Scissor mobile

Lisa Congdon turned her scissor collection into a gorgeous mobile -- think of the incredible mental scars you could leave on your child by hanging this over her crib! Link (via Craft)


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My eye!!! Lisa is a he?

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Especially if you told the tale of the great long-legged scissormen who run in to cut off the thumbs of children who suck their thumbs.

Why does someone have that many scissors anyway? Do they work for the TSA?

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Scissors o' Damocles

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That thing can't be safe...

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Why bother with the all the work of running with scissors, just hang where they can be conveniently wandered into...

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Mental scars? Shit, I'm more concerned about physical scars.

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weaklings! how else can you grow strong, quick healing and ALERT children?

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yeah, don't go running around with that thing... or running around that thing at all.
scissor mobile appeals to me in so many ways... i used to wear a pair around my neck like a pendant. i think i'll have to make myself one.

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Mental scars!? What about neuroanatomical scars?

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Does anyone else remember the movie 'Dead Again'? I saw it when I was -way- too young and it made an impression.

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I think it should have a variable speed motor to rotate the whole thing. Anyone know how to cook curare?

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Anyone know how to cook curare?

No, but the Las Vegas Police Department is having a sale on ricin.

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yeah, I TOLD that idiot not to lick his fingers

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all I need, for the scissor thief fairy to parade it's bounty on mine eye.

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...think of the incredible mental scars you could leave on your child by hanging this over her crib!

BoingBoing's newest dad is starting to worry me slightly... ;)

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Maybe he heard Gever Tulley's talk at TED 2007 on 5 dangerous things you should let your kids do.

I'm absurdly pleased at figuring a way to link TED into this thread, but it really was a fun talk.

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Don't know that I'd call it "gorgeous," per se. They look like everyday cruddy scissors. Put some pinking shears up there.....then we're talking.

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I'm waiting for the hypodermic needle version.

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Edward Scissor-mobile

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#23 posted by pupdog , March 1, 2008 1:41 AM

Takhys, that was my first thought. All you need is Derek Jacobi wandering around and the nightmare would be complete...

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holy crap thats ugly!

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So there is line, you continue to acknowledge it and then playfully hop over it. To which I say thanks.

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#26 posted by Jeff , March 1, 2008 6:22 AM

Let us all hope that New-Daddy-Doctorow is not thinking about hanging this over the baby. Now that would be Adam's Family nursery decorating! Could anyone be comfortable sitting under this thing?!

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This is strikingly similar to "The Haircut," part of the permanent collection over at the Museum of Bad Art

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@#4 Greek/Roman mythology FTW!

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#29 posted by Takuan , March 1, 2008 9:15 AM

how about a variation of that knife block shaped like a human head?

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"Now, Billy, if you cry at all tonight, Mommy cuts a string."

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I agree with whoever said this is bad feng shui... I'd say horrible, actually.

If you want to create a feeling of insecurity, tension, and looming peril- make a mobile like this.

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Hanging it over a crib (or a sofa) would be bad feng shui. Hanging it in a intersection of two hallways, over a planter or something, would be great feng shui. All those round bits would break up the chi and send it down into the earth via the points. Obviously, this is assuming that you believe in chi.

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#33 posted by Takuan , March 1, 2008 12:18 PM

how about an installation piece sculpture? Embed them in concrete, point up, in the entrance hallway

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They capture the chi better if they can move. The mobile is a negative energy collector/redirector. Like Hillary.

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#35 posted by Takuan , March 1, 2008 12:35 PM

OK, instead of concrete, a kinetic sculpture that cycles them up and down rapidly?

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True art is always a little bit dangerous and this wild, air-based scupture certainly sets the future standard for artistic danger!

Alexander Calder would be proud!

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Does anyone else remember the movie 'Dead Again'? I saw it when I was -way- too young and it made an impression.
Takhys, I saw it. That's the first thing I thought of when I saw the photo.

(And everyone - go Netflix Dead Again. Charming little thriller, worth watching.)

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#38 posted by OM Author Profile Page, March 1, 2008 9:24 PM

...Heh, this is what you'd hang over a special display for a new Scissor Sisters album!

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#39 posted by Moon , March 2, 2008 9:15 AM

This is very convenient. If you NEED a scissors, you just use one of the scissors to cut the string of the one you need! Sweet!

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#40 posted by Ryan Author Profile Page, March 2, 2008 10:12 AM

Hoooly crap, bad idea. :P

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This reminds me of a beautiful glass sculpture piece that I saw a little over a year ago at the Corning Museum of Glass when I was living in Upstate New York. It's called "It's Raining Knives" by Silvia Levenson, from Argentina, and is a beautiful piece about the hidden anxieties and instability of living in Suburbia, especially in this day and age.


Official release article with photo:

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