Up and Coming Windsurfers Join RSX Worlds 

Written by Dominic Tidey  | 29 August 2010

Welcome from the sunny but sometimes rainy town of Keteminde in Denmark. The windsurfers from the Skandia Team GBR are here putting the final preparations together for the RS:X World Championships. 

We have the full team over here including the current World Champion, Nick Dempsey and Olympic Bronze medallist, Bryony Shaw. Also included is all the next generation of new and up and coming windsurfers.

As we know, all athletes live their lives by setting goals and trying to achieve them, and these young windsurfers have had a tough year of trying to reach their goals.  Some would say that it is like jumping from the frying pan into the the fire going from competing in Skandia Sail for Gold one week and then battling at the World Championships the next, but in the middle these two events our young athletes also received their A- level results!! A tough few days for them all.

The great news for all the Next Generation of GBR Windsurfing is that they have all achieved their goals and have been accepted into the Uni of their choice. Well done! So now on to the next goal.

The girls have been all juggling the school and training this year and will love to end the year on a event high. So who do we have and what would they love to get?

Bryony Shaw, would love to drop the branding of "Bronze Bryony" after finishing third, three times so far this year! 

Izzy Hamilton would love to keep the momentum going after making the medal race at Skandia Sail for Gold and a will be aiming for a top 12.

Sophie Bailey is looking for a top 35 Claudia Carney a top 30 and Beth Williamson a top 25. The forecast for the next few days is looking so so, lets cross fingers and hope we all meet our goals.

