
Make Nitric Acid - The Complete Guide
We show 3 ways to make nitric acid based on two different chemical approaches both of whic...
published: 04 Jun 2009
author: NurdRage
Make Nitric Acid - The Complete Guide
We show 3 ways to make nitric acid based on two different chemical approaches both of which can be done using easily accessible materials. Warning: The procedures in this video produce large quantities of toxic gases and deal with highly corrosive acids. All work must be performed in a fume hood with proper safety equipment. And all apparatus must be glass to withstand the acids. Chemically, nitric acid is made by bubbling nitrogen dioxide into water. So the objective in this approach is to generate nitrogen dioxide. This can be done by reacting hydrochloric acid, a nitrate salt and copper. Around 80grams of sodium nitrate, over 30 grams of copper and 100mL of hydrochloric acid (37% 12M) are the quantities needed. The exact amount isn't critical. For usable concentrations, the amount of water being converted should be small, around 20-50mL. Any source of nitrate is usable including potassium nitrate, ammonium nitrate and even nitrate-based fertilizers. You can use our previous video on testing for nitrates if you want to determine if yours can be used. www.youtube.com The tricky part now is leading the gas into water. Two approaches are shown in the video. In the first approach three containers, such as jars are place inside each other to force the gas to go into the water. This is very inefficient but is very simple to do. The better approach is to lead the gas out of the generator through a tube and into a chilled container of water. The water that's converted into <b>...</b>

Reaction of Copper with Nitric Acid
Declan Fleming shows how copper can in fact react with some acids by demonstrating the rea...
published: 07 Nov 2011
author: wwwRSCorg
Reaction of Copper with Nitric Acid
Declan Fleming shows how copper can in fact react with some acids by demonstrating the reaction of copper and nitric acid, producing a visually stunning reaction. Read the article that accompanies this video in the November 2011 issue of Education in Chemistry at www.rsc.org

Nitric Acid Reacting with Group 11 Metals
This video details the reactions of nitric acid with the three group 11, or coinage, metal...
published: 10 May 2010
author: ReactionFactory
Nitric Acid Reacting with Group 11 Metals
This video details the reactions of nitric acid with the three group 11, or coinage, metals: copper, silver, and gold. Table of contents: 00:17- Dissolving of copper 01:34- Producing tetraamine copper (II) nitrate 02:09- Producing silver nitrate 03:18- Producing aqua regia and dissolving gold With nitric acid this concentrated, it is often necessary to add a few milliliters of water to dilute the acid enough to react completely with the metal. Otherwise, a hard outer crust tends to form around the metal in a phenomenon known as passivation, which prevents any further metal from reacting. In the case of silver, heat should be applied to speed up the dissolving of the metal. With gold, a specialized solution of nitric and hydrochloric acids are utilized to oxidize the gold into solution as the chloroaurate anion. The full mechanics of that reaction may be read at: en.wikipedia.org The reactions in this video seen in this video are: Cu (s) + 4*HNO3 (aq) → Cu(NO3)2 (aq) + 2*NO2 (g) + 2*H2O (l) Ag (s) + 2*HNO3 (aq) → AgNO3 (aq) + NO2 (g) + H2O (l) Au (s) + 3*HNO3 (aq) + 4*HCl (aq) → HAuCl4 (aq) + 3*NO2 (g) + 3*H2O (l) Future videos will include the synthesis of silver acetylide, as well as the possibility of the properties of tetraamine copper and the precipitation of gold from an aqua regia solution. As always, eye and hand protection must be worn at all times and proper ventilation must be practiced. Never use nitric acid indoors without a fumehood!

Liquid Metal MERCURY + Nitric Acid = It's ALIVE!
-BE SURE to watch my other Mercury videos- See the MERCURY PLAYLIST for more neat videos. ...
published: 20 Aug 2011
author: taofledermaus
Liquid Metal MERCURY + Nitric Acid = It's ALIVE!
-BE SURE to watch my other Mercury videos- See the MERCURY PLAYLIST for more neat videos. Mercury is a toxic, heavy metal and it only gets nastier in the presence of nitric acid. Nitric acid attacks mercury, but will not attack gold. Mercury will attack gold and dissolve it into an amagam. One of the ways to remove mercury that accidentally gets on gold jewelry is to use nitric acid. Another way is to heat the jewelry hot enough to vaporize the mercury while keeping it below the melting point of the gold. - In this video an odd thing happens and a droplet of mercury is seemingly propelled by some mysterious force. - The reaction is stopped by diluting the acid with water.- - This is actually the first step in making mercury fulminate.- As with all my mercury experiments, it is strongly advised they are not duplicated by viewers.

This video is a guide to show how to make nitric acid with two chemicals...
published: 28 Sep 2010
author: Basco36
This video is a guide to show how to make nitric acid with two chemicals

how to make nitric acid at home
I am aware that this is almost identicle to nurdrage's video. i give them full credit ...
published: 13 Aug 2010
author: TheChemlife
how to make nitric acid at home
I am aware that this is almost identicle to nurdrage's video. i give them full credit for the procedure. this is my attempt at this method to see it's effectivness. which btw it wasn't all that effective. this said i am more interested in a part of it he only barly mentioned. the dead reaction mixture. it is full of usefull chemicals, all of which i will be showing how to collect in a futur video

How to make nitric acid part 1
A guide to making nitric acid. Note: NEVER breath in any of the fumes created in any of th...
published: 07 Dec 2009
author: metalicmario
How to make nitric acid part 1
A guide to making nitric acid. Note: NEVER breath in any of the fumes created in any of the processes involded in making or using nitric acid!

Preparation of Nitric Acid
90% nitric acid containing barely any nitrogen oxides is prepared in high yield by distill...
published: 17 Mar 2011
author: UC235
Preparation of Nitric Acid
90% nitric acid containing barely any nitrogen oxides is prepared in high yield by distilling a mixture of ammonium nitrate and drain cleaner grade sulfuric acid under vacuum. Nitric acid density information is available at this link: www.handymath.com Special thanks to Ozonenerd of Reactionfactory for pointers on this preparation. The intro music clip is from "Stealing Fat" by The Dust Brothers. I believe this falls under fair use.

Purifying and Concentrating OTC Nitric Acid
Warning this video uses strong acids that can burn and blind you. Do not repeat!!! In this...
published: 14 Jan 2012
author: myst32YT
Purifying and Concentrating OTC Nitric Acid
Warning this video uses strong acids that can burn and blind you. Do not repeat!!! In this video we purify and Concentrate OTC Nitric acid bought at Home Depot. The product we are removing the Nitric acid from is called "Sikagard Heavy Duty Clean & Etch" made by Sika.

Nitric Acid Acts Upon Copper
This is a classic demonstration where nitric acid reacts with copper metal and forms coppe...
published: 12 Apr 2009
author: mrericsully
Nitric Acid Acts Upon Copper
This is a classic demonstration where nitric acid reacts with copper metal and forms copper (II) nitrate solution and nitrogen dioxide. Part of the historicism of this reaction is related to a story by Ira Remsen: While reading a textbook of chemistry I came upon the statement, "nitric acid acts upon copper." I was getting tired of reading such absurd stuff and I was determined to see what this meant. Copper was more or less familiar to me, for copper cents were then in use. I had seen a bottle marked nitric acid on a table in the doctor's office where I was then "doing time." I did not know its pecularities, but the spirit of adventure was upon me. Having nitric acid and copper, I had only to learn what the words "act upon" meant. The statement "nitric acid acts upon copper" would be more than mere words. All was still. In the interest of knowledge I was even willing to sacrifice one of the few copper cents then in my possission. I put one of them on the table, opened the bottle marked nitric acid, poured some of the liquid on the copper and prepared to make an observation. But what was this wonderful thing which I beheld? The cent was already changed and it was no small change either. A green-blue liquid foamed and fumed over the cent and over the table. The air in the neighborhood of the performance became colored dark red. A great colored cloud arose. This was disagreeable and suffocating. How should I stop this? I tried to get rid of the objectionable mess by picking <b>...</b>

Make Silver Nitrate From Silver and Nitric Acid
How to make Silver Nitrate from Silver and Nitric acid. WARNING: This reaction produces to...
published: 21 Feb 2009
author: NurdRage
Make Silver Nitrate From Silver and Nitric Acid
How to make Silver Nitrate from Silver and Nitric acid. WARNING: This reaction produces toxic nitrogen dioxide gas. Do not perform this reaction indoors, only do it in a fumehood or outside. Simply place some pure silver in concentrated nitric acid and heat it up. The reaction proceeds too slowly in cold nitric acid to be useful. Wrap your silver in aluminum wire to better control the reaction. If it proceeds out of control and fizzes too much or generates too much gas too fast then you can pull the silver out of the acid to stop the reaction. Only aluminum is resistant to nitric acid, other metals are destroyed and will contaminate your acid. We're going to use the silver nitrate to perform silver chloride photography, making mirrors, and even making flash powder. So please subscribe, rate and comment! More information on the chemistry at: sites.google.com

Elementary Productions: Concentrating Nitric acid
In this video, Nitric acid is distilled with sulfuric acid to concentrate it. Afterwards, ...
published: 20 Apr 2008
author: mabakken
Elementary Productions: Concentrating Nitric acid
In this video, Nitric acid is distilled with sulfuric acid to concentrate it. Afterwards, the concentrated Nitric acid is purified by distilling under vacuum. Properties of nearly 100% Nitric acid are demonstrated

Nitric Acid Synthesis
IMPORTANT: I do not recommend anyone repeat this lab, it was one of the more dangerous one...
published: 06 Jun 2010
author: hkparker
Nitric Acid Synthesis
IMPORTANT: I do not recommend anyone repeat this lab, it was one of the more dangerous ones I have done and will ever do, and only recommend you attempt it if you are outside or in a fume hood and have copious amounts of water and sodium carbonate on hand. ALSO IMPORTANT: I made a critical mistake in this lab. When letting the glassware cool it is necessary to remove the rubber tube from the sodium carbonate solution. If you do not the cooling of the gases will causer some of the solution to be pulled into the apparatus and into the nitric acid, ruining the nitric acid and producing large quantities of nitrogen dioxide. I came close to doing this and almost lost my nitric acid. I did not show this important step, and what you did not see in this video was disassembling the apparatus, which proved to be rather difficult. Always be safe!

Nitric Acid - A Comprehensive Guide for the Home Chemist
Nice title eh? I was't thinking when I filmed this a did the whole procedure. Inside. ...
published: 27 Feb 2012
author: MonsieurChemistry
Nitric Acid - A Comprehensive Guide for the Home Chemist
Nice title eh? I was't thinking when I filmed this a did the whole procedure. Inside. I know, I know! Look at me, the hypocrite. But I was wearing a respirator a least. This is a very easy way to make more than 95 % Nitric Acid suitable for nitrations of glycerin, phenol, cellulose, you name it. Look for professional power liquid drain opener, that should be sealed in a heavy duty plastic bag. The potassium nitrate is sold a stump remover. Check at a farmer co-op. I actually bought a 5 pound bag of it at seattle pottery supply for about 20 dollars. Thank you for watching another original Monsieur Chemistry video.

Copper coin in nitric acid
Video of copper coin in nitric acid. Converts to copper nitrate. It is a very violent reac...
published: 03 Sep 2007
author: drrklepper
Copper coin in nitric acid
Video of copper coin in nitric acid. Converts to copper nitrate. It is a very violent reaction as can be seen by the effect on the penny. When it is all done the penny is completely gone.

Nitric Acid Acts Upon Copper
AKA-Penny Operated Nitric Acid Fountain Nitric acid acts upon copper to yield nitric oxide...
published: 28 Oct 2011
author: kentchemistry
Nitric Acid Acts Upon Copper
AKA-Penny Operated Nitric Acid Fountain Nitric acid acts upon copper to yield nitric oxide in an exothermic reaction. The expanding gas displaces water from another flask; actually bubbles in this set up. When the gas cools, the water is drawn back into the flask, dissolving the nitric oxide and forming a blue solution with the copper ions still there. Very cool reaction.

Make Nitric Acid using Sodium Hydrogen Sulfate
In this video we make Nitric acid from sodium hydrogen sulfate instead of concentrated sul...
published: 25 Nov 2010
author: myst32YT
Make Nitric Acid using Sodium Hydrogen Sulfate
In this video we make Nitric acid from sodium hydrogen sulfate instead of concentrated sulfuric acid.

*How to make Homemade Nitric Acid with Instructions*
Homemade Nitric Acid (~70% concentration): First reaction: HCl - 50ml (also called Muriati...
published: 13 Nov 2011
author: silverag477
*How to make Homemade Nitric Acid with Instructions*
Homemade Nitric Acid (~70% concentration): First reaction: HCl - 50ml (also called Muriatic Acid 32%) KNO3 - 40g (2 1/2 TBSP. Stump Remover) Copper - 16g (this is usually what the reaction calls for but in terms of efficiency, this isn't the case because the copper doesn't fully dissolve. I normally use the equivalent of 2 pennies or less. pre-1982) H2O - 20 ml (distilled) Second Reaction: 2NO2 + H2O2 ---- 2HNO3 3NO2 + H2O ---- 2HNO3 + NO ...happening inside the condenser but if your able to get the water and/or hydrogen peroxide to ~12 degrees Fahrenheit, the NO2 will form equilibrium with or just convert to Dinitrogen TetraOxide (N2O4). It provides quicker absorption to make nitric acid. [note: you'll see this reaction taking place inside of the condenser as the brown gas bubbles turn clear (try not to breath) that gas turns into nitric oxide(chemical notation: NO). If you want, you can cap off the condenser and have secondary tubing, which is fed into another container or jar (doesn't have to be anything special) with a water and baking soda solution to neutralize the gases. This should render the setup a little bit safer, but I still wouldn't recommend doing this inside your own home] N2O4 + H2O2 ---- 2HNO3 btw, don't add HCl until your ready to start. To get this reaction to start up quicker, heat up some water in a bowl or pot and submerse this partially. All of these chemicals can be found at your local hardware store (For the stump remover you want spectracide at <b>...</b>

Synthesis of Nitric Acid! Sulfuric acid/nitrate salt method.
Sulfuric acid reacts with Ammonium Nitrate to form Ammonium Sulfate and Nitric acid. The a...
published: 11 Jul 2010
author: highvoltagefeathers
Synthesis of Nitric Acid! Sulfuric acid/nitrate salt method.
Sulfuric acid reacts with Ammonium Nitrate to form Ammonium Sulfate and Nitric acid. The acid is boiled off and condensed to form a relatively concentrated product. Questions? Comment! :) Constructive criticism welcome. Rate and Subscribe!

uranium ore + nitric acid = uranyl nitrate
this video tells you how to turn a black lump of pitchblende into a green fluorescing mass...
published: 24 Apr 2010
author: bionerd23
uranium ore + nitric acid = uranyl nitrate
this video tells you how to turn a black lump of pitchblende into a green fluorescing mass. =) warning - concentrated nitric acid is one of the strongest acids in the world. touching it can lead to severe injuries, and it easily reacts to form poisonous gas. make sure you know how to handle and neutralize it as well as discard of the mess you made if you decide to handle it.

nitric acid reaction mixture into useful chemicals part 2
This is the final part of a 3 video series. in this video i show how to turn the dark blue...
published: 09 Sep 2010
author: TheChemlife
nitric acid reaction mixture into useful chemicals part 2
This is the final part of a 3 video series. in this video i show how to turn the dark blue solution made in a previous video into copper metal, copper chloride and aluminum chloride hexahydrate.

Oxidizing Properties of Nitric acid
In this video several experiments are performed to demonstrate the oxidizing properties of...
published: 15 May 2009
author: dhwanitchem
Oxidizing Properties of Nitric acid
In this video several experiments are performed to demonstrate the oxidizing properties of Nitric acid