One week to go...... 

Written by Dylan Fletcher  | 03 August 2010

With under a week to go until racing starts at the 2010 Skandia Sail for Gold regatta, Alain and I are having a few days off. We always try to get some time off before any major regatta so that when we come back we are fully focussed on the task ahead. It feels odd sometimes being sat at home with nothing to do for a day, when usually it never feels like we have enough time in the day!

For the last two weeks we have been in Weymouth preparing and getting to grips with our new boat and going through our normally big regatta preperation. This normally involves getting our boathandling up to scratch with some five lappers, then some lane holding exercises, starting and finally a bit of racing to get us in the groove. It was not going all according to plan with the new boat and we were lacking some speed, but on the last day I managed to figure it out and we were wicked up wind again. So all in all we are almost completely ready for the regatta, and with just a few bits left to do we are feeling confident. Our goal is to medal and we know that we can achieve this if we bring everything together. We have been in the top 10 at every regatta this year but yet to medal by just not putting a whole series together. There are things to take confidence from this year like coming 5th at the Worlds, being in the Gold medal position going in the medal race in Kiel and having the best final four days at Europeans, are just a few. Be sure that when that gun goes on Monday morning we will be on it and ready to win.

