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188 of 200 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars Wonderful umberlla
Being a college student, I needed an umbrella for all the walking I did. On those days that there was only a chance of rain, I didn't want to lug a big umbrella around. I wanted an umbrella that could fit in my backpack for easy carrying and keep me reasonably dry. All the ones I tried in the past either didn't fit in my backpack, keep me really dry, or broke when the...
Published on September 15, 2005 by Rusty L. Mehlberg

482 of 493 people found the following review helpful
2.0 out of 5 stars Works fairly well but terrible construction
I loved this umbrella when I first got it. I live in Jersey City, which, being right on the water, is actually far windier than downtown Manhattan, where I work. Every time it rains, every trash bin on every corner is stuffed with another umbrella thrashed by the wind. So I hunted down the Gustbuster Metro.

At first use, it was great. I never felt blown...
Published on August 23, 2007 by W. Yang

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482 of 493 people found the following review helpful
2.0 out of 5 stars Works fairly well but terrible construction, August 23, 2007
W. Yang (Oakland, CA) - See all my reviews
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I loved this umbrella when I first got it. I live in Jersey City, which, being right on the water, is actually far windier than downtown Manhattan, where I work. Every time it rains, every trash bin on every corner is stuffed with another umbrella thrashed by the wind. So I hunted down the Gustbuster Metro.

At first use, it was great. I never felt blown around by the wind, like I did with other umbrellas. And it never inverted or bended much. Then very soon, the umbrella started unraveling bit by bit. The first problem was one of the velcro straps. The stitching came undone and the strap was hanging off. My wife was able to sew it back on. Not a big deal.

Then, one of the fiberglass ribs that gives the umbrella structure broke from its plastic rivet. All of the ribs broke off from the umbrella itself, so when the umbrella is closed, it collapses into a gelatinous mess. This all happened very quickly, in only a few months of use.

On top of all of the defects, the construction just doesn't look very well-done. The plastics used look cheap, and the metal parts are not thoughtfully designed, and can easily cut and poke the user.

I'm giving this 2 stars, because when I use it, it does do a very good job of breaking wind. But it terrible construction quality. I would recommend you steer clear of this umbrella.
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207 of 220 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars Responsible Owner, terrible umbrella, January 25, 2010
K.P. (New York, NY, US) - See all my reviews
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Let me begin by saying that, I research things VERY carefully before I buy them. And as an avid amazon shopper, I have never written a bad review... until now.

Like most of you, I was tired of buying cheap umbrellas, only to have them die on me within months. So I decided to invest in a "nice" one that would hopefully last longer and actually keep me dry. When I read the reviews for this umbrella, I decided I would take the chance to buy it since so many people were rating it favorably, despite the bad reviews. The aggregate customer rating was good, I reasoned to myself.

Admittedly, the shoulder strap carrying pouch is extremely convenient... other than that, that's about the only design aspect that's done well about this product. I am an extremely responsible owner. I've never stuffed the umbrella into a backpack, have always carried it carefully, have never swung it around, have always followed the directions for drying as directed on the manual, etc.

But the bottom line? It lasted for about 11 months before it COMPLETELY came apart--which maybe means about 15-20 days of use TOTAL since obviously it didn't rain every day for the last 11 months. Once one of the joints breaks on the metal ribs that provide the underlying structure for the bell-shaped canvas part of the umbrella, rest assured that the rest of them will soon follow suit on this thing.

And the first metal rib broke quite easily... Again, I'm not even sure how, since the umbrella NEVER suffered any impact or unusual torsion. The second broken metal rib soon followed, and I got a few more months out of it since I didn't mind using just a slightly busted umbrella. Today though--again, not even a year after I purchased it online--after I walked out in the rain with a moderate wind, the ENTIRE THING JUST SNAPPED. There is literally only one rib remaining, and the umbrella is now essentially useless.

For an umbrella brand that prides itself on durability, I would absolutely not recommend this particular product. Furthermore, the product warranty requires you to essentially pay near the full price of the umbrella to repair it. If you insist on buying a GustBuster, look into one of their other umbrellas. But mostly, do yourself a favor and DO NOT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE I DID. LISTEN TO THE BAD REVIEWS ON THIS ONE. Avoid this umbrella and go for a sturdier golf umbrella or different make instead!!

(I live in New York)
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188 of 200 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars Wonderful umberlla, September 15, 2005
This review is from: GustBuster Metro 43-Inch Automatic Umbrella (Sports)
Being a college student, I needed an umbrella for all the walking I did. On those days that there was only a chance of rain, I didn't want to lug a big umbrella around. I wanted an umbrella that could fit in my backpack for easy carrying and keep me reasonably dry. All the ones I tried in the past either didn't fit in my backpack, keep me really dry, or broke when the winds got strong.

Then I tried the Gustbuster. This umbrella is the best one yet. It fits in my backpack and has kept its shape in high winds, and thus keeps me dry. It has worked prefectly for me and I am very satisfied with it.
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147 of 162 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars Poor Performance, Design, May 5, 2007
Ken Davidian (Washington, DC United States) - See all my reviews
This is a letter I sent to the Gustbuster Company reviewing their products based on my experience with them...

Dear Sirs,

It's been a number of months (3-6) since I purchased four different gustbuster umbrellas: the doorman, the classic, the metro manual, and the metro automatic.

I'm sorry to say that with the exception of the classic, the other three umbrellas have far underperformed with respect to my expectations.

I don't doubt that the aerodynamics of the umbrellas might be superior, but the operability and construction design of those three models is inferior to other umbrellas I've owned, and definitely less than what I expected.


1. The hard plastic tip of the doorman cracked when it hit the hard ground from a distance of only a few inches. I had read the warning that it's not good for the umbrella to continually tap it on the ground, and I assure you that I avoided that behavior because I know it to be true. The umbrella slipped from my grasp, the tip hit the ground, and it cracked. End of story, and evidence of a design with low factors of safety on highly-likely failure modes, i.e., poor design.

2. The metro-automatic can be opened by pushing a single button, but closing the umbrella is not as easy. In fact, it's quite difficult to the point of being aggravating. I'd rather have an easier-to-use umbrella that can't withstand 60 mph winds.

3. The metro-manual is not only a pain to open and close, but when it is in the closed configuration, the handle continually slides to the extended position, even after repeated attempts to put it in the stowed position. This makes the unit unwieldy and problematic. The only reason we bought it was because it was physically shorter than the metro-automatic.

In an ideal world, I would like to return all three umbrellas for a full refund of my money, but I don't think I could fairly ask or expect for that outcome.

I will, however, not encourage anybody I know to purchase the gustbuster brand umbrella. It's just not very user-friendly nor well-made.

Sorry to send you this feedback, but I accept constructive criticism on a daily basis with the attitude that the customer that complains is your best customer. Please accept this email in the way that it was intended, as honest feedback of your product.


Ken Davidian

P.S. I don't expect a reply, but if you wish to contact me, please just send me an email to this address. Thanks.
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143 of 160 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Strongly built!, September 5, 2006
Basil J. Whiting (Brooklyn, New York United States) - See all my reviews
It's a bit early for a full review since I've had the umbrella only a month and haven't used it in "gusts" yet. But, it is handsome, clearly well designed with the flutes to dissipate gusts, very strongly built, and opens crisply. My only disappointment is that it is smaller than I'd expected and need (I am 6'6" and need a larger umbrella to keep my feel/legs from getting too wet). The dimension quoted in the ads is not the diameter across the opened canopy (which would have sufficed), but the distance from rim-to-rim with the tape laid on the canopy, meaning the actual diameter is smaller.
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59 of 64 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars The original "wind proof", October 29, 2005
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The GustBuster was the first of the "wind-proof" umbrellas and remains one of the best. I especially like the fiberglass "ends" and the way they are attacted to the umbrella by elastic "bands" that help cushion the shock of a suddent gust of wind.

Two minor cirticisms: I HAVE had problems in the past with the rivets popping loose. And I think the handle is just a bit on the small size. You notice this when it gets really windy and you are "struggling" to hold onto the umbrella. But other umbrellas would have folded up at this point.

Overall, a good value. This is my second one. My first still sits in the car and has taken a lot of abuse over the years. It still works fine.
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53 of 57 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars Gustbuster review, June 6, 2008
Item description says lifetime warranty, but you must pay $10 to ship, plus $10 check to them - you might as well purchase a new umbrella. How is this a lifetime warranty? I would not purchase this product again.
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26 of 27 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars Gustbuster doesn't hold up, June 25, 2008
After six years of owning a Windbrella, it finally broke when I was hit by a car in Chicago. I read the reviews for the Gustbuster and decided to change brands. Big mistake! I purchased three umbrellas: one for myself and one for each of my children. The first time I used my Gustbuster it broke. Because is was during the holiday season, I returned it to Amazon and it was promptly replaced. Within the first week of using the newer version, it broke at one of the spokes. I contacted Gustbuster, and they agreed to promptly replace it, for a $10 shipping and handling charge! Both of my children's umbrellas have also broken. I will be replacing my Gustbuster with a Windbrella!
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30 of 32 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars VERY disappointed, January 17, 2008
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I work in New York City and often must walk in the pouring rain, holding onto my umbrella for dear life as my normal umbrella would often go inside out. So, I was quite excited to see an umbrella that was suppose to be great for the city AND not go inside out. I was willing to spend the extra money...

Well, the gustbuster does what it is suppose to but it broke about 3 weeks after I bought it! I had read other reviews where gustbuster owners have been having similar problems as I have-- the handle is VERY sensitive and just touching it cause the umbrella to open. It many times opens up in my purse and has opened up and hit me more times than I can count.

Another complaint I have is that the little knobs around the umbrella don't stay on and so if I ever get caught in rain, I can't just open my umbrella and be done, I have stand there and make sure all of those little knob things are on the umbrella.

All in all I'd say don't waste your money.
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24 of 25 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars commuter's dream, October 8, 2005
it's nice and light and really does hold up well in the wind. i take the train, so i end up walking around the city quite a bit and have been very impressed with this umbrella. i'm thinking about buying more for gifts for others at work. it's the only umbrella you'll need. my only complaint is that a few of the wires inside have sharp edges that are not perfectly protected. don't put your hand in there and you'll be fine. it opens automatically and protects you very well. it's also compact, so it fits nicely in my backpack.
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GustBuster Metro 43-Inch Automatic Umbrella (Black)
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