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  • The Problem
  • The Solution

Trying to manage your brand and support customers through Twitter is first a problem of finding the right work to do, and then managing that work intelligently and cohesively.

Below is an at-a-glance view of which product editions include Twitter Management functionality.
Finding Needles in Haystacks
To be sure, Twitter is a powerful social media platform that can have a profound impact on your brand and customer satisfaction, but the thing that makes it great is also what creates waves of irrelevant noise. CRM Magazine reported that as of March 2012, Twitter was processing more than 340 million tweets a day. It's so overwhelming that many businesses can't keep up, or worse, don't even know where to begin.

Tweet Overload
The sheer volume of Twitter activity hasn't stopped most companies from jumping in however; and the results are promising. A recent report from the PulsePoint Group and Economist Intelligence Unit found that 84% of North American executives agreed that social engagement improved marketing and sales effectiveness. But improvements due to social media engagement take resources. Conversing with customers and prospects on Twitter is a resource challenge that gets worse over time because quality service provided by tweets simply encourages others to seek support in the same manner. The result is that companies find themselves struggling to find the best twitter conversations to have and the right resources to manage them. BoldChat's integrated Twitter Management feature solves both of these problems. Read The Solution tab for more details.
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The BoldChat integrated solution for Twitter is different for two reasons: we built it to manage conversations, not tweets, and we made workflow enforcement automatic, intelligent, and customizable. Our integrated Twitter Management solution empowers companies to find the work to be done, automatically route it to the proper resource to act on it, and then report on successes.

Easy Installation/Multi-Account Support
To place a Twitter account under management takes only a few clicks. Once you authorize BoldChat to manage your stream, the system automatically sets up folders for mentions, DMs, and each of your searches. You can manage multiple accounts from the same interface and even co-mingle individual conversations across accounts into a single location so that properly permissioned agents can work across your accounts.

Conversation Threading & History
To manage Twitter means managing interactions that are likely made up of more than one tweet. BoldChat’s threading technology solves this issue and de-clutters the interface. By threading tweets that are part of the same conversation together you ensure that agents see the entire picture from the customer’s perspective and you give them, visually, far less to deal with. Threads can include tweets, re-tweets, and DMs. All threads are stored in the Twitter History tab so that agents have access to past conversations.

Twitter Searching, Routing, & Workflow
BoldChat’s iterative searching feature combined with a staged production methodology is truly unique. When you create a Twitter search in BoldChat, the results are presented in the interface, but the resultant conversations are not distributed as work items immediately. Instead, you can revise the search; see how it impacts the result set, and then – when the search is effectively displaying real conversations worthy of attention – administrators can choose to apply routing and workflow rules. Once the work is distributed, agents have what they need to respond including a customizable library of canned Tweets.

Twitter Reporting
Several report templates for Twitter are included and allow administrators to produce contact center style metrics regarding Twitter interactions. The number of interactions, the average handle time, and individual operator performance can all be reported. Reports can be group by date, Twitter account, and more. The goal is to provide managers with the data they need to show the ROI of intentioned social media management.

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