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This category contains 14 posts

UGLY: Fin Review plays race card on Obeid

If Eddie Obeid broke the law, he should be punished. But the guilt-by-association frenzy that swirls around the former NSW MP is getting very, very ugly, substantially fed by NSW ICAC headline addicts.

In today’s supposedly respectable Financial Review, their …

LNP will look very silly if Clive Palmer gets court to over-turn suspension #auspol

Has the Queensland LNP bitten off more than it can chew by punting litigious billionaire Clive Palmer? By not giving him a chance to properly contest his membership suspension, they appear to have made it easy for him to succeed

FRIENDLY FIRE: Abbott’s failure to shoot feral Barnaby creates opportunity for Turnbull

With friends like Barnaby Joyce, Tony Abbott doesn’t need enemies like Malcolm Turnbull.

UNENTHUSED: Clive Palmer’s unexpected candidacy prompts LNP concern

The LNP hierarchy seems not especially thrilled with billionaire Clive Palmer’s candidacy in Lilley, as this statement suggests.

Some suggest the maverick could even run as an independent if he is knocked back.

30 April 2012

Statement: Mr Clive …

GOING ROGUE: Document written by Tristan Weston undermines Deputy Premier Peter Ryan’s story

Tristanweston2Last year, VEXNEWS reported on angst around those close with Tristan Weston, the former ministerial adviser thrown to the wolves in the mini-saga turned scandal relating to the Victorian Police Minister’s relationship with the Chief Commissioner of Police and …

CLUB WELL FED: Both sides of the aisle should be shamed for supping with Syrian supremacists

Nick Mack has done sterling work, sifting through the photographs displayed by Syria’s Embassy in Australia to discover a who’s who of Australian politics who’ve been willing to accept lavish meals, trips and trinkets from one of the world’s worst regimes.

LAWRENCE OF ARABIA: Queensland minister-to-be Lawrence Springborg’s close ties with Syrian regime revealed

Ask senior LNP figure Lawrence Springborg what he thinks about Syria and its government. He can’t get enough of it.

Barnaby’s adventures

What was Barnaby Joyce thinking by involving himself in Gina Rinehart’s family feud?.…

Seriously, Mr Newman?

LNP leader Campbell Newman should be doing a high-five tour of Queensland given the expected result of the state election but he’s making a bit of a jackass of himself by:

Slamming Bob Carr for being parachuted into Parliament

NO SOUP FOR YOU: Coalition tensions in Lyne cost two generous party donors dinner with Tony Abbott

It’s not just asylum seekers who struggle to get a dinner date with Tony Abbott even when they’ve generously paid for the privilege. This time, Coalition tensions in country member Rob Oakeshott’s seat are blamed for a snafu that left two prominent donors to the conservative cause in a ‘no-soup-for-you’ situation. It’d be enough to make Oakeshott’s independent colleague Andrew Wilkie do a Hitler salute.


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