Alyssa Vance


Conversational AI engineer, futurist, neophile, machine explorer

Palo Alto, CA
Vrijeme pridruživanja: kolovoz 2021.


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  1. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    4. kol 2021.
    Odgovor korisnicima i sljedećem broju korisnika:

    Two competing models for why the center-left behaves the way it does: 1) They're earnestly doing their best to pass the most left-wing legislation they can given hard political constraints 2) Corruption and/or fecklessness There are examples of (2), but (1) is underrated.

  2. prije 7 sati

    Wow, this is really Mao-level craziness. "We banned fertilizers and pesticides, and were very surprised when farms stopped working and everyone starved."

  3. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    22. ožu

    Today we are opening X-Thousand Dogs, our next canine aging study, to the dog-loving public! We need dogs of all sizes + ages + breeds to participate The goal: map out DNA structure change w age/environment/health & explore if these changes can be PREDICTIVE of future health

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  4. prije 9 sati

    Very doubtful of these numbers. Compare for solid data on 2016/2018/2020 elections

  5. prije 21 sat

    After playing capture-the-flag last weekend, Cesar Chavez Park. As a kid games seemed overrated, now they feel underrated - more people should try stuff :)

  6. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    30. ožu

    Of all our federal biomedical agencies, BARDA proved to be the most capable and useful during the pandemic. Read on what makes BARDA special and why it needs more funding to lay the groundwork for the future.

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  7. prije 22 sata

    Friday night cocktails at Study Hall, a rooftop lounge that just opened in Berkeley 😄

  8. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 23 sata

    New video: Silver nanoprisms grown into structural colors by high power LEDs

  9. 9. tra
  10. 8. tra

    Grateful to have installed window A/C, a lot of Bay Area apartments don't have it. Will become more and more necessary as global warming ramps up and heat waves intensify

  11. 7. tra

    Just got this battery pack, it's small enough to fit in my bag (6" x 3" x 1") and makes sure my phone will always have power. It can even charge tablets and small laptops

  12. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    7. tra

    What happened to the imminent collapse of the postal service? Why hasn't the end of net neutrality "destroyed the internet as we know it?" When we reach 2030 and climate change has not, in fact, fundamentally altered life on this planet, will anyone remember these predictions?

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  13. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    5. tra

    . work combining language models w/robotic systems enables planning & executing complex tasks, like this one (16 steps!): User: "I left out a coke, apple, and water, can you throw them away and then bring me a sponge to wipe the table?" (Video: )

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  14. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    7. tra

    53-47, Senate confirmed the nomination of Ketanji Brown Jackson, of D.C., to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Rollcall Vote #134

  15. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    7. tra

    BREAKING: KRAKEN CEO Jesse Powell today issued a statement regarding rampant crime in San Francisco and the failures of DA .

  16. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    7. tra
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  17. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    28. lip 2012.

    Everything happens so much

  18. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    7. tra

    The field has made directly working to *create an existential risk to humanity* a high-status, good thing to do. , for example, just recommends jobs in building AGI on their job board. No need to even slap a "safety" label on it.

  19. 7. tra
  20. 7. tra

    "VDV - in the afterlife I meet Fallschirmjagers from the battle of Crete This whole mission was a f$*&ing disgrace, Air drops in contested airspace?!"


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