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The IWC has a full-time Secretariat with headquarters located in the City of Cambridge, United Kingdom.

There are currently sixteen full and part time members of staff including the Commission’s Executive Secretary, Dr Simon Brockington.  The other senior members of the Secretariat are the Head of Science and Head of Statistics.

The Secretariat supports the work of the Commission and its subsidiary bodies, and is tasked with implementing the Commission’s decisions.  The particular tasks undertaken by the Secretariat include:

Supporting the Commission’s broad intersessional work programme

Managing the Commission’s financial resources subject to agreed budgets

Managing the meetings of the Commission and its subsidiary bodies

Gathering, analysing and publishing scientific information on cetacean conservation and management,   and also where necessary promoting and undertaking relevant research

Communicating and distributing information to commissioners, contracting governments, other inter-governmental organisations, observers, the press and the public



Secretariat Organisation