Grants & funding schemes

Our research is supported by income from a range of sources including philanthropic donors, government funding and research grants, support from industry and VU's internal research grants scheme.

In 'Grants & funding schemes':

On this page

Donate to fund research at VU

If you'd like to help support our research at VU, we encourage you to make a donation. There are many ways to make a donation to VU.

Submission of ARC & NHMRC proposals

To better support and manage the submission of high quality applications and improve success rates for VU researchers, a new Expression of Interest (EOI) process has been implemented.

Researchers intending to submit an ARC/NHMRC application in 2014/2015 for 2015/2016 funding (where VU is the lead on the proposed project) must submit an EOI.

Where Victoria University is not the lead organisation, researchers intending to submit an application must notify the Office for Research.

Contact us

The Office for Research provides expert advice and support to researchers seeking internal and external funding for research.

For more information contact the Research grants team in the Office for Research.