Aotearoa IMC :
Aotearoa IMC
Upload to the Media Gallery

Use this form to upload photos, audio, or video for publication.

To post your own article: use the Newswire.
For reposts from other sources: use the OtherPress.

  • This system is secured against malicious file uploads. Be sure your file has a suffix (e.g. ".jpg") that corresponds properly to its file type.
  • When uploading multiple files from a single page, all files will share the same caption and information provided by this form.
  • Height and Width are automatically calculated for images; if uploading video, please provide this information.
  • The Media Date field is for indicating the date a picture was taken, audio file was recorded, etc. This is optional, but may provide useful information for users.
If you absolutely need to upload more than 3 media to accompany your post, select the number from the menu and click "Add more upload fields".
  Fields indicated like this are required.
Shift-click for multiple selection; control- or command-click for discontiguous selection
Media File ?
Media File ?
Media File ?
Contributor Anonymous
  Create a new account ?
Media Date [optional] Useful for specifying the date a photo was taken
Keywords Adding keywords to your upload will make it easier to search for
Related URL
Width x Height x (In pixels; required only for video files)
Duration (hh:mm:ss; required only for audio/video files)
License Public Domain; no rights reserved.
Creative Commons license; some rights reserved.
by non-commercial no derivs share-alike derivs ok
An explanation of each of the license choices will pop up when you click on the text or icon
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