The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition says:

“No to Cuts and Privatisation!

Make the Bosses pay!”

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No more cuts!

TUSC will oppose all cuts to council jobs, services, pay and conditions. Reject increases in council tax, rent and service charges to compensate for government cuts. Vote against the privatisation of council jobs and services. Our policies


TUSC has had hundreds of declarations of support. You can sponsor TUSC as an individual trade unionist or socialist, or apply for your organisation to join TUSC.
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Printed and published by TUSC, 17 Colebert House, Colebert Avenue, London E1 4JP

Telephone: 020 7702 8667


Press: 07984 027754

Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition

Bulletin No.41

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Good Luck to all Trade Unionist and Socialist candidates and election teams in the 3 May elections from TUSC Bulletin – resisting the cuts and building a mass socialist party of the working class -

Standing in the elections? – then tell us your vote as soon as you know it!

It is vital that the details of the actual results are relayed to TUSC nationally as soon as they are known, so that we can produce an accurate overall picture of the TUSC campaign as rapidly as possible. The information we need for each ward where there is a TUSC candidate is:

The ward name in which the TUSC candidate stood;

The votes for every party/candidate (including independents) in the ward;

The total number of votes cast in the ward (if it is possible to provide this as some councils do not publish this information, although the returning officer will have it).

Some wards that TUSC is contesting are in councils with ‘all-seat elections’, where two or three seats are up for election. If that is the case we still need to know the votes of every candidate in the ward (and which party they represented) to be able to work out the TUSC percentage.

Many councils are not beginning their counts until Friday, so the first national overview report we will produce is unlikely to be posted on the TUSC website until Saturday. But it all depends on how soon the information comes in. Although the campaign to win votes finishes as the polls close at 10pm on Thursday, the campaign to build a vehicle for working class representation continues afterwards, not least in the immediate task of reporting the election results – to my e-mail address below – as soon as possible!

In solidarity, Clive Heemskerk: TUSC National Agent/Nominating Officer

Campaign News

TUSC breaks through the national media silence on BBC Question Time here

and in The Guardian here: and on the BBC here:

TUSC challenge is Southampton is covered in the Guardian here:

Support for TUSC from London Turks and Kurds

Nick Wrack spoke on behalf of the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) at the 4th GIK-DER Culture and Art Festival in Edmonton on Friday 27 April:

Jimmy McGovern endorses Tony Mulhearn for Liverpool mayor
Multi-award winning Liverpool writer Jimmy McGovern has endorsed Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Liverpool mayor candidate Tony Mulhearn:

Camden TUSC campaigners manned a picket line outside the Royal Free Hospital to protest about privatisation of the NHS, cuts in services and charging for essential healthcare and got in the local press:

Carlisle TUSC election meeting gets good local press even though the attendance was poor as it did clash with the a football game that recently took place in Manchester:

TUSC candidate is quoted in defence migrants:

Four-way battle to persuade electorate in estuary ward
TUSC covered in the welsh press here: and here:

Local Newspaper in Rugby reports that "TUSC would fight all budget cuts"-

and Rugby TUSC ups its campaigning in last minute push

And TUSC even gets a mentions in Winchester:

Letter of complaint sent today by TUSC to the BBC News producer
Dear Sir/Madam,. I am writing as the national...:

Upcoming TUSC Events

If you are holding a TUSC meeting to debate what the election results mean let us know and we will advertise it here in the next bulletin on 10 May the bulletin will also conatin a comprehensive round-up of the election results.

Building a new Left in the UK – public meeting in Milton Keynes

“Building a new Left in the UK” – TUSC (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) what it is and how it works. Tuesday 5 June 7pm at Madcap Arts Centre Wolverton:

Independent Socialist? Want to build a new mass socialist party? Come and discuss how at the TUSC Independent Socialist Network meeting in London on Saturday 19 May starting 12 noon. For more details see here:

From the Unions

Defend public sector pensions Take Action - 10 May 2012

Defend your pensions - join an action near you

Unite reports that over 94 per cent of the union's NHS members voted for a second time to reject the government's great pensions’ robbery. They will be joined by members from the MoD and government departments sector, along with fellow trade unionists from PCS and UCU, and they all say: We won’t: Work longer; Pay more; Get less”

RMT Royal announces Royal Fleet Auxiliary pensions strike on 10th May.

Transport department workers vote to strike over cuts

Civil servants working for the Department for Transport (DfT) have voted for strike action to defend jobs, pay and services.

Remploy workers take the fight to Parliament and continue campaign to win

600m Gallons Reservoirs Closed

GMB claims that closing reservoirs in the south east while not diverting water from the Severn, as rainfall runs into the sea, is serious mismanagement

RMT confirms that it is to begin balloting tube cleaners working for ISS and Initial for strike action in disputes over pay, pensions and benefits


Argentina - Kirchner nationalises YPF petrol:

Tamil Solidarity – Report from last weeks meeting:

Information burst

Legal aid cuts threaten thousands of children

Campaigners have warned thousands of children could be hit by restrictions on legal aid in housing cases:

The greater class divide
Teachers have warned that schools are facing an increase in segregation `along class lines' with the poorest children being the ones to suffer most:

Black graduates pay price in jobs crisis as majority fail to find work
Black graduates are 30 per cent less likely to be employed than their white counterparts after leaving university:

After 13 years of New Labour and two years of the Coalition, nearly 4 million children are living in poverty
Guardian reporter Alexandra Topping reports, nearly 4 million children are living in poverty. The article explores what can be done to improve the life chances of young people who are poor:



Cardiff 5th May 12.00 Callaghan Square

Coventry 5th May 11am Speakers Corner, Council House

Dundee 5th May 12.00 Hilltown Park

Edinburgh 5th May 11.00 Johnston Terrace

Glasgow 5th May 11.00 George Square

Ipswich 1st May 11.00 Giles Circus

Irvine 5th May 10.30 Woodlands Centre

Redbridge 5thMay 16:00 Rally outside Ilford Town Hall

Manchester 7th May 11.00 Bexley Square, Salford

Newcastle 5th May 11.00 Times Square

Nottingham 5th May 10.00 Forest Recreation Ground

Documentary: August Riots, UK

The August 'Riots' 2011
Seminar and film screening of 'Rebellion in Tottenham 2011'
Speaker Roger Ball (Co-founder of the Bristol Radical History Group)
6:30 pm - 8:30pm Wednesday 2nd May 2012 126 Mount Pleasant (opposite Catholic Cathedral), Liverpool, UK

North Somerset Unison Save Our NHS May Day Demonstration and Rally

Saturday 5 May 2012, 11:00am

College Green, Bristol BS1 5TR

March and rally against pension and public service attacks in London

Thursday, 10 May March: St Thomas’s Hospital, SE1 from 12 noon

Rally: Methodist Central Hall, SW1 from 1pm

Forthcoming Conference: Netpol ‘Total Policing’

Following the success of the Standing Up To Surveillance conference last year, Netpol’s second conference will take place on the 20th May 2012, starting at 10.30am. This time the focus of the conference is Total Policing – the new London-based policing initiative with an elusive definition. Are we seeing Total Policing? Or a Total Lockdown?:

TUSC information
You can find out more about TUSC at:

To donate to TUSC go here:

To: Unsubscribe / Change Profile

TUSC aims to bring trade unionists, socialists and anti-cuts campaigners together to stand candidates at elections who are committed to representing working-class interests. Resistance to the cuts is vital, but we also need a political alternative to the policies of cuts and privatisation. TUSC believes that a new working-class party is needed that campaigns for a democratic socialist society run in the interests of the millions not the millionaires.

PLEASE take out a standing order to support TUSC

Standing Order Mandate: Please print out, complete & return to: TUSC, 17 Colebert House, Colebert Avenue, London E1 4JP

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