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There are a variety of different ways to find people on RSVP:

Basic search: Based on basic criteria, like location, body type, photos and relationship status.

How? Log in, select Search Options from under the main Search navigation, enter the factors you want under the 'Basic' tab and hit 'Search'.

Advanced search: Dig deeper by searching keywords, personality, career and more.

How? Log in, select Search Options from under the main Search navigation, select the 'Advanced' tab, enter the factors you want and hit 'Search'. (Tick the 'I'm their ideal partner' box if you'd like it to be a two-way search.)

RSVP name search: If looking for someone in particular and you know their RSVP name, you can find them. As long as you enter a valid RSVP name, you'll be taken to that member's full profile (unless their profile is hidden).

How? Log in, select 'Search' from the main navigation, then Name search.

Ideal partner search: This shows you all the people who match your ideal partner criteria, and vice versa. You can sort them using a variety of criteria, like who's online, profile completeness and who's new in the community.

How? Log in, select Search from the main navigation, then Ideal partner search.

Browse: You can browse based on all kinds of factors, like location, sexuality, hair colour, religion, politics and more. From there, you can filter the search as you go deeper by age and so on. Who knows who you might meet!

How? Log in, select 'Search' from the main navigation, then Browse and follow the prompts.

Top 100: You can check out who's hot on the RSVP Top 100 singles list. To be eligible to appear in the top 100, you must have a visible photo and have your Top 100 setting on. We rank you based on the amount of contact you have sent and received, including replies. So, make sure you reply to all your kisses and emails.

How? Log in, select 'Search' from the main navigation then Top 100

Interest groups: RSVP's communities of interest include miners, coffee drinkers, jet-setters, book lovers, fitness freaks, spiritualists, snow bunnies and many more.

How? Log in, select 'Search' from the main navigation, then Interest groups.

Search viewers:You can have a good look at who's been checking you out and see if there's anyone in there who warrants a closer look.

How? Log in, select 'Search' from the main navigation, then View viewers.

Getting your location right

If your listed postcode isn't right, the search results you receive will be outside your area. If you suspect this is happening to you, it only takes a moment to fix:

  1. Log in.
  2. Go to View & edit my profile.
  3. View or change your postcode (you'll be asked to confirm your suburb).
  4. Hit 'Submit' at the bottom of the page to save any changes and you're done.

Keyword search tips

Keyword search allows you to search based on words that are found in RSVP member profiles. You'll find this in the 'Advanced' tab within Search Options.

What words to search?

Think about some of the words your perfect date might use to describe their way of life. Or your own interests, likes and dislikes.

Searching for terms

To search for a term (i.e. more than one word), use double quotes to group words together to form a statement ("term term term"). For example, if you search "good sense of humour" or "tired of the club scene", it will search for that as a whole statement.

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