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  • Basic Summary
  • Reporting Engine
  • Visitor History

The hallmark of serious live chat providers is the ability to accumulate data and provide it to users in a format that produces actionable information. The Basic Summary is an easy to read one-page report that includes comparisons to benchmarking data and suggestions for improvement.

Example Basic Summary
A weekly graph of total chat interactions, highlights, and an hourly breakdown of activity is included.  Example Report

Actions to Consider

Based on the data included in the report, automated logic suggests one or more tips so that you can improve the quantity and quality of chat interactions.

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Reporting on performance is key to increasing the number and effectiveness of chat interactions. One of the things customers get from top tier live chat providers like BoldChat is robust historic data about visits and chat interactions. The ability to query the data in an ad hoc fashion is also available and, for larger chat operations, critical.

Reporting Engine
Complete ad-hoc reporting engine & scheduler
Web-based Chat Reporting
ACD Reports
Email, Call, SMS Reports

From Data to Information
Interpreting the underlying data associated with live website engagements is its own science. BoldChat products include tools that facilitate the rapid transformation of this data into actionable information. Users, supervisors, and administrators can easily:
  • Determine proper staffing
  • Pay commissions
  • Identify the most successful proactive invites
  • Track agent responsiveness
  • Measure marketing program effectiveness
  • And more

BoldChat houses multiple data points and then provides an intuitive reporting capability to turn the raw inputs into useful information. The result is improved performance in the least amount of time.

Standard templates are included to make the most commonly accessed information available with just a few clicks. Examples include chat volume summary, canned messaging summary, proactive invitation summary, chats resulting in conversions, and more. Using a combination of the templates, group by, and filters, hundreds of reports can be created, saved, and scheduled.

Group By, Filters
Viewing data from multiple perspectives is one way to convert it to information. Groupings include date, hours, days, country, operator, and more. Using filters, can help the user hone in on specific information. Filters include date range, website, department, the duration of a chat, and more.

Outputs and Scheduling
Reports can be created in PDF, HTML, CSV, or XLS formats and the scheduler allows the reports to be emailed automatically on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.

Web-based Chat Reporting
Web-based chat reporting provides you with an easy way to access chat reporting from any web browser on Windows and Mac. You can run, schedule and work with BoldChat reports interactively in HTML and you’ll find the chat data you need even faster and easier than before. In addition, reports can be displayed in a wide variety of languages.
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If the old adage is true - you can't know where you're going unless you know where you've been - then having access to a visitor's history with your website is critical to assisting them well.

Visit History
When an agent is engaged in a chat, the Visit History tab allows them to quickly see how many times the website visitor has been on-site and what pages they've navigated to during each one of those visits.

Chat History
The chat history tab is a handy way for agents to quickly investigate past conversations that the visitor has had. It's especially helpful in a support setting so that the customer need not explain their issue over and over. In sales engagements, as well, past chats can be powerful for driving conversions.

Conversion History
In addition to seeing all the chat interactions a visitor has engaged in, agents also have access to past conversions completed by the user. Conversions need not only be sales, they can any website activity your business wishes to track - filling out a quote form, downloading a piece of collateral, activating a trial, etc... Read more about Conversion Tracking

SMS History
The SMS History tabs list past SMS texts accordingly. SMS History is particularly interesting because text conversations are especially asynchronous - it's not unusual for minutes or even hours to pass by between texts, so the ability to quickly access past messages from the same number is critical to maintaining conversational continuity. More about Managed SMS

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