The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition says:

“No to Cuts and Privatisation!

Make the Bosses pay!”

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Support TUSC. Photo Jack Jones
No more cuts!

TUSC will oppose all cuts to council jobs, services, pay and conditions. Reject increases in council tax, rent and service charges to compensate for government cuts. Vote against the privatisation of council jobs and services. Our policies


TUSC has had hundreds of declarations of support. You can sponsor TUSC as an individual trade unionist or socialist, or apply for your organisation to join TUSC.
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Printed and published by TUSC, 17 Colebert House, Colebert Avenue, London E1 4JP

Telephone: 020 7702 8667


Press: 020 8988 8773


Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Bulletin No.51

Tuesday 9 April 2013

There are quite a few items in this action packed bulletin so here are some of the headlines:

* TUSC gets 8.5 per cent in Knowsley Council by-election

* If you are an independent socialist then join the Independent Socialist Network in TUSC:

* TUSC stands over 120 candidates in May 2nd elections

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Local election leaflet and poster

4 April 2013

TUSC Leaflet and Poster TUSC A4 election leaflet: Our chance to protest at the Tories, Lib Dems, and Labour too!

A TUSC local elections leaflet is now available, for printed copies to be sent out by post or a PDF version – Council election leaflet – that could be copi-printed locally.

On the front there is space to overprint details of local candidates and, on the reverse side, is the TUSC ten-point ‘core policy platform’ for council elections.

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Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Bulletin No.50

Saturday 10 March 2013

Rebel councillors to stand under TUSC umbrella

This week Keith Morrell and Don Thomas, the ‘rebel two’ councillors in Southampton (see were invited to speak at a meeting of the RMT’s national executive committee. Their principled stand against the cuts, for which they have been expelled from the Labour Party, was warmly welcomed by the RMT.

They in turn voiced their appreciation of the support they have had from the RMT and from other TUSC supporters. Keith Morrell is up for re-election in May 2014 and, while the rebel two are looking at exactly what name he will use on the ballot paper, Keith is clear that he will be standing with others across the city under the TUSC umbrella.

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New TUSC broadsheet available

11 December 2012

TUSC candidate Steve Hedley. Pic Paul Mattsson An appeal to anti-austerity campaigners: we need council candidates to stand up to the Con-Dems! Why not you?

A NEW A3 folded TUSC broadsheet is now available, appealing for candidates to contest next May’s local elections. It includes the TUSC ‘core policy platform’ for council elections and a brief introduction to what the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition is. Ideal for distributing to trade unionists and anti-cuts campaigners looking for a chance to fight back.

£3-00 for 80 copies
£5-00 for 150 copies
£9-00 for 300 copies
Cheques payable to Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition, and sent to TUSC, 17 Colebert House, Colebert Avenue, London E1 4JP.
Or click here to use the the PayPal donation facility on the TUSC website and send an e-mail with delivery details etc, to

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Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Bulletin No.49

Saturday 12 January 2013


May elections – ten weeks until nominations open!

It is only ten weeks before nominations open for the May 2013 local elections – so all TUSC supporters need to get out our ‘Appeal for Candidates’ as far and wide as possible. Printed copies of a four-sided TUSC broadsheet can be ordered from the TUSC website.

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Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Bulletin No.48

December 3rd 2012


New TUSC broadsheet available

An appeal to anti-austerity campaigners: we need council candidates to stand up to the Con-Dems! Why not you?
A new A3 folded TUSC broadsheet is now available, appealing for candidates to contest next May’s local elections. It includes the TUSC ‘core policy platform’ for council elections and a brief introduction to what the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition is. Ideal for distributing to trade unionists and anti-cuts campaigners looking for a chance to fight back: £3-00 for 80 copies £5-00 for 150 copies £9-00 for 300 copies. Cheques payable to Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition, and sent to TUSC, 17 Colebert House, Colebert Avenue, London E1 4JP. Or use the PayPal donation facility on the TUSC website – at – and send an e-mail with delivery details etc, to

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Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Bulletin No.47

Thursday 11 October 2012


TUSC announces candidates for Bristol and Manchester – and will fight in Croydon too

The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition has announced its candidates for the Mayor of Bristol election and the Manchester Central parliamentary by-election that will take place on November 15.

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Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Bulletin No.46

Friday 24 August 2012


Four weeks to the TUSC conference!

There are now just four weeks to go to the TUSC conference, being held on Saturday 22nd September, from 11am to 5pm, at Birkbeck College, Malet Street, London WC1E.

The conference opens with a session entitled, ‘Building working class political representation against the austerity consensus’.

This will include a speaker from the RMT, following their recent conference decision to “continue to support TUSC candidates in local and parliamentary elections”, and a senior officer of the PCS, after that union’s membership ballot to free up their political fund.

Also confirmed as a speaker in this session is the Unite Executive Council member, Kingsley Abrams, speaking in a personal capacity.

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Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Bulletin No.45

26 July 2012

July Steering Committee drafts the TUSC Conference Agenda for TUSC National Conference on September 22nd

There will be three Sessions. Speakers will be restricted so that there is ample time for discussion

Session One: Building working class political representation against the austerity consensus. Speakers to be invited from the RMT executive, PCS and one speaker each from the affiliated socialist organisations, the SP, SWP and ISN

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Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Bulletin No.44

27 June 2012


National TUSC supporters' conference called for 22 September 2012

The TUSC National Steering Committee, at its meeting on June 13th, confirmed that the TUSC Conference would be held in London on September 22nd. The Conference Organising Committee will discuss possible venues. The conference is open to all TUSC supporters - starting at 11am and finishing by 5pm. It has also been agreed that a working group ‘commission’ should be set-up “to collate information on possible structures and receive submissions” as part of an ongoing discussion of TUSC’s development, with the aim of producing a report for the TUSC conference scheduled for September. More details ...

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Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Bulletin No.43

31 May 2012


National TUSC supporters' conference called for 22 September 2012

After due consideration the 22nd has been chosen over the 8th September because the TUC conference opens on Monday 10thSeptember (in Brighton) with delegations arriving over the weekend – when there will be a pre-conference general council and also, the National Shop Stewards Network and other campaigning organisations will want to make their presence felt. So all in all the best date is 22 September for the TUSC supporetr's conference– put it in your diaries now.

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Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Bulletin No.42

10 May 2012


TUSC to hold national conference in September 2012. Report from 9th May TUSC national steering committee here

Election data and analysis:

2012 Local Elections: Victories in Preston and Walsall; a setback in Coventry; solid votes in many councils

Two TUSC-backed candidates have won council seats in Thursday’s elections! Michael Lavalette, who narrowly lost his Town Centre ward seat on Preston council last year, claimed it back this time, beating the Labour candidate by nearly a hundred votes with 48.5% of the poll. In Walsall, Peter Smith, who had also lost his seat in 2011, shot up from 34% of the vote in 2011 to 45.8% this year to win back the Blakenall ward. Peter is a member of the Walsall Democratic Labour Party, which co-operates with other socialist organisations under the TUSC coalition umbrella. Unfortunately, the elections in Coventry saw a setback for TUSC. The TUSC national chairperson, Dave Nellist, lost his seat on Coventry council. Despite increasing the socialist vote in the St Michaels ward from last year to 1,469 this time (43.4%), Dave was defeated by a city-wide Labour Party campaign to unseat the only anti-austerity opposition from the council. Read more here

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Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Bulletin No.41

1 May 2012

Good Luck to all Trade Unionist and Socialist candidates and election teams in the 3 May elections from TUSC Bulletin – resisting the cuts and building a mass socialist party of the working class -

Standing in the elections? – then tell us your vote as soon as you know it!

It is vital that the details of the actual results are relayed to TUSC nationally as soon as they are known, so that we can produce an accurate overall picture of the TUSC campaign as rapidly as possible. The information we need for each ward where there is a TUSC candidate is:

The ward name in which the TUSC candidate stood;

The votes for every party/candidate (including independents) in the ward;

The total number of votes cast in the ward (if it is possible to provide this as some councils do not publish this information, although the returning officer will have it).

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TUSC NHS Credit card

20 April 2012

TUSC NHS Credit card GOVERNMENT’S NHS BILL: The Health & Social Care Act Means: NHS Privatisation

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TUSC election posters

18 April 2012

TUSC election posters Wales TUSC A3 poster pdf

TUSC Poster National pdf

TUSC ballot Paper A3 poster pdf

TUSC Ballot Paper (London) A3 pdf

Pdfs open in new window. (Main link is to TUSC National Poster.)

TUSC election posters are available for display in windows, workplace and community notice boards. They must NOT be used for flyposting, which is an offence under the Town and Country Planning Act (and subsequent regulations).

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Petition: Donate £10 or £5 to help London trade unionists and socialists

18 April 2012

Donate £10 or £5 to help London trade
unionists and socialists Donate £10 or £5 to help London trade unionists and socialists stand as candidates for the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition on the London-wide list (the orange ballot paper) in the elections for the Greater London Assembly on 3rd May.

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Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Bulletin No.38

16 April 2012

TUSC National Election Campaign News

Click here for full report of TUSC candidates standing

Carlisle: TUSC public election meeting: 'There IS an alternative' April 30th 2012 Speakers: Brent Kennedy, TUSC candidate for Currock ward. Currock House Community Centre, Lediard Avenue, Carlisle, 7pm.

South Wales: Fierce competition for seats in diverse city centre ward There are 20 candidates battling it out for the four seats, with the Green Party and the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition represented:

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Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Bulletin No.37

10 April 2012

TUSC News and Events

Brief TUSC candidates report for the 2012 local elections:

The campaign news from across Britain:

BBC News report: Scottish Anti-Cuts-Coalition to stand principled fighters in 37 council seats.

TUSC candidates gaining support in Southampton

120 attend TUSC election launch meeting in Liverpool

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10 April 2012

Leaflet about TUSC in Turkish

3 Mayıs 2012 tarihinde, Londra Anakent Meclis seçimlerinde adaylar gösteriyoruz. Londra’nın sıradan çalışan insanların sesinin duyulmasını istiyoruz, bankalara ve zenginlere karşı yoksulların çıkarları için mücadele eden adaylara oylarınızı verin. Bizim adaylarımız; Demir Yolları Sendika Başkanı başta olmak üzere, değişik işyerlerinden militanca faaliyet sürdüren sendikacılar ve değişik kampanyalarda aktif yer almış insanlardan oluşur.

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Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Bulletin No.36

3 April 2012

TUSC News and Events

Steve Gillan, General Secretary of the POA wholeheartedly supports TUSC

Steve Gillan General Secretary of the POA speaking in a personal capacity on Friday 30 March said, 'I support the Trade Union and Socialist Candidates in the forthcoming GLA elections. TUSC gives workers in London a viable political option to fight the cuts, redundancies and privatisation in the capital. I would urge all workers in London to put their cross next to the TUSC list on 3rd May'

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Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Bulletin No.35

26 March 2012

A Special event to support TUSC in London

Ken Loach, in association with the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition’s Southwark branch, will be appearing at Peckham Plex on 19 April to introduce and later discuss his films and political outlook.The Save the Children Film was commissioned by the charity in 1969, but was suppressed for 40 years due to its controversial content. Ken will be in discussion with Nick Wrack, a TUSC candidate in the London elections on 3 May. This event will be only its third ever public screening: See:

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Cuts Aren't Working - leaflet produced by Sheffield TUSC

27 March 2012

Cuts Aren't Working - leaflet produced by Sheffield TUSC
The campaign in Sheffield is under way with an excellent leaflet.

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Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Bulletin No.34

19 March 2012

Now with added Matt Wrack... Public rally to launch London TUSC campaign

Wednesday 21 March 7.15pm
235 Shaftesbury Avenue London WC2H 8EP

Bob Crow, general secretary rail union RMT

Matt Wrack, general secretary, Fire Brigades Union, FBU
Alex Gordon, president RMT & TUSC candidate
Ian Leahair, firefighters’ union FBU national executive & TUSC candidate
April Ashley, Unison national executive & TUSC candidate
Jackie Turner, doctor and health campaigner & TUSC candidate
Chaired by TUSC candidate Nick Wrack

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Leaflet: £10 for TUSC or a fiver for the fightback!

19 March 2012

TUSC fundrasing leaflet New leaflet: £10 for TUSC or a fiver for the fightback!

The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) is standing a list of candidates in the London-wide Assembly Members list section of the election for the Greater London Assembly on 3rd May (on the orange ballot paper)

We are ordinary workers. Some of us are fighting inside the trade unions against the government, London Assembly and councils implementing cuts; some of us have lost our jobs through cuts; and some of us are just fed up with the rich running politics and all the political parties doing their bidding in parliament, the London Assembly and our Town Halls.

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Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Bulletin No.33

12 March 2012

Public rally to launch London TUSC campaign

Wednesday 21 March 7.15pm
235 Shaftesbury Avenue London WC2H 8EP

Bob Crow, general secretary rail union RMT
Alex Gordon, president RMT & TUSC candidate
Ian Leahair, firefighters’ union FBU national executive & TUSC candidate
April Ashley, Unison national executive & TUSC candidate
Jackie Turner, doctor and health campaigner & TUSC candidate
Chaired by TUSC candidate Nick Wrack

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Appeal to trade union branches for money, speakers and support, from Alex Gordon, President, RMT

12 March 2012

Appeal To all trade union branches and regional bodies in Greater London

I am writing on behalf of the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) to ask for your support.

TUSC is standing a list of candidates in the London-wide ‘top-up’ list section of the elections for the Greater London Assembly on 3 May 2012. We are doing so because we believe that ordinary Londoners should have the choice of an alternative to the consensus in favour of public spending cuts, privatisation and pay freezes advocated by all the three main parties. Recent statements by Labour Party leaders that in government they would not reverse Tory/Lib Dem spending cuts confirms that they do not offer working-class people an alternative and cannot be a viable opposition to the attacks on our communities and our public services.

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Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Bulletin No.32

5 March 2012

TUSC candidate Steve Hedley. Pic Paul Mattsson TUSC News

The new TUSC postcard for the London Elections 3 May can be found here:

TUSC election candidate Steve Hedley named in employers blacklist - Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition calls for ban on blacklisters from public sector contracts
Following The Observer report that security services 'gave data to a clandestine organisation funded by major names in building industry', and compiled a secret 'blacklist' file on Professor Charles Woolfson who researched health and safety on oil rigs,TUSC calls for firms that used information to blacklist trade unionists and academics, to be banned from public sector contracts. Read the TUSC press release here:

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London TUSC election launch Rally, Wednesday 21 March

6 March2012

London Elections launch Rally, Wednesday 21 March Wednesday 21 March, 7.15pm
235 Shaftesbury Avenue London WC2H 8EP
Nearest tube Tottenham Court Road

Bob Crow, general secretary rail union RMT
Alex Gordon, president RMT & TUSC candidate
Ian Leahair, firefighters’ union FBU national executive & TUSC candidate
April Ashley, Unison national executive & TUSC candidate
Jackie Turner, doctor and health campaigner & TUSC candidate
Chaired by TUSC candidate Nick Wrack

(speakers in a personal capacity)

Colour pdf of leaflet.

Black and white pdf of leaflet.

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Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Bulletin No.31

20 February 2012


Public rally to launch London TUSC GLA campaign: Speakers: Bob Crow, TUSC candidates, plus others to be announced. If you live in London come along and get involved.
Wednesday 21 March, 7.15pm at 235 Shaftesbury Avenue London WC2H 8EP. For venue see:

If you live in London we want you to get involved in the campaign. E-mail with your borough. We are aiming to set up borough campaign committees so that everyone can get involved locally. Want to campaign for TUSC in your trade union? Then let us know what union you are in at the TUSC bulletin e-mail address.

President of the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) selected to lead new trade unionist and socialist electoral challenge for Greater London Assembly Elections in May 2012.

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New TUSC postcard for the London Elections 3 May

20 February 2012

New TUSC postcard for the London Elections 3 May New TUSC postcard for the London Elections 3 May

Please contact to order cards for your area.

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Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Bulletin No.30

6 February 2012

TUSC Conference report

TUSC Bulletin thought the TUSC election conference was good. A mixture of politics and organisation and a very comradely debate where agreement has still to be reached. You can read a couple of independent reports here: one from Socialist Worker here and another from The Socialist here

Call for candidates - give the working class in your area the chance to vote socialist.

We want the broadest possible challenge in the upcoming 3 May local elections to give those who support us a chance to vote for us. Last year many comrades left it very late to stand and still got creditable votes. Let us get ourselves organised as early as possible this year. Remember you will need a TUSC Candidate Authorisation form: Click here for the TUSC candidate authorisation application form

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Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Bulletin No.29

23 January 2012

TUSC Election campaign Conference

Saturday 28 January 2012,
11:00am – 4:00pm, University of London Union, Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HY: ULU Contact page

11-00am to 1-30pm: How can local councillors fight the cuts?

Cllr Dave Nellist , Michael Lavalette and Nick Wrack to speak for ten minutes each, followed by a ‘Question Time’ format discussion, to try and answer the many questions that are continually raised around this issue and introduce the draft local elections policy platform (appended below).

2-00pm to 4-00pm: Organising an election campaign

Maxine Bowler, Hannah Sell, and Pete McClaren to speak for ten minutes each, followed by discussion...

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Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Bulletin No.28

9 January 2012

TUSC election conference

Saturday 28 January 2012,
11:00am – 4:00pm,
University of London Union, Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HY: ULU Contact page

This is a conference open to all supporters of TUSC, candidates and agents, and those still considering whether to stand in the local elections on 3 May 2012. The conference will be divided into two sections:

How can local councillors fight the cuts? To answer the many questions that are continually raised around this issue and as an introduction to the draft policy platform

Organising an election campaign: To give some guidance to the prospective candidates and/or their agents

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Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Bulletin No.27

12 December 2011

N30 - 30 November public sector strike. Pic Paul Mattsson

This will be the last bulletin before Christmas. Have a good break. The first bulletin in the New Year will be out on Monday 9 January 2012.

The turnout on 30 November was magnificent. Public sector workers showed they are determined to resist the austerity plans of this government. Why should they pay more, work longer and get less?
The government wants to divide public sector and private sector workers over pensions, pay and working conditions. But we won’t allow them to pit one against the other in the race to the bottom.

Private sector workers in pension struggle too
Some 2,500 Unilever workers walked out on strike last week in protest at the Anglo-Dutch consumer goods conglomerate’s decision to close its final salary pension scheme, replacing it with a hybrid offering less generous benefits:

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Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Bulletin No.26

28 November 2011

Pensions strike. Pic Hugh Caffrey


All out on Nov 30th!

TUSC members, supporters and branches will be out in force on Wednesday supporting the public sector workers pensions strike – on the picket lines, and on marches and Rallies all over the country showing solidarity and giving out information about TUSC – the organisation providing both a political and trade union response to the cuts

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Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Bulletin No.25

14 November 2011

March 26 TUSC poster


Preparing for 30 November – order your postcards now!

We want to have the biggest possible presence for TUSC on the 30 November picket lines and protests.

We will be printing tens of thousands of the TUSC Election postcard that proved so successful on the 26 March demo.

We do need donations to help pay for the cost of the cards so lets call it £2 per hundred. Make cheques payable to TUSC and send your orders to: TUSC, 17 Colebert House, Colebert Avenue, London E1 4JP

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Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Bulletin No.24

31 October 2011

March 26 TUC demo


Preparing for 30 November – order your postcards now!

Blue scholars sing proletariat blues ‘We never get paid what our labour is worth’:

?Some physics and maths: The capitalist network that runs the world:

?51 per cent believe that the Occupy Wall Street and Occupy London Stock Exchange protestors are right to want to call time on a system that puts profit before people:

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Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Bulletin No.23

17 October 2011

Start planning now for next May’s elections - 30 weeks to go

As millions of public sector workers prepare for what could be the biggest day of strike action since the 1926 general strike, it is important that the political truth of N30 is driven home.

The attack on public sector pensions is being led by a Tory Chancellor, George Osborne, and a Liberal Democrat Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Danny Alexander, working to a ‘reform report’ prepared by the ex-cabinet minister, John Hutton, who is still a Labour member of the House of Lords. Who is speaking up for workers?

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RUGBY UNITED RAILWAY CLUB, Railway Terrace (corner of Spring St)


BOB CROW General Secretary, RMT and TUSC National Steering Ctte

JANE NELLIST Secretary, Coventry NUT & Coventry Anti Cuts Ctte

STEVE ROBERTS Chair Warwks Fire Brigades Union (FBU) & Rugby TUSC

JODIE HANNIS Youth Fight for Jobs/Jarrow March for jobs

CHAIR: PETE McLAREN Prospective TUSC Candidate Lawford&Kings Newnham

Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Bulletin No.22

3 October 2011

As benefit changes and economic crisis mean a sharp rise in people depending on charity to eat and new research showing that one in four earn less than a living wage

Leading London RMT and FBU reps call for anti-cuts candidates in 2012 GLA elections

'Dear Sister/Brother, We believe that in next year’s Greater London Assembly elections there must be trade union and socialist candidates who oppose all the cuts being forced through by the Con-Dem government. We cannot support Labour’s policy that some cuts are necessary but should be implemented more slowly. We deplore Ed Miliband’s criticism of millions of trade union members who are ready to strike over pensions...' For the full letter on this website click here. If you live or work in Greater London download the petition and add your name.

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Greater London Assembly elections May 2012

1 October 2011

Workers demonstrate A call to support anti-cuts candidates from Steve Hedley, Ian Leahair, John Reid and Ben Sprung, (RMT, FBU)

Dear Sister/Brother,

We believe that in next year’s Greater London Assembly elections there must be trade union and socialist candidates who oppose all the cuts being forced through by the Con-Dem government...

- Download this appeal as a print quality pdf
- Download the petition

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Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Bulletin No.21

19 September 2011

Matt Wrack, FBU Cartoon of the month:

November 30 – all out to defend pensions and the welfare state

Matt Wrack, (pictured left) General Secretary of the FBU writes: 'The attacks firefighters and other public sector workers face on pensions are truly unprecedented. We have had battles over pensions before, but the range of attacks we are facing today and the scale of the attack on our living standards has never been seen before.' For article see:

TUSC will have a national leaflet for the day. An order form will be in an October bulletin.

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Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Bulletin No.20

5 September 2011

The TUSC fortnightly bulletin emerges from its August holiday break. We hope all our readers had a good rest and are ready for Autumn and everything it brings.

We welcome all new readers. Please distribute this bulletin to your e-mail lists. To subscribe to the bulletin directly, e-mail To get involved with TUSC campaigns visit:

Can you help us with the bulletin and building TUSC?

We need lots of help to spread news of TUSC and what it is trying to do. Send us news and reports for the bulletin. Seen something in the media you think needs to be shared? Send it to us.

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Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Bulletin No.19

1 August 2011


The following resolution on the upcoming GLA elections was passed (unammended,as far as tuscbulletin knows when going to press) at the July Regional Council meeting of the London Transport Regional Council of the Rail, Maritime and Transport workers' union:

GLA Elections - submitted by Neasden Branch
This branch/Region supports the growing anti-cuts movement and we realise that a successful movement will require an industrial political strategy. We realise that all three major political parties, including Labour, are making cuts in local authorities in London.

The London elections for the Greater London Assembly and mayor present an opportunity for a trade union based anti-cuts challenge involving community and trade union campaigns. This could take place under the name of Trade Unionists Against Cuts, a registered name of the Trade Unionists and Socialists Coalition (TUSC)...

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Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Bulletin No.18

22 July 2011

Wales May Day celebrations, with young TUSC supporter . Picture by Les Woodward Report from TUSC candidates conference

60 people attended the TUSC conference on 16 July called for candidates and campaign organisers to review the local election campaign and look ahead to next year. A consultative vote was taken on a ‘framework plan for developing TUSC into 2012’ and on a motion from the Rugby branch of TUSC. Both were passed without opposition. Both can be found here:

It was agreed that there will be ‘a conference by the end of 2011 open to local TUSC steering committees, delegates from trade union branches and other local groups who are planning to stand candidates in the 2012 local elections’ to coordinate electoral challenges and plan the campaign. There may have to be a separate conference specifically to deal with the GLA/Mayoral elections.

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A framework plan for developing TUSC into 2012

20 July 2011

The proposals below have been circulated amongst the TUSC steering committee with general agreement. However, some trade union members of the steering committee want to discuss them further amongst TUSC supporters within their unions before they formally endorse them. In accordance with the federal character of TUSC therefore, they are still draft proposals waiting for agreement by the constituent parts of the coalition.

The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) has now been in existence for 18 months.

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Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Bulletin No.17

4 July 2011

30 June demonstration in London on the pensions strike day. Picture by Paul Mattsson Serwotka flattens Tory Boy Maude on BBC Today programme on pension strikes. and Mary Bousted, general secretary of the ATL, gave it to Miliband at Westminster Central Hall rally. She said:

‘I am pleased we are not affiliated to Labour, the response of Ed Miliband has been a disgrace. He should be ashamed of himself. If our strike is a mistake, what has he done to oppose this devastating attack on our pensions? If the opposition will not defend our pensions, we will.’

Hundreds of thousands went on strike and demonstrated on 30 June. City and town centres across the country saw large rallies against the planned pension reforms.

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Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Bulletin No.16

20 June 2011

Class struggle in Greece: ‘the slogan that is relevant and mature today is rupture, overthrow and disengagement from the European Union’ see here:

Agenda for the Conference of TUSC candidates

and campaign organisers

Saturday 16th July, 11am - 4pm, ULU, Malet Street, WC1E 7HY

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Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Bulletin No.15

6 June 2011

Greek protestors occupy finance ministry as general strike is called for June16 and hold mass demonstrations

TUSC Conference

After May - anti-cuts campaigning and the elections.

What next for TUSC?

University of London Union

11am to 4pm

Saturday 16 July 2011

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