
Enhance your decision making. Hone your reasoning.

New York
Joined August 2013


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  1. Apr 7

    Survey results can be used to glean genuine insights about how people think OR be used by biased or unscrupulous actors to mislead or manipulate the public. We ran an experiment to show how such distortion can work, with dramatic results! Our writeup:

  2. Apr 7

    Loved this episode of 's podcast with . Still blows my mind how hard it was to get challenge trials going for COVID -- it feels like as clear a moment for challenge trials as there could ever be.

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  3. Apr 7

    How much does question phrasing and answer options impact survey results? We ran our own experiment to find out, and the results were dramatic!

  4. Apr 6
  5. Apr 4

    Alyssa Vance () on the difficulties of imagining what life will be like when you retire: You can hear (or read the transcript of) the rest of this conversation here:

  6. Apr 6

    Jamie Woodhouse () on the importance of admitting when we don’t have the answers: You can hear (or read the transcript of) the rest of this conversation here:

  7. Mar 11

    Tom Quisel () on the difference it makes when a leader truly respects and cares for the people they’re managing: You can listen to the rest of the conversation here:

  8. Mar 18

    For the upcoming 100th episode of our Clearer Thinking podcast (😀🥳😀🥳 ) is going to interview me (a role reversal). What's a question you would be curious to have him ask me? If you've never listened before and want to check the podcast out:

  9. Mar 7

    Epictetus, born ~50AD, was a disabled man born into slavery in present-day Turkey. Nothing that he wrote down survives, but he was so wise that his ideas reverberate through society today. This article summarizes the huge impact that he had on the world:

  10. Feb 27

    Do you want to know what's driving you? This free intrinsic values test from is the best assessment I've seen that gets to core of who you are. Thank you for the tip!

  11. Feb 16

    I have anxiety, and I find Mind Ease ('s app) really helpful. If that's all the pitch you need, you can give it a try here: . The rest of this thread will be things I like about it, reasons I think it works for me, and things I like less.

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  12. Feb 15

    Really interesting episode on topic I've been debating w/a friend for yrs (since before we knew any of the relevant terms!). Essentially, do cog biases reflect irrationality or optimisation to environment.

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  13. Feb 15

    How far away is immortality? Here’s Max Marty’s () perspective. You can listen to (or read the transcript of) our conversation here:

  14. Feb 13

    How do you go about being happy? This question has been debated for thousands of years. Our most recent article summarizes ten basic approaches that people alive right now take to pursuing this goal:

  15. Feb 9

    Epictetus (born ~50AD) was a disabled man born into slavery in Phrygia (present-day Turkey). Nothing that he wrote down survives. But he was so fucking wise that his ideas reverberate through society today. Here I breakdown some parts of his incredible life, wisdom, and impact:🧵

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  16. Feb 6

    An honour to join the guest list! I don't deserve this - but it's too late now! "Evidence, reason and compassion for all sentient beings" Thanks 💚

  17. Feb 3

    Do we ever stop developing? Some consider cognitive and moral development to end by early adulthood, but Eben Pagan thinks that there are many stages of development beyond that. You can listen to (or read a transcript of) our conversation here:

  18. Jan 31

    Is it true that "men are from mars and women from venus"? Or is the opposite correct - that men and women have the same distribution of personalities? We ran 15 studies then published an article on this question in Scientific American, which just came out:

  19. Jan 30

    Sure, A.I. can calculate and play logical games, but can't do more "creative" things, right? We just released this article compiling shocking examples of A.I. creativity from the last couple of years: Great work on this !

  20. Jan 30

    A new generation of more advanced AI is emerging that can compete with (and occasionally even outperform) people in tasks we’d normally think of as uniquely human ones. Read about these wild, new applications and their implications in our latest blog!


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