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$31 million worth of lost valuables on the TSA's watch

March 1, 2008 1:25am

While traveling though Chicago O'Hare Airport (circa late 90s) my entire suite of luggage was lost (3 bags and an acoustic guitar)

My efforts at locating and recovering my gear were met with a complete lack of interest by both airport officials and my carrier (American)

Luckily my bags were insured (but not the guitar - it was a last minute purchase)- so I was eventually compensated for my troubles

Fast forward 7 months and lo and behold what did a shiny brown UPS truck deliver to my front door? - all my luggage PLUS a woman's handbag (no ID inside, but containing $95.23 cash and some makeup) - and my guitar with a large gash down the back of the body.

Needless to say I no longer check backs and carry on only what I need.

PS - the humiliation rendered to modern airline passengers is indeed beyond belief - I foresee a day when full-on strip searches are conducted with every passenger.

Scissor mobile

February 29, 2008 7:40pm

True art is always a little bit dangerous and this wild, air-based scupture certainly sets the future standard for artistic danger!

Alexander Calder would be proud!

New Weird and parenting

March 4, 2008 12:16pm

GeekDad has helped me through many a rough patch with my 6 and 9-year old boys. My sons consistently attempt to co-opt the family DVD player in order to watch Spongebob, Hannah Montana and other Disney Channel sit-coms

My wife and I have been attempting to educate our boys through such geek classics as "Gilligan's Island", "The A-Team" and "Fantasy Island" (hence the DVD player struggle)

Our philosophy is that "if this TV programming was good for us, then it must be good for our children"

Children's TV these days walks a solid path towards vapidity and mild mind control. Classics (such as"Gilligan") serve to free, nourish and enrich.

I would like a copy of the book, but it most certainly has been given away by now.

long live GeekDad!

Geeking out over velcro-like fasteners in infant wares

March 4, 2008 11:58am

In any other reality, this sort of perverse, obsessive (and fetishistic) behaviour would be responded to with a swift trip to the funny farm

Proof that in our reality, one can throw any sort of deviant activity in front of the masses and they'll squirm to be the first one to offer thoughtful analysis.

Space Invaders cutting board

March 4, 2008 11:53am

Too bad this pristine and unique chopping board will have to be ruined with knife marks - or is it simply ART, in other words not to be used(?)

Electronic noses from printable electronics

March 5, 2008 4:31pm

I need one of these "electronic noses" mounted at our front door. I'm an inspector for a sewage treatment plant and quite often my wife has little warning regarding my aroma

Such a device would take out all the guesswork and give my family a little nasal relief

Technology lessons from the Cuban Special Period

March 5, 2008 3:32pm

Other than the fact that Cuba is a very small country and therefore easier to monitor and quantify, most of these so-called "technology lessons" can be applied to practically any country...aside from Haiti, of course.

Niagara Falls's secret tunnel

March 5, 2008 4:55pm

Growing up in Buffalo, NY I was able to ride The Maid of the Mist (many times) near the great cascade of Niagara - little did I know such a monster of a tunnel existed nearby. Wonderful! This will be news to my parents.

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