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More effective council listening can stop mistakes

Media release: 9 August 2007

More effective council listening can stop mistakes like the Council Palace, City Mall and Edgeware pool says Megan Woods

Today Councillors will receive their report card in the form of their annual Christchurch City Council Performance Report and the grade is far from satisfactory. Only 34% of residents and ratepayers surveyed reported feeling “satisfied with the way council involves the public in decision making”. This is down on last year’s result of 45% of residents and ratepayers who were satisfied with the way council involved them in decision making.

This is not the kind of result that Megan Woods, Christchurch 2021 Mayoral Candidate, would be prepared to accept under her leadership.

'As Mayor of Christchurch I would work to fundamentally change the way Council engages with the people of Christchurch to prevent mistakes like the Council $100m Palace, City Mall and demolition of the Edgeware Pool,' says Megan Woods. ‘Christchurch can do much better than this, and I offer a return to a Council that listens.'

Speaking in City Mall, Megan Woods said the Council had not listened to the public over the proposal to reintroduce traffic into the mall. The majority of submissions had opposed it, but the Council pushed ahead with its plan. It had then launched an expensive advertising campaign, paid for by ratepayers, to quieten the opposition. Listening must be at the start of the process, not window dressing at the end.

'The last three years have seen Councillors making decisions without listening to the views of residents and ratepayers. A clear example is the Council’s plan to replace the current Civic Offices with a $100m palace. Ratepayers were not consulted when the estimated cost doubled.

The plan for a $100m palace points to a Council that does not have its finger on the pulse of the city,' said Megan Woods.

Megan Woods today launches the 2021 Democracy Policy which makes a number of key promises to the people of Christchurch.

A Megan Woods Mayoralty and 2021 Council would ensure that

* Voting records of all Councillors will be published and available

* Audio recordings of Council meetings will be available on-line for all residents and ratepayers

* Council Committees would be re-established and open to the public to ensure that issues are heard and considered in more detail and leadership provided

* Councillors will be expected to hold regular clinics to meet and hear the views of local residents at service centres. Why is it easier to get an appointment with a local MP than a councillor?

* Relationships with other elected bodies such as ECan and with business, residents and

community groups will be conducted co-operatively and with respect, which is what the people of Christchurch expect

* Council will work with ECan and others to consult in partnership and lessen consultation fatigue.

* A new code of conduct will ensure Council staff will comment publicly only to explain and

clarify Council Policy, not to advocate for new policy positions Community Boards as local elected representatives will be empowered better to assist the small 14 member council.

“The common sense positions in this Democracy Policy re-establish principles and practices which have been forgotten. Unanimity is usually impossible, but consultation needs to be earlier, genuine, and not designed to endorse predetermined directions."

"The 2021 team is committed to providing a strong voice for the people of Christchurch in decision-making. In order to get value for our rates dollar it is important Council gets its consultation right," says Megan Woods.

"I believe Christchurch people will support strengthened consultation, making Council decisionmaking more transparent, and elected members more accessible and accountable,”


See... A Voice for you – Democracy and Listening policy (PDF)

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