Last updated: October 15, 2013

Weather: Sydney 11°C - 23°C . Sunny.

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Did this man take Madeleine?

UPDATE: Sky News reports a suspect was seen carrying a blonde-haired child towards the beach. Later this morning (AEDT), police will present a fresh timeline of events surrounding the disappearance of Madeleine from her family's holiday apartment in a Portuguese resort.

'I deserved peace prize', Assad jokes

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad

SYRIA'S President Bashar al-Assad has jokingly said that he should have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize instead of an anti-chemical weapons body.

Rape accuser 'driven out of town'

teenager silhouette

AFTER a 14-year-old girl accused a popular footballer of rape, she and her family were driven from their small town and their house burned down.

Japan firm's Fukuppy over mascot

Japan firm Fukuppy with mascot name

THIS creature was dreamed up as the mascot of a Japanese company and while there’s no doubting its cuteness, his name has raised a few eyebrows.

Rihanna gets Thai sex show owner arrested


THAI authorities say they have arrested the owner of a sex show visited by pop icon Rihanna - the latest crackdown inadvertently triggered by the singer's tweets.

Girl's life at risk in peanut attack


A SCHOOLGIRL with a nut allergy could have died when someone slipped a peanut into her drink, school officials say.

The restrictive diet that promises to really work

The restrictive diet that promises to really work

IT IS the so-called Corset Diet which promises to drop inches from your waist without the need for surgery because you don't get as hungry. Sound too good to be true? It probably is.

RedFoo 'gutted' as Jiordan axed

RedFoo 'gutted' as Jiordan axed

A DEADLOCK instigated by Ronan Keating has forced Jiordan Tolli out of The X Factor, leaving her mentor Redfoo "gutted".

Dating websites for ghosts are a real thing now

Dating websites for ghosts are a real thing now

EVER wanted to date a ghost? You're in luck. Check out this, erm, unconventional dating website, where you can be set up with a sexy spectre.

Behind Lisa and Karl's 'bust-up'

Behind Lisa and Karl's 'bust-up'

TODAY Show hosts Karl Stefanovic and Lisa Wilkinson have set the record straight over speculation their relationship has soured.

From our News Partners

Cops deploy sneaky speed traps

Speed cameras

EXCLUSIVE: VICTORIA Police has rewritten its mobile speed camera rules specifically to allow cameras to be hidden and used on hills.



Bieber releases trailer for documentary - trouble was, no one is talking about the documentary.


Strict ubringing involved  "no sex before marriage, no drinking, no caffeine, no smoking and no swear words"

Jay Z

JAY Z and Chris Martin shocked commuters when they hopped on the Tube in London on the weekend.


A CONFIDANT of the Jackson family for 25 years shares secrets of the world's most famous family.


SOURCES close to 24-year-old golfing prodigy Rory McIlroy have said his relationship with tennis star Caroline Wozniacki, 23, is done.

Miley dwarf

ONE of Miley Cyrus' backing dancers has blasted their VMAs performance, calling it "degrading".

Man with knife arrested at Palace

POLICE have arrested a man with a knife who tried to enter Buckingham Palace in London.

Boy, 10, arrested over 'killing'

police tape

BRITISH police have arrested a 10-year-old boy in the killing of an elderly man who died of head injuries.

'No room for a creature so obscene'

Erich Priebke

A NAZI war criminal's death in Rome has sparked furore after the Vatican banned a funeral and Argentina refused the body.

Taliban leader pledges to continue fight

Taliban leader pledges to continue fight

THE leader of the Afghan Taliban, Mullah Mohammad Omar, has called on supporters to keep fighting ahead of next year's presidential elections.

Family throw grenades to stop execution

Grenades, bomb found in weapons bust

FAMILY members threw a hand grenade inside an Iranian prison, leaving 28 people injured, in an abortive attempt to prevent an execution.

Trio of US economists win Nobel

AMERICANS Eugene Fama, Lars Peter Hansen and Robert Shiller have won the Nobel prize for economics for their study into trends in asset markets.

Man gets hilarious customer service response

Man gets hilarious customer service response

WE'VE all been frustrated by robotic customer service, but one employee named Michael should become employee of the year for this surprise response.

Public speaking doesn't have to be a disaster

Public speaking doesn't have to be a disaster

WE know making a speech is horrible, but you can make it easier on yourself. Whether it's a work presentation or wedding speech, these 10 tips will help you nail it.

Treatment found for breast cancer strain

AUSTRALIAN researchers are hopeful they have found a treatment for triple-negative breast cancer, an aggressive disease more common in younger women.

The secret to looking like a teen

The secret to looking like a teen

SUSAN Reynolds' body and mind are in top shape. And at 29 she's flattered when people mistake her for a teen. What's her secret?

Deadly trade in prized Himalayan fungus

Trade in prized fungus causes conflict

CHINESE consumers call it the "Himalayan Viagra'' but harvesting of a prized caterpillar fungus is leading to violence and exploitation in Tibet.

Study ties chemical to miscarriage

Plastic bottles

NEW research suggests a chemical in many plastics and canned food linings might raise the risk of miscarriage.


Sep 24 - Oct 23

When people find themselves forced to do a lot of things that they don't want to do, they sometimes use the phrase 'soul destroying' to describe the experience. But whatever a... Read more

Firth laughs off Darcy's demise

BRIDGET Jones creator Helen Fielding says she told Colin Firth to have someone with him before revealing news of his character Mark Darcy's demise.

Rocker slammed for ordering attack on own fan

Rocker slammed for ordering attack on own fan

FAMOUSLY egotistical hard rocker Glenn Danzig is under fire after ordering the crowd to punch a fan at one of his concerts.

Fans want Ghostbusters car restored

Fans want Ghostbusters car restored

A PROP from the classic 1984 movie lies rusting and rotting on a studio backlot. So who you gonna call?

RedFoo 'gutted' as Jiordan axed

RedFoo 'gutted' as Jiordan axed

A DEADLOCK instigated by Ronan Keating has forced Jiordan Tolli out of The X Factor, leaving her mentor Redfoo "gutted".

Fifty Shades: Who wants role, who should get it

Hunnam quits Fifty Shades

TINSELTOWN'S leading men are once again chomping at the bit to land a role in Fifty Shades of Grey after Charlie Hunamm pulled out as main man, Christian Grey.

Lost man survives on squirrels, lizards

A 72-YEAR-OLD hunter who got hurt and was lost in a forest for 19 days survived the ordeal by eating squirrels and lizards.

Jetstar sorry over gay bag tagging

Jetstar sorry over gay bag tagging

A PASSENGER has taken to Twitter after an airline worker wrote a homophobic message on his luggage with baggage stickers. See the bag.

Airline's epic email stuff-up

Airline's epic email stuff-up

AIRLINE loses passenger's dog. Yep, that sucks. But it's what came next that really shocked - a rather inappropriate statement sent by a spokesperson to the owner.

Tourism fail: The forgotten city

Tourism fail: The forgotten city

MADRID is known for its great night-life and world-class museums. So why are tourists turning away from the dazzling Spanish capital?

LA flights halted after explosion

LA flights halted after explosion

FLIGHTS from Los Angeles International Airport have been cancelled after a bottle containing dry ice exploded.

How to get rich before you're 30

A YOUNG entrepreneur who made his first $1 million before 30 says certain things make it easier to get rich quick. Here are his tips.

Choosing to live on $5000 a year

Choosing to live on $5000 a year

DAN Price lives in an underground 'Hobbit hole' and survives on less than $5000 a year. He's one of many who choose to be poor.

Home loans drop after months of gains

Loan approvals show recovery

THE number of home loans approved in August fell by 3.9 per cent, the first fall in seven months.

MKR house stirs up international interest

MKR house stirs up international interest

A HOME featured on Channel Seven's My Kitchen Rules is attracting international attention after being put on the market.

Tips to avoid a budget black hole

colsolidate debts

FRAUD and sloppy mistakes could be costing you thousands over a year. Here's what you should look for to avoid a major budget blowout.

Daily Deals

Fixed loans from under 5.00%

Stop paying annual fees!

Shaw set to sign with Giants

COLLINGWOOD defender Heath Shaw is set to sign with Greater Western Sydney on a five-year deal worth about $3.5m.

Ange's six games to save us


LIKELY Socceroos coach Ange Postecoglou may have just six games to turn around the bumbling national team before next year’s World Cup.

England chasing Socceroos friendly

Steven Gerrard

AFTER back-to-back floggings, the Socceroos may have found a way to rebuild their shattered confidence - a friendly against England.

'Offer Sir Alex the Socceroos job'


MARK Bosnich is calling for the great Sir Alex Ferguson to be brought out of retirement to reinvigorate the Socceroos.

Online gamblers at risk of addiction

ONLINE gamblers are more likely to be at risk of becoming problem gamblers than those who gamble offline, new research shows.

Iran 'readies second space monkey'

Iran's space monkey

IRAN is reportedly planning to send another monkey into space within a month.

Insurer driving device will 'save lives'

Insurer driving device will 'save lives'

A BLACK box-style device that monitors whether drivers are regular speeders will be offered to young drivers to reduce their insurance premiums.

You owe your telco a huge apology

Solar Flare

AFTER all those times you cursed your telco for dropped calls and outages, it may be the sun that was to blame for it all.  Researchers find massive solar flares are taking out entire mobile phone networks.

Nerd alert: Geek myth a job turn-off

Nerd alert: Geek myth a job turn-off

PARENTS and career counsellors are being blamed for reinforcing the geek stereotype that is convincing young people not to study IT degrees.

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