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LOCAL News :: Children & Education : Protest Activity : Urban Development

Civil disobedience to protect public space: CCC's road developer has 14 young people arrested

The Christchurch City Council's road developer had 14 young people arrested for their actions to protect public space in Christchurch's City Mall. Yesterday, over 50 young people swarmed a bulldozer, and occupied the Stewart Fountain area, succesfully holding off the 'redevelopment' project.
“We are campaigning to protect space for young people. 75% of the public said no to the plans to replace the pedestrian areas with a road. Even the majority of retailers don't want a road through the central city (1),” said Raven Gooding (16 years), Save City Mall spokesperson who has been campaigning for over a year to stop the road. “It is a telling expose of the City Council and Isthmus, the developer, that when young people undertake civil disobedience to protect our pedestrian areas, the police are sent in to mass arrest us.

“The city mall redevelopment project is destroying public space and neglecting the interests of youth in Christchurch. The proposed plans remove an essential part of Christchurch, the fountain and hack circle, places where many different people gather and socialise.

“We have done the submissions, we have been to the 'consultation meetings,' we have signed the petitions. However, despite more than three quarters of the public opposing the road, the Council is going ahead. The Council is out of touch with the people of Christchurch (2).

“We call for pedestrian space, public space, space for youth. We call for a voice for youth, funding for youth and spaces for youth in Christchurch,” said Ms Gooding. “Internationally, cities are moving towards more pedestrian spaces, to better serve the needs of the public, and to address climate change,” said Ms Gooding (3).

There will be an ongoing campaign to stop the road, raise public issues, and gain space for young



(1)The majority of retailers in the City Mall are opposed to the Council's plans to introduce traffic.

(2)A recent survey found that only 34% of residents and ratepayers feel “satisfied with the way council involves the public in decision making.”

(3)For example, in Stockholm, there is a trend towards increasing pedestrian-only areas.

In recent weeks, the Council has promoted the project as a “service lane.” However, this is a road in all but name.
Council general manager for city environment Jane Parfitt said only the road signs would need to be changed to allow general traffic to use the service lane.
"The service lane will be built to be strong enough to take ambulances and fire engines, so if we decide to put a road in later there will be no change," she said. "It will be engineered for traffic. All that needs to change are the signs." - C. Gates, The Press, 25 July 2007.
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Re: Civil disobedience to protect public space: CCC's road developer has 14 young people arrested

Shameful deeds done by the CCC and their drones!

Re: Civil disobedience to protect public space: CCC's road developer has 14 young people arrested

make em pay - dont let them get away with it. shut down the big buisness overlords!!!
the only thing that makes them listen is $$$$$$

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