The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition says:

“No to Cuts and Privatisation!

Make the Bosses pay!”

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No more cuts!

TUSC will oppose all cuts to council jobs, services, pay and conditions. Reject increases in council tax, rent and service charges to compensate for government cuts. Vote against the privatisation of council jobs and services. Our policies


TUSC has had hundreds of declarations of support. You can sponsor TUSC as an individual trade unionist or socialist, or apply for your organisation to join TUSC.
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Printed and published by TUSC, 17 Colebert House, Colebert Avenue, London E1 4JP

Telephone: 020 7702 8667


Press: 07984 027754

Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition

Bulletin No.44

Wednesday 27 June 2012

A terrible error of judgement…


National TUSC supporters' conference called for 22 September 2012

The TUSC National Steering Committee, at its meeting on June 13th, confirmed that the TUSC Conference would be held in London on September 22nd. The Conference Organising Committee will discuss possible venues. The conference is open to all TUSC supporters - starting at 11am and finishing by 5pm. It has also been agreed that a working group ‘commission’ should be set-up “to collate information on possible structures and receive submissions” as part of an ongoing discussion of TUSC’s development, with the aim of producing a report for the TUSC conference scheduled for September. (For more see below)

TUSC steering committee agrees plans for future election strategy

The TUSC Steering Committee confirmed its intention to contest the 2013 County Council Elections as widely as possible, and is appealing to trade unionists and anti cuts campaigners to come forward as prospective candidates now and start preparing for the elections. It was also agreed that there would be a TUSC candidate in the Bristol mayoral election on November 15th, and that Respect would be contacted again about the Manchester Central By-election due to be held the same day. TUSC’s local election policy platform will be an agenda item at the September 22 Conference. The Steering Committee meets again on July 18th. Read more here:

Help the TUSC by-election campaigns in Merseyside

TUSC candidates Chris McDermott and Lynne Wild contest by-elections in Allerton and Hunts Cross ward. For more:

TUSC activist in Lincoln East by-election ...

The move was made by leading local trade unionist and TUSC candidate Nick Parker. For more read here:

Second union general secretary joins steering committee

The General Secretary of the Prison Officers Association (POA), Steve Gillan, has joined the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) national steering committee, becoming the second union general secretary on the committee alongside Bob Crow, of the RMT transport workers’ union. Also joining the TUSC committee is the POA Assistant General Secretary, Joe Simpson. See:

‘Reviewing Our Structures’ discussion launched

The post election TUSC national steering committee meeting in May agreed that a working group ‘commission’ should be set-up “to collate information on possible structures and receive submissions” as part of an ongoing discussion of TUSC’s development, with the aim of producing a report for the TUSC conference scheduled for September. Now the ‘terms of reference’ for the ‘Reviewing TUSC’s Structures’ Commission have been agreed (see link below), after a discussion at the June steering committee.

There are, of course, a lot of issues to look at. In its two and a half years of existence TUSC has experienced a greater level of trade union leadership and involvement than any other ‘comparator’ organisation. How can it ensure that the leading role that trade unionists have played up to now can continue, locally as well as nationally?

What lessons can be learned from the current experiences of TUSC ‘on the ground’ at local level? How can individual supporters of TUSC who are not leading trade unionists (locally or nationally) or members of the participating socialist organisations, be fully involved? There are legal issues too, from TUSC’s registered status with the Electoral Commission, that need to be considered.

TUSC has moved on from its formal launch in 2010. The last update of its structures was made in 2011 (see link below). This will be the starting point of the work of the ‘Reviewing TUSC’s Structures’ Commission. Submissions to the Commission are welcome from supportive individuals and organisations, to be sent to and The aim is for the commission to produce an interim report for the TUSC conference in September, including a plan for local discussions to follow the conference. Links:

The Independent Socialist Network in TUSC is meeting on 21 July at 12 noon.

Another national meeting of the ISN in TUSC has been called for 21 July 2012. It will discuss the upcoming TUSC conference, the review of TUSC structures and ISN priorities for the year ahead. If you are an independent socialist you are welcome to attend. It takes place at The Meeting Place, 2 Langley Lane, London SW8 (2 mins from Vauxhall tube). For more details keep an eye on the ISN website:

Brighton TUSC outlines programmed of activities.

TUSC members in Brighton organized a Public Meeting on Greece on Monday June 25th. They also agreed to prepare for the upcoming County Council elections and to press to speak to/at/with trade union branches. They have designed a local TUSC leaflet for use.

Rugby TUSC also plans ahead

Rugby TUSC met last week and also began its preparations for the 2013 County Council elections. Candidates were selected, and it was agreed to liaise with TUSC supporters and anti cuts campaigners across Warwickshire, suggesting the setting up of a Warwickshire Regional TUSC Co-ordinating Committee. It was further agreed to launch a Rugby TUSC Newsletter for wide distribution, and a draft format was approved.

From the Unions

RMT warns of “potentially lethal” Olympics rail proposals

The RMT has registered its total opposition to last minute Olympics rail proposals which the union says are designed to cut corners on existing safety procedures in the event of a broken down train with potentially lethal consequences

Unite delegates vow to fight ‘feral capitalism’ with Robin Hood tax

A radical overhaul of Britain’s financial and banking system has been called for to combat ‘feral capitalism’ by delegates attending Unite’s policy conference in Brighton

Essex fire crews vote two to one in favour of strike action

Essex fire crews have voted TWO to ONE in favour of strike action in a dispute over frontline cuts and changes forced through without proper negotiation or agreement.

Tens of thousands of revenue staff strike against damaging cuts

Tens of thousands of PCS members in HM Revenue and Customs were on strike yesterday, June 25, with picket lines held at more than 100 offices across the UK.

London NHS Trust Break Up – GMB calls on government to bail out the Trust.

This Trust has never had the opportunity to succeed due the crippling historical debt inherited from a private sector finance deal

International News

Namibian miners support Spanish miners

4000 Namibian miners whose pensions have been stolen from them by big business and the state, are now organising in support of the Spanish miners. They are joining the support group that UK miners/ex-miners have set up for Spanish miners whose pits are threatened with closure due to a withdrawal of government subsidy (arising out of euro-austerity policies). Spanish Miners solidarity committee set up by a group of ex miners & women against pit closures can be contacted at: or 07768 300 148.

RMT supports Dutchdockworkers as they take pensions rip-off protest to AEGON-sponsored Eastbourne tennis tournament. Argentina deploys military police in fuel strike.

Information burst

New report by Spartacus: ‘Reversing from Recovery’ - likely impact on the economy of Personal Independence Payment:

FTSE-100 finance directors see pay increases of 9.5%. Annual bonuses equal to 127% of basic salary. Median bonus payments run at £588,500. For more on how we are all in it together see:

Changes to electoral registration could deprive people of their vote

For more see:

Paraguay's ousted president, Fernando Lugo, denounces 'parliamentary coup':


Will there be a judicial review of the Work Capability Assessment?

A judge decides on Friday 29 June. Vigil outside the Royal Courts of Justice 11am

Netroots UK Saturday 30 June 2012,

9:00am Congress House, Great Russell St, London WC1B 3LS Netroots UK is an annual one-day event like no other in the UK for the progressive left.

Our aim? To help network and inspire activists across the country using the internet through a mixture of debates, strategy sessions and training workshops.

Welsh Shop Stewards’ Network Conference: Sat 30th June 10am-3pm Temple of Peace, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff Speakers include Katrine Williams (Chair PCS Wales), Les Woodward (Remploy National convener), Owen Herbert RMT Council of Executives, Cerith Griffiths Wales FBU Chair, John Hancock POA NEC.

Haringey Justice for Palestinians
Contact us: Boycott Israeli Goods Now!Public meeting with:
Ronnie Kasrils (African National Congress) And Gary MacFarlane (local journalist and community activist) Tuesday 3rd July, 7pm
St John Vianney Church Hall 386 West Green Road, Tottenham N15 3QL

Save Our Services - No to a Virgin NHS!

Picket of Virgin in Northampton - and Public Meeting. 7th July, Saturday, Abington Street, 10.30am and afternoon. Contact 01604 752588 or email

The 2nd Wigan Diggers’ Festival will take place on Saturday 8th September 2012.

You can find more details here:

World Pride Parade Sat 7th July

The theme for this years World Pride Parade is 'One World, One Pride, One Voice' and all parade participants will be reflecting this in their float or walking group. The World Pride Parade will start at Baker Street at 1 pm and make its way down Oxford Street and Regent Street, moving down Pall Mall and Cockspur Street as it passes Trafalgar Square and continues down Whitehall where it will end at around 4.30 pm

National week of action against workfare Saturday 7 July 12:00am A week of action to end workfare in the UK from 7-14 July. Wherever you are, whatever you want to do, get involved! Plan your event, post it up on the facebook page and check back for leaflets, ideas and info nearer the time!

Barnet Council Not For Sale - special conference by BAPS & UNISON Saturday 7 July 2012, 12:00pm Greek Cypriot Community Centre, 2 Britannia Road, North Finchley, Barnet N12 9RU

Anti Capitalist Initiative “Rebellion: Building grassroots resistance and discussing alternatives for austerity Europe” Sat July 14th1pm Nailour Hall Community Centre, Blundell St, London N7 9DD

Gaining power: challenges facing activists Thursday 19 July 2012, 10:00am Resource For London, 356 Holloway Road, London N7 6PA Free NCIA + NatCAN event

If you’re taking action on issues affecting local people in your area, want to share tactics with others or find out how to get help to keep you going, then this event is for you. Book now!

TUSC information
You can find out more about TUSC at:

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TUSC aims to bring trade unionists, socialists and anti-cuts campaigners together to stand candidates at elections who are committed to representing working-class interests. Resistance to the cuts is vital, but we also need a political alternative to the policies of cuts and privatisation. TUSC believes that a new working-class party is needed that campaigns for a democratic socialist society run in the interests of the millions not the millionaires.

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