Versha SharmaПотврђен налог


editor-in-chief // previously managing editor & senior correspondent // board of directors // alum of

Louisiana - Rome - NYC
Придружио/ла се септембар 2008.


Блокирао/ла си корисника @versharma

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  1. Закачен твит
    3. авг 2021.

    My first cover for is here and I could not be happier that it's Ms. Maitreyi , rising star and hilarious talent, looking extra fashionable, surrounded by books. It's brown girl vibes + back to school all in one. The feature & other photos are fantastic:

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  2. је ретвитовао/ла
    пре 15 сати

    The two parties are fighting over whether we’re going to have a multiracial democracy.

  3. је ретвитовао/ла
    пре 1 сата

    Jimmy Fallon, Seth Meyers, and James Corden all announced that they've tested positive for COVID-19—and made a point to shout out the benefits of being vaccinated.

  4. је ретвитовао/ла
    пре 4 сата

    We need news outlets that don't just write *about* BIPOC communities, they write *for* them. That’s why I’m launching The . We're dedicated to investing $500M into BIPOC-led, community news outlets that are fostering trust + fighting disinformation. Follow⤵️

  5. је ретвитовао/ла
    пре 2 сата

    Another year, another variant. For , I spoke with young people across the country about returning to school amid . “I feel like adults are constantly leaving young people out of conversations." —

  6. је ретвитовао/ла
    пре 3 сата

    "We have been far too easy on those who embrace or even simply tolerate" the Big Lie, writes. "We have to treat those who claim Trump won in precisely the same way we do those who say the Earth is flat or that Hitler had some good ideas."

  7. је ретвитовао/ла
    пре 3 сата

    FWIW: I've found the "98% of my energy spent recruiting & supporting great state & local candidates and 2% of my energy being mad at Joe Manchin" to be a pretty productive ratio.

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  8. је ретвитовао/ла
    пре 3 сата

    "But the real problem is that Dems are not focusing on crucial state & local arenas ... some of the energy that's been spent over the past year analyzing & berating Manchin could've been better spent grooming & supporting good state & local candidates."

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  9. је ретвитовао/ла
    пре 3 сата

    It's 2022 and it's time for Breyer to retire. Thank you for letting me take the pen on this!

  10. је ретвитовао/ла
    пре 3 сата

    Justice Stephen Breyer, 83, has said he’s not quite ready to retire bc he's enjoying having seniority among his liberal colleagues. Per , "This discussion shouldn’t be about the personal preferences of one man, not when so much is at stake."

  11. је ретвитовао/ла
    пре 19 сати

    Really remarkable interview in so many ways - for one, incredibly rare for a staffer to speak out like this, especially if he still currently works on the Capitol

  12. је ретвитовао/ла
    5. јан

    Hoyeon Jung is on the February cover of Vogue US. Photographed by Harley Weir.

  13. је ретвитовао/ла
    5. јан

    not to be corny on main but it’s very hot and cool to be a genuinely kind person who is respectful of their peers

  14. пре 15 сати

    (just like teens do)

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  15. пре 15 сати
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  16. је ретвитовао/ла
    пре 22 сата

    : "When it comes to reviving the anti-war movement, Gen Z’s energy, drive, and focus on progress are just what is needed."

  17. је ретвитовао/ла
    пре 17 сати

    january 6 was upsetting not in a west wingy "our democracy" way, but in witnessing the revanchist flash of the power of white supremacy. and feeling almost immediately there would be no justice or resolution, and all this will eventually happen again only worse.

  18. је ретвитовао/ла
    пре 18 сати

    VP Kamala Harris gave an excellent speech before introducing Pres Biden today. It hasn’t gotten lots of attention, although if she had stumbled I feel sure it would be on viral loop.

  19. је ретвитовао/ла
    6. јан

    Red Table Talk (2022)

  20. је ретвитовао/ла
    пре 20 сати

    It is so amazingly bonkers to me that Teen Vogue has become a legitimately boss level publication. I don't remember it being so hard hitting when I was a teen.

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  21. је ретвитовао/ла
    пре 20 сати

    They had one chance to make him go away weeks later, via impeachment, without saying a word. If convicted, the Senate was poised to hold a separate vote to bar him from office again. All but 7 Republicans voted to acquit, closing that door.


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