yeah they call me Tyga with a heart of Mufassa
Nigga I ain't lyin, hard to find like a fossil
I'll be outta here king shit like Cairo
Asian nigga kick you in the face tai bo
I'm rising with the heat on these niggas like pyro
I'm just freestylin a nigga young and wildin'
Lord I done suffered thru too many years
And we done shed so so many tears
Lost many peers no memories
Just misery killing all my enemies
Fuck her til she can't see fuck until we can't breath
Knock knock who there, dez nuts in your face
Bitch I'm eatin get a plate
All my niggas do the same most my homies hoover gang
Uh Larry Hoover, Lawrence Taylor, giant glocks
Patch your eye like a raider
Too many bitches call it pussy mania
Niggas tryna ball, swag, I don't do favors
Pac shit middle finger, finger fuck who ever hating
I'm the shit ya'll niggas constipated
Fuck yo bitch it's easy even to a caveman
I'm good, make it, make it rain til the roof cave in
85 laker, high rise, purple lasers
Marc Jacobs famous like the morning laser
No patients leave her in the lobby waiting
Vacation nigga I ain't talking Vegas
Well, Well done! Well, Well Done! Well, Well Done!

[Intro: DJ Drama Talking]
[Chorus: Tyga]
Ugh Tell These Bitches I'm The Man
Money Over Bitches Nigga That's The Plan
Everything I Do (Well We-Well Well Done)
Everything I Do (Well We-Well Well Done)
Niggas Say They're Balling They In A Stance
This Ain't Route Business Don't Shake My Hand
Everything I Do (Well We-Well Well Done)
Everything I Do (Well We-Well Well Done)
[Verse 1: Tyga]
Pop A Motherfucking Man
Walk Up Clear The Way It's The Ambulance
Firetruck Get To The Fire In advance
Pop Flow I Just... (I Just Show Off!)
Pop A Motherfucking Man
Walk Up Clear The Way It's The Ambulance
Firetruck Get To The Fire In advance
Pop Flow I Just I just Gave The Track A Tan
Ain't A Damn Thang We Poppin Champagne
Girls Choose Saying They Rooting For The Other Team
I Put Her In A Vibe Like The Magazine
You See It's Raining Hundreds Cash Get The Cream
The Cream The Money And Money Make Her Scream
Nothing Personal It Was Just A Quick Fling
But Now I'm Back To Me Paper Off The Shelf Bitch
She Just Wanna Get Drunk Get Fucked Taste Dick
Maybe Make A New Friend Get In The Benz With Him
This Ain't No Simple Life You Dancing With A Star Bitch
Yea Yea So Keep My Spotlight Bright
Cause I'm a Be In The Dark Night
So Go On
[Chorus: Tyga]
Tell These Bitches I'm The Man
Money Over Bitches Nigga That's The Plan
Everything I Do (Well We-Well Well Done)
Everything I Do (Well We-Well Well Done)
Niggas Say They're Balling They In A Stance
This Ain't Route Business Don't Shake My Hand
Everything I Do (Well We-Well Well Done)
Everything I Do (Well We-Well Well Done)
[Verse 2: Tyga]
Ugh All Bout My Paper And Ain't Nothing Feeling Greater
Come Up Like ElevatorS Now I'm Ballin Like A laker
They Like My Freestlye But They Gonna Have to Pay Me
CAndy Red [?] Tell That Bitch It's Now Or Later
Six Speed Brand New Car Smell Flavoured
Look Up In The Sky Thank God That We Major
There's Tax To Be Made World Of Danger
So We'll Count It Under The Table To Be Safer
Ace Paid In Full All Hundreds Big Jewels
Stones Kinda Heavy Flick Richtor Rules
Gaddy Gaddy I'm Gnarly Rawest In The Group
See You Call Out the Roof
Sunflying In The Coupe
She Loves Cause The Filling Fucking On The Million
Fly You In The Morning Right Now We Chilling
Stuck In The Moment Then She Back To Her Life
I'm Back To The Money Cause Moneys My Life
So Go On
[Chorus: Tyga]
Tell These Bitches I'm The Man
Money Over Bitches Nigga That's The Plan
Everything I Do (Well We-Well Well Done)
Everything I Do (Well We-Well Well Done)
Niggas Say They're Balling They In A Stance
This Ain't Route Business Don't Shake My Hand
Everything I Do (Well We-Well Well Done)

[Lil' Wayne:]
Uh, and mommy used to tell me one day some girl gone get me
Uh, but I won't know love if it walk right up and hit me
Uh, and if I fall to the ground I get up and fight another round
Girl, and I got money on my mind, money on my mind, but now...
I keep thinking of you, I keep, I keep thinking of you, I keep thinking of you
Girl, I keep thinking of you, I keep, I keep thinking of you, I keep thinking of you [x2] girll
And we ain't even gotta go far, we ain't gotta talk about the war, we can just (Get it [x7])
I said we ain't even gotta go far, we ain't gotta talk about the war, we can just (Get it [x7])
Damn I'm just thinking home 3 winner
Chriping late night, she had the light up antenna
Voices far from tenna
13 speaking like we 23 sometimes I would even miss dinner
Cause talking with you felt more impotant than Jordan's release when the 17's, remember?
I get em, simalar to any girl I've metion
They only thought I'd metion I'm only playing with your intuition
You seem to think that I was different
But too flashy for boyfriend material
But I beg to differ
[? ] don't showin' you more material,
Now listen, let's Kiss, like Gene Simmons
I've got a vision, fuck a title,
We the perfect image, you and I
No eyein' them, them girls, you be eyein' 'em, cause they be eyein' him
They [? ] stonger than vitamins,
Lovin' you to death, I didn't expect
Beautiful girls, make you suicidal,
I guess I'm dyin then...
[Lil' Wayne:]
Uhh, up jump the boogie, and shorty said she feelin' my flavor
And even when I ain't lookin', I got her on my radar
And yes I know man I am so, so blessed to have her,
So yesterday, today, and the day after I keep thinkin' of you,
I keep thinkin' of youuu
I keep thinking of you, I keep, I keep thinking of you, I keep thinking of you
Girl, I keep thinking of you, I keep, I keep thinking of you, I keep thinking of you [x2] girll
Shorty said she feelin' my swag

I'm Rodney and I'll be your host this evening. Tonight
we got a young gentleman all the way from uhh, Los
Angeles. The guy is making his way from Compton,
California and uhh, the guy has a lot of swagger. You
know, you might have seen him around, maybe never seen
him before. But he has definitely got a lot of
potential and he is here to show it tonight.
Introducing Tyga Tyga.
Verse 1
Picture cash baby born how the duffle bag. How to ride
a moment don't make my temperature mad. Flickin' my
past admire all the shit that i had. Thinkin' I'm
really reppin' my city without a flag. Carry-ons,
earphones, MCM bag, elderlies mad as we all sittin'
first class. Look over shoulder laugh, family matter
chattin, did I do that? Imagine Erkel with a little
swag. Betty groaning already these bitches gettin' old,
fettichini flow, let my words twist around the folk.
Make you eat it like a dyke to a lesbian, oh, the lady
will get it after the show. Oh oh, protection for
sexual, ah ah, thought you knew, nigga I'm passive
proof, and you lookin' broke. Got for your diamonds
same color cantaloupe, my life an episode so expect a
fuckin' show.
("The potential" is repeated x5 while Tyga speaks)
I remember this one time though when i was like 11, and
um i use to work with this one producer out here in LA,
and he use to make me write shit over and over again,
and I would be like damn. Like I use to feel like not
good enough, like my bars wasn't ready. But it wasn't
that, they just wanted the potential that I had. You
know what I'm sayin'? So they just like kept making me
write it over and over and shit, you feel me?
Verse 2
Any minute I could lose the momentum. Lord forgive all
my days I have spent sinning. Show my momma love, with
a key and red ribbon. A freedom writer even niggas up
in jail feel him. Pause, my miracle bars will leave
your mind in prison. Now what you was thinking cant
even think you can ya nigga. New Orleans they scream
for the beads on cameras. Up in the dorm hours before
performance on campus. How could you not be famous? Too
much managers can't even manage. Shout out to at money,
he do the managing, while I fresh like Irish Spring.
Obviously, I'm what the crowd came to see, Tyga not
Tyrese. What you can sing, every melody and on a beat,
had the beach water money fold like laundry, honestly,
don't lie to me, fuck around and write your wheel right
in your drivers seat, fucking with them G.E.D. boys.
("The potential" repeated x5 while Tyga speaks)
So like, years years later they announce to me, that I
got an opportunity and chance, and it was like, who
wouldn't like it at first, and I thought all of that
hard work was going to pay off, but it really didn't
because people wasn't biting onto it, but I think they
just knew the potential I had, but they just wanted
better from me. But thank God for listening.
Everybody make some noise. Come on clap it up! The guy
has potential. I am Rodney and I'll see you next monday

[Verse 1:]
I think I'm nauseous
Hey mister, Derrick is it?
You can call me get it, brain spinnin'
The virus you been missin.
I'll, crazy, what's the difference?
No defence can defend
I'm Monte Kiffin, A Buccaneer
These @*#$! here, might wanna listen;
Cause there's no recovery from this I'll once you get it
Hot head nigga, fever is check my tenperature.
Tamper with my temper, get this missile to your temple.
It's simple lights, no paris hilton.
More @*#$! like the toilet's speaking
Regergitating things I've eaten, poly seeds and jelly beans and @*#$!, mickey d and these demons are fish.
Love the sea men, I love fishing.
I go like every weekend;
From Monday to Sunday, these weak niggas stay sleeping.
Waking that old ass up like black people ringers.
Far from a genius
Shouldve stayed far from them yellow blinkers.
Now you're blinking, no idea where you're ID is.
I been around the world,
The fact I have to go.
You can't fix this,
Doc thought I'd let you know.
I'm so sick, I think I'm nauseous, nauseous
I'm so sick, I think I'm nauseous, nauseous
I been killed, but I always come back for more.
I'm here to stay if the narcs don't let you go.
I'm so sick, I think I'm nauseous, nauseous
I'm so sick, I think I'm nauseous, nauseous
[Verse 2:]
Step in the caution tape,
Come around the corner.
Corino is just a call away.
Pull board like sandwiches spread flat today
No quick quote, just smoke from the barrel blast for me, against what I have to say.
Powerful nigga In position, the president today, 'Bama @*#$!
If they talking sideways, ladda yippy yapping them hotter
You know the fact the son couldn't father if his own taught him.
Better park it, for they break your waters like auto insurance.
Can I show your life in that bentley baller?
Welcome to Compton!
Check my pockets, all green like the slossin.
Don't even count it, it's all there like Peggy lee partner.
Facin the faucet, time to drown out the sorrow.
How long could you hold your breath for, underwater?
Watch ya turn purplish, ooo, balloon, see ya soon.
Don't fall in that fiery doom
I been around the world,
The fact I have to go.
You can't fix this,
Doc thought I'd let you know.
I'm so sick, I think I'm nauseous, nauseous
I'm so sick, I think I'm nauseous, nauseous
I been killed, but I always come back for more.
I'm here to stay if the narcs don't let you go.
I'm so sick, I think I'm nauseous, nauseous
I'm so sick, I think I'm nauseous, nauseous
[Verse 3:]
@*#$! @*#$!
Whatchu thought? You could get rid of me?
I'm poison and you gotta remember me, I'm like history.
Socially study gecomedin.
I hate being sick, every time I throw up feel like I'm dying quick, blaaghh.
Hold up!
Drink this soda, soothe the odor.
Turn it to my throw up.
I'm tyga man, contagiously god made me.
Don't shake my hand, If you afraid of satan, jewelry by jason, that's why they hatin', I'm hot!
Dawg, you ain't nathin
[Chorus: x2]
I been around the world,
The fact I have to go.
You can't fix this,
Doc thought I'd let you know.
I'm so sick, I think I'm nauseous, nauseous
I'm so sick, I think I'm nauseous, nauseous
I been killed, but I always come back for more.
I'm here to stay if the narcs don't let you go.
I'm so sick, I think I'm nauseous, nauseous

T raw skinny nigga big balls
Fuck around get dragged Ru Paul
You funny little nigga Duval
Out of this world told em re call
Caught a bitch let her see saw
Sought of like donkey like an ass nigga, he haw
Ha, run round in the 'rarri with the top off
While you in the window, man I'm probably on my next car
Aight, Mighty duck with the ice on
Real L.A. nigga chuck with the gun drawn
Drawing on your face you're a clown jack in the box
Boy that's your bop, she my new poom poom star,
Stars in the back,
Then Homies they don't act, acting brand new
Fuck her never call her back
Matt Forte got the bitch running back

They be like T-Raw
Motherfucka why you raw?
Know why cause I don't give a fuck at all
Still RIP beats
No flaws one verse one hearse
They be like T-Raw
Motherfucka why you raw?
Know why cause I don't give a fuck at all
Still RIP beats
No flaws one verse one hearse, funeral is 12 bars
12, midnight girls suck me off
All my blood homies call her vampire jaw
She look like an angel so I might be god
In the locker room dawg
She gettin' lock jaw aww
Betty to boop betty to boop
Gimme the loop, gimme the loop
BIG in a suit
GI Joe Tygaman, army shorts, red chucks
No shirt, young nigga tatted up
N-gaaaaa I go gum
Count my cash throw the ones
Being famous is so fun
Yea I do it, it can't be done
So pay attention
Hello my name is Dr Green-Thumb
Pillow flow niggas too soft
If your Rolli tick tock
Then that shit didn't cost
Put some vs in my watch now it's water off a duck
No problemo, bitches let me fuck
Yea I spent a G on lunch
Mr. chow-bow-down
Like a nigga got a hunch
Hunch back benley coupe
Brown leather like a blunt
You can have her heart
I just want the cunt
Please excuse my manners
I'm a eat the beat, and make the track vanish
Flow flow crazy the so outlandish
I can't fuck yo girl, I got standards
Niggas gay, Adam Lambert
They went broke, MC Hammer
Big booty bitch I'm a pants her
Hop up on that dick and she turn into
Biggity bounce 40 ounce
40 inch ass damn
Let me pull my ruler out
Let me do that in yo mouth
Grab a towel spit it out
Now I gotta go

T-raww, T-raww, T-raww, T-raww
I don't give a fuck at all
T-raww, T-raww, T-raww, T-raww
I don't give a fuck at all
[Verse 1:]
Last King, Golds on My colar bone fresh
Got that immortal technique flow
Tech N9ne's, tech decks
Finger boards flip a bitch
Thailand pick a bitch
It's my land I take a shit anywere, skat and piss
Lazereth king of the the snapback habitat
Flashback... flash bangs leave you f-cken trapped
Leave you face swoll leave a cabbage pach punching bag
Doctor Seuss niggas you's a pussy cat in a hat
Rolling that papers like wiz papers
Cash takers put you in a cast cause your pocket's breaking
The heart breaker, fuck her once never date her
The Money chaser, no chase fuck a savings
I got that ready, jelly, spread it to all my niggas
So they spend it spend it like ring a round the rosie
Okie dokey got a bad Spanish bitch like Kobe
The most low key
Nigga you don't know me
T-raww, T-raww, T-raww, T-raww
I don't give a fuck at all
T-rawww, T-rawww, T-rawww, T-rawww
I don't give a fuck at all
[Verse 2:]
Like Cam Newton I'm number 1
Hand picked my hand guns
I'm a cowboy like marion
Barber cut your hair for fun
02 I'm on one
105 to Compton
YG just hit me said these bitches got these tatts done
With my name on em
That's a damn shame
Cause I changed homie
I changed my damn name
To T-raw, don't look at me
Get chopped like butcher meat
Gold chains like Mr. T
Your girl face in my toilet seat (haha)
My niggas they be trippin
Yo shit weak but boi you ain't different
My show sold your show?
Ya'll mini me's, I'm prolific
I progress, no stress
More sex she gon give it
No Robin Gibbons
I fucked that hoe
Nas fucked that hoe
Sleeping on me don't you ever get to comfortable
Young Money...
Last King...
When you see me coming call me by new name
T-raww, T-raww, T-raww, T-raww
I don't give a fuck at all
T-raww, T-raww, T-raww, T-raww

T-raww, T-raww, T-raww, T-raww
I don't give a f-ck at all
T-raww, T-raww, T-raww, T-raww
I don't give a f-ck at all
[Verse 1]
Last King, Golds on My colar bone fresh
Got that immortal technique flow
Tech N9ne's, tech decks
Finger boards flip a bitch
Thailand pick a bitch
It's my land I take a shit anywere, skat and piss
Lazereth king of the the snapback habitat
Flashback... flash bangs leave you f-cken trapped
Leave you face swoll leave a cabbage pach punching bag
Doctor Seuss niggas you's a pussy cat in a hat
Rolling that papers like wiz papers
Cash takers put you in a cast cuz your pocket's breaking
The heart breaker, f-ck her once never date her
The Money chaser, no chase f-ck a savings
I got that ready, jelly, spread it to all my niggas
So they spend it spend it like ring a round the rosie
Okie dokey got a bad Spanish bitch like Kobe
The most low key
Nigga you don't know me
T-raww, T-raww, T-raww, T-raww
I don't give a f-ck at all
T-rawww, T-rawww, T-rawww, T-rawww
I don't give a f-ck at all
[Verse 2]
Like Cam Newton I'm number 1
Hand picked my hand guns
Ima cowboy like marion
Barber cut your hair for fun
02 I'm on one
105 to Compton
YG just hit me said these bitches got these tatts done
With my name on em
That's a damn shame
Cuz I changed homie
I changed my damn name
To T-raw, don't look at me
Get chopped like butcher meat
Gold chains like Mr. T
Your girl face in my toilet seat (haha)
My niggas they be trippin
Yo shit weak but boi you aint different
My show sold your show?
Ya'll mini me's, I'm prolific
I progress, no stress
More sex she gon give it
No Robin Gibbons
I f-cked that hoe
Nas f-cked that hoe
Sleeping on me don't you ever get to comfortable
Young Money...
Last King...
When you see me coming call me by new name
T-raww, T-raww, T-raww, T-raww
I don't give a fuck at all
T-raww, T-raww, T-raww, T-raww

Featuring: Tyga, Stefano Moses
The city's current eletricity
No lights so I can hardly see
And all despite, screaming rescue me, rescue me
Who to trust in can u believe
The devil owns this reality
And all despite, screaming rescue me, rescue me STORM
[Verse 1:]
Uh, Hate lies never truth when it's televised
Devils on the screen, fire in their eyes
Put your face to a spell make your soul fly
Pray everyday, some pray for God
Looking at the murder rate never ask why
Colt 45, where the four five
The innocent die young, can't judge life
Never did, so I live fast every night
Wonder why they breathe hate through their windpipes
Mu fuckas wanna take it 'stead of give advise
Niggaz left me, now I'm living right
Tryna cheat death with the trick dice
Gammon leg, camel lie, u on management [?]
If it's about business, I'm a handle it
I see it all like an analyst
Views of the water big bills like a pelican
How many different broads fucking in foreign cars
Was it a asus 10 color benz I ain't got a heart
No lust, hit the cupid with a dark ninja in the park Ma fucka don't walk past dark
What the fuck is Illumanti
Old niggas with money
Bitch get the power like
Stand tall towers like
Gotta fight, can't let them
Take our life
The city's current eletricity
No lights so I can hardly see
And all despite, screaming rescue me, rescue me
Who u trust in can u believe
The devil owns this reality
And all despite, screaming rescue me, rescue me STORM
[Verse 2:]
Take a step as the world spin
Rumors come and go faster than a whirlwind
World pro bitches all gettin' sucked in
Booty model shake your ass but you're broke bitch
Man you niggaz ain't brawling in the bull pin
Riding on the black mag, I'm a cool kid
Last 10 lemme get space like a movement
Cream get the money went icey like cool whip
Bullshit who shit nigga art galley flow
Pen and under globe
Use the color tho
Nigga I'm a lone
Levitator pro
Christ when he spoke
Kicking in your door
Hit the floor like Lee Boy with a globe
Tryna win but the finish line far
Race against the odds
Race don't matter when you dead or start Praying to the Gods
Don't let me die so young
The city's current eletricity
No lights so I can hardly see
And all despite, screaming rescue me, rescue me
Who to blame
Who will pay
Like grins [?]
On our faces
Like the stars
You will fall [?]
With your back
To the earth

Aye babe, why you puttin us on display
Bringin up all shit in front of all our friends
and tryna start today with arguments
tryna relax like parliaments, you're doin the opposite
Textin keshia like man, i think this nigga be cheatin
i'm late workin, i know i didn't come home that evenin
call on my phone, attitude, heavy breathin
i mean whats the reason or is that your menstrual speakin
i aint gamin, just tired of fakin,
no patience be a rider like "?"
time is clay aiken, no gay shit
ass naked, commando baby
she got my dick motivated,
now we wakin up middle of the night
fuckin make up right after we fight
pussy talkin like, we-we-well donex2
man she always wakin up middle of the night
fuckin make up right after we fight
pussy talkin like, we-we-well donex2
lay it down, bend it over like strippers open
watergundick shoot ya now ya super soakin
comin down ya chimney, call it santa workin
i brought some gifts for you, mango-flavor lotion
wet it in the "loafalu?" , be on ur mama sofa
stretch it out, "rosa acosta?"
I do that shit, how you comin over and over
again like a "?" service, cleaner perfect
i aint perfect , most of them bitches don't deserve me
i have my moments , but most them bitches all be thirsty
dey aint worth it, block 'em all like "?" curtains
knock 'em off like fake purses
i aint trickin but you got it
lovin you bein honest
hard to be honest when most of the time you indesicive
im tired of fightin
let it go, close your eyelids
open the morn fresh and we vibin?
but you wakin up middle of the night
fuckin make up right after we fight
pussy talkin like, we-we-well donex2
man she always wakin up middle of the night
fuckin make up right after we fight