1 June 2010
Israeli massacre of Gaza convoy supporters provokes outrage
By Chris Marsden and Jean Shaoul, 1 June 2010
Israel’s massacre of up to 19 supporters of an aid convoy to Gaza has provoked angry protests internationally. But the Obama administration signalled tacit US endorsement of the bloodbath.
Israel steps up its warmongering
By Chris Marsden, 1 June 2010
Israel’s action against the Gaza aid flotilla is in line with its increasingly bellicose stance on all fronts.
China: Honda strike sends shudder through financial circles
By John Chan, 1 June 2010
A strike at the Honda Motor transmission plant in southern China paralysed the company’s production for almost two weeks.
Escalating violence in Afghanistan as Kandahar offensive nears
By Patrick O’Connor, 1 June 2010
Within US and European ruling circles, there are now clear signs of concern for the viability of the Kandahar offensive and the far-reaching implications of failure.
Indian air disaster kills 158
By Arun Kumar and Deepal Jayasekera, 1 June 2010
The Indian government and Air India management have attempted to blame the pilot for last week’s Mangalore crash even before conducting any investigation. This is a desperate attempt to deflect attention from the underlying causes of the crash.
Air India unions call off “flash” strike in face of state repression
By Kranti Kumara, 1 June 2010
A flash or wildcat strike involving about 20,000 workers at Air India ended May 26, after the unions bowed before a reactionary ruling of the Delhi High Court that proclaimed the strike illegal.
40,000 rally against government austerity programme
Largest protest in Romania in 20 years
By our correspondent, 1 June 2010
On May 19, some 40,000 workers took to the street in Victory Square, Bucharest, in the largest demonstration in Romania since the downfall of the Stalinist regime in 1989.
Australia: Surging house prices built on a debt time-bomb
By Alex Messenger, 1 June 2010
A 20 percent increase in house prices over the past year, combined with a slowdown in housing loans since March, has set the scene for warnings that Australia’s housing bubble is ready to burst.
Australia: Rising debt stress among homebuyers
By Chris Johnson, 1 June 2010
Personal debt levels in Australia have risen back to levels comparable to those at the onset of the credit crisis in September 2008, according to recent reports.
New in French
Grèce : Quatrième grève de 24 heures contre les mesures d'austérité
Par Robert Stevens, 1er juin 2010
Le 20 mai, des dizaines de milliers de travailleurs ont protesté partout en Grèce à l’occasion de la grève générale de 24 heures contre les mesures brutales d’austérité imposées par le gouvernement PASOK du premier ministre George Papandreou.
New in German
Eine Regierung der
Finanz-Elite für die Finanz-Elite
Koalitionsregierung kündigt Angriff auf den öffentlichen
Dienst an
Von Chris Talbot, 1. Juni 2010
Der konservative Finanz- und Wirtschaftsminister George Osborne und der Liberaldemokrat David Laws, Staatssekretär im Finanzministerium, haben Geschlossenheit demonstriert, als sie am Montag ein Bündel von Sparmaßnahmen im Umfang von sechs Milliarden Pfund ankündigten.
Sparprogramm der Bundesregierung nimmt Gestalt an
Von Elisabeth Zimmermann, 1. Juni 2010
Hunderte von Milliarden Euro, die für die Rettung der Banken aus dem Bundeshaushalt zur Verfügung gestellt wurden, sollen jetzt bei Arbeitern, Rentnern und Hartz-IV-Empfängern gekürzt und eingespart werden.
Neue Beweise für
kriminelle Nachlässigkeit von BP
Top Kill gescheitert -
Öl fließt noch monatelang in den Golf von Mexiko
Von Joe Kishore, 1. Juni 2010
Die Tatsache, dass BP mit seinem Top-Kill-Verfahren gescheitert ist, bedeutet, dass bis mindestens Ende August Öl in den Golf von Mexiko sprudelt.
Massive Verluste für etablierte Parteien in Tschechien
Von Markus Salzmann, 1. Juni 2010
Ihre wichtigste Aufgabe sieht die neue tschechische Regierung darin, Wirtschaftsreformen und Sparprogramme durchzusetzen.
Other Languages
- Deutsch
- Hunderte Milliarden an die
Frankreich stimmt Finanzmarktstabilisierungsfond zu (11.06.2010) - G-20 empfiehlt Wendung um 180 Grad: von Konjunktur- zu Sparmaßnahmen (11.06.2010)
- Opel-Betriebsräte betteln im Kanzleramt (11.06.2010)
- 70.000 demonstrieren bundesweit gegen Studiengebühren (11.06.2010)
- Merkels Sparprogramm erinnert an Weimar (10.06.2010)
- DGB und Arbeitgeber gemeinsam gegen Streikrecht (10.06.2010)
- Frank Rich über Obama: Ängste und Illusionen eines Liberalen (10.06.2010)
- Griechenland: Antarsya bietet keine Alternative zu PASOK und der offiziellen "Linken" (09.06.2010)
- Griechenland: Interview mit einem Vertreter von OKDE-Spartakus von der Koalition Antarsya (09.06.2010)
- Investor Berggruen bekommt Zuschlag für Karstadt (09.06.2010)
- Gewerkschaften in Rumänien entschärfen Streik im Öffentlichen Dienst (09.06.2010)
- Hunderte Milliarden an die
- Français
- La classe ouvrière chinoise émerge (12.06.2010)
- France: Des milliers protestent contre l'assaut israélien contre la flottille en route vers Gaza (11.06.2010)
- Une année de lutte des travailleurs d'un sous-traitant de l'automobile trahie
Les leçons de la trahison des Sodimatex en France (11.06.2010) - Irlande : Devant la faillite imminente de l’Etat les syndicats promeuvent l’interdiction de faire grève (10.06.2010)
- Le juge Baltasar Garzón suspendu pour avoir enquêté sur les crimes de Franco (10.06.2010)
- Des centaines de milliards pour les banques
La France vote des crédits pour le Fonds européen de stabilité financière (09.06.2010) - BP versera des milliards en dividendes (09.06.2010)
- Les médias européens mettent en garde contre des troubles sociaux au niveau international (08.06.2010)
- Mesures d'austérité à la grandeur de l'Europe (07.06.2010)
- Les leçons politiques du mouvement de protestation thaïlandais (05.06.2010)
- Le massacre d’Israël en haute mer (04.06.2010)
- La réponse socialiste à la crise de la marée noire dans le golfe du Mexique (04.06.2010)
- Español
- Conclusiones de la Comisión de Ciudadanos para la Investigación del Incendio de la Avenida Dexter:
Los cortes a los servicios públicos y la crisis social en Detroit (26.05.2010) - La Exposición Universal de Shangai: una extravagancia capitalista en la cumbre de la miseria social (22.05.2010)
- Internacionalismo socialista y la defensa de los trabajadores inmigrantes (06.05.2010)
- ¡Plenos derechos para todos los inmigrantes! ¡Por la unidad internacional de la clase trabajadora! (01.05.2010)
- Obama se aprovecha de la ley de Arizona para 'empujar' sus propios cambios represivos sobre la inmigración (30.04.2010)
- Proyecto de ley de inmigración de Arizona: Un asalto frontal contra los derechos democráticos (30.04.2010)
- La Tragedia Minera de Virginia del Oeste
Los mineros fueron condenados por la conspiración entre los reguladores y las compañías de carbón (29.04.2010) - Manifiesto del Partido Socialista por la Igualdad para las elecciones generales de Gran Bretaña en el 2010 (27.04.2010)
- Ex agente de la CIA Allawi: ¿próximo primer ministro iraquí? (19.04.2010)
- Conclusiones de la Comisión de Ciudadanos para la Investigación del Incendio de la Avenida Dexter:
- Русский
- Саммит России и ЕС привел к соглашению по малому числу вопросов (11.06.2010)
- Социалистический ответ на кризис, вызванный разливом нефти в Мексиканском заливе (03.06.2010)
- После взрыва на шахте "Распадская" в Кузбассе растет недовольство (21.05.2010)
- После всеобщих выборов: Куда идет Британия? (11.05.2010)
- Нефтяное пятно в заливе: Американский Чернобыль (05.05.2010)
- Внеочередная конференция ПСР предлагает стратегию борьбы против социального кризиса и войны (30.04.2010)
- На службе у фальсификации истории: Рецензия на книгу Роберта Сервиса Троцкий (24.04.2010)
- Взрывы в московском метро связаны с кризисом на Северном Кавказе (10.04.2010)
- Капиталистический кризис и возвращение истории (26.03.2010)
- Троцкий — герой культурных событий в России (25.03.2010)
- Украинские выборы и провал "оранжевой революции" (10.03.2010)
- Português
- As lições políticas dos protestos na Tailândia (02.06.2010)
- Medidas de austeridade por toda a Europa (02.06.2010)
- Ford Austrália: metalúrgicos em greve contra retrocesso nas condições de trabalho (03.06.2010)
- Trabalhadores gregos denunciam cortes de Papandreou (18.05.2010)
- China planeja abrir o mercado da Coréia do Norte para investimentos estrangeiros (18.05.2010)
- Alemanha: O Senado de Berlim, o Partido de Esquerda e os hedge funds internacionais (18.05.2010)
- Protestos crescem na Romênia (12.05.2010)
- Vazamento de oleo da BP ameaça ecossistemas (11.05.2010)
- 1º de maio 2010 (06.05.2010)
- Eleições gerais britânicas: uma mudança política histórica (06.05.2010)
- Türkçe
- Obama’nın göreve başlamasından buyana geçen bir yıl (08.03.2010)
- SEP (Almanya) yürütmekte olduğu seçim kampanyası için uluslararası destek çağrısı yapıyor (17.09.2009)
- Alman parlamento seçimlerinde oyunu Sosyalist Eşitlik Partisi’ne ver
Kapitalist krize sosyalist bir yanıt için (28.08.2009) - Sosyalist Eşitlik Partisi’nin Tarihsel ve Uluslararası Temelleri (19.08.2009)
- İran işçi sınıfının görevleri(1.07.2009)
- İran: Batı baskıyı artırırken seçim çatışmaları tırmanıyor (30.06.2009)
- Obama’nın ziyareti Türkiye’nin oynadığı rolün artacağının ve daha büyük gerilimlerin sinyalini verdi (26.06.2009)
- Trotskiy’in mirasını ve 20. yüzyıl tarihindeki yerini yeniden ele almaya doğru (23.06.2009)
David North tarafından verilmiş bir konferans - Dünya ekonomik krizi, kapitalizmin başarısızlığı ve sosyalizmin gerekliliği (13.06.2009)
- Sri Lanka: LTTE’nin yenilgisi ve milliyetçiliğin çıkmazı (26.05.2009)
- >>
The socialist response to the Gulf oil crisis
1 June 2010
The continued eruption of oil from the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico is an unmitigated catastrophe, with incalculable economic and ecological consequences.
Socialist Equality Party
Public meetings in Australia discuss new stage of global crisis
1 June 2010
University students and working people participated in SEP public meetings addressed by Nick Beams in Sydney, Melbourne and Newcastle late last month on the “Class struggle in Greece: The second stage of the global financial crisis”.
BP Oil Disaster
New evidence of criminal negligence in run-up to rig explosion
Failure of BP’s “top kill” means oil will continue to flow for months
By Joe Kishore, 31 May 2010
The failure of BP’s “top kill” attempt means that the eruption of oil into the Gulf of Mexico will continue at least through August. New revelations show that BP and the government ignored warnings of a looming disaster in the weeks and months leading up to the explosion.
Full coverage of the Gulf oil disaster »
Workers Struggles
Boron struggle betrayed
By Jack Cody, 1 June 2010
Hundreds of miners returned to work last week after a three-and-a-half-month lockout by the Rio Tinto group. Workers were forced to take major concessions after the struggle was isolated by the International Longshore and Warehouse union.
Workers Struggles: The Americas
1 June 2010
The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.
A wave of mine disasters
31 May 2010
Yet another mining disaster, in which 17 miners died in a reported dynamite explosion in central China last Saturday, has highlighted the ongoing sacrifice of mine workers’ lives around the world for profit and increased output.
Arts Review
San Francisco International Film Festival 2010 Part 5: The small pictures that still dominate
By Joanne Laurier and David Walsh, 28 May 2010
Films from Iran, Germany, Palestine, Belgium, Mexico, South Korea, the US and China exhibit some of the same “smallness,” some of the same passivity, some of the same aversion to tracing out phenomena historically.
Mehring Books
Newly available from Mehring Books
Detroit Disassembled: A visual exposé of Detroit’s decline
25 May 2010
Mehring Books is pleased to offer Detroit Disassembled, the recently published monograph by photographer Andrew Moore.
This Week in History: May 31 - June 6
The Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK) won the Greek elections held on June 2, 1985, allowing it to maintain its majority in parliament and Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou to form a government.
Congressional inquiries into the U-2 incident continued this week in 1960, with Dr. Hugh L. Dryden, head of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), giving largely secret testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on NASA’s role in the spy plane incident and its cover-up. NASA, by law, was to serve only peaceful purposes.
On the morning of May 31, 1935, a 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck the town of Quetta, located in Baluchistan, Pakistan. Between 40,000 and 60,000 people were believed to have been killed during the disaster, with thousands more injured.
On May 31, 1910, the former Boer republics of the Transvaal and the Orange Free State joined with the Cape and Natal colonies to form the Union of South Africa, a British dominion. Unity between Boers and English settlers, formerly bitter rivals, was secured based on the disenfranchisement of black Africans.
Videos and Images
Detroit resident speaks on utility shutoff
Friend of Detroit fire victim denounces utility shutoffs
Shutoff victim speaks to WSWS at DTE public relations stunt
Scientist says government policy contributed to Gulf Coast Spill
Louisiana workers denounce BP’s oil spill response
Lawyer for family of worker killed in blast says BP guilty of negligence
SEP candidate addresses Oxford Union
Hearing of the Citizens Inquiry into the Dexter Avenue Fire
Detroit firefighters discuss impact of utility shut-offs and budget cuts
Citizens Inquiry chairman speaks at press conference
Dexter Avenue fire victim’s son speaks to the WSWS
ISSE members speak at San Diego rallies
Neighbors of Detroit fire victims oppose utility shutoffs
Interviews with neighbors of Bangor Street fire victims
Sister of fire victims speaks on utility shutoffs
NUMMI auto workers denounce UAW intimidation
Locked-out California Borax workers oppose concessions
Boron, California mine workers denounce company lock-out
Family members denounce deaths in Detroit fire
Detroit teachers speak out against DFT Contract
Handful of jobs offered at Detroit jobs fair
Thousands line up for Swine Flu vaccine in Michigan
Ford workers speak on contract rejection
Ford workers speak out against concessions contract
50,000 line up for housing assistance in Detroit
ISSE members speak on education cuts at rally
Detroit residents speak on utility bills, social crisis
Michigan’s Oakland University faculty strike has student support
Detroit teachers denounce pay cuts
Detroit city workers oppose concessions, layoffs
Interviews at Los Angeles health care clinic
Workers continue Vestas occupation on Isle of Wight
A conversation with Windsor municipal workers
NYC workers speak against cuts in social services
Flint, Michigan and the bankruptcy of General Motors
GM workers on bankruptcy and plant closings
Michigan auto workers and families speak on plant closures
GM workers speak out on concessions contract
Protesting students and parents speak to the WSWS
Chrysler workers speak on concessions vote
UK Visteon workers speak on occupation
GM and Chrysler workers oppose more concessions
Chrysler workers oppose Obama auto plan
WSWS interviews G20 protesters in London
Pontiac residents speak on schools crisis
Workers interviewed at Detroit jobs fair
Ford workers: “Now the fight is with our own union.” GM workers denounce concession demands
Chrysler workers oppose pay cuts, concession demands
Over 100,000 demonstrate in London against Sri Lankan war
Funeral for Michigan man frozen following utility shut-off
Exposing Franco's mass graves
Bay City, Michigan residents speak on death from utility shut-off
WSWS interviews London protesters
London demonstrators protest Israeli assault on Gaza
Chrysler workers denounce pay cuts
The Writer and Revolution: A conversation with Trevor Griffiths
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