Aotearoa IMC :
Aotearoa IMC

Supporting the IMC

Support Independent Media

The Independent Media Center is a grassroots organization committed to using media production and distribution as a tool for promoting social and economic justice.

The IMC is a truly cooperative effort of hundreds of independent media organizations. The IMC is not owned or funded by big conglamorates and advertisers and we are in deseperate need of your support to sustain our effort.

We are happy to take donations of either financial assistance or equipment. We always need computers, monitors, cameras, audio equipment, and anything else you think might be valuable to a public media outlet.

We can accept financial donations in the form of checks written out to Aotearoa Indymedia, which can be mailed to us at the following address:

Aotearoa Indymedia, PO Box 6387, Wellington

If you're interested in speaking with us about donations, please contact us at

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