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Federal Government

LOSING IT: Sophie Mirabella gets a much-needed holiday

SophiemirabellafatSenior Coalition figures have expressed concerns about the health and stability of Liberal heavyweight Sophie Mirabella after extraordinary scenes in the House of Representatives late last night that saw her expelled from the House for 24 hours by Liberal deputy Speaker Peter Slipper.

Mirabella has been thought to have under considerable strain recently following extraordinary revelations by Fairfax’s Michael Bachelard that she had seduced a man forty years her senior while in her twenties and had continued a relationship with him for decades (not necessarily sexual in the latter years) including after her marriage where she moved him into a neighbouring property, took hundreds of thousands of dollars from him and then ensured he left her his million-dollar-plus estate, with her as the executor too.

The man’s children were unimpressed and have threatened to challenge the will through the courts in what could prove a major embarrassment for the MP who has a history of making rather tough personal reflections on MPs, including on her own side.

The debacle in the chamber – for which we will soon have vision – apparently involved her attempt to table a petition denouncing the carbon tax. When leave was refused – a normal thing to do apparently – Mirabella’s reaction has spectacular and led her to eventually defy the rulings of the Liberal MP Peter Slipper who was in the chair.

He named her, prompting a division.

The trouble was that ear-ring wearing Tory Whip Warren Entsch had allowed at least a dozen Libs to go home for a relatively early evening. The stockman was give his cattle a spell.

But when Mirabella had what some colleagues presume was a “mental health moment” and Entsch needed the numbers there to protect her, they weren’t available. So she was duly suspended from the House for 24 hours.

Entsch was furious.

Mirabella left the chamber, visibly shaking and in tears. Recent reports of foul-moods, a changed physique and the mess revealed by Fairfax’s Bachelard over her weird relationship with Colin Howard and the potential scandal over his will already had colleagues asking her “Are you OK?”

The consequences of the Coalition going one vote down for a whole day when the numbers are so tight in the Reps could be serious depending on what the government brings on.

Its much-loved carbon dioxide tax could be pushed through the window of opportunity created by Mirabella’s antics. Potentially so could the Malaysian Solution proposal which, while not going to pass through the Senate, the government has been rightly keen to push as far as possible to make it clear they have done everything possible to stop the boats.

Mirabella has generally got a good run out of Tony Abbott’s leadership. She has political instincts not greatly unlike his: go for the jugular, although her take on that is wholly more personal and sometimes borders on the vicious and perhaps mad. Abbott is famously tough but generally avoids the personally-directed trash-talking that is Mirabella’s stock-in-trade.

Many of her colleagues hate her and regard as “uppity psycho trash with an eating disorder” as one backbencher sick of her abuse described her not long ago.

Certainly she has puzzled many of her traditional friends in the Victorian Liberals who assumed she was an ideological warrior of the most patriotic kind by being a big advocate of corporate welfare, industry planning, rent-seeking and any other government hand-out industry stake-holder groups can dream up on the flight to Canberra. “She has feasted on the industry groups’ smorgasbord of rent-seeking,” one surprised internal enemy told us:

“Mirabella is a maddie and always boasted of being a free-marketeer. But she’s shown herself to be an unprincipled old-style populist, maybe she’s operating under Abbott’s instructions or maybe she just never really believed in much beyond screwing a sad old man out of his millions while giving him the ride of his life. Look at the disgraceful government meddling in what mining companies choose to buy, Abbott and Mirabella were a pathetic little ‘me too’ echo on it. If she’s industry minister it will be ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest’ meets ‘Brewster’s Millions’ in the sector.”

This incident in the chamber will do little to quell concerns about her health and stability.

Even one sympathetic colleague this morning thought she needed time off.

Labor opponents were unsympathetic, recalling many appalling instances of weird behaviour in the parliament. They say that under pressure, she turns very, very nasty in the manner of a foul-mouthed street-walker. Legend has it that in remarks sadly not reported in Hansard, but clearly heard in the official digital audio recordings, that Mirabella screamed at one of her opponents during a debate on suggestions she’d corruptly received donations from Big Tobacco that he was, in her considered opinion, a “fat c*nt,” an epithet she had occasion to repeat many times in the people’s house chamber several times in a manner suggesting a case of Tourette’s.

There’s no doubt Mirabella is a troubled, if not tortured, soul. Normally, we’d think Canberra needs “maddies” rather desperately rather than just another suit who goes on SkyNews and parrots talking-points from overly-cautious press secretaries.

That’s why she’s such a disappointment to many of the Kroger-faction Liberals in Melbourne who passionately supported her, not only has she proved to struggle to control herself at key times, she’s adopted policies more in keeping with Socialist Left Industry Minister Kim Carr (and has sometimes tried to out-flank him on the Left) rather than the free-market rhetoric she once convincingly expressed. It’s all a bit sad.

“The criticism that Baillieu stood for nothing seems to apply equally to Mirabella. It’s a bit disappointing, the only passion for freedom she seems to have left is for ‘freedom fries’” one former supporter and Warrior on Terror told VEXNEWS.

It may well be time for Abbott to give his wayward protege a ‘time out’ from the front-bench to give her the opportunity to sort out the will of her former lover Colin Howard, come to terms with his gravely displeased children, to focus on getting well, keeping fit for office and to reflect on her public behaviour which seems likely to attract more scandal and trouble to her party if not substantially corrected. As things stand politically, Mirabella is due to become a senior minister sometime after the election expected in 2013. She is an accident waiting to happen unless she sorts herself out now.

UPDATE: Sophie Mirabella could normally be expected to get a favourable hearing on MTR radio.
Steve Price was pretty tough on her today, suggesting her suspension could be enough to cost the Coalition a key vote on the Malaysian Solution.

It was all bad but the worst of it was when Steve Price asked her about what her traditional foe Manager of Opposition Business Christopher Pyne said to her about the debacle:

PRICE: What did Chris Pyne say to you about this?

MIRABELLA: Oh, ah, well, I’ve had chat with Chris Pyne, and, um, he was fairly professional about this, he was, um, ah, as you would expect him to be, I don’t think it’s appropriate to go into the detail of private conversations I’ve had with colleagues.

Indeed. She wasn’t done there. While we give Mrs Mirabella credit for being brave in showing up to do media today, her reluctance to concede error made her look rather foolish. It was all Peter Slipper’s fault, it seems:

MIRABELLA: I can’t second guess why the Speaker moved so quickly to the actual…..from a warning to a naming- I’m sure if Harry Jenkins had been in the Chair, um, he doesn’t usually, ah, um, move that quickly…

Price went on to explain that Mirabella’s Liberal colleagues are furious with her lack of discipline and stupidity, giving the government breathing space at a time when the Leader’s office had been directing Steve Ciobo to fly back from half-way around the world to keep the pressure on. As Effie would say, how embarrassment!


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  1. ***Mirabella screamed at one of her opponents during a debate on suggestions she’d corruptly received donations from Big Tobacco that he was, in her considered opinion, a “fat c*nt,”***


    Not in Hansard, never mentioned by the government (as it most certainly would be) no action taken by Abbott (as there most certainly would be) but published on Vex, because ‘legend has it.’ Why you’re trashing your brand is a genuine mystery to me, Andrew.

    [VEXNEWS: Byron, love your work, if you give me a call, I'll tell you who she was screaming it at and when. Perhaps we should try to dig up the audio. Whatever you think of Sophie, it wasn't her finest moment.]

    Posted by Byron in Wahroonga | October 12, 2011, 8:02
  2. just another hotheaded wog chick with daddy issues ala kathy jackson

    Posted by Anonymous | October 12, 2011, 8:05
  3. I’d like to see Parliamentary Services dock pay for bad behaviour. I’m tired of having to switch the TV over from question time when the children are in the room or they call me a hypocrite. You’re also upsetting my mother. I’ve had to explain to her what c**t means. It’s only a matter of time before it slips past the censors.

    Posted by Naughty Corner | October 12, 2011, 8:19
  4. Her push for the Deputy Leadership has taken a serious blow with Abbott abusing her in the Canberra halway last night, I think stupid fool were the words that come to mind.

    Posted by Anonymous | October 12, 2011, 9:12
  5. sophie pandapolous has always been a nut job. its pretty easy to sprout forth with right wing rheotric and never be held to account – its hard to believe that libs (hopefully) with brains thought she had talent. Then again, it wasnt that long ago that Andrew Landeryou was telling everyone that the HSUA was a great union (when it and Sophie Pandopolous have always been crap).

    Posted by anon | October 12, 2011, 9:21
  6. push for the Deputy Leadership???
    “uppity psycho trash with an eating disorder”… that’s generous.
    back to the portaloo with you, you psychotic harridan.

    Posted by voice of reason | October 12, 2011, 9:38
  7. “a changed physique”? Are you saying she has lost weight, because she couldn’t get any fatter!!

    Posted by Right Said Fred | October 12, 2011, 11:00
  8. Taking the estates of older people seems to be a hazzard for liberal MPs

    Posted by The Insider | October 12, 2011, 11:32
  9. Leave her where she is, she is more of an assett to Labour than the Libs if she remains in the blue seats. What is it about fat greek women?

    Posted by Bobby Blue Gum | October 12, 2011, 12:49
  10. Whom the Gods would destroy they first make Franca Arena…

    Posted by Zaf | October 12, 2011, 13:24
  11. i would be very interested to hear from any Panopoulos family member as to whether Sophie has always behaved this way.

    Posted by interested | October 12, 2011, 13:34
  12. I would be greatly interested to here from a member of the Panopoulos family as to whether Sophie has always behaved like this.

    Posted by Interested | October 12, 2011, 14:05
  13. Please give Sophie a break you left wing wanker

    Posted by Josephine Goss | October 12, 2011, 16:53
  14. Maybe a question should be directed at mrs Mirabella about what happens when those with serious grog needs are trying to present or answer questions late into the evening? Furthermore what do you do with enormous guilt when your professional life is threatened by this condition?

    Posted by Thumper1 | October 12, 2011, 18:32
  15. History repeats. When she was in the Liberal Club at Melb Uni, Panopoulos was more hated by her club colleagues than by her opponents. Which is saying something.

    Posted by Felch | October 12, 2011, 19:42
  16. Sophie is the only one fighting against this government! All the others are wimps.

    Posted by The Sophie Mirabella Appreciation Society | October 12, 2011, 21:33
  17. Sophie really wants the carbon pricing system to start right now.

    Posted by The Real Sophie Mirabella Appreciation Society | October 12, 2011, 21:39
  18. C’mon Andrew. You should let readers know about Sophie’s whistleblowing about you.

    Posted by Fair's fair | October 13, 2011, 0:16
  19. Fancy that. I take it Slagabella doesn’t own a mirror, or she wouldn’t be quite so free with the fat c*nt abuse.

    She is a nutter and a nasty, mean spirited spiteful one at that.

    Is there anyone at all who knows if she has any redeeming features at all?

    Posted by jane | October 13, 2011, 1:08
  20. It would seem that Sophie supporters share her language skills!

    Posted by Interested | October 13, 2011, 10:40
  21. Hello Andy,

    Tried calling this morning and got ‘the person you are trying to call is unavailable.’ I note that Vex Similar Articles brings up a list of previous threads on La Mirabella – all uniformly hostile. Not quite sure for the reasons behind the vendetta, but vendetta it is.


    Posted by Byron in Wahroonga | October 13, 2011, 11:05
  22. i believe the national party has it own appreciation society for sophie

    Posted by dirk diggler | October 13, 2011, 12:22
  23. To me she is just a Liberal who wears her heart on her sleeve.

    ie the rest are not really any better, they are just as selfish, two faced and ego-twisted – they are just better at hiding it.

    Most pollies of any type have the same traits but thankfully Labor have it to a lesser extent.

    Posted by jimhaz | October 13, 2011, 12:32
  24. Good profile of Mark Dreyfus in the Age today where our Sophie of all people offers him some advice, revealing her delusions of adequacy.

    Posted by Balanda One | October 13, 2011, 14:56
  25. I really and truly think Sophie Mirabella was set up and thats is what they will do with their malaysian policy wait and jump when they get the speaker to turf someone out.

    Posted by Ninette Mammone | October 13, 2011, 15:39
  26. Yes get rid of Sophie, that way i will be the most beautiful wog lib from northern vic.

    Posted by THE REAL DIRTY DONNA (PETROVICH) | October 13, 2011, 19:12
  27. Leave Sophie alone

    Posted by Giuseppe De Simone | October 13, 2011, 20:11
  28. Chomp chomp chomp chomp chomp chomp

    Posted by Taking of Pell 123 | October 13, 2011, 20:23
  29. The recently deceased elderly chap must have loved having those big red bulbous lips wrapped around his old fella, sucking like a 2500 watt Dyson.

    Posted by Ye ha | October 13, 2011, 22:38
  30. Fasistiki, pootana

    Posted by Andrew Demas | October 14, 2011, 21:04
  31. Not even Percy would do that lump of lard,

    Posted by Boofa | October 14, 2011, 23:24
  32. There are very few people you come across in life who are pure poison. Sophie is one.

    Posted by realitybites | October 15, 2011, 5:57
  33. Sophie is fiesty. She is atypical. She is tough.
    Andrew, you used to be a fan. What happened?

    Posted by Anon | October 15, 2011, 9:30
  34. Donna petrovich is Aussie born and bred.

    Posted by Lib watcher | October 16, 2011, 0:27
  35. Your description of the carbon pricing mechanism as a “carbon dioxide tax” proves which side of the political fence you are on.

    Posted by silkworm | October 20, 2011, 13:48


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