Document Management

Document Management

Document Management is inreasingly becoming important for large sporting federations. From committee agendas and submissions, to regulations and member/customer forms, Sotic have an application that allows large federations to search, publish and maintain their library of information. The Documentation Management System (DMS) is a tool for automatically versioning and databasing large amounts of documentation. A simple front-end application allows you to view documents in a familiar windows-like folder structure. Each document can maintain multiple versions and amendments to keep track of the evolution of a document. Document versions are viewed in a tidy collapsible tree structure.

Customisable document types and associated metadata allow flexibility for your specific documentation, from meetings minutes to rule books. Documents are structured in a database, making the system easily searchable and allowing individual documents or groups of documents to be easily found. Documents can be searched by name, date, folder or any customisable field.

The DMS also allows your public documents to be viewed and downloaded directly from your website.


  • Fully databased and searchable
  • Versioning system
  • Familiar folder system - same document can be referenced in multiple folders
  • Customisable document types and metadata fields

For more information or to arrange a demonstration, please contact the Sotic Marketing team on +44 (0)207 691 2450 or email

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