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Bernardi warns UKIP’s success shows how Libs could be outflanked #auspol

SA Liberal powerbroker Cory Bernardi has joined the fight over what kind of Coalition government there’ll be, if elected in September. He’s argued that the success of the UK Independence party shows that a conservative government that isn’t truly conservative

Comrades Bramston & Kenny proven right in ‘Cut & Paste’ while lesser mortals are shamed #ausmedia

The PM’s bold attempted circuit-breaker public foreshadowing of the federal election date won much praise from the Canberra Press Gallery at the time.

The Australian’s Cut & Paste column today even-handedly reminds Fairfax and News Limited folk like Dennis Atkins …

ABETZ ASCENDANT: With frenemies like Alex Hawke, PM-to-be Tony Abbott is desperately going to need friends like Eric Abetz

Provoked by the editor’s sympathies for Alex Hawke and the IPA’s questioning of Tony Abbott’s very generous paid-parental leave scheme that could give some families as much as $3000 a week of taxpayers’ money to new parents to change nappies for six months, Christian Lyons has returned to argue for the pro-family policy and that the Liberal party – through champions like Eric Abetz – must keep the conservative faith against the rising ride of libertarianism in Australian conservative politics.

Lib MPs urge Tony Abbott to drop extravagant parental leave tax & spend plan #auspol

The next big battle in Australian politics isn’t so much between the Labor government and the conservative opposition, it’s among the conservatives about what sort of government they are going to be.

NSW federal MP Alex Hawke is breaking cover …

Tony Abbott is all for deregulation, against “nanny-state,” unless he thinks there’s a vote in it #auspol


You cannot bet with a bookie unless you’re over 18-years-old. And yet some – now including Tony Abbott – want to ban sports betting ads during sports broadcasts on television, but only if they contain “live-odds.”.

A random, ill-considered, …

James Ashby’s law firm scolded by Federal Court after leaving sex harrassment accuser financially devastated #auspol

The law firm Harmers that represented James Ashby in his clearly politically motivated litigation against former Speaker Peter Slipper last year has again been reprimanded by a Federal Court judge.

The firm insists it bankrolled its client’s case against Oracle …

Tony Abbott’s closest ally urges increase in GST #auspol

Without Nick Michin, Tony Abbott would never have got to be party leader, so his call to broaden and increase the GST is a significant clue to the direction of Coalition policy.

While Labor will try to exploit

CUT THROAT POLITICS: Indelicate phrase “cut the throat” ought not be hanging offence

SkyNews dashing star of screen Peter van Onselen is a good guy but is making a big deal about not much, in relation to his tweet-claims that a senior Abbott staffer threatened to “cut the throat” of a prominent do-gooder at a cocktail party. We examine the colourful language of politics and lament the threats to it from the politically correct.

“Lonely” Sir John Kerr “was not a strong man”, says Malcolm Fraser #auspol

Sir John Kerr was desperate to hang on to his job, “was not a strong man”, “wanted reassurance”, “was not helped by his wife”, “was a lonely man” according to born-again Lefty former Liberal PM who exploited these qualities to

FARRAH FORCED IT: Journalist burned confidential ministerial source, leaving Andrew McIntosh a smouldering ruin

Feisty Fairfax factotum Farrah Tomazin clumsily divulged the identity of a confidential source, causing a senior Victorian Liberal minister to resign. Should she also resign? Many in Spring Street think her goose is cooked.


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