Rumor: Apple Will Vet iPhone/Touch Applications

iLounge spoke to sources familiar with the upcoming iPhone/iPod Touch software development kit, who explained that not only would Apple be distributing all third-party applications through iTunes (bad enough) they'll also be approving which applications are allowed to be sold (way worse).

Apple as application picker. The most controversial aspect of Apple’s SDK plan is its intention to formally approve or deny all SDK-based software releases for its devices. Our sources confirm that Apple will act as a gatekeeper for applications, deciding which are and are not worthy of release, and publishing only approved applications to the iTunes Store; a process that will less resemble the iTunes Store’s massive directory of podcasts than its sale of a limited variety of iPod Games. While one source saw this as a positive for major developers, suggesting that Apple will be choked by application submissions and forced to give priority to releases from larger companies, another source disagreed, stating that Apple’s current approval processes for third-party products have resulted in lengthy, needless delays. It is unclear whether Apple will need to approve subsequent bug fixes and feature additions to accepted applications, another issue that could clog the approval system and postpone important improvements.
I really love my iPhone, but come on. I really hope there is an accepted way for third-party apps to be added to the iPhone without going through iTunes. Some of the apps I want will certainly not be approved by Apple for sale on iTunes (such as remote audio streaming).

iPhone/iPod SDK: Apple to approve, distribute apps, limit add-ons [iLounge]


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Well, from a philosophical standpoint, I completely agree that having Apple as the gateway is questionable at best. On the other hand, from a practical real-world use standpoint I can see where they are coming form.

Frankly, the cell networks are fragile. No, they shouldn't be. Yes, all the companies have been skimping on infrastructure investments for way too long. That doesn't change the fact that as far as robustness and ability to handle large, continuous amounts of info goes, they suck.

If any and all apps were able to be put on the iPhone, I can guarantee that at the very least, the data side of the network would be DOSed into oblivion almost immediately. I can think of a half dozen kind of apps that would generate way more traffic than it could handle. As much as we would all like, major upgrades are needed before AT&T; is going to allow five million people to run a torrent app on their unlimited data plan, or stream stuff from home Slingbox style. It would fly for all of three days before it got popular and saturated the network.

The day will come, but not until the hardware back end is up to the task.

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At least one story says that this will apply to the iTouch. Um, why? Or are Wifi networks as fragile as the Cell networks?

Oh. Wait. Right.

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#3 posted by Anonymous , February 29, 2008 12:22 PM

I really hope there is an accepted way for third-party apps to be added to the iPhone without going through iTunes.

*cough Jailbreak cough*

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#4 posted by Anonymous , February 29, 2008 3:16 PM

Think about it though. Opening it up to any app means you will see Skype or other VOIP - which means a phone minus the AT&T; deal. Not that this is bad, but there's just no way Apple would let it happen without saying "Screw you" to AT&T.;

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Symbian 60, 80 and Windows Mobile devices allow 3rd party apps'. They haven't lead to the the mobi' networks collapsing under the strain. Probably because data costs over the phone network is still very expensive here in the U.K.

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Umm, can we wait until release before we go off the handle maybe?

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O2 in the UK are reporting the iPhone has the lowest percentage returns of any handset they've released. I can understand why Apple would be very jumpy about letting people release apps that may break it, quite apart from the whole "big brother" thing.

Personally I'd rather have a locked-in, cyberpoliced handset that is stable and reliable, rather than having an open platform which is also open for abuse. Facebook Apps - need I say more?

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