Customer Review

55 of 56 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars The original "wind proof", October 29, 2005
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: GustBuster Metro 43-Inch Automatic Umbrella (Sports)
The GustBuster was the first of the "wind-proof" umbrellas and remains one of the best. I especially like the fiberglass "ends" and the way they are attacted to the umbrella by elastic "bands" that help cushion the shock of a suddent gust of wind.

Two minor cirticisms: I HAVE had problems in the past with the rivets popping loose. And I think the handle is just a bit on the small size. You notice this when it gets really windy and you are "struggling" to hold onto the umbrella. But other umbrellas would have folded up at this point.

Overall, a good value. This is my second one. My first still sits in the car and has taken a lot of abuse over the years. It still works fine.
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Showing 1-2 of 2 posts in this discussion
Initial post: Mar 26, 2011 12:58:03 PM PDT
sue says:
Can you update us on how it has held up?

In reply to an earlier post on Mar 26, 2011 4:41:05 PM PDT
Frank S says:
Sure ... it held up fairly well, but two things: 1.) over time I really did find the handle too small and 2.) the handles (I've owned several) all seemed to break or the lanyard came lose at some point. I've switched to a ShedRain and been very satisfied. It seems the superior product.
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Review Details


3.5 out of 5 stars (360 customer reviews)
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$31.95 - $44.00
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Location: Chicago

Top Reviewer Ranking: 117,047