A good starting block at the Nacra Worlds 

Written by Lucy Macgregor   | 29 July 2013

It’s been a long event!

The wind unfortunately didn't shown its face too much for the first ever Nacra Worlds last week so there was a lot of waiting around, and one day of a pretty full-on five races when the wind did come.

We were 11th going into the penultimate day of the World Championships, so were really trying hard to get into the top ten for the medal race.

We didn’t have a very good first race that day but we were doing much better in the second race, coming third most of the way through and then we missed a big left shift so slipped back to tenth.  That put us 12th overall, but we won a protest which put us back up to 11th.  

Lucy Macgregor and Tom Phipps

It was disappointing not to get into the top ten but it’s been a tough week and we’ve got a lot to be pleased with.

Competition-wise, this World Championship has been really good. There’s been a really high level of competition around, but not everyone’s consistent yet so there are a huge number of gains to be made.

For Tom and I, I think we’re pretty pleased with our week.  We made some big mistakes at times and maybe missed out early on a couple of times when races were abandoned.  But overall for a first Worlds and a first year I think we’ve got a good starting block now to go into the Europeans and Santander before the winter’s training.

The Europeans is our next event in Lake Como, so I’m looking forward to that.  A lot of the fleet are going so it should be good event, with different conditions to what we’ve had here in The Hague.  We’re really looking forward to it and it’s another chance to race against the best in the Nacra.

It’s really good having an event like the World Championship quite early on in our campaign – although the Worlds did creep up quite quickly and that was a bit scary beforehand!  It’s good to have it because it really puts the pressure on us.

Although Tom and I have done the World Cup events before these Worlds, you always put a bit more pressure on yourself at the Worlds inevitably so it’s good to have that put on us and to see how we fare in it. 

There are definitely areas we can make huge gains in, so we’re looking forward to further racing and really trying to get that right before the winter’s training where it’s hard to replicate that.

We’ve come a long way and we’ve got a lot further to go.  
