Provide website feedback

Your feedback helps us improve our services and ensure you get the best experience at VU.

Tell us what you think about our website by completing the feedback form on this page below.

Student feedback

ASKVU is an online system that hosts the answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) that our current students ask.
It also gives you the opportunity to ask your own questions, find an answer or make comments and suggestions for improvement on your experience as a VU student.

Complaints resolution

Current students complaint resolution

Victoria University has information about student complaints resolution to guide you through the steps you can take to resolve problems.

A current student is a person:

  • enrolled at the University in a course leading to a degree, diploma, certificate, licence or other award


  • a person whose study performance is being or is to be assessed by the University, notwithstanding that such a person is not enrolled at the University in a course leading to a degree, diploma, certificate, licence or other award.

Former students & members of the public complaint resolution

Victoria University has a Public Complaints policy to guide you through the steps you can take to resolve problems.

If you are a former student or member of the public, you can lodge a complaint by:

Your website feedback

Feedback submitted here helps us with future planning for improvements, so that we can provide the best user experience for all visitors to our site.

Use this form to tell us what you think about our website, where we've got it right and where we haven't. We really do appreciate your time!

Information marked with an asterisk "*" is required.