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  Mathaba Australia

88% Satisfaction With Mathaba App For Android Phones

Posted: 2013-12-07
From: Mathaba
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Since launching two Mathaba apps for Android phones three weeks ago the user experience is near 90 percent retention and ongoing use

Since launching the Mathaba App three weeks ago, 88% of those who installed the app on their Android phones have continued to use it on a regular basis.

More and more people are searching for Mathaba in Play Store and choosing to install either or both of the Mathaba and Mathaba Australia apps, which allow users to receive Mathaba News alerts on their phones and to easily read important news stories.

If you have not yet tried, go to Play Store and search for Mathaba -- a few results come up, we're the news apps Mathaba and Mathaba Australia, designed for a world news audience and Australian news audience respectively.

If you don't have an Android phone you can find out more about the apps here (Mathaba) and here (Mathaba Australia).
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