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Contact history

Your contact history will display all contact with that member from the last 365 days. In contact history you can:

  • Review all your contact history with that member. The oldest contact will be at the top, newest at the bottom.
  • You can respond to kisses and emails from the bottom of this page.
  • By default the most recent messages are shown. Click the load earlier messages link to see older communication.
  • Just under your messages there is a communication panel allowing you to respond to kisses and email. Your email editor includes the following great features:

    • Emoticons/smilies, bold, italic, underline, bullet points, number lists, indent, remove formatting and full screen mode
    • Politely say no - You can use this automatically generated email response if you do not wish to communicate further with a member.
    • Email read receipts - tick this box prior to sending your email and you will be notified when the member receiving it reads your message. This feature is for RSViP users only
    • If you have hidden photos, you can grant the receiving member access to your photos by selecting this checkbox just under your email
    • Save - Selecting this button will save your message to drafts and you can come back to it later via the drafts tab in the mailbox. If you forget to save your message, don't worry. RSVP now automatically saves your emails every 30 seconds as you type them. These are stored in your drafts folder so you can finish them off when you have the time!
    • Help I'm stumped for words - Stuck for words? This link will display a list of helpful thought starters to help you get started on that first email.
    • Send email - You've typed your message, now you're ready to initiate email contact. Click the send email button to deliver the message.

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