Windy Weymo! 

Written by Mark Asquith   | 31 March 2010

Currently sat at the Performance Unit in Weymouth with 40kts + of wind whistling around the yachts on the hard-standing and literally through the front door of the building, it's the windiest it’s been all of March!

Yesterday we got a sail in which started off in a steady 20kts, dropping to 15kts luring us to gybe our way down the harbour and out in to Weymouth Bay. 10 gybes later and most the way to the other side of the bay we dropped the kite and headed back upwind to be greeted a few minutes later by 30+kts and a 12 mile sail back upwind being treated like rag dolls on a wire. By the time we’d got back to the academy the wind had peaked at 42kts and a shore team were waiting to greet us, taking 4 people to get the boat back on the trolley and sails down! Certainly ticked the box for the windiest I’d ever been out in a 49er and ever want to be out in a 49er!

With the forecast set to be 35kts + for most of today it gives us two things to do. A gym session with some strength and conditioning followed by boat work and campaign planning to take us to the end of April.  To the gym I go . . . .
