Ready for Racing 

Written by Ali Young  | 30 March 2013

I’ve spent the last five days training out in Palma in preparation for my first ISAF Sailing World Cup event of 2013.

This year they’re trying a slightly different format with the racing so it’ll be interesting to see how that goes. More info on the regatta is at the event website

We’ve had hiking breeze, waves and sunshine so it’s been pretty glamour! Training has gone really well, with a mix of some technique work and some racing with the other foreign girls out here, my pace has been good so it’s just a case of bringing it all together in the regatta. And my trailer reversing skills have improved as I managed to launch the rib without running over any RSX windsurf kit!

Today was registration and making sure my boat is all good to go, tomorrow will be a short sail and then I’ll be all set for racing on Monday. Really looking forward to getting racing to see how the winter training has gone and where the next opportunities are.
