13 January 2012

US marines desecrate Afghan dead

By James Cogan, 13 January 2012

A video published yesterday shows four US marines in Afghanistan urinating on the heads of three Afghan dead, joking among themselves as they desecrate the corpses.

Obama’s new war doctrine fuels debate in China

By John Chan, 13 January 2012

An intense discussion is underway in Chinese ruling circles over how to respond to the confrontational US stance and threat of military conflict.

US job cuts hit financial, IT, manufacturing sectors

By Kate Randall, 13 January 2012

Job cutting continues in the new year across a wide range of economic sectors in the US.

Pakistan faces creeping military coup

By Ali Ismail and Keith Jones, 13 January 2012

Relations between Pakistan’s civilian government and its military establishment have deteriorated sharply, leading to press speculation that the military is preparing to oust President Zardari and the PPP-led government.

Former Turkish army chief of staff arrested

By Peter Schwarz, 13 January 2012

The former chief of staff of the Turkish army, Ilker Basbug, was arrested last Friday in Istanbul, accused of leading a “terrorist organisation” and planning to overthrow the AKP (Justice and Development Party) government.

Miliband commits UK Labour to long-term austerity

By Julie Hyland, 13 January 2012

Ed Miliband committed Labour to long-term austerity policies, in a speech trailed as one of the most significant of his 15-month leadership of the party.

Russia warns US, allies planning for war in Syria

By Niall Green, 13 January 2012

The Russian government has accused Washington and its allies in Europe and the Middle East of preparing for a military intervention into the civil conflict in Syria.

Iran’s Green Opposition endorses imperialist intervention in Syria

By Sahand Avedis, 13 January 2012

As the Western powers threaten to intervene in Syria, the Iranian "Green" opposition is denouncing the Iranian regime for refusing to back pro-Western Syrian protesters.

Libya: TNC releases anti-democratic draft electoral laws

By Will Morrow, 13 January 2012

The NATO-installed regime’s legislation features provisions preventing people nominating themselves as candidates.

Scores injured, arrested in housing demolition in the Philippines

By Joseph Santolan, 13 January 2012

The demolition is part of the forcible relocation of the Manila poor and working class carried out on behalf of real estate developers.

SeaFrance cross-channel ferries liquidated

By Antoine Lerougetel, 13 January 2012

The Paris Commercial Court on Monday ruled the liquidation of France's only cross-channel ferry company SeaFrance.

New in Chinese


作者: 比尔 • 凡 • 奥肯,2012年1月13日


New in Romanian

SUA se pregăteşte pentru un război împotriva Chinei

De Peter Symonds, 13 ianuarie 2012

Noua strategie a Pentagonului, de reorientare a politicii SUA dinspre Orientul Mijlociu spre Asia, indică pregătirile SUA pentru un război cu China.

New in French

L’ANC de l'Afrique du Sud a 100 ans : un bilan du nationalisme bourgeois

Par Bill Van Auken, 13 janvier 2012

La célébration du centenaire du Congrès national africain (ANC) de l'Afrique du Sud est l'occasion idéale pour faire un bilan de la nature et du sort de l’ANC et des mouvements nationalistes bourgeois similaires.

Le premier ministre arrivé au pouvoir sans élections exige des sacrifices supplémentaires de la part des travailleurs grecs

Par Stefan Steinberg, 13 janvier 2012

Le premier ministre grec Lucas Papademos, a rencontré les dirigeants syndicaux mercredi pour obtenir leur soutien dans la prochaine série de mesures d'austérité.

Manifestations à Clermont-Ferrand après la mort d'un homme sous les coups de la police

Par Antoine Lerougetel, 13 janvier 2012

Wissam el-Yamni est mort lundi des suites de son arrestation brutale, la nuit de la Saint-Sylvestre

New in German

Neue Richtlinien des Pentagon:
China rückt ins Fadenkreuz

Von Peter Symonds, 13. Januar 2012

Die Umorientierung der US-Außenpolitik vom Nahen auf den Fernen Osten verschärft die internationalen Spannungen und erhöht die Gefahr eines Weltkrieges

Manroland: Wie weiter im Kampf um die Arbeitsplätze?

Von Ulrich Rippert, 13. Januar 2012

Nicht der Kampf zur Verteidigung der Arbeitsplätze ist gescheitert, sondern die Illusion ist geplatzt, dass ein solcher Kampf von der IG Metall oder im Bündnis mit ihr geführt werden könne.

Atomwissenschaftler in Teheran ermordet

Von Alex Lantier, 13. Januar 2012

Professor Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan (32) wurde am 11. Januar durch einen Bombenanschlag getötet. Das Attentat war der vierte Mord an iranischen Nuklearwissenschaftlern seit 2010.

Der Brandanschlag in Lübeck und die Zwickauer Terrorzelle

Von Dietmar Henning, 13. Januar 2012

Standen die Zwickauer Neonazi-Terroristen unter dem Schutz staatlicher Behörden? Es wäre nicht das erste Mal. Besonders gut belegt ist in dieser Hinsicht der Brandanschlag auf ein Lübecker Flüchtlingsheim im Januar 1996.

Generalstreik eskaliert – Regierung wendet Gewalt an

Von Robert Stevens, 13. Januar 2012

Siebzig Prozent der Bevölkerung leben von weniger als einem Euro pro Tag. Das hindert die Regierung und den IWF nicht, drastische Sparmaßnahmen durchzusetzen und dabei Tote in Kauf zu nehmen.

Other Languages


Guantánamo: A decade of US torture and repression

13 January 2012

Ten years after the first prisoners in Washington's "global war on terror" arrived at Guantánamo in hoods and shackles, the infamous prison camp remains open, its operations codified by Congress and President Obama into US law.

Earlier Perspectives »

Workers Struggles

Cooper“It’s going back to the 1930s”
Cooper Tire workers speak on struggle

By Jerry White, 13 January 2012

Cooper Tire workers in Findlay, Ohio discussed with the World Socialist Web Site the issues raised by their struggle.

More on the lockout of Cooper Tire workers »

Manroland employees in Plauen: “We have been lied to and cheated”

By Ernst Wolf, 13 January 2012

Workers at the Manroland print manufacturer spoke bitterly of their experiences with IG Metall, when questioned by a WSWS reporter team.

London, Ontario locomotive workers in showdown with Caterpillar

By Andre Damon, 6 January 2012

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

13 January 2012

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Arts Review

Building the Revolution: Soviet Art and Architecture 1915-1935

By Paul Mitchell, 12 January 2012

London and Berlin are the most recent venues in the six-year tour of an exhibition of work of artists, architects, engineers and photographers who were inspired by the Russian revolution of 1917.

The Iron Lady: What were they thinking?

By Chris Marsden, 10 January 2012


US prepares for war against China

By Peter Symonds, 12 January 2012

Nigerian general strike escalates as government steps up repression

By Robert Stevens, 12 January 2012

Mitt Romney, Bain Capital and American capitalism

By Patrick Martin, 12 January 2012

Crisis in Detroit

Detroit-area CEOs rake in millions while city prepares further cuts

By Shannon Jones, 11 January 2012

Two die in Detroit house fire

By Lawrence Porter, 10 January 2012

Visit the CAUS web site »

Auto Workers Struggles

Ford closes Minnesota truck assembly plant

By Ron Jorgenson, 9 January 2012

More on auto workers struggles »

25 years ago: Soviet cease-fire in Afghanistan signals withdrawal policy

Afghan Communist Party leader Mohammad Najibullah announced a unilateral cease-fire by the PDPA government and the Soviet troops that supported it, to take effect January 15, 1987. This began the withdrawal phase of Soviet foreign policy, announced over five months earlier by Premier Mikhail Gorbachev.

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50 years ago: US launches first combat mission in Vietnam

On January 12, 1962, the Kennedy administration launched the first large-scale US military operation in South Vietnam, where it was seeking to prop up the corrupt pro-Western regime of Ngo Dinh Diem against a popular insurgency coalescing around the National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam.

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75 years ago: Trotsky arrives in Mexico

The oil tanker Ruth carrying Leon and Natalia Trotsky arrived in Tampico harbour, Mexico on Saturday morning, January 9, 1937. Apprehensive of what might await them, the Trotskys, despite the threats of the Norwegian police commander on board, refused to disembark until they were met by friends.

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100 years ago: The Lawrence textile strike begins

Textile employers in Lawrence, Massachusetts cut wages on January 12, 1912, sparking a mass walkout. The wage cut followed the enactment of a law by the Massachusetts legislature reducing working hours from 56 to 54 hours a week.

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