S.P.A.M. Theater

In today's edition of Boing Boing tv, dramatic readings of real-life unsolicited emails. Part one, HOWITZER CANNONPANTS, a spiritual and pharmaceutical parable that ends not with ressurection, but erection. Part two, THANKS, MAURICE, one of dozens of emails received by Boing Boing editors from a disturbed man in Canada who sought cash, justice, and an end to "Mind Controlled Hatred."
This is the latest post


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By far my favorite BBtv in quite some time. I'm not even sure these should be regarded as spam; the aggravated sense of self-importance from both make it perfectly logical that they should send these manifestos to everyone on earth, or at least the most visible blog on the net.

When I used to work in NYC's biggest comic shop there was a fellow who'd come in regularly, almost always on a Saturday, and drop off manilla envelopes filled with mimeographed manifestos about mind control and Xeroxed comic pages supposedly illustrating where pentagrams had been smuggled into the art...

...except what in the hell he was referencing was invisible to everyone else. It would be so easy to dismiss him as a schizophrenic, but maybe it was just fnorded to the rest of us, and we needed the glasses from They Live to see it.

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#2 posted by noen , March 3, 2008 8:39 AM

Howitzer Cannonpants, what a great band name.

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#3 posted by Anonymous , March 3, 2008 12:01 PM

Verizon sponsorship? With Michael Bay?

Please tell me this is part of the joke...

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THANKS, MAURICE is vastly similar to emails i get at work from a woman in Brooklyn concerned with documenting the actions of the Mormon CIA operatives in her neighborhood.

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I thought the Verizon commercial was great.

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