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EU Authorizes 17 GMOs for Food, Feed Use Says European Commission

Posted: 2015-04-25
From: Sputnik
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The European Union has approved 17 genetically modified organisms (GMOs) for food/feed uses, the European Commission said in a press release Friday

(Sputnik) — The approved list includes 10 new authorizations, as well as 7 product renewals, and an approval for the import of two GMO cut flowers.

“These GMOs had gone through a full authorization procedure, including a favorable scientific assessment by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA),” the commission said, adding that the decision does not cover cultivation.

The new authorizations are valid for 10 years.

The products approved today will add to the list of 58 GMOs already considered safe to use in the European Union.

In response to the European Commission decision, Greenpeace lashed out at President Jean-Claude Juncker saying he "has no intention of bringing the EU closer to its citizens" and is moving instead "closer to the US and Monsanto."

The move comes as the European Union and the United States are debating the controversial and secretive Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) free trade agreement. The deal, which opponents say puts the sovereign rights of European nations at risk from corporate legal attack, also includes the likelihood of an influx of GMOs from the United States. It may also undermine the EU's right to label GM food.

GMO opponents argue that health risks associated with such products have not been adequately studied.

What’s Behind the GMO Label?
What’s Behind the GMO Label?
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