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Easier For More Readers to Comment on Mathaba News Items

Posted: 2015-05-10
From: Mathaba
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Mathaba has again improved the public reader comments system, find out what is new!

It is now much easier and more visible to comment on Mathaba articles, and readers comments are made much more prominently visible. Here is what has improved:

At the end of this very article, as well as any other, you will see a comment box where you can add any comments. More on this in a moment. Down on the right side of the page you will see the recent articles with the most comments, you can also click on RECENT at the top of that list of comments, to see the most recent comments made on our articles.

On our main index pages such as our front page at mathaba.net and our Australia News page, on the right side bar the most recent comments are shown, and you can click on POPULAR to show the most recent articles that have the most comments.

What many of our readers may not know, is that you CAN post a comment anonymously as "Guest". However, such comments, as well as any comments containing links, or comments that have not had verified Emails, will take a while to appear. This is necessary to prevent spam and trolls. Guest or anonymous comments will usually appear within hours or a day at most.

However, if you click on Twitter, Facebook, Google or Disqus to login, and if your comment does not contain any links in it, the comment will likely appear immediately.

For those who do not wish their name or profile to show on their comments, posting as Guest is easy: just click in the "Name" box and type any name you wish to use. Then tick the "Guest" box that will appear below, and you can post as a guest.

Please do not use false Email addresses, your emails are not visible, and it is best to include an Email address so that you can receive automatic notification of any follow up comments should you wish to enable that option.

If you DO register with Disqus with an Email and password, not only will you be able to login and post comments without normally waiting for approval, but you will also be able to view all your past comments and delete them should you wish.

Please start by leaving your test comments in the comments box below, and also you are welcome to ask any questions if you are unsure of anything. You can post as many test comment on THIS page below as you like, fire away and become familiar with the many options of the Disqus comments system and how it works on Mathaba.

Watch the right side bars on our pages for new comments, and to see whether yours also (eventually) appear there. Have fun and we look forward to more comments from our readers!
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