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Freedom Summits 2014 - Gunham Jakamarra - OSTF & SovereigntyVideo
White Police Assault Black Australians Ahead of Nationwide Mass ProtestsVideo

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News PhotoMathaba has again improved the public reader comments system, find out what is new!
Richard Branson Lobbies UN To List Great Barrier Reef As `In Danger`
News PhotoOne of the world`s richest men has thrown his weight behind a campaign to save the reef. But not everyone is impressed...
US Financial Analyst Predicts Inevitable Collapse of US Economy
News PhotoHow long do we have until the unsustainable US economy collapses?
Police Attack Aboriginal people at Canberra ANZAC Commemoration, Elders Assaulted
News Photo``The violent confrontation that was witnessed by all present resulted from Police Sergeant Adrian Crank losing his cool and his apparent hate for First Nations People and what we represented.`` Photo: `Almost Tasered` during the appalling performance by the AFP following peaceful marches since 2011
Blooming Bromance: Russia-China Alliance Challenges US-Designed World Order
News PhotoBeijing and Moscow have increasingly found common basis in challenging the US and Western dominated order in Europe and Asia
ImageRussia to Conduct Observation Flight Over UK Territory
Russian experts will fly over Great Britain to ensure the transparency of London's military activities
Russia to Conduct Observation Flight Over UK Territory
The Russian-Chinese Drill in the Med Sends Signal to US
Moscow V-Day Celebrations to Be Biggest Russian Military Parade Ever Held
`Shame on Them`: Greek Gov`t Slams Western Leaders for Moscow V-Day Snub
Cooperation Between Russia, China Helps Build Fairer World Order - Putin
Venezuelan President: Soviet People`s Exploits at WWII Deserve Gratitude of Entire World
ImageAustralian Researcher: Phone Radiation is a Hotline to Brain Cancer
Wifi, cell phones and their towers a major factor in increasing brain cancer rates
Freedom Summits 2014 - Gunham Jakamarra - OSTF & Sovereignty
Easier For More Readers to Comment on Mathaba News Items
Richard Branson Lobbies UN To List Great Barrier Reef As `In Danger`
Australian Police Find, Detonate Explosive Device In Melbourne
Dozens of women turnout for specialised Royal Flying Doctor Service clinic in remote South Australia
Major Port Built On Tiwi Islands Without Environmental Approvals
 Freedom & Human Rights
Life & Health
ImageFreedom Summits 2014 - Gunham Jakamarra - OSTF & Sovereignty
Gunham has over 20 years experience in uncovering the fraud of the Crowns' claim to Sovereignty or dominion over the land and Tribes of Australia
Statue Honoring Whistleblowers Snowden, Assange, Manning Unveiled in Berlin
US Should Make Public Number of Civilian Deaths Caused by Drone Strikes
US to Deliver F-35 Fighter Jets to Israel in 2016
Thousands March in Baltimore After Black Man`s Death in Police Custody
Beyond Biometrics: Will We Soon Store Our Passwords Inside Our Bodies?
Captain, Crew Member of Capsized Libyan Boat Arrested
ImageDozens of women turnout for specialised Royal Flying Doctor Service clinic in remote South Australia
The Royal Flying Doctor Service team land in Oodnadatta for the Women`s Healthy Living Day, conducting medical checks and lifestyle programs (Photo by Caroline Winter)
American Psychological Association Secretly Helped Justify CIA Torture
EU Authorizes 17 GMOs for Food, Feed Use Says European Commission
Million Dollar Heart: Wealthy Europeans to Blame for Organ Trafficking
Fukushima Radioactive Water Spills into Ocean After Outage Hits Pumps
Australia Silently Stopped Testing of Food Imports
Californians disgusted by stinky black tap water; officials tell them to drink it anyway
 Business & Economy
Law & Justice
ImageFour Tips To Moving Your Business
No matter what size your business, here are some tips to help you get moved
US Financial Analyst Predicts Inevitable Collapse of US Economy
Putin Ratifies Decree on Establishment of BRICS Reserve Currencies Pool
China Allocates $40Bln for New Silk Road Fund
One of the Biggest Greek Banks Decides to Wipe Out Poorest Customers` Debt
TPP Free Trade Deal Undermines Internet Freedom - US Digital Rights
Chinese President Is Due in Pakistan, Ready to Invest $46 Bln
ImageDelaware Police Officer Kicks Compliant Suspect in the Face (VIDEO)
Police in Delaware released a dashcam video from an incident in August 2013
Michael Moore: Disarm the Police, Release Black Prisoners
GRAPHIC VIDEO: British Soldiers Walk Free After Brutally Bashing Civilians
`Respect the Indonesian Law`: Death Penalty in the Firing Squad
Level of Sexual Crime Reaches Historic High in England, Wales
Ex-CIA Director Petraeus Gets Two Years Probation for Leaking State Secrets
Snowden`s Lawyer: ``He`s a Hero``
 ICT & Science
Media & Opinion
ImageAustralian Researcher: Phone Radiation is a Hotline to Brain Cancer
Wifi, cell phones and their towers a major factor in increasing brain cancer rates
Flattr developer update No.5 – What is left behind
N Korea Unveils New Satellite Control Center
Russia Establishes Satellite Ground Station on US Doorstep as Alternative GPS
After 2012 Close Call, Giant Asteroid on Collision Course With Earth Again
How tech became wearable
WeChat Silently Removes Popular Pencil Pilot Game
ImageProtesters Rudely Shut Down City Built On Their Stolen Land
Satire from SBS on Complaints Over Aboriginal Protests on May 1
TV: Radioactive cover-up at Fukushima
TV: Officials lying, many more kids getting cancer after Fukushima
Solution to Cyber Bullying
Mark Parent @m77772 Missed by Online Activists Worldwide
South Australia Driving License Regulations Defective
Facebook: Sorry, something went wrong
 Culture & Education
ImageAdelaide: First Nation People Protest Destruction of Communities (Photos)
The oppressed Original Australians, also known as `Aborigines` and supporting Australian citizens marched for freedom and demanded an end to the cutting of services supplied to remote Aboriginal communities forcing them off their ancestral lands
Long Live Phra Thep Her Royal Highness Maha Chakri Sirindhorn
The First People
Adelaide Child Sex Abuse Teacher Charged - But Government Kept Secret
Is Islam a Religion of War?
The Green Charter and the Demise of the People`s Authority (Jamahiriya)
Beware the Female Sociopath
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Australian Researcher: Phone Radiation is a Hotline to Brain Cancer  
Russia to Conduct Observation Flight Over UK Territory  
The Russian-Chinese Drill in the Med Sends Signal to US  
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Freedom Summits 2014 - Gunham Jakamarra - OSTF & Sovereignty  
Crashed Airbus Plane Could Have Hit Power Lines  
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